Chapter 376 Approach


"Go ..." Song Ming shouted as the energy grenade was thrown out. m

Instantly, the three silhouettes did not stop running back, and the power of the energy grenade had long been realized. If you did n’t run, you would be lucky and not hurt, but the gray face was firm.

After running for hundreds of meters in an instant, Song Ming, Huang Qianchuan and Qin Lan stopped.

"Boom ..." Almost as Qin Lan turned their faces, a huge explosion came from the entrance of the stadium.

Six energy grenades exploded at the same time, and Qin Lan could even feel that the earth was shaking slightly.

Once again seeing the power of the energy grenade, Qin Lan spit out her tongue, and the three of them were very happy to run fast.

As for the zombies at the entrance, under such a violent explosion, basically they said that the bones were not there. As for the buildings above the entrance of the stadium, they were exploded at such a distance.

Like Qin Lan's purpose, they collapsed ...

"The goal has been achieved. At least for a short time, we don't need to worry about the zombies coming in. Fang Chong has enough time to rest ..." Slightly panting, Song Ming said after watching the smoke-filled entrance.

"Thanks to Qin Lan coming up with this method, otherwise, there is such a huge amount of Hulk, we really may be here to explain ..." Knowing that the situation has been temporarily controlled, Huang Qianchuan is sitting directly in the middle of the stadium, football Field of grass.

He was fighting so hard just now that the feeling of demobilization is obvious now.

"Today we are still a little bit lost. The strength of the Destroyer is really terrible ..." The expression on Qin Lan's face was calm, and Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan were obviously relieved to see that there was more between Qin Lan's eyebrows A touch of sadness.

Qin Lan was not worried about whether the zombies would breach the stadium, but Fang Chong's current situation.

Fang Chong's current situation is really not optimistic ...


"Yeah, if you know the strength of the destroyer, Fang Chong would not be so hurt ..." Song Ming heard Qin Lan's tone, and then saw Qin Lan's expression, he thought of Fang Chong and knew what Qin Lan was worried about .

Indeed, they all know that such actions today are too presumptuous. It is fortunate that they can do so now.

"We hurriedly took time to rest. After the break, the entrance still needed to be guarded. Although the entrance was blown up, it was difficult to guarantee that the zombies would not climb up ..." Huang Qianchuan turned his head and looked at Fang Chong who was still lying in a pool of blood, saying In this case, Huang Qianchuan did not care about Fang Chong's life and death.

But he is more rational. They can only have a good nourishment environment if they guard the entrance well and prevent zombies from coming in. For them, many things do not need to be said ...

"Okay, Qin Lan, you take care of Fang Chong, and the guarding is up to me and Huang Qianchuan ..." Song Ming nodded, and Huang Qianchuan meant what he knew. At this time, his physical strength was the most abundant of the three. After finishing this sentence When talking, Song Ming stood up. "Huang Qianchuan, you take the time to rest and guard things, I will top it first ..."

"Okay ..." Qin Lan nodded. Song Ming was right. Fang Chong needed care, and Fang Chong and the guards didn't conflict.

When Song Ming can't stand them, she can help anytime, anywhere ...

"Hmm ..." Huang Qianchuan didn't talk any more, nodded and said he knew, he picked up a few bottles of genetic medicine and looked up and drank ...

"………… .." Song Ming watched Qin Lan leave, Huang Qianchuan closed his eyes and rested. He picked up his sword and slowly walked towards the entrance of the explosion.

However, when Song Ming came to this place, he did not climb up in a hurry. Song Ming knew that the violent explosion sound just now, according to the usual situation, it is absolutely impossible to have fewer zombies gathering outside the stadium ...

Thinking of this, Song Ming even more dispelled the idea of ​​climbing to the highest place.

Song Ming knew that if there were such a large number of zombies, if he climbed to the highest place, no matter how well he could hide, there would be the possibility of being found.

Song Ming did not deal with zombies on the first day. Some habits about zombies are clear. If Song Ming is found by the zombies outside the gym at this time, they will definitely fight like chicken blood. They will be shocked and immortal. Never stop.

Understanding this, Fang Chong chose to forbear.


"Fang Chong, wouldn't you be alright? Don't scare me ..." Qin Lan returned to Fang Chong's side, looked at Fang Chong with a tired look, and sat down beside Fang Chong as if he was free.

Looking at Fang Chong's pale face, Qin Lan said with a cry.

Qin Lan's appearance now is the most unnoticed time since the end of her last days.

Today, at the base, she was not surrounded by zombies, and she was not as helpless as she is now. Although the situation in the morning was critical, they had confidence when they thought of Fang Chong.

But now, Fang Chong fell, and Qin Lan felt very clearly that her sky seemed to collapse at this time.

"I don't know if I want to let the pastoral song, Ling Ya, they know, I know what they think of you ..." Qin Lan held a satellite phone in her hand, but Qin Lan didn't move her fingers, and she felt like she was talking to herself now Saying the same.

Would you like to tell Fang Chong's current situation to the other two people? Qin Lan doesn't know the two of them. When I hear such a message, can I resist it ...

"Hit or not ..." Qin Lan didn't notice, staring at the satellite phone in a daze.

Considering that in the end, Qin Lan's finger was still moving. She made a decision about Fang Chong. She had no reason to hide Ling Ya Muge. Although Qin Lan had some concerns from her heart, Mu Ge, Ling Ya. They would be troubled when they heard this. Front, if that's the case, the base is dangerous.

Ling Ya is the backbone, but on this issue, Qin Lan does not want to be afraid of wolves and tigers.

Teeth bite slightly. Just move your finger on the satellite phone.

Qin Lan made calls quickly.



"Sister Ling Ya, what do you think of Fang Chong and their side, we have repelled several waves of zombies and haven't seen them coming back ..." In the base stronghold, Muge looked at the laptop screen controlling the satellite.

Her eyes had been staring at the screen, and she knew that the danger of the base was not relieved now. She didn't dare to control the satellite system to look around, although she now knew and wanted to know that Fang Chong had been there.

Did you meet the Destroyer and destroy it?

These idylls want to know, but reason and responsibility tell her that she cannot do it.

Zombie siege, after Fang Chong's departure, the number of attacks made by the zombies was a little bit. Each time before the zombies attacked, they were able to prepare in advance. The advance prediction of the satellite system played a great role ...

Now that it is getting late, the role of satellite systems is even greater ...

"The Destroyer is a very scary zombie, or the Destroyer is the most powerful of the zombies. His strength has already exceeded 300 levels. Fang Chong, they want to hit it at once. Killing is very difficult, but we have to believe the four of them. Now we do n’t need to ask, just wait. I believe they will bring good news…. Ling Ya slightly tired eyes, listening to the idyll After this question, say with certainty.

She believed in Fang Chong, even this time.

Although she felt a little restless at this time, she always felt that something had happened, but she had the illusion of this feeling at first, and the illusion that appeared after being too concentrated ...

"Well, I believe ..." Looking at Ling Ya's expression, Muge knew that Ling Ya was tired and didn't plan to ask any more.

"Sister Lingya, take your time to rest, I stare outside ..."

"Okay, if there is a situation, I will tell you at the same time. I will let you know that everyone will rest. The night is about to fall. It's time to test us ..." Ling Ya looked at the concerned eyes of Muge with a smile on her face. While nodding, Qin Lan also issued an order.

With the idyll watching, their team can take advantage of the time after the zombies recede and take a rest.

It's been almost a whole day of fighting, and everyone's tiredness will not be worse than hers.

Ling Ya dared to make such an order. When she came out, she also looked at the satellite system, and there was another point.

This is the law of zombies attack. After Fang Chong and they left, these zombies attacked almost once every one and a half hours. This has been done several times. Lingya believes that once again, it should be the same ...

"Okay ..." Muge nodded.

As the order went on, Ling Ya's eyes narrowed slightly.

As for her song, her expression was dignified. She knew that most members of the group were now taking time to rest and recover their spirits. During this time, it was the most dangerous time for the whole team and the most important time for him.

She over and over again, very patiently watching the situation around their absolute stronghold, especially the important passages.

Those places are the places where the zombies must pass to attack.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Beep, beep, beep ..."

Qin Lan's finger stopped quickly after operating on the satellite phone. Finally, after struggling again, she pressed the OK button.

Qin Lan breathed a sigh of relief as he heard the waiting sounds coming from his ears.

Struggling to the end, Qin Lan still decided to tell Muge and Ling Ya and Fang Chong, they have reasons to know ...

"Hey, sister Qin Lan ..." Waiting for a while, the voice of Muge appeared in Qin Lan's ear.

"Mage song, what's the situation at the base?" Qin Lan asked, after speaking, she spoke to her mouth, she really didn't know how to tell Fang Chong's serious injuries.

"It's okay, we can hold it ..." Muge's tone sounded very relaxed, but this tone stopped in Qin Lan. She knew that in the base stronghold, she had definitely experienced several wars after they left.

However, they attracted a large number of Hulks. After the Terminator, it should be no problem to hold them.

And Fang Chong left the small energy car in the base stronghold, and it can play a great role ...

"That's good, pay more attention ..." Qin Lan said.

"Know, sister Qin Lan, how is your situation over there, have you found the Destroyer ..." Muge has always been worried about the Destroyer problem, and has been afraid to call Qin Lan, for fear of affecting them, Now I can ask directly, she will not miss it ...

"I found it and killed it, just ..." Qin Lan's words came to her mouth, but she found that he couldn't say anything.

"Just what?" After hearing the change of Qin Lan's tone, Muge seemed to think of something, she asked nervously.

"Fang Chong killed the destroyer desperately, but he was injured. He is now in a coma ..." Qin Lan took a deep breath and finally adjusted his mood and said slowly.

Although she thought she had adjusted, when it came to serious injuries, when she looked at Fang Chong's side again, her voice suddenly choked.

"Fang Chong was injured, in a coma ..." Listening to the words spoken by Qin Lan, the animal husbandry suddenly stopped. His face suddenly turned pale. Finally, called out with a nearly crashing voice.

"Where are you now, what's up with Fang Chong ..." Mu Gecai stood up on his chair, looking excited.

"What's wrong with the pastoral song? Is Fang Chong back?" Ling Ya, who was already deeply asleep, was awakened by the near collapsed voice of the pastoral song, especially when she woke up and saw the expression of the pastoral song, what happened to her suddenly ... .

"Fang Chong was injured, Sister Qin Lan said he was in a coma ..." Muge saw Ling Ya awoke, and immediately rushed into Ling Ya's arms, tears burst out.

"Mage song, listen to me ..." Qin Lan thought of Mage Song, Ling Ya had such a response when she heard the news, but she didn't know how to continue to meet her. "Fang Chong is just in a coma, and there is no danger to his life ..."

"Qin Lan is me, Ling Ya ....." Mu Ge cried so much that Ling Ya took the call in her hand. "What happened to Fang Chong ..."

"He ..." Qin Lan heard Ling Ya's voice, and she cleared her mood, calmly told the story and Ling Ya.

"You are now surrounded by the gym?" Ling Ya looked dignified after listening to Qin Lan.

Especially the situation of the four of them now, Qin Lan said very simply, but Ling Ya still heard some important points from it, such as Fang Chong's injuries. Although Qin Lan only told them that he was unconscious and did not say how much injuries, but Ling Ya would not be there. Know the meaning of this sentence.

Yi Fang Chong's incomparable strength, as well as the 'feather defense' suit, are all in this way. As you can imagine, the battle is fierce.

In addition to Fang Chong's injury, Ling Ya is now worried about Qin Lan's current situation. Fang Chong is seriously injured. The other three of them have no confidence to leave Fang Chong with ease. In this case, he can only hold fast.

This situation is very dangerous.

Although she knew, in a short time, he had no good way.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Yes, we are surrounded by tens of thousands of" Hulk "and hundreds of" Terminators ". In a short time, the breakthrough is hopeless. You must be vigilant, but the destroyer has been killed. The danger of siege of the zombies can be relieved too soon ... "Qin Lan calmly analyzed to Ling Ya.

It is not difficult for her to hear the meaning of Ling Ya's words, Ling Ya has the idea to find someone to support them.

However, Qin Lan did not like this approach from the bottom of his heart, not to mention how dangerous the ‘base base’ is. It ’s not easy to resist the zombies that surround them.

And the more important point is that Fang Chong cannot move at will ...

"Then you ..." Ling Ya was very smart, she all meant what Qin Lan meant.

"We have blown up the entrance to the stadium. We will be safe in a short time. As long as Fang Chong can move, we can break through ..." Qin Lan said with certainty.

"Okay, we'll do nothing, you need to be careful ..." Ling Ya nodded.

"Hmm ..." Qin Lan heard the words of Ling Ya, she was relieved, Ling Ya's reason made Qin Lan very much appreciated. Finally, Qin Lan said something. "Tell Muge, it's okay, be strong, we may go back tomorrow ...."

"I know ..." Ling Ya said.

"be careful…."



"His face started to be bloody,‘ repairing gene medicine ’should work ...” Putting down the ‘satellite phone, Qin Lan looked at the fading sky, and returned to Fang Chong ’s face.

Seeing a trace of blood on Fang Chong's original pale face, she was shocked and then replaced by surprise.

This change ~ ~ made him feel relieved ...

"But the breath is still weak. How do I do well?" Qin Lan took out everything she could use, including a lot of drugs, but she found that nothing could be used on Fang Chong now .

"Gene extraction machine ..." Later, Qin Lan found something that could be used now, something similar to a juicer.

"In the gymnasium, the zombies are the most common now, and 'muscularized meat' is not difficult to find, and all of them are more than 'Green Giants' ..." Fang Chong said to himself.

"The higher the level of zombies, the higher the energy ..." Qin Lan thought about what Fang Chong had told them before.

"The Destroyer has been killed. Isn't it good to take Fang Chong for his 'muscularized meat'?" Qin Lan thought hard, and finally came up with a good solution.

"That's right ..."


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