I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 373: Continuous hit

Chapter 373 Consequences


When the sword in Fang Chong's hands completely broke from the Destroyer's body, the position where the sword was pierced, the blood flowed out more fiercely, just like a small water column. M

Such a scene, Fang Chong secretly rejoiced.

From such a scene, it is not difficult for Fang Chong to see that this sword should have punctured the aorta of the Destroyer. Otherwise, at the level of the ultimate body in the zombie such as the Destroyer, such a wound would never flow out. So much blood.

Fang Chong knew that if he kept the destroyer for a few minutes at this rate of blood retention, he would have a chance of winning if he didn't need to fight.

In this attack, Fang Chong saw the devastation of the destroyer now, Fang Chong knew it was worth it.

Now Fang Chong hopes that this attack will have an impact on the destroyers.

After all, he just killed the sword of the destroyer in the stab, and he also paid a lot of money.

Although the Destroyer was stabbed by his sword, his body was also severely hit by the Destroyer, under the huge force of 30,000 kilograms.

Fang Chong's body flew upside down, and the bright red blood kept flowing from his mouth. The ribs are broken, and the damage caused by the other side is still great.

Although there was no secondary injury caused by the fracture of the ribs, Fang Chong's internal organs were injured by the force of more than 30,000 pounds ...

"Damn, the 300th level is the 300th level, this power ..." Fang Chong's body was squatting on the grass half-knelt after being punched tens of meters away by the destroyer.

Fang Chong coughed with his left hand at the position where the destroyed person hit.

This kind of internal organs seems to turn over. Fang Chong knows that his injury is heavier than the consequences he had considered before. In addition to underestimating the destroyer's strength, the more important point is that Fang Chong overestimates the defense ability of Fei .

Otherwise, there will not be such a scene in this meeting. This kind of injury is the first time for Fang Chong, Fang Chong is more clear. Now the damage of the destroyer does not seem to be light. If this blow can destroy the destroyer just now, , This blow is very worthwhile, otherwise, his life is a little dangling today, a careless one will easily explain here ...

Fang Chong couldn't help sighing after calming down the restlessness in his heart. Sigh the power of creatures above 300.

Fang Chong was a little depressed, and he knew that in the future, he must be careful about creatures above 300 levels ...


"Roar ..." Just after Fang Chong's body stabilized, he hadn't had time to adjust his breathing too much, and the roar of the destroyer rang again.

Such a voice would be heard in Fang Chong, and his mood was very depressed.

"Are you coming again?" Fang Chong was in a heavy mood, and how he is now in physical condition, he knew what he was thinking.

The consequences of the punch of the Destroyer just now are quite serious. At least the power that Fang Chong can play now is at most half of what it was before ...

Fang Chong didn't have the bottom of his heart. He didn't know whether the next attack of the destroyer could escape.

With a slight expression, Fang Chong slowly got up from the ground, staring at the Destroyer. He didn't dare to carelessly. He now needs to pay attention to the Destroyer all the time and try to make a judgment before the Destroyer attacks. In this way, he can do his best to avoid the attack of the destroyer ...

Otherwise, let the Destroyer take another punch, he will surely die ...

With the sword in front and his body leaning forward slightly, when Fang Chong saw that the Destroyer did not attack immediately, his body took a posture of attacking and retreating.

It can be said that Fang Chong is most familiar with this action.

After taking a deep breath, Fang Chong's body suddenly moved ...

"Human, die ..." Fang Chong immediately took the initiative after seeing signs of the Destroyer's body being slightly ready to move.

Fang Chong has observed from the observation just now that the situation of the Destroyer is the same as that of him. He cannot be compared with the one who was not injured before. From the wound that is still bleeding, Fang Chong finally dared to confirm this meeting. good results….

The Destroyer can't wait for the injury, and the speed of that blood flow, even if it is such a huge body, cannot last long.

Fang Chong knew that the great reason why the Destroyer chose to take the initiative at this meeting was that the Destroyer knew he could not afford to wait.


"Superimposed chop ..." Listening to the words of the Destroyer, Fang Chong's expression did not change much, the Terminator was able to speak, and the Destroyer's level was even higher, not surprising.

Although he knew that the destroyer could not wait, Fang Chong still did not dare to let the destroyer have time to stop. If Fang Chong did not know if the destroyer had time, the wound would stop immediately.

Fearing that this possibility might arise, Fang Chong also knew that now he must put pressure on the destroyers. As long as the Destroyer moves, his physical consumption will not be less.

Fang Chong's purpose is simple: to force the destroyer to move. As long as the destroyer moves, the wound on his chest that is not small cannot be scabbed.

Fang Chong wanted to let the Destroyer continue his blood flow ...

With this intention in Fang Chong's heart, the attack was not vague at all. After a loud drink, Fang Chong's body ran quickly, leaving a trail of residue in the air.

At the same time, the long sword in Fang Chong's hands was not idle either.

After the long sword in his hand had caused considerable damage to the destroyer, Fang Chong was quite sure that the sharpness of the sword was enough to break the destroyer's defense.

After proving this, Fang Chong clenched his sword and his arms turned quickly.

"One lap, two laps ..." Fang Chong counted silently. The distance between him and the "Destroyer" was at most that the two breaths would be in contact.

Fang Chong is not nervous ...


"Human! Death ..." is almost the same as Fang Chong expected, but between the two breaths, no more than one minute, the huge body of the "Destroyer" has appeared in front of Fang Chong's eyes, a loud drink, a huge fist Fang Chong was attacked with still-dry blood.

Smelling the strong **** smell, the smile on Fang Chong's face became even brighter.

Although the "Destroyer" attack looks brave, its strength and speed are not comparable before. In the case of Fang Chong's outbreak, it seems that the "Destroyer" must hit a punch when it is about to hit the Chinese side's chest. , The situation suddenly changed, Fang Chong seemed to be unpleasant and easily avoided the punch of the 'Destroyer' ...

Fang Chong brushed his shoulders with the fist of the Destroyer at a dangerous and extreme distance. Fang Chong was taking risks. He bet that this time the Destroyer had no explosive power.

What Fang Chong did not expect was that he really made a bet this time. When the fist of the "Destroyer" half a meter in diameter rubbed his face, the distance between the two was less than two centimeters.

Fang Chong knew that just now, as long as the fist of the "Destroyer" was shaken slightly, his head was likely to be blown.

However, it is impossible. After Fang Chongkan escaped this extremely dangerous blow, the long sword in his hand also used the skill of 'stacking chop' to explode.

The conversion of the long sword has reached the tenth turn, Fang Chong shouted, the speed of the long sword was so fast that it was hard to detect with the naked eye.

After making a slight noise, the blade hit the 'Destroyer' accurately.

Because the 'Destroyer' never thought that Fang Chong could have escaped the punch he felt must have been attacked just after being attacked with one punch.

And this consequence is that after Fang Chongkan escaped such a blow, the destroyer's entire chest was presented in front of Fang Chong without defense.

With such a great opportunity, it is impossible for Fang Chong to miss such an opportunity-grabbing man.

The sword is from top to bottom, and the ‘Blade’ is cut off from the shoulder of the ‘Destroyer’ by the huge explosive power brought by the ‘stacked cut’ skill.

The sword edged into the meat three points, and suddenly a deep wound straight from the position of the "Destroyer" shoulder to the chest.

A wound more than half a meter deep showed bone.

Coincidentally, this sword with huge destructive power, in the end, also plunged into the position where Fang Chong's first sword hurt the 'Destroyer'.

The sharpness of the long sword was fully reflected in the last stroke.

The blood wound still appeared, and the meat on both sides was damaged by the sword of Fang Chong, just like a flower roll. The meat turned up. Fang Chong could clearly see the white bones under the muscles ...

In this scene, we can see how deep the wound ...

After succeeding again, Fang Chong's feet were pounding heavily on the belly of the Destroyer, and the body quickly rebounded out by the force of this chirp.

The actions were done in one go, and the destroyer had no time to make any response. Fang Chong was far away from ...

"Hou ..." Fang Chong's body left the range of the destroyer's attack, and did not stay in the slightest. He quickly soared backward for dozens of meters to stabilize.

Fang Chong's series of actions were completed in less than ten seconds, and Fang Chong felt a little stupid at this speed.

However, this series of actions made Fang Chong's five internal organs, which had not been seriously injured, once again stand the test of no small amount.

The position where I had a “bone fracture” on my chest felt even hotter, and the breath was surging, and one couldn't help but spit out the steaming blood.

Fang Chong flushed ...

But when I sent it, the situation of the 'Destroyer' was not so optimistic. I was hit twice in a row. The pain caused by the deep wound made the king of Destroyer's zombies unable to moan. stand up.

Listening to the painful roar of the "Destroyer", Fang Chong's heart was as calm as water, not because he was cold-blooded, but instead of killing the "Destroyer", he died ...

Filled with killing is the end time ...


"This voice?" The screaming voice of 'Destroyer' passed into Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan from time to time. They even had an impulse. They wanted to go and see how Fang Chong and the 'Destroyer's battle were going.

However, from the fierce voice that passed through, it is not difficult for them to think that the fighting in this meeting has entered a state of "white fever".

They did not dare to walk away. The destroyers resembled screams. In addition to attracting the attention of Emperor Song of the Ming Dynasty, various zombies outside the gymnasium were also heard.

Song Ming, Huang Qianchuan saw his first zombie return to the gym, his expression became more serious, but he firmly remembered what he said today ...

"Keep the entrance to the stadium and you cannot put a zombie."

"Fang Chong should have the upper hand. Otherwise, it would be really hard to hear the" destroyer "making such a terrible cry ..." Song Ming analyzed slowly,

"It's time to test both of us ..." Huang Qianchuan agreed with Song Ming's sentence, and Huang Qianchuan also wanted to understand after passing this sentence.

Knowing that Fang Chong had temporarily gained the upper hand, Huang Qianchuan's expression relaxed.

Without pressure, they will deal with an exaggerated number of zombies next, but without any worries, Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming have calm expressions. His eyes looked hot.

Soon, Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan started to act.

When the zombies didn't respond at first, they had already fought forward.

The pace accelerated towards the slowly growing number of zombies.

The depression that was severely suppressed when the two destroyed people appeared before felt that this time it was completely blown up.

In the case of full speed and full power, even the Hulk was not able to walk in the hands of Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan.

Almost yes, a zombie was cut off with a single knife.

This speed, even when the two people talked afterwards, they were all amazed ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Turn around, turn around ..." Unlike Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming, there are zombies to kill, but to vent the depression in the heart, Qin Lan flying in the air was very nervous at this time.

The process of Fang Chong's heavy blow to the destroyer just looked at her for a second. When Fang Chong flew out, Qin Lan could not help but rushed down to help.

However, Qin Lan did not expect that when her body was about to land quickly, Fang Chong bounced off the ground surprisingly. This speed made Qin Lan's heart relax a little.

However, knowing the strength of the destroyer, Qin Lan knew that although Fang Chong would look fierce, but the injury was certainly not light.

The scene of Fang Chong vomiting blood was also seen in her eyes.

However, Qin Lan also knows that, with her current strength, even if she goes down to the ground, even if she is desperately working with this destroyer, she has no other use except to die.

After all, with the strength he now has, he slashed the Destroyer with one stroke, fearing that none of the wounds could be left.

Knowing this, Qin Lan has been patient, she knows that he must wait for a chance, a chance that can give the destroyer a fatal blow.

Later, when Qin Lan saw Fang Chong take the initiative to attack, she was shocked and happy. She was frightened that Fang Chong had something unexpected, and she was happy that Fang Chong had already had the power to fight against the destroyer.

However, after a few fights, Fang Chong vomited blood again. Qin Lan was very tangled, but she also saw that the destroyer seemed to have reached a bottleneck.

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Turn around ..." Qin Lan had taken Yushou out of her hand, and she kept praying in her heart, praying that the destroyer turned around, and he wanted to surprise Fang Chong.

But the destroyer seemed to feel that Qin Lan was about to attack him. Always give Qin Lan the back. For a time, Qin Lan still had nothing to worry about.

"Fang Chong attracted the destroyer here ..." Qin Lan did not intend to ask Fang Chong to find a chance for her, but in the face of such a cunning destroyer, Qin Lan could not help it.

Before knowing if the Destroyer was sly or if she was out of luck today, she knew things couldn't be held up anymore.

Now, there is only one solution that Qin Lan can think of.

Let Fang Chong help to attract the devastated devastator to Qin Lan, which can give him a place.

"Okay ..." Fang Chong looked up and saw Qin Lan with a nervous expression on his face, and nodded slightly, indicating that he knew.

"Well, be careful ..." Qin Lan waved. She didn't know what Fang Chong was hurting now, but at this time, she couldn't drag any longer. If she continued to drag on, the danger would no longer be the "destroyer", but them.

Song Ming, Huang Qianchuan has already begun fighting with zombies. It can be said that the "Destroyer" has a powerful reserve force, and they are dragged with "Destroyer", then there are only two words, which is "finding death."

They are four of them here, and they can't afford to lose.

Qin Lan knew this, but Fang Chong didn't know it.

When Qin Lan flew backwards, Fang Chong's body also moved. Fang Chong knew that if he wanted the Destroyer to follow him and attract the attention of the Destroyer, how could he attract it?

It's not the first time Fang Chong has dealt with the 'Destroyer'. uukanshu. Fang Chong knows that the most direct way is to anger him.

"Come on, sample ..." After Fang Chong had a general attention in his heart, he slightly adjusted his body's posture and stabilized his rapid breathing. Fang Chong extended his fingers towards the destroyer and raised his finger gently ...

When he was finished, Fang Chong began to rush out.

If you want to create an opportunity, you ca n’t do it without desperate effort. Fang Chong howled and ran toward the destroyer with a long sword ...

"Roar ...". The sword that has been in Fang Chong's hands has been eaten twice in a row. ‘Destroyer 'is very smart this time. He snarled and did not directly pick up the sword in Fang Chong's hands.


Although he is unwilling to directly confront Fang Chong, Fang Chong's speed is behind them. The speed has already surpassed them a lot. They want to get rid of it. It is really difficult ...


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