Chapter 367 Stadium


"You ....." The change of Fang Chong, of course, Qin Lan is very clear when she is close. Under this kind of feeling, Qin Lan's face is even more blushed, but she knows where they are now, and the satellite system on the side of Muge Under the monitoring, if she and Fang Chong act no matter how big they are, they are afraid that Ling Ya and Muge will see clearly. m

Qin Lan certainly didn't want the two good sisters to be jealous, and the intimacy with Fang Chong had already gone before them. If this was going to be the case, I ’m afraid ...

Qin Lan certainly did not allow this to happen, and in this case, she was not in the mood.

Knowing that Fang Chong is a man, what is likely to happen under impulse, Qin Lan pushed Fang Chong gently, which would choose to keep a little distance.

"They all looked at the herdsmen ..." Qin Lan pushed Fang Chong back, pretending to be serious, and in order to avoid Fang Chong's impulse, while she was talking, her silver-white armor set changed.

After becoming a combat state, Qin Lan's uneven body curve is not so obvious.

"Uh ..." Fang Chong was initially depressed after being pushed away by Qin Lan, but after hearing Qin Lan saying that the mugege they were still watching, he hit a stimulus.

Fortunately, Qin Lan is relatively calm, otherwise, if he was really seen by Muge and Lingya, he would have trouble going back.

Now the two daughters of Ling Ya Muge already know his mind, Fang Chong, and he is also more greedy. In this case, Fang Chong also considered Qin Lan's situation.

If he really is with Qin Lan at this time, Qin Lan's status will be seriously damaged in front of them, and if Muge and Ling Ya are united to deal with Qin Lan ...

Fang Chong thought of this, what impulse disappeared, the last thing Fang Chong wanted to see was that the three daughters were turned over because of his affairs.

After all, at that time, the embarrassment must be him, and he couldn't hurt others because of this.

To avoid this, Fang Chong also worked hard to control himself.

"Well, we have passed even more, Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan should have also confronted the zombies ..." She smiled when Fang Chong saw that Fang Chong's crotch had recovered quietly.

"Good ..." Fang Chong nodded in agreement. Qin Lan's current armor set changed to a combat state, which had a much smaller impact on his vision.

After taking a deep breath, Fang Chong's mood had calmed down.

With a serious expression, he followed Qin Lan forward ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Sister Ling Ya, did you say that Fang Chong was impulsive just now ..." At the base, Muge was facing the screen of the laptop. The expression and attitude of Fang Chong when he left just now are similar to what Mu Ya and Ling Ya thought. I thought Fang Chong was angry.

Afraid of the upheaval between Qin Lan and Fang Chong, Muge began to monitor the two of them using a satellite system when they left the base.

At first, the appearance of the two people was really deeply worried by Fang Chong, but after seeing Qin Lan stop crying, the worry of Muge and Ling Ya could be said to be extreme, but did not expect the situation to change drastically.

In the back, it seems that there is nothing left. It could have been ignored, but the eyebrows of the idyllic song actually saw Qin Lan's face blushing and Fang Chong's action. In addition to smiling, the idyllic song was more sour ... .

"I'm your little Nizi again ...." Ling Ya wasn't planning to watch. After all, this was a matter between Fang Chong and Qin Lan, but when she heard the song of the pastor said that Qin Lan was crying, she was also worried about what happened. Afterwards, come here too.

I did not expect that it would become like that between Qin Lan and Fang Chong ...

She is not young. Although I haven't experienced that kind of thing, haven't I eaten pork and never seen a pig run?

Muge was right, she could see that Fang Chong was impulsive.

Although she did not show up as directly as Mu Ge, she has to say that she also envy Qin Lan.

Although Fang Chong was not different from her and Qin Lan to Qin Lan, but in that kind of thing, Fang Chong was still unwilling.

Of course, Qin Lan wouldn't think it was the attraction of the two of them. Regardless of their size or appearance, if they are really compared, Chunlan Qiuqi is even more spring and autumn ...

In this regard, Qin Lan and Muge are absolutely confident, but they know that Fang Chong cannot pass his own level. The reason and their lack of light ...

Fang Chong was unwilling. The biggest worry should be that she and Muge would regret it.

That's why Fang Chong is not enough. They are willing to die.

"Dare you say that you don't want to, maybe Sister Lingya has long been wet ..." Muge now belongs to the fallen world with Lingya, and in the case of sisters, Muge now has to say everything.

Especially now when there are only two people together.

"Okay, Xiao Nizi has been joking to her sister ..." Ling Ya didn't expect that the girl named Muge now speaks boldly like this, and she rushes over without speaking.

And what makes Ling Ya a bit shy is that she was really spoken by the pastoral song, and her spring and heart are also wavy ...



"Song Ming? The zombies are in front of us. Would you give it a try, who kills more ..." Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan left Fang Chong and they took a step first, this will have reached the street location thousands of kilometers away, Zombies can be seen wandering around in this place.

After seeing the zombies, they knew that things were the same as Fang Chong envisioned, and the two men began to plan to assault from that direction.

The zombies wandered here instead of choosing to attack the base's fortifications. They all knew that there was only one reason. They were waiting, waiting for more zombies to gather.

They want to crush the base's fortifications with an absolute advantage.

"Try it and try. Now I have better strength than you and better weapons than you. The advantages you had before me are gone ..." Song Ming's thick smiley face revealed.

"Okay, let's start ..." Huang Qianchuan's disdain, though Song Ming is telling the truth, he also knows that now in the situation where the strength is stabilized by Song Ming, in this game of killing zombies It is really difficult for him to win, but without pressure, there is a breakthrough there.

Huang Qianchuan knew he needed pressure now.

And it is a very good choice to compete with your own powerful people.

Huang Qianchuan recognized this.

It can be said that the current Huang Qianchuan has long lost the kind of pride that had come from the base city of Kyoto.

In addition to being somewhat hit in strength, what's more, Huang Qianchuan now knows how to integrate into other people and mix with everyone.

In fact, Huang Qianchuan himself couldn't believe it when he was quiet at night.

I can't believe that he still has this kind of change one day, but now he doesn't mind this kind of change of his own. Since joining the team, he has lived more lively and relaxed.

Brothers and sisters, there are many friends who can back to each other.

Now he likes this atmosphere and this life. If he were to return to the base city of Kyoto and back to the high place, he was afraid that he would not be able to continue for a day ...

After turning his thoughts and thinking so much, Huang Qianchuan's mouth has been raised slightly inadvertently.

It was Song Ming who shouted and rushed to wake him up. Looking at the figure of Song Ming rushed up, Huang Qianchuan certainly did not want to be left behind. After a loud drink, he also rushed up and killed the zombies ...


Fang Chong and Qin Lan, of course, do not know that Muge and Ling Ya will talk about the two topics related to them from now on. The most important thing is that Muge and Ling Ya are fighting to the end. The discussion is in this defense. After the victory, how to give Fang Chong to Fa-rectification.

They don't want the relationship with Fang Chong to stay in this state, they can't help it anymore.

These two people, Fang Chong and Qin Lan, who did not know, listened to the increasingly fierce fighting, and the speed at their feet was getting faster and faster. Within a short time, the two also reached Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan strangled fiercely with the zombie Place together.

Looking at the zombies on the ground, there were two others who looked serious. It was not difficult to see that Fang Chong was testing.

Although he didn't want to disturb these two people who still had a trial, but thought that the fighting would be more fierce in the future, Fang Chong opened up and called them both.

"Don't waste your energy, we need to find a direction, otherwise, the Shanghai market is so wide, how can we find the destroyer ..." Fang Chong simply forgot that he was too much worse than Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming.

Their play is killing zombies, but not waiting for the two of them at the same time, they did not know where to kill them. Compared to him, has been yy just now? Much better.

"Know, if we weren't waiting for those two, we would have left ..." Hearing Fang Chong's voice, Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming quickly retreated and jumped on a billboard they were standing on ... .

"Wait for us?" Fang Chong was flushed with old words by Huang Qianchuan in such a straightforward way, but if he had to take care of his face, he would be confused ...

"Since we are here now, let's start by ourselves ..." If Fang Chongsheng was afraid that Huang Qianchuan would speak again, he would continue to say anything.

"Well, there should be three places we identified before, and there is still a certain distance from here, but these three places are the places where the Destroyer is most likely to appear ..." Huang Qianchuan saw Fang Chong posing stupid, and did not go through he. After talking about the matter, Huang Qianchuan's expression was still serious.

"Three places ..." Listening to Huang Qianchuan's words, Fang Chong was somewhat surprised, but also ashamed.

From the expressions of Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming and Qin Lan, it is not difficult to see that the three of them already have a certain understanding of the three places. It seems that he is the only one who does not know ...

Thinking of this, Fang Chong is really ashamed ...

I was still thinking that they were not prepared in the least. I did not expect that the person who did not have any preparation in the end was himself.

However, Fang Chong did not become angry or angry because he knew what he lacked, and immediately concentrated.

"The airport, the gymnasium, and the other is the pier ..." Huang Qianchuan did not know when he had taken a map. After the ground was rolled out, Huang Qianchuan pointed to three places where the red pen was circled.

"Stadium? Airport, terminal ..." Fang Chong frowned when he heard the description of Huang Qianchuan. He didn't know why Huang Qianchuan said that these three places are the most likely, and Song Ming and Qin Lan were both Faithful expression.

"Because you said that the destroyer's body size ..." Qin Lan was the one of the three who knew Fang Chong best. When Fang Chong frowned, Qin Lan knew what Fang Chong was suspecting. Knowing this, Qin Lan did not wait Fang Chong began to ask questions.

"Yes, I said that the Destroyer's body is huge, but this reason has nothing to do with the stadium, the airport, the terminal ..." Fang Chong nodded, and Qin Lan's compassionate Fang Chong was not surprised.

"There are a lot of high-rise buildings in Shanghai, but in general, there are no places where the doors of buildings can reach seven or eight meters. Can those destroyers enter those places?" Qin Lan asked.

"You mean ..." Fang Chong was asked by Qin Lan, but he understood it.

The satellite system has not found the existence of the Destroyer in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The reason is only this one. The Destroyer hid or could not be described as hiding. It should be said that the Destroyer does not easily appear ...

Fang Chong had previously ignored the Zach's body type, but now Qin Lan said so, Fang Chong suddenly realized that only these three places are likely to let the destroyers with large bodies stay ...

"Yes, the Destroyer is so large that only these three places can be allowed to stay. This morning, Muge continued to use the satellite system to scan the entire Shanghai Stock Exchange, and the Destroyer was not seen. So we are sure that there are only three places where the Destroyer exists ... "Qin Lan nodded.

In addition to the explanation, she also told Fang Chong some things that happened in Shanghai during the past few days.

Of course, most of these things are how they plan to find the location of the destroyer and prepare for the next plan.

But I did not expect these preparations to come in handy today ....

………………………………………………………………………………………… “It turned out that you had already prepared, but you also have Don't tell me in advance ... "After listening to Qin Lan, Fang Chong felt relieved. He finally knew that Qin Lan and Song Ming both knew so much. It turned out that they had negotiated well in the days when he left Shanghai.

Depression, Fang Chong also laughed, Qin Lan, Huang Qianchuan, Song Ming and these people have become more and more aware of the overall situation, this change, Fang Chong is most willing to see.

After all, Fang Chong knew that if they wanted to defeat the Zachs, who were absolutely powerful, they would never cling to China.

Shanghai Stock Market is their first stop. As soon as the Shanghai Base is established, they will start to contact all the base cities that exist in Huaxia to bring this power together.

With so many people and strong power, Fang Chong absolutely believes in this sentence, and he also believes that such a sentence will be put into the last days.

Fang Chong knew that human beings had many enemies. In addition to alien creatures and the absolutely powerful Zaks, there are mutants. Now it can be said that mutants are already the most powerful and dangerous opponents of humans besides Zaks.

Below the mutant creatures, there are zombies. Although most zombies are not so dangerous now, there is the existence of the destroyer. In addition, it is in Huaxia, a country with the largest population in the world before the end of the world. The threat of zombies is also not weak.

To sum up, Fang Chong knows that human beings have a long way to go, but the opportunity will not be lost.

As long as they can build a base city in Shanghai, and have the technology in the Maya system, Fang Chong will have some confidence ...

Thinking of this, Fang Chong's fist clenched tightly. He knew that today's battle would never allow failure.

This battle is not only related to him, in addition to their more than 6,000 brothers, but also survivors of the entire China.

Fang Chong does not want to be a great man or a savior, but he wants to protect the people he cares for, and he wants the world to return to the last days. Fang Chong has no choice but to fight ...

"We don't know that you can't think of this ..." Qin Lan and Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan laughed when Fang Chong looked so depressed.

"Well, I won't talk about this. Since you have already discussed these, we will choose which one as the first point ..." Fang Chong looked at the three of them and laughed so horribly. After embarrassment, he quickly shifted the topic to the business ...

"The possibility of the dock today should be the least, after all, he is too far away from the Third Ring Road here ..." Speaking of business, Huang Qianchuan's expression also became serious, pointing at the map.

"Yes, so where are the stadiums and airports possible?" Fang Chong nodded, agreeing with Huang Qianchuan's analysis.

"That's right, it's the closest to us now, and it's the place where the zombies' offensive firepower is the strongest today ..." Huang Qianchuan pointed to the direction of the stadium and the area ...

"Oh ..." Fang Chong looked at the stadium's scope ~ ~ a little thought.

"Then we choose the gymnasium as the first target. If not, we will kill the airport ..." Qin Lan said solemnly, knowing that the decision at this time was not a joke.

Walking through the millions of zombies, it is possible to lose your life there anytime ...

"What do you think?" Fang Chong looked up and looked at the other two.

"Anyway ..." Huang Qianchuan didn't care, he put them in these two places.

"That's right ..." Song Ming nodded and actually came out, never thinking about how to write ...

"Okay, just the gym ..." Fang Chong made a decision.



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