I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 378: Plan to recapture Shanghai Stock Market

Chapter 378 The Plan to Recapture Shanghai Stock Market


Time soon arrived the next day, and Fang Chong finally regained consciousness at this time. M

Opening his eyes and looking at the bright sky, Fang Chong was very emotional. Although he was not afraid of death, yesterday, when the body of the Destroyer really fell down, his heart was still a little bit awkward, that feeling, really It ’s like walking around the gate of the ghost gate, but now I do n’t know what words to use to describe it.

Although the meaning was restored, Fang Chong found that it was really difficult to control his body to move as the Mayan system told him.

It seems that this body no longer belongs to him, at least for now, unlike his, it is difficult to move his body, let alone sit up or stand up.

This unexpected feeling, Fang Chong's expression is very wonderful, but also very helpless, he did not expect that he would have such a day.

Of course, he is also grateful to Fang Chong. There are Qin Lan and Huang Qianchuan who are guarding them. Otherwise, even if he is not killed by the destroyer, he will not escape the hand of the zombie ...

With continuous efforts, Fang Chong turned his face slightly. It was this slight movement that caused Fang Chong to pull off his body. This feeling is really depressing, but Fang Chong can see where Qin Lan is now. .

At a distance of less than one meter, his body rolled into a ball, which seemed very insecure, and Fang Chong also noticed that Qin Lan's hand was still holding the long sword he used before ...

Looking at Qin Lan like this, Fang Chong's heart was faintly painful, or he was not strong enough, if it was strong enough, Qin Lan would not need to guard him in this place.

Looking at Qin Lan like this, Fang Chong's mind also recalled these days they have traveled together.

Fang Chong used only two descriptions for this, rare, rare ...

……………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Fang Chong, you are awake ..." Fang Chong thought about this, his mouth filled with a happy smile, but he did not wait for Fang Chong to continue thinking. Qin Lan, who was close to him, suddenly opened his eyes and saw Fang Chong's Eyes were watching her. After two seconds of stunning, she opened her mouth in amazement.

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong still gave a slight whisper, and then spoke softly. For Fang Chong, now it is laborious to speak loudly.

"Really?" Qin Lan sat up unbelievably, and soon climbed to Fang Chong's side, her eyes suddenly turned red, and tears flooded her eyes ...

"Really ..." Fang Chong did not expect that Qin Lan's response was so great. He wanted to reach out but couldn't lift it. There was no way Fang Chong could only say. "Don't cry, isn't it all right?"

"How are you feeling?" Qin Lan heard Fang Chong's speed, and looked at Fang Chong in surprise. She was excited just now, but she ignored Fang Chong's current situation.

In retrospect, she thought of Fang Chong's serious injuries and healed ...

"Nothing serious, but now the body is temporarily out of control and it takes time to recover ..." Of course, Fang Chong can appreciate the warmth uploaded from Qin Lan's body.

"Does it really just take time?" Qin Lan was a little more nervous than Fang Chong. She wasn't sure, what Fang Chong said was true or false.

"Will I lie to you?" Fang Chong really wanted to touch Qin Lan's hair. This intimate move was most enjoyed by Qin Lan, but Fang Chong could not do it. Without a solution, Fang Chong could only change his performance. "Just take care of me these days ..."

"You can rest assured that I will take good care of you ..." Qin Lan saw Fang Chong and joked. She also believed what Fang Chong said. It seemed true that it was fine.

"What about Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan?" Fang Chong thought of other things, Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan, and the base.

"Everyone is okay. The base should be the same. The destroyer was killed by you. After the zombies have no head, there is a loose sand. And yesterday, we killed such a huge number of Hulk, including the Terminator. For the siege, the blow was deadly ... "Qin Lan knew that Fang Chong still took this responsibility anyway, and she said everything he knew.

"That's good, and look at your breath, it seems to become stronger again ..." Fang Chong breathed a sigh of relief, he is all right to everyone, it is the most happy for him.

After refocusing on Qin Lan, Fang Chong also discovered that Qin Lan was different.

Qin Lan's breath is more powerful, and the feeling is the same as that revealed by Song Ming yesterday.

"Did it break through two hundred levels?" Fang Chong then thought of this.

"That's right ..." Qin Lan didn't know how Fang Chong could see their level so easily, but she didn't know Guiren, she said the process of exaggerating and upgrading the three of them.

"Not only did you break through, Song Ming is close to 250, Huang Qianchuan is close to 220?" Fang Chong listened to what Qin Lan said, and his mouth was the boss of Zhang. This is like a rocket. Rising speed, he could never imagine.

"That's right ..." Qin Lan then said everything after they took the Destroyer's Gene Potion.

After hearing this, Fang Chong understood.

…………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"How is the situation outside?" After chatting with Qin Lan for a long time, Fang Chong tried the physical activity ability constantly during this time. Finally, his head was free to move.

At this time, Song Ming came over and saw that Fang Chong was okay, just as happy.

"Most of the zombies have been evacuated, and they should be a little threat to us now." Song Ming was hiding in the ruins all night last night just outside the stadium. After all, before the stadium entrance was not blown up, the stadium It includes the entire road, but there are tens of thousands of concentrated Hulks, as well as a large number of Terminators, that number of high-level zombies, it is absolutely false to say that they have not brought pressure on Song Ming.

In order to ensure absolute security, Song Ming can say that he spent in fear and fear earlier last night.

But then why did all the zombies suddenly disappear, it is difficult to say, but Song Ming still felt that this change should be related to the destroyer being killed by Fang Chong ...

Considering that these zombies are afraid of death now, Song Ming feels very funny. Perhaps it should be said that as the zombies become more advanced, some of the previous human habits are gradually emerging.

Song Ming, they do n’t know if this situation is good or bad for them ...

"It should have a direct relationship with the destruction of the destroyer ..." Qin Lan heard such a situation, and she immediately thought of the destruction of the destroyer.

"Should you?" Song Ming nodded, and he thought the same.

"What about our follow-up action?" Qin Lan frowned. Fang Chong's situation was more troublesome. Although the zombies had temporarily retreated, it would be a question mark whether the comeback would come back. Qin Lan was worried that Fang Chong was here. She did not know Will there be things like Zombie Frenzy in the middle of the road? If there is such an accident, they are undoubtedly very dangerous ...

And staying here in the gym is not very popular. If the base base has Fang Chong, many plans can be launched. After all, Ling Ya has limited energy, and the strongman such as the zombie appears as a strong person. For ordinary soldiers It is very deterrent.

"Another day off, tomorrow we will leave the gym ..." Fang Chong knew what Qin Lan was worried about, but now there is no way. Although his hands can move, it is difficult to return to normal ...

Fang Chong considered again and again and decided to rest for another day. At that time, Fang Chong believed that even if his strength, including combat effectiveness, had not recovered, at least he could move freely, which was a great help.

"What do we need to say over Lingya?" Qin Lan asked, was Lingya sending someone to pick it up or not? Qin Lan is afraid of Ling Ya Muge and they are still worried ...

"No, they are fighting so fiercely, now they should all be concentrated on taking the flesh ..." Fang Chong replied. Now the role of muscle meat is so great that it cannot be wasted ...

"Then we'll rest here in the gym?" Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan looked a little surprised.

"Yes, it ’s good to improve your strength again, but good things also need to be tempered. Take advantage of this day to get familiar with the strength you have now. The whole Shanghai Stock Exchange is so big in the future. Are you afraid that there are no zombies? Fight? No enemy can fight ... "Fang Chong said his thoughts.

"Okay, just listen to you ..." After thinking that Fang Chong was right, Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming nodded.

Fang Chong knows that they have experienced so much, and they are equally clear.

After no longer insisting, Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan themselves found a place to familiarize themselves with their current strength, speed, and explosive power ...


"How does the burst of arrows feel?" Fang Chong looked at Qin Lan, who had been focusing on him, and smiled.

Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan walked away, Qin Lan was still with Fang Chong, Fang Chong was still unable to move, and Qin Lan would not plan to practice, otherwise Fang Chong would stay here and be bored.

"It needs to be fast and mentally concentrated ..." Qin Lan paused, then said her feeling simply. "It's a wonderful feeling ..."

"Yes, that feeling is really wonderful. It needs to have the same vibration frequency when the two arrows are fired. It is really difficult ..." Fang Chong nodded, he saw this skill from the Maya, but The real experience, he didn't know ...

"But now my strength is improved. It's not difficult to use this skill to launch this skill again, but the power is still the same ..." Qin Lan nodded surely.

"Wu Yu's power is so great. If he wants to explode more advanced power, he needs to change his bow and arrow ..." Fang Chong frowned, Qin Lan said, he knew the reason.

"I also thought about it, but do you have drawings of bows and arrows?" Qin Lan asked. She knew that Fang Chong had gained a lot after returning from the western mining area. There were special metals as materials. It should not be difficult to make more advanced bows and arrows. But drawings are very important. Qin Lan knows this ...

"I think of a way for bows and arrows. There are not many people in the team who can use bows and arrows. I can find one ..." Fang Chong did not expect that Qin Lan had gone so far. Fang Chong himself had not considered this issue. But bows and arrows are not as practical as swords. After all, compared with swords and bows, a good archer needs more talent, and in order to better ensure his own safety, he has flying skills. very important.

As for Qin Lan's success, it should be a coincidence?

In addition to Qin Lan's fastest possession of flying genetic medicine, her talent for bows and arrows is even more rare. Fang Chong does not deny this.

However, the combination of these two Fang Chong has not been found in their team for the time being, otherwise, it is really necessary to form an archer squad.

The archer's power, Qin Lan, has been shown mercilessly in front of them. As long as he has more advanced strength, Qin Lan's lethality, including the ability to protect himself, is not weak.

"Well, I understand, but I think we can really carry out talent tests, and then separate the various members of Crescent Specialty to train separately. The combat effectiveness formed in this way should be more powerful ..." Qin Lan said to her.

"This is a good idea. After all, we now have a large number of evolutionary genetic agents. In this way, focusing on cultivation is undoubtedly a better way ..." Fang Chong heard Qin Lan's suggestion, and he felt that Hi.

If it weren't for the temporary movement of his hands, he would really clap his hands and applaud. Fang Chong knows that if such a test can be carried out smoothly, their team's combat effectiveness should be greatly improved, which is beyond doubt.

"Since you also think it is feasible, I will go back and start preparing. After the establishment of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Base is completed, we will be able to expand on a large scale ..." Qin Lan said that this time, she had greater hopes for the future. .

The destroyers died in their hands, and the hope of living is no longer a luxury.

Despite how powerful the Zak people are, they are also slowly growing strong. They are not afraid of death anymore, but are they afraid of a large number of Zak people who have died in their hands?

Qin Lan is not afraid, Fang Chong is even more afraid.

And once the Shanghai base is established, it will undoubtedly give greater hope to the survivors around it. When they can, their team will be able to grow bigger and bigger, and their strength will not be underestimated ...


Time soon came to the next day, and Fang Chong, as Maya told him, would be able to move after the second day, although not as flexible as before the injury, but at least he could take care of himself.

After feeling that his body belonged to himself this time, Fang Chong was very pleased.

"Since Fang Chong's operation is no longer a problem, shall we leave the gym?" Song Ming was also glad to see Fang Chong stand up intact. Fang Chong was the backbone of the team, and Fang Chong was fine. ? The burden on them was not so heavy.

And this point, the powerful Song Ming or Huang Qianchuan have deep experience.

"Well, if you're okay, just leave here, go back to the base and check it out ..." Huang Qianchuan agreed, and for a whole day yesterday, they were basically familiar with the differences they made after their strength grew.

And after a day of familiarity, they can already be said to be freely retractable. The reason why Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan are anxious to leave is also because of this. The simple understanding is that their hands are itchy ...

"Well, you can ..." Fang Chong nodded. Of course, he could see what Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming were thinking. He didn't want to destroy the two of them, and as early as yesterday, Fang Chong had I plan to leave the gym today.

The siege of the zombies is over, and the destroyer is killed by him. Through these two points, Fang Chong knows that their opportunity is here. Can they build the first base that Huaxia has taken from the zombies? It is also a time to see it. Envious of vanity, but the Shanghai Stock Market must capture it, and for Fang Chong, the role goes beyond that.

He wanted to confront the Zak people. A powerful force was necessary. Fang Chong did not have such a noble idea of ​​rescuing all mankind, but he would never let the group around him and his brothers who were born and died in the hands of Zak people .

They are the kings of the earth, and the alien creatures of the Zak tribe only get out of the way ...

……………………………………………………………………………… ..

"How do you feel?" With the help of Qin Lan, Fang Chong climbed out of the entrance and became a ruined stadium.

Although Fang Chong is able to move now, the feeling is not much different from that of ordinary people. It can be said that climbing out of this stadium has really exhausted his efforts ...

"It's okay ~ www.readwn.com ~ It just feels a little deprived ..." Fang Chong shook his head and laughed. Qin Lan was worried, Fang Chong knew it.

"So where are we going?" After Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan killed several zombies around him, they returned to Fang Chong and saw that Fang Chong was not a big deal, they asked.

"Go back, and plan well next time ..." Fang Chong's mind was set, but to capture the entire Shanghai Stock Exchange, the speed must be fast.

There has already been one destroyer, one for two, Fang Chong does not want time to be long, and the appearance of another destroyer is more troublesome.

So they must be fast.

"Is it possible to regain the entire Shanghai Stock Market?" Hearing Fang Chong's plan to go back, Huang Qianchuan is not hard to figure out Fang Chong's purpose.

"Yes, it's time ..." Fang Chong nodded.


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