I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 383: Future plans

Chapter 383 and Beyond


Fang Chong had such a plan. The same was true of Qin Lan and Huang Qianchuan beside him. They were the same. After taking the destroyer's genetic medicine, their strength rose greatly, although the two of them were more familiar with Fang Chong for a day. But in the absence of actual combat, the effect is minimal, and they do not know what state their combat effectiveness has reached to a low level ...

"Chong ..." Fang Chong's body rushed out. M Huang Qianchuan was unwilling to fall behind, and at the same time roared, his body had rushed out of the tens of meters away.

"Neither of you has the demeanor, do you not know that the lady has priority?" Watching Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan rushed out, Qin Lan followed.

Because of her strength, Qin Lan didn't choose her most powerful fighting method, flying to the sky and using bows and arrows ...

Qin Lan also honed her own fighting power. Although the bow and arrow are powerful, sometimes, similar to the battle in the city, in many cases, if the opponent is more cunning, the bow and arrow are not useful in a large situation. .

Qin Lan understands this himself, so in terms of actual combat, he doesn't want to be too far behind.

And scenes like today, without too strong opponents, are undoubtedly the best way to fight.

At the thought of moving, Qin Lan's feet even had both feet, and her body had already spewed dozens of meters in the blink of an eye. The speed was no less than that of Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan.

From this point, it can be seen that although Qin Lan is not a speed-evolving evolutionary, but with the ability to fly, the speed advantage is still obvious.

The strength is not higher than Chong and Huang Qianchuan, but only one beat slower in speed has explained everything ...

"Hmm ..." Qin Lan approached quickly, Huang Qianchuan looked in his eyes completely, and he was somewhat surprised to see Qin Lan's speed so fast.

"Kill ..." When Huang Qianchuan was gone, Qin Lan's body had already surpassed Huang Qianchuan. At the same time, the silver-colored sword in her hand had been waved, and straightly slashed at a Hulk in front of her.

The strength has already exceeded two hundred levels. The Hulk at dozens of levels is now inconspicuous and has almost no ability to resist. When the Hulk just reacted, Qin Lan's knife had scratched the head of the Hulk.

With a buzzing sound of 呲, the Hulk's head and body separated from each other and rolled down tens of meters away.

"Good kill ..." Fang Chong, who ran in front of Qin Lan's action, knew that after Qin Lan killed the Hulk, Fang Chong turned back and praised him.

Qin Lan's performance is perfect, speed and body movements are almost integrated, as if it was an instinct.

Although killing a Hulk was nothing, it was unexpected Fang Chong's performance.

It is not difficult to see from this point that Qin Lan's efforts.

"Look at me ..." I don't know if it was stimulated by a blow like Qin Lan or what, Huang Qianchuan's fighting power also erupted at this time. When Fang Chong heard Huang Qianchuan's voice passed, Huang Qianchuan's body instantly Accelerating, the whole person blasted out like a bullet, and hurled at several zombies tens of meters away ...

"Oh, oh, oh ....." There were several bone fractures.

Huang Qianchuan did not use a weapon for this blow, and used his fist to instantly punch the three fists directly into the three fast running Hulks.

Fang Chong saw the violence of Huang Qianchuan very clearly. His three heads were blown into the head by Huang Qianchuan's fist, and his head was almost flattened under this violent attack ...

Live is not live ...


"So powerful ..." Fang Chong watched Huang Qianchuan's combat effectiveness, he was a little surprised, after all, the hardness of the fist was still much worse than that of the sword ...

"I also killed ..." Fang Chong's battle was also provoked at this time, watching that he had ran to Fang Chong's face again.

Watching them Fang Chong also killed ...

The three's movements were quick, and the killing was also sharp. After rushing into the zombies, it was almost a nightmare of zombies.

The three of them are almost three killing machines, and the scene is completely a massacre. In addition to the killing of the three of them, the morale of the others is greatly encouraged.

The number is far less than the zombies' team, but after Fang Chong's full outbreak of their combat power, they have surpassed the zombies in momentum.

The roar and the encouragement continued.

In less than an hour, this team of less than six hundred people killed tens of thousands of zombies, and it was still the case that the three of them later had some convergence.

Fang Chong and the three of them also knew in their hearts that they were only familiar with their fighting power. As for the purpose, they were to let other members of the team be proficient in fighting.

After all, there will be more and more battles in the future.

Fang Chong's current mentality is different from that of the last eruption.

What did Fang Chong want at that time? He still remembers it now, but his purpose is different from that of the past. With people in need of protection, Fang Chong is unwilling to let them live in one day and one day environment, but this life, fundamental The great environment of the last days is absolutely necessary.

Fang Chong also knew that the task was difficult, but he still had to do it.

He believes that there are definitely many people with the same dreams and ideas. All he needs now is to take the first step.

But how difficult is this step? Fang Chong has no bottom in his heart. After all, the humanoid is selfish. Fang Chong does not know how many people will join their team in the future, but Fang Chong knows that they are in this team and these brothers and sisters will fight with him. .

The killing continues, the fighting is very scene, the scene is **** ...

But it's good to know that the battle is on the side, there are not too many Terminators, and there are no more Zombie Kings like Destroyer. Zombies have little resistance at all, and over time, Fang Chong them The team here is more and more courageous, and the more and more aware of the strengths and weaknesses of zombies.

At the back, it was almost massacred. In addition to the local terminator having more trouble, the powerful Hulk could not escape the fate of being killed. Of course, in many cases, the Hulk was still slashed to death.

The day passed quickly. When the evening came, Fang Chong's team had broken the distance of a ring city line, and directly killed the second ring city line from the third ring line. The middle distance was more than ten kilometers. Of course Now, the number of zombies is more than 50,000 ...

This record is the best among all teams ...

However, I encountered so many zombies when I broke through a circle on the first day. From this point of view, things seem a bit difficult ...

Fang Chong looked dignified. He knew that he had previously underestimated the number of zombies in Shanghai.

With this discovery, Fang Chong's heart went on and on. He didn't know if things would go so smoothly next.

If you are like today, there is nothing to worry about, but is it possible?

The closer to the urban area, the higher the frequency of high-level zombies. Fang Chong knew that if thousands of Hulks appeared to deal with them at the same time, Fang Chong knew that he couldn't guarantee that everyone was all right.


"Today's battle was really beyond my expectations ..." At the meeting, Huang Qianchuan looked at the data that had been counted in his hands.

After taking the initiative to kill the zombies on the first day, Fang Chong did not choose to camp in situ.

In the city, before the zombies were completely killed, the dangerous system at night was so terrible that Fang Chong was unwilling to take the risk ...

After all, the distance from their base to the Second Ring City Line itself is only a few kilometers, which can be regarded as a short distance. Fang Chong's full acceleration is usually not needed for more than ten minutes ...

That's why they abandoned the camp and abandoned the nearest building to camp ...

"How much?" Fang Chong saw Huang Qianchuan smile like this, Fang Chong was also a little curious, what was the total number of kills today.

After Fang Chong knew this kind of information, he had the bottom of his heart, and he could roughly calculate how many zombies existed in the Shanghai Stock Market ...

"More than 400,000 heads ..." Huang Qianchuan heard Fang Chong asked, and he handed the statistics table in his hand to Fang Chong.

Now Fang Chong does not know the number of zombies killed. Previously, all the muscle meat taken from the body of the zombies was delivered to Fang Chong, but after standing here in Shanghai, now In the team of Fang Chong, both the strength of the team and the strength of technology have been rapidly improved.

The gene extraction machine is the best performer in Fang Chong's team ...

And after the success of the imitation of the gene extraction machine, the problem of how to keep these gene agents extracted from muscle meat for a relatively long time has been broken.

According to the strength of their team now, after the muscle meat is completely extracted into the gene medicine, it can be stored for several months without any problem.

Fang Chong was very pleased with this breakthrough. Fang Chong knew that from the success of such research, the killing of the muscle meat of the zombies would not cause waste ...

"More than 400,000 heads?" Fang Chong spit out his tongue when he heard the number. This number sounds scary.

Fortunately, they were killed by zombies. If they were human, then I do n’t know what to say ...

"Well, this number is indeed larger than we expected. It seems that our previous estimate of the number of zombies should be conservative ..." Qin Lan said.

Fang Chong was worried that she also thought about it, but she was not so far away from Fang Chong ...

"Well, I feel the same way, but we do n’t know the number of resident people who arrived in Shanghai before the end of the last day, and we do n’t know how many humans can escape after the end of the last day. We just do n’t want the number of zombies to be unacceptable. The situation is just fine ... "Fang Chong nodded.

"From the perspective of the situation on the road, there are not too many cars, which indirectly shows that after the outbreak of the last days, there should not be many humans fleeing from Shanghai ..." Qin Lan said that she had been there since entering Shanghai. Found this.

"You mean that the number of zombies in Shanghai should be in the millions or more ..." Fang Chong certainly understood what Qin Lan was about to say.

"Yes ..." Qin Lan nodded.

"Then we need to change our plan ..." Song Ming said. He listened to what Fang Chong said. The number of millions of heads should be very powerful. Song was obviously a little worried ...

"No, but starting tomorrow, everyone must be very careful ..." Fang Chong knew what Song Ming was worried about, and Song Ming was not afraid to die, but Song Ming didn't want the team to suffer too much ...



After a night of rest, the time soon arrived the next day.

After yesterday's day-to-day fighting power, to this day, Fang Chong has not seen the worry from any team member's face. This is undoubtedly what Fang Chong hoped to see before today. After all, is the brave fearless? But last night I knew the whole Shanghai Stock Exchange. After the number of zombies far exceeded their calculations, Fang Chong was not happy to see such a scene.

Self-confidence has always come with care. Fang Chong is worried about this, if everyone in the team cares, it is dangerous ...

But now Fang Chong is also in a difficult position.

"Tell everyone that there are so many zombies on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, so much that they are scared? Then basically they are betting ..."

Fang Chong shook his head. This statement is absolutely necessary. Although this statement can best protect everyone, the consequence is that the rare self-confidence is instantly destroyed.

Fang Chong is even more reluctant to see this scene.

"Maybe pay some blood, everyone will be more adaptable to life in the future ..." Fang Chong suddenly thought of the future.

Everyone ’s strength is growing very fast now, and they have an advantage in the face of zombies, but what about the future?

Powerful mutant creatures that seem to be no less than zombies, and have larger opponents.

Zak from the distant Maya star system.

Although the number of Zaks is smaller than that of zombies and mutants, the fighting ability of Zaks is not comparable to that of zombies and mutants.

The absolute king of zombies, the destroyer is more than 300 levels, and the evolution to the extreme is about 400 levels. Even if it can be exceeded, it is impossible to exceed it, and the mutant creature is stronger than the zombies, but it cannot be more than five. Hundreds of levels ...

Such strength is undoubtedly very powerful, but Fang Chong knows more clearly that the strength of the Zak people is far more than that. Five hundred levels are already extremely powerful, but the Zak people with such strength are powerful For the creatures like Zak, they are only intermediate Zak ...

Above it, there are advanced Zak and super Zak ...

Fang Chong has detailed information about Zak from Maya. Super Zak is the king of Zak and his strength can exceed one thousand levels in a minute ...

However, it is not known whether Fang Chong will be able to produce such a super Zak under the environment of the earth.

Asking Maya? Maya is even more uncertain. After all, a perverted guy like Super Zack, even in the Maya galaxy, it is difficult to find one or two ...

It can be said that there is a kind of abnormal existence among hundreds of millions.

You know, the Zak race has dozens of planetary sites in the Mayan galaxy. Equivalent to dozens of living environments on Earth ...

Fang Chong had to ask Maya this time, and the answer Maya gave was that if such a small earth could really evolve into the Super Zak, then it would be **** ...

However, after excluding such unlikely Zak people, the situation is still not optimistic. After all, the high-level Zach's strength is also enough for Fang Chong to have a headache ...

Super Zak has more than 1,000 levels, while advanced Zak are not weak, and their strength is between 700 and 900. This strength is still the level that Fang Chong needs to look up now ...

However, in the current environment of the earth, the senior Zak people want to appear, I believe it will be a long time, so there is still time for Fang Chong ...

"Everyone still can't take care today. Although a beautiful victory was played yesterday, the number is still several times, dozens, or even hundreds of times. Life is only once. I don't want to see precious life in you. And lost it ... "Fang Chong stepped forward and said.

Originally, such combat mobilization was only needed in the first battle, but Fang Chong had to remind him that he had to remind him ...

"Let's go ..." Fang Chong finished, without too much to stop everyone's fighting spirit.

"Everyone should be more vigilant ..." After the team set off, Fang Chong gathered the main officers of each team.


"Then leave ..."


"Mage song and Ling Ya, two of you today should pay more attention to the pictures from the satellite system ~ www.readwn.com ~ The number of zombies in Shanghai is unexpected, and I am worried that there will be an unexpected situation ..." Neither Ling Ya nor Muge followed them.

In terms of satellite system monitoring, they are still manipulating ...

"We know, you can rest assured ..." Muge and Ling Ya both nodded. In fact, Fang Chong did not need to say more today. The two of them already understood this last night.

"Okay, the two of you have a good rest. It shouldn't hurt a lot ..." Looking at the two lovely people, Fang Chong nodded. Their physical discomfort was caused by him. Once this thing, he couldn't help it ...

Especially the idyll, the initiative hurts even more ...

Fortunately, they are not ordinary people, and their recovery ability is good ...

But it ’s strange to say that other injuries can be recovered within a day, but that place is not possible ...

Some of them were puzzled by this point. As for the answer, I am afraid that someone will not explore until the end of the last days.

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