Chapter 368 Killing


After choosing the target stadium, Fang Chong and the four of them acted without any pause. M

The location of the gymnasium is on the right side of the street where they are located, which is about two kilometers away. Instead, they usually take a bus or drive by themselves. The maximum time is ten minutes, and the speed is not particularly fast.

However, Fang Chong knew that today's distance of about two kilometers and the distance of a bus station was a great test for them.

Although it is said that the four of them are casual, even if Qin Lan is the weakest, he can run at full speed and the sports car can run at full speed.

If you run at this speed, the distance of two kilometers will be less than two minutes, but can you run at full speed?

The answer is absolutely negative. Fang Chong knew that two kilometers away, they needed to face the unknown number of zombies. Fang Chong knew that this distance, if successful, would take half an hour at the earliest.

Of course, if the zombies appear too powerful, it will definitely take more time, but they have no choice ...

There are many roads, but every road is the same. Zombies fill all the gaps. As long as they appear, the zombies will not be found.

Unless they all passed from Tianshan, but among the four, except Qin Lan and Fang Chong have flying skills, Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming will not work, and Fang Chong is still in a state of half hanging, and the distance is not too far away, If it is far or high, there is a danger that it may fall.

Before Fang Chong was not sure, he didn't want to take this kind of risk. Although it was unclear whether he could die or even be injured, it was too smelly to fall down. Fang Chong had face on this issue.

The most important thing is that the way to completely escape the zombies is not what they want.

They know that the zombies are not siege now, because the highest commander of the zombies is not sure to break through the fortifications, it is waiting for opportunities, waiting for the human guards to worry, and even running out to fight them.

And when the time comes when they look mature, even if the humans in the fortifications are not in a hurry and do not take the initiative to attack, they are not afraid of zombies, because when they can, their preparations are secure and they have a positive force to compete with humans! In other words, have enough power to break through human fortifications.

Both Fang Chong and the leaders of the zombies knew that the biggest difference between defending and breaking the fortifications was whether humans were alive or buried here.

Without fortifications, human resistance at the base would not be comparable to millions of zombies.


It was clear to them that Fang Chong had no choice but to fight and fight among the zombies.

Only by doing so will it be possible to change the attractiveness of the zombies as much as possible with their actions.

Fang Chong knows that only then can the pressure on the base fortifications be not so great and the possibility of holding them even greater.

However, the consequences are also very serious.

Four people have to kill and break through in zombies that do n’t know the number. This kind of thing requires strength, more courage, and courage.

But it was the four of them. Fang Chong believed that even if it was dangerous before them, they would not be timid.

The reason why Fang Chong chose Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming is because of this. Although Fang Chong has not known Huang Qianchuan for a long time, earlier, Huang Qianchuan should be a person who has found a lot of trouble for Fang Chong. But aside from not mentioning earlier, Huang Qianchuan has taken risks with them, and even more friends than Song Ming, Fang Chong's most trusted teammate.

It can be said that the three of them are the most trusted three of Fang Chong in this team in need of combat support.

After not being able to choose another route, when four people ran, they all pulled out their weapons in a tacit manner. They don't know how many kills they will experience today. Preserving their physical fitness is the most needed at this time.

After the sword came out of the sheath, after four people determined the direction of the stadium, Song Ming had rushed out. Among the four of them, Song Ming's current strength is the most powerful on the surface, and Song Ming chose to break away from Fang Chong. There was a reason to rush to the zombies.

Fang Chong said that he had to deal with the Destroyer. Although none of the four people had seen it, Fang Chong went out of Fang Chong's general description. The other three people still had some combat power against the Destroyer. understand.

A strength close to three hundred is not a joke.

Knowing this, Song Ming rushed forward. His purpose was very simple. When dealing with the Destroyer, Fang Chong was definitely the main force. Now he can help Fang Chong to save his physical strength.

After Fang Chong rushed out, Huang Qianchuan's body moved and people disappeared in the same place ...

Although the starting level is not as good as Song Ming's, Huang Qianchuan, as a speed-evolving evolutionary, has no problem catching up with Song Ming's speed.

Soon after Huang Ming had killed two zombies, Huang Qianchuan had also arrived. He put away the sword and a zombie's head was taken down by Huang Qianchuan.

This speed, including the way of fighting, is beyond the control of ordinary humans.


Huang Qianchuan didn't know why. He and Song Ming had the same intuition. Although Fang Chong's strength was a little lower than that of Song Ming, at least not yet broke through the two hundred levels, but they still made a bad believe. When dealing with the Destroyer, it is the one that they can rely on and trust most.

It wasn't him, neither Qin Lan, nor Song Ming with the highest strength.

With this inexplicable intuition, Huang Qianchuan's choice is undoubtedly the same as that of Song Ming. He now breaks through and helps Fang Chong save energy as much as possible.

Although it is known that for Fang Chong, killing zombies of this strength does not require much effort, and even if they sing all the way to the past, the possibility of impact will be minimal.

But they are more clear that the duel between the masters and even the slightest changes can affect the outcome of the battle.

So even if we knew this, Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming's decision would be so resolute.

"I also went, and you followed them, to save your physical strength, to destroy the war, you are definitely the main force of us ..." Qin Lan also turned his head at this time, watching Fang Chong seriously. After seeing Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan rushing into the zombies like two stranglers, she knew she was going to help.

She has the ability to fly. In the end, even if the power is huge, as long as she flies to the sky, the possibility of survival is much greater than the other three.

She doesn't need to save energy ...

"I know ..." Fang Chong knew that all three of them thought the same. In order to make the three of them understand, Fang Chong could nod after hearing Qin Lan's words. He knew that he could only do so Only three of them will feel at ease.

In fact, Fang Chong wanted to say that even if he followed them all the way to kill the past, it really was hard to say between victory and defeat.

Fang Chong also knew that to say that it was difficult for Qin Lan to believe the three of them.

However, Fang Chong believes that the strength of Qin Lan, Song Ming, and Huang Qianchuan confronted these zombies. It is not very dangerous to protect themselves, and as long as he does not go far, his strength, including speed, can still resolve the problem. Less…

Fang Chong's mood was not as tense as before when he thought of these things again.

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"I'm gone ..." After Fang Chong nodded and promised, Qin Lan's face showed a charming smile, and people disappeared in the same place.

"Everyone is careful ..." Fang Chong watched Qin Lan who appeared in the corpse next second, and Fang Chong secretly prayed. The pace at the foot also stepped up a few points.

After Qin Lan learned Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming, they rushed into the zombies, and the sword in his hand turned sharply.

Because the figure is really petite compared to Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming's two one-meter sweats, but the degree of flexibility is much more than that.

In the hands of Qin Lan, the sword lacked a charm of swordsmanship, and the mighty spirit of the sword soul. However, the long knife with a large area is in Qin Lan's hands, and it dances a bit like a knife. Without the hegemony of the knife, it looks a bit like a sword. It's agile with the sword dancing ...

But even so, the number of zombies killed by Qin Lan should not be underestimated. Qin Lan knows how to use a clever word ...

After Song Ming possessed a knife that broke the level of about 250, Song Ming ’s strength was more manifested. Song Ming ’s swordsmanship was broadening and closing. Basically, as long as the zombies were knifed Sweeping, either decapitating or cutting his waist, no zombies had a chance to strike or wait.

Under this method, Song Ming killed the most zombies. Because he rushed to the forefront, no one would miss the zombies.

However, the results of this kind of battle are remarkable, but the test for Song Ming is also huge. This kind of fighting without any interval of pause, after a long time, how long Song Ming can sustain is a question ...

Huang Qianchuan's fighting method is also very different than Qin Lan and Song Minglai. Qin Lan is a skill type, making full use of her own advantages, and Song Ming is fully using his fighting power, including the advantages of power burst.

Huang Qianchuan does not have the dexterous body of Qin Lan, nor does it have the absolute advantage under the power explosion of Song Ming, but Huang Qianchuan has the absolute advantage in speed, and Huang Qianchuan belongs to the kind of highly talented combatants. Certainly, he is much higher than Song Ming or Qin Lan.

After he understood what advantages he had, he had been adjusting him, although he was not as graceful as Qin Lan was when he killed the zombies, nor was he as shocked as Song Ming was when he killed the zombies.

But upon closer inspection, every time Zhuang Qianchuan killed a zombie, it seemed to have been carefully calculated.

Huang Qianchuan took full advantage of his own speed advantage. His body constantly shuttled between the zombies and zombies. Every moment the sword was drawn, it was clear that a zombies' head had flew out.

Not as fast as Song Ming, but definitely not slow.


Fang Chong walking behind was very clear about the different fighting methods of the three of them. Fang Chong also knew where their strengths and weaknesses were.

But from now on, the three of them have shown impeccable performance. They have fully exerted their own advantages to the extreme. Many meticulous things, Fang Chong himself may not be able to do something ...

Looking at these changes, Fang Chong himself was really ashamed. He never thought that he was only four or five days away from the base. They actually trained their combat skills to such a level of fire ...

Thanks to himself, he kept thinking that after returning to the base city, he had to train them well.

Fortunately, this time when I came back, there was the siege of the zombies. Otherwise, he really used his method to train them, so it smelled great.

Fang Chongmian made up his mind and he also wanted to improve his skills. After all, there is no other shortcut for skill except practice.

Fang Chong-an has not been immersed in it since he made up his mind. He knows that Qin Lan and the three of them have been killed smoothly, but accidents are still possible.

In the last days, more unexpected things have gone, especially now on the battlefield.

The more fierce they kill, the more furious the zombies will be. In the case of anger, the higher the probability of high-level zombies.

At present, the zombies that are generally dealt with are the zombies of the second and third order, which are mainly `` green corpses '' and `` zombies ''. If these zombies are replaced by `` hulk '' and the terminator is matched, Song Ming Qin Lan, they are definitely not as easy as I am now.

When the Hulk broke out of absolute power, they could still cause them a little damage. Although there are ‘armor suits’ that can be ignored, if there are more, the impact will definitely have.

Combined with 'Terminator', it's not that simple ...


"Roar, roar, roar ..."

Song Ming, Huang Qianchuan, and Qin Lan, they went straight into the zombies like three sharp knives, and the speed of the process was very smooth. It took less than five minutes to advance more than two hundred meters, such a speed There is not much difference between usual hurries.

However, when Fang Chong thought everything was going so smoothly, a few angry roars came from a distance, and when he heard such a roar, Fang Chong's expression had to be calm.

It is not difficult to hear the roaring voice, there are more advanced zombies rushing over from a distance, and this roar should be convening the same powerful zombies, preparing the other side to worship them to surround them ...

Fang Chong had long thought of this possibility, but he did not expect to come so fast.

However, Huang Qianchuan Song Ming and others who were killing are rising. The three of them did not seem to hear the roar of zombies in the distance. They plunged into the zombies and strove to kill them ...

But after a short time, as the roar grew louder and closer, the zombies that originally surrounded the four of them began to decrease.

From the beginning, the "Green Corpse Man" was gone. Slowly, the "Zombie Beast" was also gone, and it was replaced by the "Hulk".

Looking at the dense green giants around him, Fang Chong looked dignified.

It's time to come. Regarding the appearance of the Hulk, Fang Chong had already conceived it just now, but he did not expect that the performance of the "Zombies" was really as he imagined, and the speed came so fast ...

After slightly calming his nervousness, Fang Chong resumed his calmness.

Judging from the fighting situation of the three of Huang Qianchuan, they are still in a relaxed state for the time being. It is also the reason why Fang Chong has not yet chosen to do so.

Although the strength of "Hulk" is stronger than the previous zombies, the number is much smaller. This shortcoming is also Fang Chong's hope.

Otherwise, if you spend too much physical energy on 'Hulk', the subsequent battle will be dangerous.

But even then, their speed was pulled down.

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"Be careful, there are more 'Hulks' here than before, and they have penetrated into the zombies' encirclement. The level of zombies should be even higher." Fang Chong reminded him quickly and thought to him that It is necessary to know these.

"I know, you should be careful, you can't take care of you anymore, ready to move the knife anytime, anywhere ..." Qin Lan nodded, she also reminded Fang Chong a word ~ ​​ ~ know. Fang Chong nodded.


What Fang Chong could not have imagined was that his voice had just fallen, and a louder roar than before was heard not far away. Fang Chong listened to this sound, which should come from the terminator like Fang Chong who had contact before them. Mouth of the zombie.

Fang Chong listened to the hissing voice, and was a little excited.

"Roar, roar, roar ...." It was even beyond Fang Chong's surprise that after the roar of the 'Terminator', there were actually other levels of 'zombies' echoing. For a moment, the entire area was zombies ...

"Is it ready to fully explain us here ..." Listening to the growing number of zombies roared to comply, Song Ming, Huang Qianchuan, including Qin Lan, did not continue to rush to rush.

The four were talking and standing together, looking in the direction of the stadium ...

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