I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 371: Destroyer is now

Chapter 371 The Destroyer Now


With the sound of the explosion exploding, Fang Chong retracted his eyes looking downstairs. The explosion was very flaming. Fang Chong knew that the explosion of these energy grenades was enough to kill the zombies on the ground below and blow them up. A lot. M

Fang Chong did not need to know that this bombing was enough to achieve their purpose, and the zombies wandering over the gymnasium would surely be attracted to them.

Fang Chong is very sure about this, because Fang Chong knows that the destroyers existing in the stadium will do so.

In Fang Chong's view, the Destroyer already has much wisdom compared to human beings. After possessing such wisdom, Fang Chong knew that they were manifested as zombies, and they would never allow anyone to challenge him like this. .

Fang Chong undoubtedly grasped this point.

I think so, but will the zombies swaying around the stadium come over, will the destroyers be instructed? Fang Chong was not very sure, but he would definitely leave if he would leave.

Regardless of whether the zombies are enough or not, they can't achieve their purpose, and the Terminator is absolutely what they want to kill.

Fang Chong knew this in his heart.

So after the energy grenade was thrown out, Fang Chong a moment later, the man had come to the rope that Qin Lan was tied between the two buildings just now, and his body moved. Fang Chong's body had appeared in midair. One hand has caught the rope.

Quickly slid to the opposite building, the movements were consistent and in one go ...

Before fully grasping the ability to fly, this kind of leverage can make Fang Chong easier ...

Within five seconds, Fang Chong's people had appeared in front of Qin Lan ...

"Did you succeed?" A few people in the building, though they knew what Fang Chong was doing just now? But if it succeeds, what is the effect of the explosion? They don't know.

After seeing Fang Chong coming, they couldn't help asking. In addition to their curiosity, this bomb will also determine whether their subsequent tasks can be successfully completed ...

"The explosion was very successful, but it's harder to say if we can attract the zombies around the stadium ..." Fang Chong said truthfully, what everyone was thinking, he knew.

But he was not so sure, he was not so sure, Fang Chongke wouldn't bite the bullet and say yes ...

"Let the fate go! But no matter how we go to the gym ..." Looking at Fang Chong's calm expression, Huang Qianchuan knew that Fang Chong was serious, and after a few minutes of expression he laughed.

"Yes, you can't attract them and kill them ..." Song Ming held up a sword that was absolutely small in his hands. He believed very much in his strength, and it wouldn't be a problem to kill thousands of zombies.

"Then proceed as originally planned ..." Qin Lan has not spoken, but this has already seen everyone is not so nervous, she also resisted the urge to look over the sky.

The longer things go on, the worse it seems to them.

After all, the violent explosion over the office building just now attracted enough zombies, and among these zombies that were attracted, the absolute fighting power of the Hulk's choice of zombies was attracted a lot.

This situation is undoubtedly the most favorable for the other side to respect them.

What Qin Lan is worried about now is that these Hulks surrounded by office buildings, once they waited too long, did not find Fang Chong's trace and returned to the surroundings of the gymnasium, then it can be said that they were so busy Everything was done in vain ...

And the grenade thrown out by Fang Chong just now, if the zombies over there are really coming, they will not be able to waste time.

It can be said that what Fang Chong can't afford to waste now is time, at least not before killing the destroyers ...

After understanding the importance of time, Fang Chong and a few of them ran on the rooftop tacitly.

Without the zombies, the highly inconsistent rooftops did not cause much trouble for Fang Chong.

Without a wide building distance, Fang Chong and them saved even more time. Basically, as long as the building distance is not more than ten meters, Huang Qianchuan, including Song Ming, can still jump through with explosive power.

As for Fang Chong and Qin Lan, it seems more relaxed, or in other words, effortless ...


Within a few minutes, within a few minutes, Fang Chong and their four had reached the top floor of a ten-story building closest to the stadium.

Above this building, you can clearly see the surroundings of the stadium, including the stadium, the current part of the situation. This is very rare.

"Zombies seem to be missing a lot, and our chance is here ..." After the telescope was in Qin Lan's hands, she turned her head and said to the other three.

Fang Chong and the three of them have already begun to plan what to do after the building.

"Then start the operation. The energy grenade must not explode unless absolutely necessary." While going downstairs, Fang Chong reminded everyone of the situation to pay attention to.

It was so difficult to mobilize the zombies around the stadium. Fang Chongke did not want to see that the battle with the destroyers had not yet officially started, and all these **** zombies had returned ...

"Understand ..." Fang Chong said that they all understood Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan. After nodding their heads, the four people have reached the bottom floor, and through the wall of the glass, it is not difficult for Fang Chong to see a small number of zombies outside. Loitering.

"Action ..." Fang Chong gently opened the door of the building and waved his hand. He himself rushed out when his voice fell.

Fang Chong was fast, so fast that only a residual image was left in Qin Lan's sight.

When Fang Chong's figure reappeared, the man was close to the two corpse beasts closest to him.

Qin Lan saw them, and Fang Chong's sword moved. The skulls of the two corpse beasts flew out of their bodies.

From the beginning to the end, Fang Chong hit the heads of the two corpse beasts, and no zombies came around.

Moreover, while the two corpse beasts fell to the ground, Fang Chong's body disappeared once more.

Almost the same zombie was solved again with exactly the same action.

It took less than a minute, all the zombies we could see on the way to the gymnasium had fallen. This speed, this control, looked like Huang Qianchuan, and Song Ming stared blankly.

Song Ming, who had always believed in his strength, had shaken his mind at this time. He couldn't guarantee that he would be able to avoid Fang Chong's attack so quickly ...

His strength is a lot better than Fang Chongqiang, but if he really fights Fang Chongqiang and fights face to face, he is afraid that Fang Chong can solve him without a few moves.

The speed Fang Chong showed in front of them, including the movement, has far exceeded their imagination ...


"Let's hurry ..." Qin Lan was the fastest of the three of them to react. Unlike Huang Qianchuan, they felt that the more powerful Fang Chong was, the happier she was, and nothing else. Fang Chong was her. the man.

But Huang Qianchuan is not the same. Although there is nothing to worry about, the small loss cannot be avoided.

"Hmm ..." After hearing Qin Lan's words, Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan hit a spirit, and they knew that they could not help but sigh or be lost.

Strength is not higher than Chong, you can work hard, but if you don't pay attention today, you may not have the opportunity to work hard.

Today this task can not be underestimated ...

Knowing this, Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming picked up the guy and quickly ran towards the stadium gate.

"What's the situation ..." When they entered the stadium, Song Ming soon saw Fang Chong hiding on one side of a wall. It's not difficult to see from Fang Chong's movements that Fang Chong was observing the situation.

"In the gymnasium, there are a lot of zombies now, and no trace of the destroyer has been found ..." Fang Chong said, looking back.

When he was just a few of them in Huangqianchuan, he probably observed the surrounding situation. In most locations of the gymnasium, there were traces of zombies, most of which were Hulks, and there were several Terminators.

Because of the existence of the Terminator and the possibility of the Destroyer, Fang Chong did not choose to attack again.

After all, if there is a Destroyer, his speed can't hide from Destroyer's eyes.

Fang Chong knew that now it was the strength of the group.

"How do you say that?" Listening to Fang Chong's words, Song Ming chose to ask directly, he was not as smart as others, Fang Chong said this, he was more difficult to understand.

"A big attack, I believe that if there is a Destroyer in the stadium, you don't need to find it, it will come out ..." Fang Chong fainted, Song Ming's words, at this time well tuned the atmosphere.

"Okay ..." To confirm Fang Chong's meaning, Song Ming said nothing, and plunged out his sword.

Song Ming's first hit was to split a Hulk from top to bottom with an explosive force that could not cover his ears ...

Although Song Ming's momentum was brave, the consequence was that most of the zombies in the gym heard the sound.

After discovering the existence of several of them, these zombies can be said to be howling and rushed up ...

"Kill ..." Fang Chong's complexion was calm and he looked at several howling Hulks rushing towards him. After Fang Chong faintly said something, the long sword in his hand waved long ago.

Just a few moments, all of the Hulks fell to the ground. These Hulks all fell to their heads. From this point, it is not difficult to see that Fang Chong is more and more familiar with the use of combat power ...

"Kill ..." Fang Chong's perfect performance completely stimulated Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming. At this point, they screamed and rushed up ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

With the goal, there is no scruples, it can be said that Fang Chong and several of them have completely let go of their hands by this time.

Although the number of zombies in the gym is quite large, the strength of the four of them now is not comparable to the Terminator for the first time.

Even if it was Qin Lan, facing the Terminator alone, without using bows and arrows, dealing with the Terminator would be a bit more work. The Terminator would not cause much trouble to Fang Chong just now.

As for Song Ming, when the body level reaches 200, it becomes even simpler. Basically, a Hulk is a sword, and a terminator is a few swords ...

As for the two of them, as for the more familiar and explosive Fang Chonghuang Qianchuan two, it was even simpler. After much effort, the four of them solved most of the zombies in the gym.

"Roar ..." When Fang Chong was killing them, a huge roar sounded very shockingly.

"Isn't it 'Destroyer' ..." After hearing this loud noise, Fang Chong and the four of them didn't panic and rejoice. What great movement did they make just to attract this Destroyer out?

Now that the destination has been reached, it is naturally very happy.

However, this so-called happiness is only for Fang Chong, Qin Lan and they are quite worried.

Not afraid of death, but lack of heart.

Not afraid of death, but it is not wise to die in vain.

Knowing this, it can be said that Qin Lan was the most worried among them.

Because Fang Chongdai will face the destroyer alone. Fang Chong's strength displayed today is indeed strong, but in the face of the Destroyer, how effective it is, she does not know.

"As the absolute king of zombies," Destroyer "cannot be simple ..." Qin Lan was worried about this.

"It should be ..." After Fang Chong quickly killed several zombies around them, they stood with swords, facing the direction of the sound.

The roar of the "Terminator", Fang Chong they knew for a long time, it is so huge, there is no need to think about it, it can never be.

With such a certainty, Fang Chong and them believed more in the presence of the Destroyer.

"Hmm ....."

Fang Chong's expressions were fluctuating. When they looked nervously, footsteps pierced into their ears.

"Over there…."


Footsteps came over, and Qin Lan, who had a telescope, quickly found the target, directly opposite Fang Chong, on the side of the football stadium in the stadium.

In fact, the distance of hundreds of meters, it is not difficult to see where the destroyer appeared without a telescope.

Fang Chong was in the "Mayan System", although he could not get the real combat level of the "Destroyer", but from the law of evolution, it is not difficult to calculate the approximate level of the "Destroyer" including body size ...

Now it looks like a huge 'Destroyer'. The body is undoubtedly the same as 'Maya' told Fang Chong, the height should be infinitely close to ten meters, and the battle level will not be lower than the '300 level' ...

I have to say that this huge body has indeed caused a lot of pressure on Fang Chong, and the sense of oppression is great ...

"Should be more than ten meters tall?" After Qin Lan said the direction of the "Destroyer", Fang Chong's eyes were almost all attracted by the "Destroyer".

The figure of the "Destroyer" is, in Fang Chong's view, a completely mobile "huge building"

"Almost, according to the original plan, I will fight the destroyers ..." Fang Chong walked out from the side of Song Ming and Qin Lan and walked forward slowly.

"Fang Chong ..." Qin Lan looked worried.

"It's okay, you have to believe in my strength ..." Fang Chong smiled slightly, and now that he has no choice.

And in terms of time, they are also left with little time.

Although there are not many dead zombies in the gym, the roar when the "Destroyer" appeared just now can never be purposeless. In Fang Chong's view, the Destroyer should be "summoning the zombies" 'Cause ...

"Um ..." Qin Lan suddenly rose into the air at this time. Although he didn't know her, what was the power of this bow and arrow, "Yu Yu", but he still wanted to shoot in the air when Fang Chong was in an emergency.

In Qin Lan's view, the 'Destroyer' might be very powerful in other places, but the eyes are definitely not the same. In Qin Lan's view, the eyes are definitely the weakness of the 'Destroyer'.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Roar ..."

After the Destroyer found Fang Chong's existence, his footsteps became faster and faster, and his huge body ran unexpectedly. Fang Chong's huge feet, more than one meter in length, stepped on the grass in the football field. Just talking about a deep pit, it is not difficult to see that the huge weight of the 'Destroyer'.

Fang Chong's expression was very wonderful at this time. He didn't know his own figure. What if he was hit with a punch or stepped on the 'Destroyer'?

He thought, should it be fled or trampled?

However, as the ground vibrations intensified, Fang Chong had no more time to think about it, and the speed of the 'Destroyer' running up was also unexpected.

In the blink of an eye ~ www.readwn.com ~ The Destroyer ’has come not far in front of him, he is not prepared, and he is afraid that he will really be flies.

The expression on Fang Chong's face gradually disappeared as the 'Destroyer' approached, and the dignity slowly rose up. The expression on Fang Chong's face had never been serious.

Fang Chong is now pretty sure that this destroyer is the most powerful opponent he has to face since the last days, especially the 'destroyer' horrible body.

Fang Chong really didn't know **** him ...

Fang Chong knows the huge body of the 'Destroyer'. Although the long sword in his hand is extremely sharp, it is said to be a long sword, but this will be in front of this 'Destroyer', not even a dagger capital. The soles of your feet are much longer than your sword ...

This is Fang Chong's most headache. What is the weakness of this destroyer? Fang Chong is very tangled ...

"Destroyer" is such a huge body that he couldn't find a place to attack ...


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