I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 381: Is that powerful?

Chapter 381 Is that powerful?

ps. Thanks to the brothers, "Summer Hot Book No. 1", "lmxy", "nzer001", "★ n ★" four-position brothers for their monthly ticket support this month ...


"There doesn't seem to be anything to say, let's all rest early ..." Fang Chong heard Qin Lan's voice and woke up from the fantasy. When he saw that Muge was still a confused expression, Fang Chong said very wisely . M

He had a lot of premonitions, and he doubted that if everyone stayed here, it would be difficult to ensure that the mugege would not say something that made him cry and laugh. Fang Chong prepares to suppress this possibility in the bud ...

"Who said there was nothing to say, I have a question for Sister Qin Lan ..." When Fang Chong prepared to speak and asked Qin Lan to leave, the idyll that was silent for a long time actually spoke at this time, and asked Qin Lan.

Upon hearing the words of Muge, Fang Chong's pupils became instantly enlarged. It is not difficult to see Fang Chong's expression from Muge. Muge wanted to ask Qin Lan's question ...

Fang Chongtou was a bit big when he thought of such a superb question.

However, after finding that there were no other people besides the four of them, Fang Chong calmed down a lot ...

"What do you want me to do?" Qin Lan just heard Fang Chong said to rest. I thought that Fang Chong should be tired, so I planned to open up, but when I heard Mu Ge say, his attention returned to Mu Ge.

At this time, she also remembered that when they came in, Muge seemed to have something to say to her, but at that time was blocked by Ling Ya. Qin Lan thought of this, but she was curious. What would Muge ask him?

"I wanted to ask about Fang Chong earlier, but Sister Ling Ya refused, Sister Qin Lan, wouldn't you let me ask?" Muge stood up from his seat and ran to Qin Lan's side, pulling Qin Lan's hand is similar to coquettish saying.

"Eh ..." Fang Chong saw Muge like this, and then heard the phrase "Fang Chong." He was completely petrified. He was most worried about the problem that he didn't want to hear or couldn't stop Muge.

As for Ling Ya, she only gave Fang Chong a sympathetic expression and waved her hand to show that she had done her best.

However, Ling Ya ’s feelings towards Fang Chong are a little different from hers. Fang Chong has an illusion. It seems that Ling Ya is also interested in the questions that Mengge will ask.

Thinking of these messy problems, Fang Chong shook his head, and he was left to fate. He now only hoped that Qin Lan would not be thundered. Thinking of Qin Lan, Fang Chong was relieved at this time, but he wanted to hear Qin Lan's evaluation of him ...

In Fang Chong's mind, his ability should be good ...

Thinking of this, Fang Chong found that he didn't seem to mind the question of the animal husbandry, and most importantly, because of the noise of the animal husbandry, Fang Chong also remembered something that made him think very impulsively now, before Qin Lan committed to….

The idyll is not troublesome, Fang Chong ignored it ...

"Don't you ask me?" Of course Qin Lan saw a change in the expression on Fang Chong's face. Such an unexpected discovery made Qin Lan's curiosity even greater. From her expression, it seemed that the question she wanted to ask was very important ...

"Yes, they don't bother asking, sister Qin Lan, shouldn't you?" Muge nodded and said coquettishly, at this time Muge is completely a little girl ...

"No, of course not, just ask whatever you want ..." Looking at Muge, Qin Lan couldn't explain why.

"Really, are you sure you want me to ask?" She almost jumped with joy after Mu Ge got Qin Lan's approval. "I must answer if you ask, otherwise I won't ..."

"Okay, I must answer the answer, right?" Qin Lan looked at Muge, she seemed to feel a sense of being fooled, and then looked at Fang Chong them, they are a sympathetic expression ...

However, since Qin Lan promised, she also cut out. She nodded surely. What she wanted most now was to ask the mugege quickly, and then there was nothing ...


"Is Fang Chong's powerful?" Muge asked lying softly in Qin Lan's ears. When Muge asked this question, she always fearlessly feared her, and her face appeared a touch of blush. Paying attention to the two of them, Fang Chong, stared blankly ...

When the idyll that can ask such superb questions is actually shy? Fang Chong was so surprised ...

"What? What a powerful ..." Qin Lanrao was prepared, but when she really heard Muge said something in her ear, she stood up in surprise ...

The question asked by the idyll, she did n’t understand it. When she thought of that kind of shy thing, her face suddenly turned red. Although she was not thundered, she was completely scared and scared. Kind of ...

"That's what you did with him at night?" Muge didn't know that Qin Lan was embarrassed to answer his question because he was embarrassed. Instead, he thought that Qin Lan didn't know, and he immediately understood the meaning of the words ...

"Uh ..." Qin Lan petrified, and at this time she finally understood why Fang Chong was so scared of the question of herdsmanship, and earlier, Ling Ya wanted to stop herdsman from asking her questions.

Qin Lan couldn't believe it. What would happen if she was asked this question in public by so many people? Do I have to find a gap to drill in?

Imagine that I feel very fortunate ...

"Did you not do anything while you were sleeping with Fang Chong? Then Fang Chong was really guessed by me, but then you ca n’t do it? Yeah, it must be so, otherwise, how could we face these beautiful women? To be so calm…. ”Muge did not see Qin Lan's awkward expression at all, thinking that while Qin Lan did not know her meaning, she said to herself, analyzed and came to a conclusion ...

Then, Fang Chong continued to petrochemical, and Qin Lan looked very messy ...

As for Ling Ya, she smiled and bent over ...

She really wants to say that you are so cute, Idyll ...


"Sister Ling Ya, what are you laughing at? So happy?" Muge heard Ling Ya's laughter and looked at her in wonder.

"There are girls in Muge who ask questions like you ..." After Ling Ya stopped laughing for a while, she finally said to Muge seriously.

"What's wrong with me asking this question?" Muge seemed to understand.

"Girls need to be a little reserved, can you ask such things directly and rashly? You don't care, but your sister Qin Lan is embarrassed to answer ..." Ling Ya held back a smile, held her breath, and finished her speech ...

"That's it?" Ling Ge said by Ling Ya seemed to understand the truth.

"Of course ..." Ling Ya gave her glamorous glance at her ...

"But I still want to know, sister Qin Lan, just tell me ..." Muge's sentence thundered the other three ...

"There is no way, Qin Lan, you tell her, anyway, just a few of us, you should not be ashamed of such things ..." Ling Ya finally surrendered.

"Well, male and female love is normal anyway, anyway, they are all adults ..." Qin Lan also had a defeated expression, knowing that if she didn't say it, she could not let her go, and Qin Lan would also let go. Already. After looking at Muge and Lingya, Qin Lan smiled and said, "Are you also curious about Lingya? But tell you secretly, don't worry ..."

"I ..." Ling Ya didn't expect the fire to burn to herself all of a sudden. When she wanted to say no, she thought that Fang Chong was next to him. Ling Ya was also out at this time. No denies ...

"Of course, Sister Lingya is just as interested as me ..." Muge smiled very happily. In her opinion, the answer she finally wanted ...

"The three of you ..." Fang Chong didn't say anything, but when he saw the three of them talking more and more vigorously, he finally couldn't help but speak, his tone was very wronged, and he found that he and their roles were reversed ...

"Women say men don't interrupt, you won't tell me, you will have to tell us more than sister Qin Lan ..." Muge completely ignored Fang Chong's protest.

"Uh ....." Fang Chong knew that this was the end, he closed his eyes and ignored them ...

"Sister Qin Lan, there is no way for God to stop now, just say it ..." Muge blinked her big eyes, and Qin Lan looked harmlessly.

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"Okay ..." Qin Lan shook her head with a bitter smile, and then said to Muge. "Then I will tell you, you little girl, your brother Chong, your ability is very strong, just like his fighting power, only you can't imagine, without him, if you really want He will definitely make you ecstatic ... "

Now that Qin Lan was out of the way, she let go completely. Looking at Muge, she completely exhausted her explicit words. In the end, Qin Lan could feel very clearly that Muge's face was blushing and short of breath.

"How's it, is it clear now?" Looking at the expression of Muge, Qin Lan asked with a smile, she thought that Muge was not afraid of the sky and the ground, but when she really mentioned these things, she turned red and Qin Lan couldn't help laughing. ...

"Sister Qin Lan, is it really like you said? Fang Chong is so powerful, but why isn't he interested in me ..." Muge is really embarrassed. When he speaks again, the voice is very low, but when it comes to Fang Chong Not interested in him, she said that her small mouth was so tall, she was so annoyed that Fang Chong had always ignored them ...

"This ..." Qin Lan's question is not good for answering Muge. To be precise, Qin Lan himself does not know. This question is afraid that anyone except Fang Chong himself may have an inaccurate answer.

"Did I be younger than you here, and he didn't like it?" Muge suddenly focused his eyes on Qin Lan's towering chest and said suddenly. But when she finished speaking, he quickly overturned his claim. "Sister Lingya is not young, so is he ..."

"It is better for you to ask Fang Chong yourself, I have a hard time answering it ..." Qin Lan said with a smile.

The towering chest is where Qin Lan is proud. She believes that it is women who want to have such a proud place.

But she said that she did not have to be small, that is, the difference between c and d. When talking about these two sizes, each has its own advantages ...

"He won't answer me ..." Muge was obviously depressed.

"But I know that Fang Chong's thoughts have absolutely nothing to do with the size of this place ..." Looking at the innocent look of Muge, Qin Lan pointed to her towering chest and said to Muge. Fang Chong did not touch the pastoral song, Ling Ya, Qin Lan knew the reason. The reason was very simple. Fang Chong himself had not stepped out of the moral concept of the world before the end of the world. He always thought that he had enough of Qin Lan.

If she hadn't been promoting peace from it, she would be farther away from Fang Chong and her two daughters, Muge Lingya ...

Qin Lan is very happy, but she also hopes that Fang Chong can enjoy every time, and she can't do it alone, and Fang Chong wants a helper, she knows that Muge and Ling Ya's heart is broken ...

"What does that have to do with it?" When talking about this problem, Ling Ya was also very concerned. She was very depressed on this issue, similar to Muge.

"He's afraid you'll regret it, and I'm afraid I'll regret it ..." Qin Lan pointed to himself, and then to both of them. "Three women and a man, he was afraid we would all regret it later ..."

"Do you regret it?" After hearing Qin Lan's words, Ling Ya understood that this question had been ignored by her, but would she regret it? Ling Ya asked herself a question.

"No, I won't ..." Ling Ya shook her head. She took the pastoral song as her younger sister, and Qin Lan was also a good sister. With the experience of being born and dying, the friendship beyond friendship, and even affection, she could not use any words to describe them feel.

Anyway, in a word, Fang Chong would not be jealous and jealous of being with any of them. Ling Ya is willing to share with her sister ...

"I won't regret it, as long as he is only three of us, it won't work ..." Muge pulled Ling Ya and Qin Lan, and said, walking towards Fang Chong.

She had never known the reason before, and did not dare to say anything to Fang Chong, but today she knew that Muge would not plan to continue to stumble. Happiness depends on himself, and now it ’s in the last days. Life does n’t know when it will end. He does n’t care anymore, he directly finds Fang Chong showdown ...

"Do you like me, Fang Chong, Sister Qin Lan, and Sister Ling Ya?" Muge stood in front of Fang Chong with a surprised expression, pointing to himself, Qin Lan and Ling Ya asked ...

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"Eh ..." Fang Chong did not expect that the idyllic song was still so direct, and this directness was really terrible. Looking at the three women standing in front of himself, Fang Chong really did not know how to answer the question of the idyllic song.

If according to his thoughts, the answer to the direct answer is absolutely like, all like.

But Fang Chong was very distressed at this time, did he answer it directly? Fang Chong was undecided.

"Let's not let Fang Chong be so embarrassed ..." Qin Lan could see Fang Chong's embarrassment. After all, this question is really difficult to choose. Qin Lan also knows that if Fang Chong answers what he likes, Fang Chong himself will feel that he is very greedy.

"Is it really difficult?" Muge looked at Qin Lan, then looked at Fang Chong, her eyes were dim, she felt very aggrieved, just to hear Fang Chong say something like it is really difficult?

After the pastoral song was aggrieved, the eyes became slightly red, and the body was slowly convulsing. Obviously the pastoral was holding back, so that the tears would not fall ...

"Fang Chong ..." Ling Ya saw such a phrase as Muge, but she couldn't say anything when she wanted to speak. She was also a little lost in her heart. The sentence Muqi wanted to hear was also a word she had been looking forward to for several months ...

"That ..." Fang Chong did not expect that the answer to this question was really so important to Mu Ge and Ling Ya. Looking at Mu Ge now, Fang Chong could feel that Mu Ge was sad. As for Ling Ya, although she did not cry, she His eyes are undoubtedly full of loss.

"Fang Chong, in fact, you don't have to worry about this all the time. Even if the three of us like you, it's as simple as you say. If you like it, we won't be jealous or jealous ..." Qin Lan's expression was also very distressed, now this This situation, no doubt, also greatly exceeded his expectations, and now Qin Lan also ignores the embarrassment of Chong ...

"I really want to say ..." Fang Chong also understood Qin Lan's meaning.

"Um ..." Qin Lan nodded.

Listening to the conversation between Fang Chong and Qin Lan, the eyes of Fang Chong and Ling Ya looked at Fang Chong, with worry, expectation, and hope too ....

They don't know what the answer Fang Chong said, like or dislike ...


"In fact, I know I do n’t know where I am, and I do n’t know why you like me. The issue of feelings, I always seem to be an idiot. What I am most afraid of is hurting any of them. I ’m really afraid ... Fang Chong took a deep breath and looked at them all calmly again.

"You ask me if I like you three or not ~ www.readwn.com ~ I have been afraid to answer it, not because I don't like it, but because I'm afraid I can't give you happiness, but I didn't answer if it makes you sadder, I will Let me tell you what I think ... "Fang Chong's expression twitched a few times.

"I'm really greedy. I like all three of you ..."

"What you said is true ..." Muge smiled when he heard Fang Chong's last sentence.

"Well, I like you and Qin Lan, Ling Ya ..." Fang Chong reached out and touched the head of the little girl named Muge. Fang Chong saw a real pain when she cried ...

"You are really attentive, and finally we have tried out the true colors ..." Muge fluttered in Fang Chong's arms, his face clinging to Fang Chong's chest.

"Uh ..." Fang Chong looked stiff.

"But you are so fancy, we all like it ..." Qin Lan Lingya also walked to Fang Chong's side, leaning her head lightly on Fang Chong's shoulder ...


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