I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 372: Destroyed Destroyer

Chapter 372 The Destroyed Destroyer


When Fang Chong was struggling to get started, the huge Destroyer would not be polite to you and would run towards Fang Chong without any compromise. m

Fang Chong seemed to be beating with that kind of violent vibration.

"Spelled… .." Feeling the shock of the 'Destroyer' running, Fang Chong's expression returned to calmness. Fang Chong knew that if he did not prepare, when the Destroyer approached, he would have no time to react.

Although Fang Chong does not yet know what the level of the 'Destroyer' is, it is definitely beyond 300 levels.

The level of 300 is not something that Fang Chong can deal with casually. Fang Chong knows that if he is not careful, he will probably suffer a lot.

Without knowing where the weakness of the 'Destroyer' is, it is impossible for Fang Chong to arbitrarily confront this 'Destroyer', it is not cost-effective at all ...

"Roar ..." The Destroyer approached a height of ten meters, with great footsteps, and a distance of hundreds of meters. Within a short while, the Destroyer stepped in front of Fang Chong.

Seeing Fang Chong's indifference, he growled angrily. When Fang Chong was beside him, his body bent slightly, almost at the same time, a huge fist greeted Fang Chong's body ...

With a fist over half a meter in diameter, Fang Chong didn't dare to stop, and when he was in shape, Fang Chong jumped away quickly.


Fang Chong's body just opened on one side, the fist of the 'Destroyer', but after being avoided by Fang Chong, the huge fist hit the grass with the strength of howling.

Suddenly, a pit more than one meter deep and two meters wide came out where Fang Chong had just stood.

Looking at such a pit, Fang Chong's heart froze for a moment, he could not help but pinch a cold sweat for himself.

In Fang Chong's opinion, if he wanted to block the power of this attack, he was afraid he couldn't stop it.

If such a fist is really bombarded on his body, Fang Chong knows that he would not be better there if he didn't die ...

After Kankan escaped the destroyer's punch, Fang Chong did not dare to stay in the slightest. After standing up from the ground, Fang Chong made a few quick jumps, and suddenly opened a distance of more than ten meters from the 'Destroyer' .

In Fang Chong's view, only such a distance can give him a little time for reaction. After all, the pace of the 'Destroyer' is close to ten meters.

At the same time, Fang Chong was worried that the destroyer would point the attack at Qin Lan, and Fang Chong did not dare to distance himself too far from the 'Destroyer'.

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"You have to think of a way ..." After Fang Chong avoided the fierce attacks of the Destroyer, his heart was extremely depressed. The fierce attack of the Destroyer, if it was not for his rapid response, would have been forced to hit it hard.

However, Fang Chong also knew in his own mind that following this development, Fang Chong could not support him for too long.

Not to say that physical strength can't be maintained, but to be forced to defend.

With the power of the Destroyer, Fang Chong knew that he really started to make physical contact, and it must be him who suffered from iron.

Fortunately, Qin Lan, after seeing the terrible place of the Destroyer, had opened a distance of hundreds of meters with Fang Chong them. Both Song Minghuang Qianchuan stood at the entrance of the stadium. As for Qin Lan, she simply flew up In the air, her purpose was very simple, to find the opportunity to give the destroyer an arrow.

Qin Lan now doesn't even want to think if the arrow shot by Yu Yu can cause damage to the destroyer ...

Her heart now seems to be closely linked with Fang Chong, Fang Chong fluttered and hid, making her heart up and down, as if one accidentally jumped out of his throat ...

Knowing Qin Lan, they already understood his intentions. Fang Chong's pressure was not as great as before. As soon as the range of activities became wider, he was more relaxed, but Fang Chong's nerves were still tightly strained in the face of the destroyer who was next to him. With.

Now Fang Chong, facing such a huge destroyer, really felt a sense of helplessness, like "mouse dragging a gourd, no way to speak ..."

"Boom ..." Fang Chong just flashed in front of the iron pillar, and the fist of the destroyer arrived, hitting the iron pillar more than thirty centimeters in diameter.

The iron pillar collapsed ...

"Damn, it's really endless ..." Fang Chong almost glared, and the destroyer really approached him. However, Fang Chong found it very depressing that he really has no way to deal with this destroyer.

"Fang Chong, do you want me to help ..." Huang Qianchuan shouted loudly at the entrance of the stadium, watching Fang Chong look so embarrassed.

Huang Qianchuan can certainly see the current situation of Fang Chong, and at the same time the strength of the Destroyer, but if he looks at Fang Chong like this, he can't do it without a trace of power and still stand by. Here.

However, before thinking of Fang Chong, he always told him not to go to help him, so he would have to ask. Otherwise, it would have been washed down ...

"No, you are not an opponent. I won't be dangerous for the time being ..." Fang Chong knew that Huang Qianchuan was not pretending. If he nodded now, he was afraid that Song Ming would rush down as well.

After fighting with the 'Destroyer' for a few minutes, Fang Chong already knew the extent to which the Destroyer's strength had reached. It is absolute beyond the 300th level, and this level, Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan came to help, there is no point at all effect.

Worry more than others, it's better to hold on.

Fang Chong is waiting, waiting for information from the Maya system.

Fang Chong did not expect that this time it would be so troublesome to ask for information about the destroyer from the Maya system.

Not only the appearance of the Destroyer is not given in the Maya system, the weakness is the same, but it is also speechless. Maya does not even know the level of the Destroyer ...

This kind of strangeness, Fang Chong really depressed.


"The continuous roar of the Destroyer just now may attract a lot of zombies. You have to keep the entrance of the stadium ..." Fang Chong continued to run, saying, fortunately for Fang Chong, he was able to stabilize the Destroyer at speed. For the time being, as long as Fang Chong keeps going, the destroyer will absolutely have nothing to do with Fang Chong.

"Be careful yourself, other zombies, we kill one at one end, we kill one at two, we will definitely not let them step into the gym half a step ..." Song Ming's eyes were outward, Fang Chong said before that they would block him Other zombies.

"Okay ..." Fang Chong worked hard to adjust his breathing, and the consequences of continuous running began to appear.

After answering Song Ming's sentence, Fang Chong stopped talking, this kind of seemingly chic dual purpose. Actually, it is still a waste of energy. If it wasn't for worrying about Huang Qianchuan's enthusiasm, they would not be so bold ...


As soon as Fang Chong's voice fell, the Destroyer gave a furious roar, and the speed at his feet actually increased a bit.

Fang Chong's dual-purpose performance just angered the Destroyer completely.

"Eh ..." Fang Chong did not expect that the destroyer could explode again after such continuous and fast running. When caught off guard, Fang Chong could only rush the fist to resist the destroyer's fast approaching fist ... .

"Touch ..." The fist was connected with the sword. Fang Chong only felt a huge force coming from the place where the sword body was in contact with the destroyer's fist. Then he felt a numbness in the arm holding the sword. This huge Under the power, Fang Chong almost couldn't hold the sword ...

Going down, Fang Chong just left his feet on the ground, and the man flew backwards, hitting the stadium's grandstand ...

"Damn ..." After smashing several rows of chairs in a row, Fang Chong scolded and stood up from the ground, wiping off a trace of blood from the corners of his mouth, Fang Chong's expression slowly subsided.

Fang Chong knew that it would not be possible to continue the cat-and-mouse play.

The Destroyer will be able to explode again. It is not difficult to see that Fang Chong has run so long just now, and it has no effect on the physical strength of the Destroyer.

Thinking of this, Fang Chong knew that he wasted a lot of energy just now.

"What the **** to do?" Fang Chong's expression was dignified, and the hand holding the sword could not help but heavier.


"Host, destroyer's information is out, whether to read it ..." When Fang Chong was about to take the initiative to attack, Fang Chong finally rang out in his ears and waited for a long time. He almost ignored Maya.

Hearing Maya's voice appeared, Fang Chong stiffly stopped the steps to rush out.

"Of course it is reading ..." After Fang Chong stopped, he silently chose to read. He really wanted to scold his mother. The Maya guy today doesn't know if he has fallen into his head. He is now forced to do so by the destroyer. Wolverine, do n’t you have any information?

He really wanted to point to Maya and say, what you said is nonsense ...

"Okay, host, please wait a moment ..." Maya did not respond to Fang Chong's tone, but she still calmly answered.

"Uh ..." Fang Chong didn't expect that Maya would even say that he had to wait for a while, his old face turned red.

In the end, there was no other way, Fang Chong could only breathe deeply. He said bluntly, "OK."

Fortunately, this time Maya did not let Fang Chong wait any longer. In less than thirty seconds, Maya's voice rang again in Fang Chong's ear.

"Destroyer, the ultimate body of zombie evolution, level, 300 or more, attack method, burst fist, mature destroyer has skills, burst fire fist ..." Maya began to introduce the situation of the destroyer.

"Zombie ultimate body, is it mature yet?" Fang Chong was surprised when he heard Maya's introduction.

"Yes, the Destroyer's maturity level is definitely more than 400. In general, the Destroyer below 350 is not mature ..." Maya continued.

"The destroyer now is the kind of ..." When Fang Chong's expression became more exciting when he heard that the "Destroyer" had a mature individual with more than four hundred levels.

Fang Chong knows that if today the level of the "Destroyer" exceeds 400, they will not have a chance to win ...

"Immature 'Destroyer', the level is 310 ..." Maya seemed to feel Fang Chong nervous.

"That's okay, but Maya, are there any weaknesses in this 'Destroyer ...'" Fang Chong asked with a sigh of relief.

Now Fang Chong has pinned her hopes on Maya ...

"The eye is the most vulnerable place of the" Destroyer ". The evolutionary ultimate body of zombies is almost the same as that of humans. Of course, it means that the structure of the body is restored to the appearance of humans, but the strength, speed, and defense are dozens of times of humans ... "Maya said.

"Eye ..." Fang Chong didn't think of this position, but wanted to attack the eyes of the Destroyer who was close to ten meters tall.

Qin Lan also said that she wanted to attack the ‘Destroyer’ ’s eyes, but from now until now, Qin Lan has not attacked, and it is not difficult to see the difficulty ...


"The position of the throat and the position of the heart of the chest ..." Knowing that Fang Chong was very puzzled, he did not say two more positions. "The same goes for taking down the Destroyer's head ..."

"Well, I know ..." Fang Chong shook his head helplessly, listening to the positions Maya said.

From these positions that Maya said, Fang Chong can see that the fatal weakness of the destroyer is really no different from humans, but Fang Chong knows that it is really difficult.

But now there is no other way. After Fang Chong understood, knowing that Maya had said everything he knew, he cut off the call with Maya ...

How long did the "Destroyer" wait?

After cutting off the conversation with the Maya system, Fang Chong's gaze was still staring at the Destroyer. From now until now, after suffering a loss, he has not relaxed a bit ...


The 'Destroyer' seemed to be really guessed by Fang Chong. When Fang Chong was about to attack, the Destroyer burst into a roar.

Immediately, her huge body ran towards Fang Chong ...

"Rely on it, it's okay not to fight ..." Fang Chong watched the 'Destroyer' rush towards him, and after swearing in his mouth, his body also moved. This time, Fang Chong no longer stepped back and was tall Leap up, raise the sword in your hand, and greet the body of the destroyer with your head and face covered ....

Fang Chong's speed broke out completely at this time. He knew that in the face of a destroyer whose strength exceeded 300 and reached 310, if he did not break out, there would be no chance of victory at all.

In the face of absolute strength, Fang Chong knows that all moves are imaginary, and ‘Destroyer’ is still such a super-defensive guy. If he attacks hard, he can do little damage to the Destroyer.

Fang Chong didn't desperately chose it until he knew this ...

"Kill ..." Just after Fang Chong's body leaped, the sword in his hand turned quickly.

Fang Chong did not know if the ‘stacked chop’ move could be used on a long sword, but at this time, he would n’t explode and would n’t use ‘skills’? It is impossible to cause harm to the 'Destroyer'.

Fang Chong has no other good method, he can only die now as a living horse doctor ...


It may be felt that Fang Chong's actions such as non-regression are provoking his dignity, and the 'Destroyer' is looking up at Fang Chong's body, and is raising his head and screaming.

Then, the huge body increased the speed a little bit.

A huge fist rushed towards the side of Chong Fang's body banging.


"Touch ..." The sword in Fang Chong's hand had just turned five times, and the huge fist of the 'Destroyer' had already come to Fang Chong's. I did not expect that the 'Destroyer' had the ability to break out, Fang Chong can only choose to rush.

As for the effect of the shot, Fang Chong did not dare to think much at this time.

Fang Chong still doesn't know what the level of this sword is, although he said that the sword in his hand can smoothly turn around. But how effective is it? Fang Chong didn't know.

Facing the approaching fists of the "Destroyer", Fang Chong also decided to resist.

As for the result, let it be ...

Between the electric light and flint, Fang Chong's sword turned into a streamer of ‘light cyan’, and he struck down the ‘Destroyer’ ’s chest.

And the fist of the 'Destroyer' came to Fang Chong's chest at such a speed that Fang Chong could not make any response.

No accident, Fang Chong's sword unexpectedly fell into the position of the 'Destroyer''s chest, and red blood poured out at once. Although there was no major wound, the sword had broken the Destroyer's chest. 'Scale armor'.

However, Fang Chong was too late to be fortunate that the sword could cause damage to the 'Destroyer' by using the superimposed chop, because at this time, the fist of the 'Destroyer' had hit Fang Chong's chest accurately.

A huge force of more than 30,000 kilograms bombarded Fang Chong's body. Although this huge power also blocked the armor set, the strongest defense of the feather defense was no more than 250. The Destroyer, whose strength should reach the level of 310, this punch has exceeded its defensive range.

Feather defense can really do very little.

As the chest tightened, it hurt.

Fang Chong was under the illusion of suffocation ~ www.readwn.com ~ but felt that the ribs of his chest had broken.

However, it was so good to be blocked by the ‘feather defense’. Although the ribs were broken, in a short time, it would not have much impact on Fang Chong ’s actions.

Although Fang Chong was severely hit, at this time, his mind was still calm and abnormal. At the same time when his body was bombed by the 'Destroyer', the long sword that had been inserted into the Destroyer's body was pulled and twisted ...


"Roar ..." This intense pain made the Destroyer scream.

If the previous sword did not cause much damage to the 'Destroyer', Fang Chong's last pull was not so simple.

Without the place protected by ‘scale armor’, the long sword in Fang Chong ’s hand is no longer vegetarian. In this way, the blood of the “Destroyer” ’s chest is flowing like a spring ...

His pain can be heard from the screams of the Destroyer.

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