I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 377: All break

Chapter 377 All Breakthroughs


After Qin Lan thought of this approach, she quickly acted, knowing that the sword in her hand would be difficult to break the Destroyer's Scale Armor, and she quickly found Fang Chong's sword. m

At the corpse of the 'Destroyer', she held the sword with her backhand and made a stroke to the chest of the 'Destroyer'.

Zombies' "muscle" are growing on the right side of the heart. Qin Lan believes that the "Destroyer" is a zombie, and it should be the same.

However, when she saw that the heart of the "Destroyer" had been mashed up by them, she was still a bit worried, whether the "Muscle" of the "Destroyer" would be damaged by them just now.

Thinking of this, Qin Lan couldn't help worrying, the muscle of the 'Terminator' was hard to come by, let alone the 'Destroyer' now.

Song Ming was able to successfully break through the two hundred levels, and the big reason was that he relied on the 'egg' from 'The Sickle Zach'. For the 'Zaks', the 'eggs' have a similar effect on humans as the 'muscles' of zombies.

More than two hundred levels of the 'Zak's have such a great effect, let alone more than three hundred levels of the' Destroyer '.

Qin Lan even had some doubts, what would happen if Fang Chong obeyed the "genetic medicine" extracted from the "muscularized meat" of the "Destroyer"? Will it break through three hundred levels?

Qin Lan imagined that he was working **** the sword.

"Stab ..." Under the influence of Qin Lan's efforts, Qin Lan's chestplate of 'Destroyer' was finally cut open with a sword by a length of two feet.

Seeing this **** mouth still slowly flowing, Qin Lan secretly relieved. She almost couldn't take the Scaler of the Destroyer, but fortunately, now everything is resolved.

Qin Lan had only a pungent **** smell. After putting down her sword, she took out a short knife more than a foot long from her body and began to cut open the meat of the 'Destroyer' chest, including the ribs.

Qin Lan, who originally thought that the destroyer should be no different from other zombies, only then discovered that the flesh inside the body of the destroyer was no longer like other zombies, and was either rotting or emitting a foul odor.

The meat of 'Destroyer' is not only extremely delicate, but also the flesh and color is crystal clear, which looks very beautiful.

Qin Lan was surprised at this discovery, and even had the urge to cut it apart.

However, Fang Chong is now half a day from Qin Lan. After taking a deep breath, Qin Lan no longer hesitates, his heart is crossed, his sword moves, and Qin Lan's thick flesh opens a big mouth.

It didn't take long for Qin Lan to find what he wanted.

Muscle of ‘Destroyer’… ..


"This ..." Qin Lan fumbled into the Destroyer's chest to find what she wanted, and after taking it out, his expression was dull.

Or in amazement so speechless.

Qin Lan looked at her hands, which was a lot bigger than an adult fist. The color was a pale pink 'muscularized meat'. I really didn't know what to say.

The "muscle meat" thing, Qin Lan has seen, there are 100,000 or 80,000, right? However, such a large amount of muscle meat, in addition to different grades, large and small, basically, the color is a crystal clear milky white.

But pale pink flesh, Qin Lan first met.

Although she looked pretty unusual, she was stunned.

The meat is not good-looking. Its biggest role is to make humans stronger. This is the purpose and the biggest role of the muscle.

It looks good to have a fart ...

Now such fleshy meat. Qin Lan didn't know if he could take Fang Chong. Annoyed, very annoyed ...

"What the **** to do?" Qin Lan was stumped. It was absolutely impossible for her to experiment with Fang Chong, but the color was so beautiful and the smell was fragrant. problem.

"Forget it, first extract this piece of 'muscularized meat' into a genetic medicine. I will try it first, and then I will give Fang Chong a drink ..." Qin Lan soon had an idea.

Later, she walked back to Fang Chong's side, put down her bag, and rummaged.

Soon, he turned out a gene extraction machine that was absolutely not large.

This kind of gene extraction machine can be said to have been re-researched by Fang Chong's team. Compared with Fang Chong's exchange from Maya, the speed is not so fast, and the other aspects are almost the same.

For the survivors on the planet, this simple, easy-to-operate, low-cost gene extraction machine is undoubtedly the best choice ...

After taking out such a thing, Qin Lan didn't waste a trace of time. After turning on the gene extraction machine, she put in a large volume of destroyer's muscle meat.

A few minutes later, a light pink genetic agent appeared in Qin Lan's hands.

Looking at the four cups of gene medicine slowly, Qin Lan was somewhat surprised.

Although the number of four cups was unexpected by Qin Lan, Qin Lan also understood that the destroyer's body was so huge that it had more genetic medicines extracted from its 'muscularized meat', but it was normal, but how effective were these genetic medicines She was a little embarrassed.

Extraction is extracted, but can't and can't, she doesn't know.

Judging from the smell and feeling of these things, this thing is the same as the common genetic medicine, of course, except for the color ...

Qin Lan had no idea. After thinking about it for a long time, he put his eyes on Fang Chong, but Fang Chong still did not restore his consciousness, which made Qin Lan very worried.

Qin Lan knows the effect of repairing genetic agents. Under normal circumstances, injuries can be easily solved with the help of genetic agents. However, Fang Chong's situation now undoubtedly shows that Fang Chong's injuries are very serious.

Unsure, Qin Lan turned her eyes to Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan. She needed to talk to someone ...


"Will Fang Chong drink this 'gene potion' extracted from the Destroyer?" Qin Lan greeted him and Song Ming came down. Huang Qianchuan also sobered up and heard Qin Lan's words frown.

They all know that Fang Chong's situation is not optimistic, but at this time, is it appropriate to take this genetic medicine? They don't understand this question, and no one can understand it.

"I think we can give it a try. We all know the fitness of Fang Chong ..." Huang Qianchuan thought for a long time before he spoke, and he spoke very much in favor.

"What do you think of Qin Lan ..." Song Ming nodded, and Huang Qianchuan said, he also thought about it, but if he took the idea, it should be Qin Lan himself.

"Let Fang Chong take it ..." Qin Lan bit her lip.


Seeing Qin Lan nodding, neither Song Ming nor Huang Qianchuan said anything. Without medical equipment, it was difficult for them to say how Fang Chong's injuries appeared. Although they improved, but to be honest, they were not much better.

Although the repair gene medicine is powerful, this power is not almighty ...

After everyone acquiesced in this idea, Song Ming squatted down and gently raised Fang Chong's head so that Qin Lan would pour the gene medicine into Fang Chong's mouth.

"I hope it's okay ..." Qin Lan's hands were shaking, but she still put pressure on Fang Chong.

After Fang Chong lay down again, all three were relieved ...

"The remaining three cups, let's drink it by ourselves. If we can break through the best, we have a better chance to hold the stadium here ..." Calmly watching Fang Chong seemed to be asleep, Qin Lan said lightly. For Qin Lan, Fang Chong had already drank this genetic medicine, and life and death were at his mercy. But I think so, but when thinking about this problem, Qin Lan's eyes flashed a little choice. With Qin Lan's personality, if Fang Chong had an accident, she would not be able to go back alive ...


Qin Lan they fed Fang Chong and drank the genetic medicine, and later he drank the genetic medicine from the destroyer. Fang Chong did not know that his body was in an extremely dangerous state after he was severely hit by the destroyer In addition to the state of consciousness, in addition to being able to communicate with the Maya system, the other senses are basically sealed, and he is completely unable to feel the situation outside.

Qin Lan did not know what he did.

"Mayan, how long will it take for me to restore control of my body ..." Fang Chong finally recovered a lot of consciousness after a few hours of rest. He also knows that his situation is very bad now, but the Mayan system exists. He still believes that he will basically not have major problems, but this feeling of weakness still makes him very depressed.

"The host ’s body condition has basically returned to the normal person's state now. They are all taking the effect of repairing the genetic medicine. However, the host has suffered a great deal this time. The consciousness wants to restore control of the body at once. Basically It's difficult, it takes time ... "Maya replied.

"Then what do I need to do now ..." Fang Chong shook his head with a grinning smile. This time, the injury was really serious, so serious that it was only one step away from death.

"Wait, they have fed you the genetic medicine from the Destroyer. Although it is a bit dangerous, but you can sustain it. Your physical strength now exceeds that of humans of the same level. Human fighters above the tenth level, the strength of the body can not be compared with you.

Simply put, your current strength of the body and absorption of the Destroyer's Gene Pharmacy are no problem at all. Once your consciousness is able to regain control of your body, your strength will greatly increase.

As for how much can be achieved, it depends on the results ... "Maya recounted.

"Okay ..." After Fang Chong listened to what Maya said, he stopped talking, and communicated with Maya. In the case of fragile consciousness, it was still difficult. In order to avoid conscious overdraft, Fang Chong chose to close Mouth waiting.

He is not very worried about his physical condition. He is worried about the situation. He knows that Qin Lan is under a lot of pressure now. His position in Qin Lan's heart, he knows ...


"I seem to have improved, and there are still many of them ..." Huang Qianchuan woke up as quickly as possible. All three of them knew that after taking the gene medicine, they must absorb the effect quietly. Finally, they completely absorbed the destroyer gene medicine band. After the benefits came, Huang Qianchuan was very excited. He had spent a lot of time in more than 190 grade cards, and finally broke through today.

Can he not be excited about this feeling of different strength?

Huang Qianchuan almost shouted after shaking his fist vigorously, but he was worried that the yelling would attract the zombies, he still resisted.

"I also broke through, it should be two hundred levels ......" Qin Lan also woke up at this time, and when she heard Huang Qianchuan's excited tone, her expression would be much calmer.

This breakthrough can be said to be her second breakthrough in this day.

When dealing with the Destroyer before, being able to use the ability to fire arrows repeatedly is already a breakthrough in his strength, but no breakthrough has been an exaggeration.

Huang Qianchuan's breakthrough only broke through more than 30 levels and got more than 220 levels. Qin Lan, she was more than 160 levels before today, but this time, although not able to break through 210, but also Not far away, and in terms of strength, the degree of improvement is even more ...

This feeling made her smile involuntarily under such pressure, and temporarily forgot the worry and trouble brought by Fang Chong ...

"Why hasn't Song Ming woke up yet?" Huang Qianchuan heard Qin Lan's level after the breakthrough, his face was depressed, but he was not hit. The level was different in the use of genetic medicine to extract, because of different constitutions. of.

"Did it not finish the absorption ..." Seeing Song Ming still sitting still, Qin Lan's face showed a little surprise, the longer it attracted, indicating that this gene medicine can make them use more ...

Ten minutes later, Song Ming slowly woke up.

"Song Ming, how are you feeling?"


"I seem to have made a breakthrough this time, and my current strength should be close to 250 levels. If Fang Chong can find me an evolutionary strength gene, it would be absolutely no problem to break through 250 levels ..." Song Ming soon knew Qin Lan, Huang Qianchuan asked what, after seriously feeling his current physical condition, his expression was slightly surprised.

This speed increase, he himself feels a bit incredible, because it is too fast ...

This feeling of power is really wonderful.

"Break through two hundred and fifty?" Listening to Song Ming, Huang Qianchuan's depressed expression undoubtedly increased a bit, it seems that at this time, the comparison between the three people is his slowest progress ...

"Nearly two hundred and fifty? Improved so much ..." Qin Lan's expression also appeared a little surprised, but in the end, Qin Lan was more happy. As for the reason, her guess was related to the direction of Song Ming's evolution.

"It is possible that there is such a large increase, which is related to the attributes of the Destroyer. It belongs to the strength type ..." Qin Lan looked at Huang Qianchuan's dismal look, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Is that so?" Huang Qianchuan felt a lot better when he heard Qin Lan's explanation.

"Shouldn't it?" Song Ming didn't know much, and for him, being able to break through was already the best.

"What about Fang Chong?" After Song Ming waved his fist and felt his own power, he thought of the destroyer and Fang Chong ...

Fang Chong can kill more than three hundred Destroyer, his power is still not Fang Chong's opponent.

"Fang Chong?" Qin Lan's expression tightened when she heard Song Ming mention it. "Check it out ..."

"Hmm ..." The three of them panicked and hurried to Fang Chong's side.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Body function seems to be normal, the sense of weakness is gone. It seems that the destroyer's genetic medicine has played a great role ..." Huang Qianchuan checked Fang Chong's physical condition and said with surprise.

"Really?" Qin Lanxin finally let go, and his body function recovered, which was hard to come by.

"Yes, but Fang Chong is still in a coma. The head should also be severely damaged. There is a gene repair agent. It is only a matter of time to wake up ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded. If Fang Chong was still in a coma, he would not be able to do so Chong is a newly injured person.

Even Huang Qianchuan has the illusion that Fang Chong has become stronger and more horrible than before he was injured today.

However, Huang Qianchuan did not say this illusion, after all, he consciously told her that this situation could not happen ...

If the injury can break through, who else is afraid of injury?

"Then we just have to wait?" Song Mingdao said.

"Yes ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded.

Although Fang Chong's physical function has been restored, it is obviously not a good opportunity to choose to break out at this time.

They all know that ~ www.readwn.com ~ After night falls, the fighting power of the zombies continues to increase, and it is only a fool's job to break through now ...

In particular, they now have to protect Fang Chong, and they are afraid that they will not break through, and it is not cost-effective to add their lives ...

"Clean up the zombies in the stadium and take care to remove the muscle meat ..." Song Ming remembered something they hadn't done today.

"it is good…."

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Finally retired?" Qin Lan had a quiet night on their side, but the situation at the base was much worse than theirs. Most of the night they were fighting and fighting. Yes, they held it.

In addition to the majority of the team members' demobilization, there were also several injuries, but this loss was beyond their previous imagination, and it can be said that the battle was perfect.

Seeing all the zombies recede, Ling Ya sat in a chair and was relieved.

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