I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 369: Energy grenade

Chapter 369 Energy Grenade


When Huang Qianchuan, Song Ming, and Qin Lan saw such a scene, there was no urge to continue the killing. When the three returned, they stood with Fang Chong ...

The four looked blankly at the front. The end of the road was the gymnasium. Standing at this place, the outline of the gymnasium was clearly visible. At this time, it was actually very close, but Fang Chong them, looking at this. For some distance, no one can relax. m

The collective roar of the zombies just now, the kind of roar that resounded through the sky, still shocked the four of them.

It's not the first time I've seen so many zombies, but it's the first time I've seen so many zombies. It's not a surprise to say that it's not surprising.

Fang Chong's expression was calm. He knew that the pressure they were facing was not small, but as long as he was careful, it was not a big problem to break out.

But the most important issue now is not to break through but not to break through, but their purpose today is the gymnasium. After observing the general situation around them, Fang Chong knew that their current situation was indeed not great.

If it breaks out and the fighting power of the four of them is not a big problem, it will take a lot of work.

But if you continue to attack and rush to the stadium, the pressure to face is not so simple.

At least not less than 20,000 Hulks surrounding them now, and a small number of Terminators.

Such a huge number of Hulk can imagine the attack power.

Not to mention the strength of the Hulk, the number of tens of thousands of heads, if you kill them, you can exhaust them, and the reserve team of these zombies is unclear ...

Fang Chong Yue thought that the pressure in his heart was greater. Fang Chong knew that he must find a way now, otherwise, would he say if he could rush to the stadium to find the 'Destroyer', for fear they would have died in the zombie before rushing to the stadium The group attack was in the hands, and this situation was not what Fang Chong wanted to see.

Taking a deep breath, Fang Chong's original expression did not change as the zombies approached slowly, his expression slowly condensed.

"Find a place to keep it, 'Destroyer' should exist in the gymnasium, but if we rush forward stiffly, our situation is not great ..." Fang Chong said with a serious expression after a deep groan.

Fang Chong thinks about it, it is not worth it.

It is not difficult to see from the changes of the zombies that ‘Destroyer’ is indeed in the gymnasium, but the previous plan must be changed a little bit and be prepared more fully

"So what are you going to do?" Huang Qianchuan's expression was equally serious, and the situation became unpleasant, and not only Fang Chong saw it alone. Huang Qianchuan smiled now.

"Yes, if you want to fight, don't be afraid ..." Although Song Ming knew that the situation was beginning to be unfavorable, he was still very confident. But his confidence was not blind.

"There is an office building in front. We kill the past, stabilize the current situation, and then make a plan. At least we must protect ourselves ..." Fang Chong found a place a few dozen meters away from them. Twenty to thirty-story office building.

It is good to lay this place now as a defensive place.

"Okay, I'm on my way ..." Song Ming heard that there was a target, but he didn't fall into his own voice and the man rushed out.

Breaking the sword in front, the whole person is like a tank, showing off to the Hulk.

Song Ming's speed is not fast, and the way of opening was not suitable, but in the current environment, Song Ming's swordsmanship is open and close, and his strength is the strongest, but it is very suitable for the current environment.

When the power broke out completely, no Hulk had the power to resist.

Suddenly, the Hulk, who had originally shown a trend of encirclement, was killed by Song Ming.

That's right, it's really a road stained by blood.


Seeing a **** path full of blood red blood appearing at his feet, Fang Chong and the three of them immediately followed him. Song Ming's purpose was simple. He had the highest level of strength, and the power that could burst out was the largest of them.

He came to the road, as a pioneer, definitely more suitable than the other three.

Several of them knew in their hearts that the levels were different and the powers that erupted were also different.

This kind of difference, not only in the power that erupts now, the most important thing is the staying power.

This burst of endurance is Song Ming's biggest gain after breaking through two hundred levels. A simple understanding can be said to be two hundred. If a person's strength is one, after breaking through two hundred levels, this one becomes 1.5.

The extra 0.5 is nothing more than usual, but in the real battle of life and death, just like Fang Chong them now, 0.5 represents more than half of the chances to survive.

Song Ming knew this, so he was fighting.

The blood path opened by Song Ming seems to be full of stumps and blood flowing into the river, and it looks really horrible, but this environment, for a few people who do not know how many times to pass in life and death, there is no pressure at all.

It's an exaggeration to say that if the Hulks who surround them now do not exist, they will not feel nauseous when they hold things and eat on these stumps.

But now is not the time to think about it. After the three of them followed Fang Chong, the weapons in their hands were not able to be idle either. They drew their swords from their hands and fell to the ground with the zombies they wanted to fill ...

The explosive power may not be as good as that of Song Ming, but none of the three of them can kill the zombies.

Especially Fang Chong, the strength of the three is only close to two hundred levels, but his strength is not comparable to ordinary human beings, and the sword in his hands.

This long sword from the hands of a combat robot was not stumped by her defense against a humanoid Zack with a defense strength of more than three hundred levels, let alone a defensive force of only sixty-level Hulk.

Fang Chong waved his long sword, and it didn't take much effort to be able to cut off their heads, or easily cut open their bodies ...

Singing all the way, this blood path is getting wider and wider ...

Fang Chong's bravery was seen in the eyes of Huang Qianchuan and Qin Lan. They originally thought that although Fang Chong's strength was strong, it was at most a part higher than them. But now looking at Fang Chong's movements, they only knew how outrageous they thought they were.

Fang Chong can say that the side they are showing now is no longer comparable at the same level.


After a few minutes, Song Ming first rushed into the lobby of the office building. Subsequently, Qin Lan and Huang Qianchuan entered one after the other. Fang Chong saw here, and the frequency of the sword swing in his hands also accelerated a few minutes. A vacuum zone with a diameter of more than three meters appeared beside him.

Taking advantage of this gap, Fang Chong also entered the office lobby.

Although it takes less than a few seconds, the zombies will rush in, and the pressure they will face is still not small, but at least there is no depression in the stomach.

It was similar to Fang Chong's thoughts. The originally empty office lobby. After Fang Chong rushed in, the zombies destroyed the outside glass and snarled towards Fang Chong and others.

"Behind the beaten back, the area behind the stairs is small and easy to defend. We need to temporarily hold back ..." Fang Chong spoke again after the zombies had destroyed the glass wall.

"Hmm ..." Everyone did not question Fang Chong's claims at all. After Fang Chong re-stopped the Hulk crit attack, the three of them had retreated into the stairwell.

In the stairwell of the emergency passage, the area was small, and Fang Chong was relieved after Song Ming took over the guards.

The situation was indeed beyond his expectations. The Hulk's attitude of not fearing death, Fang Chong now remembered, and was frightened with cold sweat.

What he thought was how wise they had made the decision.

The Hulks are not afraid of the impact of death. If they are stupid, careless, and rush to the gym if they don't want others, they may not be able to speak in this place now.

Fang Chong may be okay. Qin Lan's flight ability is not a big problem, but Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan are both afraid of death.

"It's okay ..." Fang Chong sighed. Everyone is fine, the best result.

The stairwell in the emergency passageway is not large in size. Song Ming has no problem holding one at this time. The one who appears in front of Song Ming is at most one or two Hulks.

With one end, the Hulk can still launch some attacks, but if both ends appear at the same time, Song Ming will be completely free of trouble. The Hulk's body is so large that the two ends of the stairwell door are enough to block the door.

Song Ming even when the two Hulks were completely clamped together, the knives did not move, leaving them stuck, and finally killed them after worrying about the door of the stairwell being squeezed out.

Subsequently, the Hulk who followed him learned to be smart, and no two Hulks attacked at the same time each time.

But in this case, Song Ming is very easy alone ...

Seeing Song Ming alone has no problem for the time being, Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan, Qin Lan quickly took advantage of this time to rest, and at the same time replenish the strength of the body ...

After a while, they can replace Song Ming's guard. More importantly, at this time, they must figure out a way to do it next.

It is necessary to get rid of these Hulks, otherwise, they would not be able to reach the stadium at all, let alone kill the destroyers.

Knowing that the matter was significant, the three of them sat down and rested with heavy expressions.



"We must find a way to get rid of these 'Hulks'. Otherwise, we would not be able to reach the 'Sports Hall' ..." Fang Chong thought for a long time and said. He didn't have a great way, he had to ask others.

"These Hulks are very smart, and we want to get rid of the difficult ..." Qin Lan's brow frowned tightly. Fang Chong said she was clear, but the Destroyer's intelligence was beyond their expectations.

In Qin Lan's view, changes like 'Hulk' must be related to the destroyers. Because the previous "Hulk" had troubles, but it is not as it is now ...

"Yes, at least we must find a way to keep them here ..." Huang Qianchuan echoed.

"Leave them here?" Qin Lan shook her head. "If so many 'Hulks' are killed, we don't have to hide here ..."

"It is not possible to kill, but we can think of a way, such as some way to make these 'Hulks' have to be attracted here ..." Huang Qianchuan listened to Qin Lan and nodded again. .

"Think of a way to attract them here?" Fang Chong thought about the meaning of Huang Qianchuan.

"It's better for the four of us to have two guards here, and two of them go upstairs and find a way to the gym ..." When Fang Chong thought, Qin Lan thought of a way.

"No, sending two people to guard here is not the best way. If the implementation of the" Hulk "knows to open the surrounding walls, the two people guarding here are dangerous ..." Fang Chong said when Qin Lan didn't finish. Interrupted it.

"Then what are we going to do ..." When Fang Chong said this, Qin Lan didn't insist. She thought that this method was just a solution.

"Did you just say that you want to go to the 'sports hall'? From upstairs?" Fang Chong interrupted Qin Lan's speech, and his expression became heavy again, but after thinking of the two places Qin Lan said, his expression suddenly became surprised.

He thought of it ...

"That's right, I mean take Xiaoluo to the 'sports hall' and walk upstairs ..." Qin Lan nodded, looking at Fang Chong's strange expression. Qin Lan didn't know what Fang Chong thought. She said just now that the biggest reason was that she was afraid that walking on the ground would be discovered by zombies elsewhere, and she would waste her time. But she didn't know what Fang Chong was thinking. "What did you think of ..."


"I thought of a good way ..." Fang Chong did not go to appetite Qin Lan or Huang Qianchuan. Under the circumstances that are not optimistic, Fang Chong said what he knew ...

"What do you mean? We went upstairs and blew up this staircase. The Hulk should not find a way to go upstairs in a short time, so we left the building while the Hulk reacted a little. Office building, transfer the target to the 'sports hall ...' "After listening to Fang Chong, Huang Qianchuan asked with a look of surprise.

"Yes, that's what I think ..." Fang Chong nodded, indicating that Huang Qianchuan was right.

Although Fang Chong did not go to see what was going on outside, Fang Chong believed that they just included how big the noise is now and should attract a lot of zombies. In this case, they do n’t need to worry too much about the base. According to the situation over there.

Without these concerns, he can let go ...

"This is feasible. I believe that although the Destroyer is smart, these 'Hulks' are not smart enough to go in. When we see us running upstairs, we will definitely find a way to learn from us and rush up. , We will not be able to relax. "Qin Lan said after an analysis.

"Yes, I'm almost what I think ..." Fang Chong nodded.

"Since you all think so, let's decide this way ..." After listening to Fang Chong and Qin Lan's analysis, Huang Qianchuan had no other opinion.

"I'll take over Song Ming, both of you ..." Qin Lan saw that the solution was determined, and she stood up and walked towards Song Ming with a sword.

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan nodded.

…………………………………………………………………………………… ..

After Qin Lan turned to take a rest for Song Ming, Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan were not idle. The speed is better now, at least not to make Qin Lan too tired.

While Fang Chong took out several bottles of genetic medicine to let Song Ming drink and rest, he immediately took out a lot of things from the storage space that looked similar to the white woven lanterns.

"What are these things?" After watching Fang Chong come up with a lot of this strange-looking thing, Huang Qianchuan, standing beside Fang Chong, was ready to help ...

"Energy Grenade ..." Fang Chong did not give much explanation or introduction, but just reported a name. Fang Chong believed that Huang Qianchuan should understand after hearing this name.

"Energy grenade?" Huang Qianchuan picked it up and looked for a long time, then his expression became excited, what was he still depressed to use to blow up the stairs? Fang Chong did not expect to come up with such a guy. "Good thing ..."

"I don't know if it will be okay or not, but I believe the power should not be small ..." Fang Chong took out a lot of "energy grenades" and started hanging on his body.

These things were exchanged by Fang Chong on the ‘western mining area’. I did n’t expect to forget it today. If I had n’t got Song Ming ’s genetic medicine, I really ca n’t remember…

"The power will definitely not be small ~ www.readwn.com ~ Energy Guns', 'Energy Cannons' Those that are linked to energy, there is no weaker than ordinary guns, I believe it ..." Huang Qianchuan saw Fang Chong hung his 'energy grenade' on himself, and he was not far behind.

"It can be verified soon ..." After Fang Chong delivered the last few pieces to Song Ming's hands, his mouth rose slightly, and he slowly walked to Qin Lan's side ...

……………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Qin Lan, after killing the two Hulks near the door, then withdrew to the stairs ..." Fang Chong held an 'energy grenade' behind his hand, opened the insurance, and said something to Qin Lan.

"Yes ..." Qin Lan already knew the method Fang Chong would use from the dialogue between Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan. After understanding this, she waved her sword sharply and turned over the two Hulks near the door. Quickly pull back.

At the same time, the 'energy grenade' in Fang Chong's hand has been thrown out ...

"Up ..." After not knowing how the power of the "energy grenade" is correct, Fang Chong threw it out and urged everyone to hurry upstairs ...

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