Chapter 384 Worried


The second day of the assault was surprisingly smooth. Soon, the twelfth team would clear up all the zombies in Shanghai and the city outside the city center. m

I do n’t know how many zombies exist in the city center, or what kind of dangers they will encounter. In the end, the area outside the city center, although Fang Chong did not order to stop, all the team captains issued the same at the same time. The command….

Fang Chong smiled at everyone's involuntary behavior.

After two consecutive days of hard work, everyone has grown up very fast. In this fighting style, the enemy is strong and everyone is growing fast. The performance of the reborn is undoubtedly the captain of the twelve teams.

Now they are very sensitive to dangerous smells, and it seems that fighting has become their original ...

This is fully reflected from the side of their meeting ...

"Fang Chong, do you want to continue ..." After all the teams stopped at this time, Huang Qianchuan walked to Fang Chong's side. Huang Qianchuan, who was not an ordinary conductor for a long time, was undoubtedly holding on to the performance of the twelve team captains. Appropriate attitude, in the case of him, he would do the same.

However, how many dangers are waiting for them in the city center of Shanghai. The captain of the 12th team does not know, Huang Qianchuan does not know, Fang Chong does not know ...

Huang Qianchuan's personality is there. For him, there is no big difference between danger and non-danger. In an environment like the last days, who can guarantee that place is absolutely safe?

But slowly, Huang Qianchuan also knew that other people should be taken into account. Fang Chong did not want to make this team suffer a great deal of damage. It was necessary to be careful.

In addition, Huang Qianchuan has been in contact with Fang Chong and these people for a long time, and slowly, his character has been assimilated ...

He enjoyed the atmosphere of this team, he enjoyed fighting side by side, and could be brothers and sisters back to back.

With more scruples and worries, when Huang Qianchuan was unsure, he could only seek Fang Chong's opinion ...

Since the first day that Fang Chong was asked to leave with them, Huang Qianchuan has always fulfilled his promise, but after such a long time, Huang Qianchuan did it. He really did not resist or opposed Fang Chong. Orders, military orders such as mountains, Huang Qianchuan did not shake the slightest.

"What do you think?" Fang Chong looked at the sky that had begun to darken. Fang Chong did not immediately decide. Huang Qianchuan's ability Fang Chong knew that Fang Chong set his sights on Huang Qianchuan before he had absolutely no good way. .

"There are still two hours left before dark, and the time is not short or short. If you venture into the urban area, there are many dangers, and at the same time, it may not be particularly clear ..." Huang Qianchuan was also unpretentious, Fang Chong asked At that time, he said what he thought ...


"To be more conservative, I suggest to temporarily base the base, and worry about the two hours ..." Huang Qianchuan saw Fang Chong silent, he said again.

"Okay, then retreat temporarily, you can really care about two hours ..." Fang Chong nodded. At this time, Huang Qianchuan had a point. Fang Chong nodded again and again.

"Retreat ..." Huang Qianchuan ordered the notice to retreat after receiving instructions.

"Go back ..." After Fang Chong issued such an order, the captains of the 12th team were relieved after receiving the news. They didn't know why, but they were not confident enough to rush into the Shanghai city center today.

Fang Chong's order to leave now is undoubtedly the best decision ...

"Do you think the Shanghai Stock Exchange will be as smooth as the attacks in these two days?" Decided to return, Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan walked behind with a few speeds.

Fang Chong said while walking.

What danger is there in the center of Shanghai? He is not sure ...

"Hopefully, there are so many zombies in the outer area of ​​Shanghai. The downtown area is really hard to say. In today's raid, the number of zombies is less than yesterday, and there are even fewer high-level zombies ..." Huang Qianchuan did observe that zombies are different today.

He looked at the scene of wreckage along the way and said slightly thoughtfully.

Today, he basically did n’t move much. The reason is very simple. In addition to the fact that the entire team has not encountered great danger, one of the reasons is that the zombie is too weak.

Plus the Terminator did not see, there are not many Hulks. Except for these two types of zombies, the other zombies are inconspicuous ...

"You mean that there may be unstable variables in the center of Shanghai ..." Huang Qianchuan said very simply, but Fang Chong could also understand what he said.

"Yes, cities with tens of millions of residents before the end of the world have been attacked to this location in the city center, and the zombies appear so small, is it possible?" Huang Qianchuan continued.

"In fact, this is a bit strange. It seems that Shanghai's downtown location is really difficult to fight ..." Fang Chong frowned, and Huang Qianchuan said that Fang Chong had also considered it before, but only when he thought about it before , Fang Chong did not want to go so deep, and coupled with the smooth battle these days, Fang Chong also carelessly ...

Or it should be said that after killing the Destroyer, Fang Chong did not have the kind of worry before coming to Shanghai ....

Thinking of this, Fang Chong shuddered.

Although it is said that there are no zombies that can hurt him or defeat him in Shanghai Stock Exchange, he is only an exception. In the whole team, there are only a few people who are close to him in strength. personal.

After all, there are still a lot of weak members in their team, and it is very dangerous to face several times the number of enemies. And this multiple is generally kept under five.

Once this ratio is exceeded, it is dangerous.

Fang Chong thought about what Huang Qianchuan said was worried.


Now it is false to say that Fang Chong is not worried. Fang Chong really does not want to have a big accident. One hundred percent who are not dead are basically joking.

He knew clearly that after two days of fighting, the fighting power of both the team and the individual had been greatly improved, but once the Shanghai city center was located, the proportion of zombies appeared more than five to one at the same time. If so, then the danger is great.

From the concerns of Huang Qianchuan, Fang Chong thought of this.

It is really hard to say how many zombies exist in the center of Shanghai, and how many of them are similar to Terminators. The existence of Hulk is also difficult to say ...

Once the zombies are all Hulks or Terminators to a certain extent, what is the outcome of the battle? Fang Chong did not dare to imagine.

Because of that scene, it must be terrible ...

Maybe they can win in the end, but Fang Chong believes that there will not be many members who survive.

Perhaps I feel that this is more exaggerated, but it is not unreasonable.

Although they are among them, the truly powerful zombies cannot escape their killers. Their fighting power is right, they are powerful and fast, but when the number of zombies is too much for them to handle, it is similar to the adventure they took to kill and destroy Like the others, the number of Hulks and Terminators is over 10,000, and they are all killed when they kill, and there are so many scruples ...

If this is the reason why they chose to avoid the sharp edge in the end ...

And this time, they want to break into the Shanghai city center location, the degree of danger is not weaker than the last time ...

Others ca n’t do what they want, if you want, you can run, if you want to run, if you want the zombies to follow, you can let the zombies follow ...

These are simply impossible ...


"It is absolutely necessary to fight, but we must plan well, urgently? Not in a hurry ....." After seeing Fang Chong's silence, his expression changed strangely, Huang Qianchuan said.

Fang Chong is worried about what he knows, and this time he has to consider this issue first ...

When Fang Chong did not consider this issue, he already thought of a method that he thought was feasible.

War is always a battle, but what is the way to do it? This is just like he told Fang Chong, the fight must be played, and the importance of laying Shanghai Stock Market as their first base city is beyond words.

It is absolutely impossible to abandon Shanghai Stock Market, and it is impossible to coexist with Zombies in Shanghai Stock Market. They will never allow a time bomb to be placed beside them.

And the power of this time bomb can be big or small.

Huang Qianchuan does not oppose the war. Since he must face this unknown danger, without being particularly anxious, Huang Qianchuan thinks slowly.

It's better to have a safer way ...

"You mean we still have to fight, and we must fight, but we must slow down the fighting passion for the past two days ..." Listening to Huang Qianchuan's words, Fang Chong's expression was still dignified.

"Yes, we can show weakness to the enemy, and then inquire about the truth ..." Fang Chong's words fell, and Huang Qianchuan did not explain too much. Fang Chong was able to understand what he was saying ...

In this way, Huang Qianchuan directly talked about his approach.

"In addition to taking more time, it seems that there is no difference ..." Fang Chong listened to Huang Qianchuan's method, his expression gradually returned to normal from worrying dignity.

"The biggest difference is that the team's strength can do its best without being hurt ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded.

"Okay! As you said, let ’s explore the truth about the zombies in Shanghai's city center ..." Fang Chong made a decision, and maintaining the team's combat power is undoubtedly the top priority.

Fang Chong is very concerned about them, this cannot be changed ...

"Well, it's still up to you to achieve this. Your mobilization speech before departure will be more difficult ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded.

"It's more difficult?" Fang Chong didn't understand.

"Before, we mobilized everyone to kill the zombies bravely, but tomorrow it will be harder for everyone not to be so fast ..." Huang Qianchuan pointed out two different fighting attitudes.

"There should be no problem with this, at least I must do it ..." Fang Chong heard this expression, his expression was a little distressed, but soon he gritted his teeth and said.

"Oh, that's your problem ..." Huang Qianchuan laughed.


Back at the base, Fang Chong did not usually wait until the evening to let all the captains and battle commanders gather for a meeting.

Such an unexpected move undoubtedly surprised the entire base stronghold. Of course, these people who came to the conference hall also looked at each other. They did not know what was going on. At least from now on, things didn't seem so simple ...

No one is unfamiliar with the meeting, but it is rare for a meeting to be concentrated suddenly.

It seems that only a large-scale battle is possible, but hasn't the two-day battle been smooth?

The two consecutive days of assaults were very smooth and fruitful.

But even in such a great situation, there is an urgent meeting, so everyone will inevitably guess ...

"Everyone must be wondering why you suddenly have an emergency meeting today." Everyone talked, how could Fang Chong not look in his eyes, and after everyone assembled, Fang Chong spoke, and Fang Chong went straight as soon as he spoke. The topic ...

"Yes, we are all curious whether something has happened and an emergency meeting is needed ..." For this unexpected meeting, don't say that other people feel different. Qin Lan and Ling Ya are all the same. The difference is extremely great.

When Fang Chong's words fell, they asked the first time.

"The two days of assault were extremely smooth. According to the current situation, it is easy to achieve absolute control of Shanghai Stock Exchange?" Ling Ya analyzed, Fang Chong's purpose knew ...

"If we can do it according to the strength of the surface, we have made great progress in the past two days and achieved a great record, but the real battle has only just begun at this time ..." Fang Chong was not surprised by Ling Ya Qin Lan's question. It's easy to get to the end, so Fang Chong didn't have to introduce and explain so much.

As long as Qin Lan Lingya and they all asked the key points, they still have a tacit understanding.

"What do you mean ..." Qin Lan Lingya glanced at her, obviously not understanding the meaning of Fang Chong's sentence.

"Is there a small number of people living in Shanghai before the end of the last century?" Fang Chongxue raised the same example as Huang Qianchuan ...

"A lot of ..." Qin Lan answered subconsciously. Shanghai Stock Market was one of the most concentrated areas of China's population before the end of the world. From this point, as long as it is Huaxia people, it is not difficult to know.

"Do you think about it, do we kill a lot of zombies these days? Maybe, do you think you kill a lot of zombies?" Fang Chong stood up, because the matter was important ...


"How many zombies have been killed?" When everyone heard Fang Chong's words, almost everyone did not understand what Fang Chong's words meant. Everyone looked at each other.

In their understanding, there are definitely a lot of zombies that they have killed these days. It is not difficult to see this from the collected flesh. If there are fewer zombs killed, they can harvest 200,000 pieces of muscle a day. Meat? It's impossible ...

Killing more than 200,000 zombies in one day is indeed enough for them ...

"More, definitely more. There are almost 200,000 heads a day, definitely a lot ...". With this idea, Qin Lan nodded, as she understood.

"Two days is the number of 400,000. Then you think the number of 400,000 zombies. For the resident population who went to Shanghai before the end of the world, what is 400,000?" Fang Chong finally reached the end. Chong's tone in the last sentence ...

"Four hundred thousand count ..." Qin Lan's original words came to her lips, but I didn't say anything. She seemed to understand what Fang Chong wanted to say. At least Fang Chong's purpose is on this point ...

"Nothing ..." Fang Chong looked at Qin Lan with a smile. Qin Lan finally found that compared with the population density of Shanghai, before the last days, 400,000 people were really not much ...

"Qin Lan's reaction is the same as a habitual mistake I made before today. I think that the number of zombies is 400,000, but compared to Shanghai Stock Market before the last days, such a person is nothing at all. ... "Fang Chong nodded.

"Then you mean ..." After Fang Chong said, Qin Lan hurriedly asked. She cares about this problem now, as do everyone else ...

"The plan has changed. At least tomorrow, the fighting method will be changed ..." Fang Chong watched everyone look forward to it, and said the method that Huang Qianchuan had said before.

"Then what are you planning ..."

After Fang Chong said, Qin Lan both knew the pros and cons, and knew the importance of this matter ...

"Show your enemies with weakness, and inquire about the truth ..." Fang Chong thought of this sentence before ...

But this statement is more general ...

Everyone hears these eight words ~ ~ The expressions are puzzled ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Starting tomorrow, the fighting style will change. Although we are still fighting, we can't be in a hurry ..." After Fang Chong knew that everyone didn't understand, he explained it, Fang Chong said it in detail.

"Before you know how many zombies are in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, you can't set off rashly, after all, the risk factor is now very high ..." Fang Chong continued.

"Understand, understand ..." After Fang Chong's voice fell, other people came to watch this time, and after listening to Fang Chong's detailed introduction, there was no idea there ...

"Okay, then everyone will go back to publicize temporarily. The fighting these days is too smooth. I am afraid that everyone is full of confidence. This is not good ..." Fang Chong nodded ...


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