I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 380: Pre-war plan

Chapter 380 Prewar Plan


"I believe everyone should know the main purpose of today, right?" After dozens of people sat down, Fang Chong didn't mention the matter just now. When everyone came in just now, if it wasn't for Ling Yala's idyll, Fang Chong was afraid that It really smells great. m

Speaking of the scene just now, Fang Chong really has a sense of horror.

"Everyone has a plan to say ..." Fang Chong looked serious, and when he was serious, he couldn't make a joke ...

"From the performance of the zombie siege after the destroyer was killed, there should be only one zombie king in the Shanghai city. Otherwise, the zombie could not retreat so quickly ... . "Fang Chong's words fell, and Huang Qianchuan stood up. This kind of introduction is similar to writing. Huang Qianchuan is undoubtedly the most experienced among them.

"Our next major plan is to take this Shanghai Stock Market and take the entire Shanghai Stock Market out of the zombies before a new King of Zombies appears ..." Huang Qianchuan walked into the hall and did not know when Next to the map, pick up a stick and point at the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Huang Qianchuan said that the speed of speech is unacceptable. Everyone knows the purpose of this meeting today, but we don't know what the plan is.

Huang Qianchuan doing this can improve everyone's thinking under great circumstances, especially after the map is available, the effect is more obvious.

"Will it be too risky to win this Shanghai Stock Market?" When Huang Qianchuan finished his brief introduction, the deputy captains of six teams in one team questioned.

He has probably learned about the fighting power of zombies and the number of zombies these days of fighting. Although the zombies killed by them these days are few hundreds of thousands, the zombies that escaped that day are still a black one. It's the number, but in his eyes, the dark one, there are hundreds of thousands less, and these zombies should not be all of the Shanghai zombies.

Everyone knows well, how many humans were there in Shanghai before the end of the last days?

Although many humans were able to escape at the beginning after the outbreak, the number is definitely more than one million ...

In other words, if they rush to start the plan in this way, and then take action, they may bury their entire team in minutes.

The strength of the team is not weak, he knows, but once the number of zombies is so large that they can't bear it, the personal strength appears very small, at least for now ...

The previous two days, when the zombies were besieged by the city, they were able to hold them. The terrain weapons played a great role, and there was still a big difference between the concepts of attack and death guard.

"What do you mean?" Fang Chong looked at the deputy captain with interest when he heard some people objecting, and also listed a lot of issues they considered before starting the plan.

Fang Chong did not discriminate or look down, but Fang Chong knew that these people who can come here for a meeting today all have certain expertise.

Some are strength, some are commanding ability, and some are analytical ability ...

These talents are most valued by Fang Chong, and the deputy captain was able to speak and analyze immediately. This performance made Fang Chong impressed him very well ...

"Step by step ..." When the deputy captain finished speaking, Fang Chong didn't expect to ask him what he thought next. Without a pause, the deputy captain said what he thought.

"Step by step, attack slowly?" Fang Chong was quite satisfied with the idea put forward by the deputy captain. Although the time may be doubled, it is at least safe ...

Without knowing whether the number of zombies is hundreds of thousands or millions, this is undoubtedly the most sensible choice.

"What do you think?" After Fang Chong had a general idea in his heart, he turned his attention to others. Fang Chong hoped that he could hear a few different opinions. ‘

Although the vice captain's method is more practical, it is more conservative and the time spent will be another problem.

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"I think it takes a long time to go forward step by step, and once too much time is given to zombies, it is difficult to guarantee that under no pressure will zombies be re-planned. Under such circumstances as zombies, their evolution is not slower than humans. This indirectly shows that zombies also have huge potential ... "When Fang Chong's words fell, the young army stood up. Although the young army was the youngest among the people meeting today, it passed through several As the month grows, the talents of the small army are slowly showing, and now more and more like a general who can command thousands of troops ...

Fang Chong saw him stand up, his expression was a little surprised, but after hearing Xiao Jun's analysis, Fang Chong's surprised expression slowly turned into relief, this change of Xiao Jun is undoubtedly the most wanted by Fang Chong, the best The whole team has such changes.

"There is potential, and our constant attacks will put them under great pressure. In this case, it is difficult to guarantee that the zombie will not evolve on a large scale. If there are a few or one or two" destructors ", we will It is really dangerous. The strength of the 'Destroyer' is remarkable. Everyone knows that it is more than 300 levels. Even if Brother Fang Chong was seriously injured, he and Sister Qin Lan killed it and replaced it with another team, or both. What happens when the Destroyer appears at the same time? "Xiaojun said in detail.

"Then what do you mean ..." Fang Chong also thought of this, which is why he didn't take his own ideas and asked everyone to make comments together.

Now Xiaojun realizes this. Fang Chong is very happy with such a performance. Even if he can't think of any good way, Fang Chong also thinks that this is a good gain.

As for the others, including the deputy captain who has expressed his thoughts, this will also fall into silence. What Xiao Jun said made them move a lot, human beings can evolve under pressure, and the same is true for zombies, which they have always ignored. of.

"I don't have any particularly good method, but the method that Xiao Qi said just now can be used ..." Xiao Jun said that everyone didn't hesitate after he noticed that everyone focused on him.

"Xiao Qi's method?" Fang Chong didn't quite understand the meaning of Xiaojun, but he wasn't in a hurry. Fang Chong looked in the eyes when Xiaojun was in his chest ...

"Yes, but we need to make some changes ..." Xiao Jun smiled slightly and continued.

"How to change ..." Hearing Xiaojun's words, Xiao Qi spoke when Fang Chong did not speak. The method just mentioned was proposed by his deputy captain. He thought he was perfect, so he was curious about Xiaojun. How to change ...

"We have six teams. I mean the same as you said, pushing forward step by step, but splitting into six or twelve teams to push forward. In this way, we can advance several times faster. As for the weakness after the power is dispersed, as long as we can do it, the distance between the team and the team should not be too long, and we can do the end to end. Even if a team is in trouble, the other can quickly support ... . "Xiaojun ignored the eyes of others who were puzzled or doubtful. He walked to Huang Qianchuan in the puzzled look of everyone, and took a red pen to make a comparison on the map ...

"Disperse strength, echo from beginning to end?" Fang Chong heard two key words. He understood all these methods mentioned by Xiao Jun. With such a simple change, Fang Chong knew that the effect was not comparable.

After Xiaojun made this change, the real combat effectiveness of the entire team may be improved several times ...

And the most important point is that if they change their words, the distance they can advance in a day is beyond words ...


"It is true that after making a slight change, the combat effectiveness of our power burst is not comparable, not only the combat effectiveness has increased greatly, but the shortcomings of speed have also completely disappeared ..." Xiao Qi heard the complete explanation of Xiaojun With a look of sudden realization, he looked at Xiaojun's eyes full of admiration, and did not resent the Xiaojun because he snatched his limelight at this meeting.

Fang Chong has been secretly paying attention to the changes in Xiao Qi. He likes talents, but he doesn't like the self-righteousness, looking down on others, or because others steal his limelight, he resents and is jealous ...

Fang Chong believed in his eyes and Xiao Qi was not able to perform in front of his eyes. In Fang Chong's view, no matter how good the acting skills are, his eyes cannot lie to others, at least he can't pretend at all times ... .

Fang Chong was very happy. Although he didn't show it, one meeting found two talents that could be cultivated. Fang Chong really wanted to celebrate.

A person with strong combat power is not difficult to find, or even difficult to raise, but a person with a big picture and commanding ability is very rare.

This ability is not something that can be cultivated by the day after tomorrow. It requires talent, yes it is talent ...

Fang Chong himself does not have this ability. He knows that among the thousands of people in the entire team, it is usually Lingya himself, and Huang Qianchuan often helps.

Although in many cases, two people can still hold on, especially after being divided into six teams, the pressure will not be so heavy, but these are only superficial for the time being, once the 'Shanghai Stock Market' is beaten down, the situation is not It's that simple.

As long as the Shanghai Stock Exchange is announced to the outside, I believe that once there are survivors in the provinces and cities surrounding 'Shanghai', the 'Shanghai' is a human territory, and the 'survivors' who come to rely on it will be big. Zeng, and at that time, the army of 'Shanghai' will definitely have more than 6,000 people, and they will go out and guard ...

Huang Qianchuan and Ling Ya can't help even if they have three heads and six arms.

These reasons are also why Fang Chong is so optimistic about Xiaojun and Xiao Qi. As long as they are given time to grow and give them the opportunity to fight, they do n’t say that they are more than Huang Qianchuan and Ling Ya, but there is absolutely no problem on their own. ...

"What do you think?" As Xiao Qi sighed, Fang Chong's eyes swept across so many people present, Fang Chong wanted to see if there were other better ways for others, at least for now, he already felt small The feasibility of this method is very high ...

"I think this method is very feasible, as Xiaojun himself said, as long as the collective advances, the safety factor is very high, and we now have more than a thousand people with a strength of more than one hundred. This situation Now, even if there are a lot of 'Terminators', we have a chance to win ... "After everyone didn't speak, Ling Ya stood up. Instead of re-suggesting her opinions, she made a more detailed analysis of the plan. ….

"Yes, I agree with this plan, at least I have no other better way ..." Huang Qianchuan also waved.

After Huang Qianchuan Lingya said, other people did not express other opinions.

Indeed, after Huang Qianchuan and Ling Ya added, this plan is very mature and feasible ...

"Okay, now that everyone has no other opinions, starting tomorrow, the six teams will be changed to twelve, and the deputy captains will become captains. After no further comments, he concluded.

"it is good…"

Everyone stood up and nodded.

"Okay, that's it for today's meeting. The team leader and vice captain returned to the team to prepare. The soldiers above the 100th level were evenly divided into the various teams, leaving a hundred people to respond. Give instructions.

"No problem ..." Song Ming understood Fang Chong's meaning, and his responsibility for this task was not small.

"Okay, let's meet ..." Fang Chong let everyone go.


"Where is our main purpose tomorrow?" After everyone had dispersed, the hall was vacant all of a sudden, except for Fang Chong and a few of them, leaving Huang Qianchuan, Song Ming and others, of course, Xiao Jun, Liu Cheng They are all listed ...

Although Fang Chong spoke and left them, everyone had such a tacit understanding.

After seeing the rest of them, Huang Qianchuan still stood in front of the map of Shanghai.

"Now the zombies that exist outside the Third Ring Road are no longer threatening. What we have to do is that within the Third Ring Road, from the Third Ring Road to the center of the city is the top priority ..." Fang Chongshou in Clicked on the map. Fang Chong, the place where the zombies were the most, knew that it should be the center of the city.

Although for their development, the location of the city center is not as good as the heavy industrial zone on the outer ring road, but the establishment of a base city, Fang Chong knows that, apart from the arsenal and various material factories that must be indispensable, The place to live and the living facilities are also essential ...

The Shanghai city center location is undoubtedly the best choice to meet this condition.

Moreover, Fang Chong does not want an unstable rear, so how to say, Shanghai city center location must be large, Fang Chong is absolutely sure of this ...

"Then how do we allocate our military forces?" Everyone had no opinion on what Fang Chong said, but he was curious about how Fang Chong would distribute his military power.

"This battle is the best way to hone. As long as it is not particularly dangerous, we cannot shoot ..." Fang Chong marked twelve points on the map. After Fang Chongbiao came out, he pointed at twelve points. "These points are the direction of a team. The purpose of our tomorrow is to concentrate in front of the city center ..."

"Break through two rings of the city in a day?" After hearing Fang Chong's words, Qin Lan and they were all silent. Fang Chong had a long distance span. Whether it could be completed or not, everyone had no idea.

The biggest reason for lack of confidence is because of how much combat power the zombies have.

"As long as no Destroyer appears, there is no problem in breaking through the two city lines, but this is only our intended goal. If it is not possible, we can turn to the next ..." Fang Chong continued Everyone is worried about what he knows.


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In the next short period of time, more than a dozen of them from Fang Chong continued to discuss some points that need attention tomorrow, and there may be unexpected situations. After discussing these, Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan and others were wise. Choose to leave. At this time, Fang Chong and Qin Lan and their three daughters are left in the large hall ...

Fang Chong shook his head silently, watching Huang Qianchuan and others who ran fast as if they were trying to give birth. Although everyone was wise to leave space for them, this situation was not what Fang Chong wanted to see.

When four people are in the same room, Fang Chong appears passive, because every time he becomes depressed, he is always the embarrassing person ...

He didn't know what Qin Lan would say if he stayed here today.

"Qin Lan Lingya or okay ~ www.readwn.com ~ But the girl of Muge is also there, there are many uncertain factors, Fang Chong does not know if this girl will still be silent, thinking of so many people just now In the case, she almost asked him if he could do it. Fang Chong would feel sweaty all over ... "

Now that I think about it, the feeling of being frightened is even more intense. Fang Chong really wanted to press the idyll on the bed, and then adjust to the full. Then he told her that the most fearful thing for a man is to doubt him.

However, this kind of thinking is just thinking about it. To let him really do it, I'm afraid that Fang Chong would really be difficult to achieve ...

"Are you going to be silent all the time?" Seeing that everyone was silent, thinking about their own things, Qin Lan broke the silence.

Qin Lan's feeling today is also quite weird. Ling Ya's quiet has long been accustomed to it, but the two folks who have a lot of ordinary words in the pastoral song Fang Chong also keep silent. The expression is heavy ...

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