Chapter 382 begins

ps. Thanks to the "lost eternity" brother's monthly pass. This month's monthly pass is actually double ...

Accident, thank you all


All night long, all night long, Fang Chong also realized what is called the blessing of Qiren ...

Fang Chong did not dare to imagine the scene. Until he woke up in the morning, Fang Chong still couldn't believe what happened last night. Looking at the people sleeping beside him, Fang Chong was unconscious and a little bit tempted ...

But it wasn't too late, Fang Chong didn't dare to move. He just looked at the ceiling quietly, and he knew very well. From today, there are more important people in his life. m

However, Fang Chong is willing and willing to guard them ...

"Huh ..." Muge turned over and buried his head deeply in Fang Chong's arms. It seemed that some beautiful scenes in the dream had a small face and he froze in Fang Chong's chest sweetly.

"Uh ..." Muge didn't feel anything, but her move brought Fang Chong a lot of trouble. Muge held Fang Chong's action, and Fang Chong could clearly see the seductive high chest ... .

The urge to calm down just now becomes stronger when I see this scene ...

If it were n’t for the first time, if it was the first time of the pastoral last night, or if today ’s task was heavy, or if it was because he was the head ...

Fang Chong really wanted to suppress the idyll and release it, but there are many but ...

"Fang Chong, your ability is really not ordinary ..." When Fang Chongqiang endured the impulse, Ling Ya tenderly sounded slightly in Fang Chong's ear with a playful voice on the other side.

Feeling the warmth blowing from his ear, Fang Chong slowly turned his head ...

"Waking up in the morning is a normal phenomenon ..." Looking at Ling Ya with a flush on her face, Fang Chong's breathing was a little heavy, but Fang Chong casually said something in order to hide his urge.

"If I suffer, I'll be fine ..." Ling Ya was also bold after the incident, and Fang Chong breathed heavily. Ling Ya couldn't hear what Fang Chong thought ...

Thinking of this, Ling Ya also thought of the passionate encounter of last night.

"Stupid girl, if you come again, you don't have to get out of bed today ..." Fang Chong didn't know the meaning of Ling Ya's implicit words. Although the beauty was tempting and impulsive, Fang Chong knew more about restraint.

"But you ..." Ling Ya heard Fang Chong's words and suddenly warmed to the bottom of her heart, Fang Chong really deplored them.

"Don't just care about me, you have to take better care of yourself ..." Fang Chong kissed Ling Ya gently and then stopped Ling Ya from wanting to continue talking.

Impulsive? Just put up with it, but not without experience ...

Fang Chong even had some fantasies. It would be nice if Qin Lan was also in bed, at least he doesn't have to endure such uncomfortableness now ...


"What are you talking about?" When Fang Chong's words came to an end, the pastoral song also woke up. Maybe she heard Fang Chong and Ling Ya talking in her sleep. She woke up and asked ...

"Nothing, talk about the mission today ..." Fang Chong did not dare to listen to the topic he just talked to Ling Ya about the pastoral song. Fang Chong did not know if the girl who knew the impulse knew his impulse, this guy would not What more bizarre actions will be made ...

Fang Chong had felt the madness of the pastoral song last night. Not to mention her initiative to do that, in fact, instead of pushing to the second daughter last night, Fang Chong might have been pushed by the pastoral song.

Now that Mengge took the initiative last night, Fang Chong felt strange and couldn't say what it felt, but that special feeling was different from Qin Lan's cooperation, obedience, Ling Ya's shyness, jerky ...

When he was with the animal husbandry, what Fang Chong felt most was a kind of energy, a kind of youthful enthusiasm.

That feeling is often very yearning.

"Really? Why didn't I hear the word of the task ..." Muge stretched her waist in Fang Chong's arms lazily, rubbing against Fang Chong with the towering bulge, she had no worries in front of Fang Chong ...

"You just saw that you fell asleep and didn't hear clearly ..." Fang Chong woke up without thinking of the song of the animal husbandry, and actually made a series of actions similar to teasing. This intimate contact was not for Fang Chong It was a good enjoyment, but a torture of sin. Fang Chong's lower body shrank to Ling Ya's side, and he tried to keep a little distance from the body of the animal husbandry.

Otherwise, it ’s so embarrassing to spit without doing Lu….

"Really?" Muge heard Fang Chong's explanation, and blinked suspiciously, looking at Fang Chong with a doubtful expression on his face ...

"Of course ..." He continued arrogantly, he didn't want to lie to her, but there was no way ...

"Then you are so shrinking towards Sister Lingya ..." Muge found strange movements of Fang Chong, she found that my body was just above Chong, Fang Chong would retreat in the next moment and keep a distance from her ...

"This ..." Fang Chong didn't expect that Muge felt so clear just when he woke up. For a while, he didn't know what to say ...

"Did I really dislike you so much?" Muge looked at Fang Chong, with an unusual grievance on his face. Fang Chong mistakenly thought that Fang Chong was alienating her ...

"No, it's not ..." Fang Chong looked at the expression of Muge and was a little flustered. He knew that Muge had misunderstood what he meant, but he couldn't say he wanted it on his own ...

Fang Chong stuttered for a while ...

"Then you ..." Muge's eyes were reddish, and tears began to swirl. Fang Chong's creaking answer seemed to her, Fang Chong was more like an excuse. "You don't have to lie to me, if I really hate me, I won't be entangled ..."

"Uh ..." Fang Chongzhen lived. Where is this? Fang Chongxi was anxious.


"Mage song, Fang Chong hated you there, he ..." Ling Ya didn't expect that Mage song was so troubled, she almost hurried to see the scene.

But when it comes to Fang Chong's impulse, Ling Ya was still a bit embarrassed. Although she was so bold with her husband and her husband last night, her personality was such that she could n’t do it like she did her husband ...

"Sister Ling Ya likes you a lot, and I won't be jealous of you, don't explain it for him ..." Although the heart is wronged, but Mage does not turn this grievance into annoyance and vent it to the good sister ...

Ling Ya began to listen to the pastoral song, and she was very satisfied ...

"Fang Chong, you have told the truth to Muge, they are already your woman. What's the embarrassment, but you are a big man, this kind of thing ca n’t be your turn like this ..." Ling Yatui Chong Fang Chong. "Hugging the idyll, she knew what ..."

"Hold me, what do you know?" Listening to what Ling Ya said to the other side, Muge looked puzzled.

Although I do n’t know the meaning of Lingya, it is not difficult to hear the pastoral song. Lingya has another meaning. Lingya said it very clearly. Fang Chong did not hate her.

In addition, the pastoral song reminded me of the two people ’s encounter last night. Fang Chong should be very enjoyable ...

"I ..." Fang Chong understood what Ling Ya meant, and when he heard that, he also understood that he had done everything, and tweaked it? What's different from taking off pants and farting ...

"I didn't hate you, but I was holding you because you were so tempting now. I was afraid that I had done it by accidental impulses ..." Fang Chong no longer had any scruples, turned his side slightly, his hands were ringing pastoral songs. Waist, big hand clinging to her smooth belly.

"Hmm ..." The moment Fang Chong's body was attached, the animal husbandry froze for a second, and then gently twisted it. The animal husbandry clearly felt Xiao Fangchong's firmness ...

At this time, Muge knew exactly why Fang Chong had kept his distance just now, even with her carefree character. At this time, her face was red ...

Fang Chong slowly became heavy, and her eyes were a little confused, and her urge to heat up quickly ...

Fang Chong's two hands also slowly left the position of the lower abdomen, moving upwards and groping downwards.

Fang Chong is not the first time, knowing that there is a sensitive position for women ...


"Fang Chong me ..." The pinching movements of the body started to grow, and the muge groaned slightly.

"Oh, I was impulsive ..." After hearing Muge's words, Fang Chong stopped working all of a sudden, thinking that Muge and Lingya are the same.

"It's better for me to come to Sister Qin Lan ..." Fang Chong stopped, and the animal husbandry was sober. The thought of Fang Chong should be very uncomfortable. The animal husbandry had some guilt on his face, but there was a slight tear-like pain between his legs and legs. I do n’t know if it will continue to linger, will it affect today ’s mission ...

"Stupid girl, what guilt ..." Fang Chong gently kissed the hair of the muge. "Wait until it doesn't hurt anymore, what about compensating me?"

"Okay, but you are so capable, I'm afraid I can't satisfy you alone ..." Muge nodded.

"Uh ..." Fang Chong didn't think that this girl was actually a tense idea about this kind of thing.

"But dragging on Lingya sister is no problem ..." Muge thought Fang Chong was depressed if she didn't speak, and then she dragged Lingya into the water with a smile.


Just when Fang Chong wanted to say something, a rallying horn had sounded.

When they heard this, Fang Chong and they all knew that although it had nothing to do with them, it was the trumpets assembled by the squad.

The three of them didn't say anything else, and soon got up from the bed ...


"It looks red, should be very happy, right?" Fang Chong and they just stepped out of the hall. Qin Lan was already sitting there with a notebook on the table in front of him ...

The monitoring work was originally done by Muge, but Qin Lan knew what they were going to do last night, and she contracted it herself. Today, a task is required. The monitoring task is also very important. This affects the overall situation every minute ...

Fortunately, the situation in Shanghai is very stable and calm these days ...

Seeing Fang Chong and the three of them stepping out of the room, Qin Lan stood up and looked at the three with a smile ...

Then said with a smile.

"Sister Qin Lan ..." Muge was embarrassed by Qin Lan as soon as possible.

"Fang Chong should satisfy you ..." Qin Lan asked with interest, watching Muge's shy expression.

"Sister Qin Lan ..." Muge thought of Fang Chong's strength, and became more and more embarrassed, anxious to chop his feet.

This performance caused the other three to laugh ....

However, knowing that there is something serious, the three people just stopped smiling ...

After sitting down, Qin Lan spoke again ....

"I have used the satellite system to sweep a range of Shanghai Stock Exchange within the current Third Ring City Line. Zombie activities are still normal and the action plan can be carried out ..."

"Oh, normal is better ..." Fang Chong nodded, and looked at Qin Lan apologetically. Although he knew that Qin Lan would not care about it, Fang Chong was still a little bit unhappy. Don't blame him, and do everything you need to worry about ...

Later, after speaking about things that should be noted for a while, Fang Chong did not waste any more time. They knew that at this time we should have assembled.

"Song Ming, how about your team ..." Outside, the vast majority of people in the stronghold had been gathered on the entire open space. Song Ming, Huang Qianchuan and others are listed.

After seeing Song Ming, Fang Chong went to them. Song Ming's team was very important for the next few days' action. Fang Chong was afraid to carelessly ...

More than a hundred people have a level of 100 or more, and Song Ming has a strength of more than two hundred and five. Fang Chong pressed the treasure on them ...

"No problem, the team members have been selected. For rescue, we can be competent ..." Song Ming knew Fang Chong's concerns, stood upright, and said with confidence.

"Good ..." Fang Chong nodded, and Song Ming was undoubtedly the one he trusted most.

Of course, it's not that Fang Chong doesn't trust other people, but that Song Ming's character is undoubtedly the most stable among all people, and he will not be rash ...

This character is most suitable to support ...


"Everyone knows that today ’s mission, yes, the number of zombies in Shanghai is still huge, but we must take the initiative to attack. I believe that everyone should not want to siege the zombies like they did a few days ago, right?" Chong is at the forefront. This operation is undoubtedly the biggest decision since the end of the last days, or since the establishment of their team.

Attacking cities where the number of zombies may reach hundreds, this idea, Fang Chong believes that to say it, I am afraid that many people think they are crazy, otherwise, it would be impossible to make such a decision without being crazy ...

Fang Chong knows this. Although he has a great grasp of victory in his heart, he also has great confidence in their actions this time, but Fang Chong is worried about others ...

Fang Chong knew that the horror of the zombies had left a lot of shadows in their hearts just after experiencing the siege of the zombies. The reason why Fang Chong said these words before the war was that everyone was afraid ....

In the face of zombies, any timid performance can be fatal.

"I don't want to be surrounded by zombies anymore. If we want to have a place where we live, we must fight to completely drive away the zombies from the Shanghai Stock Exchange and kill them ..." Fang Chong's tone calmed with excitement.

"Zombies are not terrible, they are strong, and we are not weak now. Although the zombies look terrible, but we are victorious, now we take the initiative and the advantage is in our hands at once. How many of us are zombies, believe No one has ever killed it? "Fang Chong continued to give examples.

"Zombies are not terrible. Our Shanghai base has been restored, and our base has become alive. I also have more hope. I don't want to live a day or a day. I believe everyone is the same, right?" Fang When Chong talked about this, his tone became deep, but Fang Chong's eyes were full of self-confidence. These things he showed undoubtedly gave everyone a lot of confidence. Self-confidence can infect ...

"Yes, everyone tells me ..." Fang Chong finally said this almost in a roar. Fang Chong spoke very intensely and was very expressive. This sentence is also Fang Chong's own voice ...

"Yes ..." Sure enough, when Fang Chong's voice fell, a deafening sound burst into Fang Chong's ear.

"Okay, let's go ..."

Looking at everyone's morale, the smile on Fang Chong's face was brilliant. He knew that today's mobilization was successful, and Fang Chong believed that after today, tomorrow's tasks will definitely do more with less ....

After all, in addition to reducing the number of zombies, their team ’s strength is better than their own medicine. With such sorrow, once the battle results today, everyone ’s confidence will be effective without his mobilization ...

"Let's go, although the zombies are not abnormal, but it is difficult to guarantee that an accident happened ..." Qin Lan knew what Fang Chong was thinking ~ ~ Hmm ... "Fang Chong nodded and followed the team slowly ...


Although the team did not use means of transportation such as cars, the team with greatly increased strength was not slow at all. In less than half an hour, the team was close to the Third Ring City Line. At this place, the number of zombies All at once.

"Operate according to the original plan, everyone is careful, once it is dangerous, immediately retreat and ask for support ..." Before the war, the twelve captains stood in front of Fang Chong.


"We also practice our hands, I still need time to get familiar with it ..." Fang Chong watched the team divided into the twelfth attack, he was not idle, and after a major change in his body, he knew very little about his own combat effectiveness ...

And today is the first day of full recovery ...


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