I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 374: Arrow Burst

Chapter 374 Arrow Burst


Fang Chong was very fierce. Although the destroyer put out his fist to resist, the sharp blade cut the fist of the destroyer, and blood poured out with the sword at once. m

Fang Chong, who succeeded in one hit, did not continue the action.

Although it is said to be desperate, the opportunity is not now. Fang Chong's purpose now is to anger the destroyer.

After the sword was quickly drawn back, before the destroyer was furious, it seemed that the soles of his feet were oiled, and his body exploded backwards by dozens of meters.

However, in order to attract the destroyer firmly, the distance between Fang Chong and the destroyer was maintained at about 30 meters. This distance was the distance that Fang Chong was sure to avoid the sudden attack when the destroyer broke out.

The dog jumped off the wall, and the rabbit bite.

Fang Chong knew this, so he didn't want to be an injustice.

"Roar ..." Fang Chong completed a series of actions. As for the destroyer, he felt the pain from his fist. Although the wound was not big, Fang Chong's attacks on it several times today caused him to be injured. This was against him. Provocation, naked provocation, it can be said that after he evolved into a zombie ultimate body like the Destroyer, he no longer knows what pain is.

But today ...

The wrath of the Destroyer completely erupted at this time. After a long howl, a pair of eyes larger than the copper bell was several levels red, and it seemed to be really burned by the fire ...

The eyes with fire stared at Fang Chong, the kind of tyrannical look, as if he was going to strip Fang Chong.

Feeling the desperate eyes of the Destroyer, the weight of Fang Chong's expression aggravated a little bit, he knew that the next time is the most dangerous time today, as long as the victory of today's battle belongs to them ...

But Fang Chong knew in his heart that in his current situation, he wanted to defeat the Destroyer? It's really tough.

The destroyer under the fury has more than twice the explosive power. Although the power is still maintained at more than 300 points, the speed and response are the most worrying of Fang Chong.

As long as he is punched again now, it will be a miracle if he doesn't die.

Yu Fang's role in facing the Destroyer is minimal.

"Human, death ..." In front of Fang Chong, the breath of the Destroyer became stronger and stronger. After more than a minute, the violent breath of the Destroyer finally reached its peak.

At this time, the Destroyer finally showed the breath of his zombie king completely. Under this pressure, Fang Chong's original unpredictable mood also began to shake.

Fang Chong's expression became harder to look.

The breath of light has such a strong pressure. It is not difficult for Fang Chong to imagine that if the destroyer starts the attack with all his strength, he may appear to be shaking.

In the face of such a destroyer, Fang Chongshen took a deep breath and calmed down the fluctuations. Fang Chong knew that at this time, the real test began. If the breath was intimidating, they stood in and walked in today, afraid that they would not even have the opportunity to lie down and carry it out.

How much does the destroyer hate him? Fang Chong didn't know that the anger that came through the eyes of the destroyer was anxious to tear him to pieces.

"Roar ..." The Destroyer's body finally moved.

Waving a huge fist, running towards the side of the mountain like a shake ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Come on. Let's have a good fight ..." Fang Chong saw that the Destroyer had completely erupted, and his mind was unexpectedly calm. After having no fear, the pressure from the Destroyer also disappeared. Swept away.

Without timidity or intention to step back, Fang was looking forward to the Destroyer, and stomped his feet on the ground. At this time, nearly two hundred levels of power broke out completely. After a loud roar, Fang Chong's body burst into force and rushed towards him. Destroyer.

After the huge force of more than 20,000 kilograms completely broke out, a stone pit blasted directly on the pavement of the side of the football field, and the pit was covered with gravel.

"Boom ..." After the destroyer and Fang Chong completely broke out of power, they collided almost instantaneously, and the speed exceeded the frequency that the naked eye could catch.

A sound similar to the explosion sounded from where Fang Chong contacted the destroyer.

For a while, the bodies of the two exchanged quickly, and they were inextricably linked.

This speed, this strength, Fang Chong did not reveal many disadvantages due to his flexible body.

Fang Chong knew that many powers of the Destroyer, including the power of the fist, needed to borrow. In simple terms, the punch had to be opened a certain distance from the place where the fist would hit. Only in this way could the power be exploded.

After all, it is impossible for the Destroyer to learn Wing Chun Boxing. Although Fang Chong did not learn boxing skills or other before the end of the world, Weng Chun ’s unbelievable Fang Chong is still heard.

It seems that of all the boxing methods, only Wing Chun does not need the power of leverage.

Knowing that the destroyer can never learn Wing Chun, after Fang Chong contacted the destroyer, this was the idea. Fang Chong had already realized the power of the destroyer's fist. Hard to beat, he couldn't fight, he could only make the destroyer not burst out of all the power.

Fortunately, Fang Chong, the destroyer, was not able to respond immediately when facing the close attack. Every punch was either missed or insufficient power. When he hit Fang Chong, it did not cause any damage. s damage.

After the Destroyer had no way to fully explode his power, the role of feather defense became prominent again.

After receiving several punches in a row, Fang Chong had no substantial injuries except for his body shaking.

After Fang Chong tasted the sweetness, the speed of his body increased even faster, and he remained still with the destroyer, and the distance remained at a position where the destroyer could not fully explode his full power.

The destroyers are getting more and more depressed, and Fang Chong is exactly the opposite of the destroyers.

Keeping the same distance, the Destroyer cannot exert his power, but this situation cannot be applied to Fang Chong's body. Fang Chong only has a height of more than 1.8 meters, and none of the five Fang Chong can match the Destroyer. This situation Fang Chong finally had an advantage.

The Destroyer cannot use his full strength, but Fang Chong does not have this problem. The fierceness between the two? Fang Chong was able to burst out easily.

The destroyer was fine on Fang Chong, almost like tickling, but the destroyer was not so lucky.

After Fang Chong completely broke out of power, the destroyer's defense faced the long sword and could not be completely blocked. As the contact time increased, the destroyer's chest position, including his fist, arms, and back, added a few more bloodstains. .

The original dark brown scale was gradually dyed red ...


Fang Chongyue fought more and more bravely. On the contrary, the situation of the Destroyer was a little less optimistic. As the wounds on his body gradually increased, the time prolonged, and excessive blood loss, the speed advantage that originally broke out due to the fury gradually lost.

However, although Fang Chong did not suffer much damage, when the destroyer's speed dropped, he also pulled back.

At the same continuous explosion speed, Fang Chong's physical strength gradually became unsupported.

Knowing that he might pull off, Fang Chong ran away with his strength.

Fang Chong knew that Qin Lan still existed in the air, and now running away undoubtedly created a good opportunity for Qin Lan. After knowing that he failed in this move, Fang Chong shouted in the air.

His body collapsed, and he opened a distance of tens of meters again. Fang Chong saw that the destroyer had not followed him, and felt that he took out several bottles of genetic medicine and drank it.

Facing physical exhaustion, Fang Chong could only rely on this.

"Roar ..." The Destroyer panted, and the outbreak was forced by Fang Chong so embarrassed. After Fang Chong pulled away from him again, the Destroyer kept roaring.

However, Fang Chong knew that the Destroyer at this time was a bit similar to the end of a storm. Although it wouldn't fall into any kind of time, it was not so good.

Fang Chong discovered this, and he felt very relieved. At the same time, Fang Chong looked up at Qin Lan.

Fang Chong now puts all hope on Qin Lan.

Qin Lan had only one chance, and whether he could shoot the wound on the chest of the destroyer before Chong Chong was a key.

Because that point is now the most vulnerable of the Destroyer's whole body, if Qin Lan attacked the easiest place.

In other positions, there is the protection of scale armor. With the strength of Qin Lan, it should be difficult to break open ...

"Rest assured, I will shoot him ..." Qin Lan could feel Fang Chong's gaze from her, but she did not look down, Qin Lan knew that her opportunity had come.

This opportunity was fought for by Fang Chong, and Qin Lan did not dare to relax in the slightest. The opportunity was only once, and this was true.

Once the Destroyer feels dangerous and escapes into the protection of other zombies, their operation today fails.

Returning tigers to the mountains is endless.

Qin Lan is very clear. Once he escapes than the destroyer, he needs to be killed next time? The difficulty is not comparable again. And the zombies are evolving so fast, he has no idea that the Destroyer will escape again. Will the power become more powerful the next time the Destroyer returns?

This is the most worrying point.

There is no backwards path, no opportunity to start again, Qin Lan is under great pressure, and even the arm holding the bow is slightly trembling.

However, when Qin Lan thought of Fang Chong and thought of all the people she cared about in Shanghai Stock Exchange, Qin Lan's expression returned to calm again.

After slowly speaking to each other in the heart, the long bow in the hands of Yu Yu had been shaped like a full moon by Qin Lan, and the silver arrows were shining in the sun.

After Qin Lan made this series of preparations, he pinched the right hand of the arrow's tail and released it all at once.

Qin Lan is still waiting, waiting for the moment when the Destroyer rises again.

With the character of the Destroyer, Qin Lan believed that it would attack, and would attack Fang Chong with fury.

What she wanted was the explosive power of Yusha at that time, coupled with the speed of the Destroyer's upsurge. The combination of the two would create the best results and hurt the most.

Qin Lan can think of the scene where the arrow stick penetrated the Destroyer's chest and inserted into the heart of the Destroyed ...



Qin Lan guessed right, the destroyer stopped for less than two minutes, his body screamed with a roar, and rushed to Fang Chong. At this time, only one Fang Chong was left in the eyes of the destroyer.

"Good time ..." Fang Chong looked at the destroyer's rushing body, took a deep breath, and quickly put on a defensive posture.

Although the destroyer was seriously injured, such as Fang Chong, but the gap between the levels had already been revealed at this time. The difference was a hundred levels, and the explosive power could not be easily reduced.

Fang Chong Fang Chong almost exhausted his physical strength. Although he recovered a little by genetic medicine, the strength he had just accumulated is not enough to make him fight with the destroyer. And he rushed forward, it is likely to affect Qin Lan's plan.

Fang Chong knew that Qin Lan was also under a lot of pressure now, so he didn't dare to start disturbing ...

The only thing Fang Chong can trust now is Qin Lan.

Life and death are rich in heaven! Fang Chong looked away ...


The body of the destroyer was approaching rapidly, and the distance between Fang Chong and the destroyer was shortened by half in an instant. Fang Chong shouted the atmosphere, just when Fang Chong could feel the wind brought by the destroyer.

A small air burst sounded in my ears.

"蹴… .." After Fang Chong identified the source of the sound as Qin Lan's location in the air, another sound of broken air appeared.

Listening to the two sounds that sounded almost simultaneously, Fang Chong's expression froze for a moment.

‘Arrow burst’? These three words appeared in Fang Chong ’s mind.

Although Fang Chong did not see how Qin Lan fired such two consecutive arrows, Fang Chong knew from the sound that Qin Lan did it.

Prior to today, Fang Chong had never believed that Maya had said this skill about the archer.

After all, Fang Chong has tried a lot. Although the speed of pulling bows and arrows can be increased with the improvement of the level, at the same time, the speed of taking arrows again can be fast, but there is a point that cannot be ignored.

The speed of pulling the bow and shooting the arrow increases, and the speed of fetching the arrow is faster. However, as the level increases, the strength also increases. Therefore, the speed of the arrow from the bow is also much faster. In this case, the speed of fetching the arrow starts The effect is small ...

Because of this, Fang Chong has never believed.

However, the situation of Qin Lan today is achieved, a step that Fang Chong has not believed before today ...

After thinking of the three words, "Feng Jianfa", all the fears on Fang Chong's face were swept away. All his fears disappeared when he heard the sound of the arrows sounding at the same time.

Although the destroyer is extremely powerful, Qin Lan broke through under today's pressure.

At this point, the destroyer is not terrible, and the damage of the destroyer is still in the light. Qin Lan's grasp is even greater.

Fang Chong knew that as long as Qin Lan could hit the wound on the chest of the destroyer, the destroyer would die ...


"Hmm ..."

"Hmm ..."

After Fang Chong had great confidence, he raised his head slightly, and saw two silvery white lights falling from the sky, the goal was very obvious, that is, Fang Chong was standing directly in front of the place.

Fang Chong watched calmly as two silver-white arrows blasted out. At the same time, the destroyer's huge body had arrived not far in front of Fang Chong. Without a roar, the two arrows were instantly submerged. The Destroyer's body.

"Roar ..." The silver arrow was almost completely submerged. The intense pain caused the destroyer to scream in the sky, and the blood chest was not stopped, and the speed of blood flow was accelerated a little more. , Flowing from the ends of the two silver arrows.

"Hit ..." Qin Lan in midair saw the two silver-white arrows immersed in the Destroyer's chest almost at the same time, and suddenly cried. Hearing the screams of the destroyers later, Qin Lan believed that the destroyers had been hit hard.

"Huh ..." Qin Lan finally breathed a sigh of relief. The body also eats slowly and descends from the air.

"Is this dead?" Fang Chong watched the Destroyer froze, but at this time, Fang Chong's eyes were still staring at the Destroyer, and the Destroyer did not fall, Fang Chong did not dare to relax.

Sure enough, the Destroyer's original shaking body suddenly stood upright. Fang Chong, who was very close, suddenly saw the Destroyer's body. At this time, the whole body's muscles were bulging.

"Roar ..." With a terrible roar, the destroyer pulled out the arrow in his chest with one hand.

"This ..." Fang Chong watched the blood pouring from the fountain, his body suddenly froze, and a dangerous breath made his expression very dignified.

The destroyer is about to dying.

Fang Chong's mind jumped out.

"Roar ..." As soon as Fang Chong's thoughts emerged, the Destroyer's body moved. It ignored the wound on his chest, and after a howl, the whole body rushed to Fang Chong.

In fact, it is flapping, but it is better to fall directly. The destroyer's body fell straight to Fang Chong at this time, faster than when the destroyer broke out.

This sudden change, even if Fang Chong had thought of it, but his body still had no time to respond ~ www.readwn.com ~ can only watch the destroyer fall down.

However, under tension, Fang Chong found that the destroyer seemed to have no other power to do other actions. The purpose of his flutter should be to force Fang Chong to death?

Thinking of this, Fang Chong did not know whether to laugh or cry.

If the Destroyer's body is like a hill, if he is really hit, he will be seriously injured if he does not die ...

Fang Chong knew the purpose of the destroyer, and then picked up a long sword. Fang Chong did not know whether the destroyer was completely dead. Even if he was killed, Qin Lan's escape should not be a problem ...

"Zi ....."

It is still the position of the Destroyer's chest and heart. The Destroyer's huge body, with an overweight body, pressed directly on Fang Chong's sword ...

Later, Fang Chong's entire body was also hit by the destroyer's body like a hill ...


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