Chapter 386 Assault


Fang Chong does not know what happened for the time being, but one thing is certain that Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming must be in trouble just like him. m

Fang Chong frowned and was a little annoyed. He didn't expect that things would turn into two steps if he walked two steps faster. Now the only thing that can be sure is that they are careless, and this idea is still more lethal. Fang Chong is not worried about himself. He is very confident in his strength. It should be said that Huang Qianchuan Song Ming included the one hundred Multiplayer squad.

How many zombies are now unknown, and from the weird situation now, in the city center of Shanghai, these zombies are prepared. Fang Chong Yue wants to frown more and more.

After taking a deep breath, Fang Chong worked hard to calm down his mind. He knew that the more time he needed to calm down.

I can't care less now.

Before entering the city center, Fang Chong knew to warn others to be careful, but it was he who really let everyone get into trouble.

Regret and depression is useless, Fang Chong's hand holding the sword has inadvertently aggravated a bit, and the joints are a little pale ...

Before knowing what plot the zombies were seeking, Fang Chong stared at the zombies that had appeared in front of him.

The Hulk with a smile on this head, Fang Chong can be said to be provoked.

Gritting his teeth slightly, Fang Chong's body rushed out in the next second, almost a few jumping times, and Fang Chong's people had appeared beside the Hulk tens of meters away.

When the Hulk didn't respond at all, Fang Chong's long sword waved.

"Hmm ..."

Without any accident, the long sword instantly crossed the Hulk's neck, and as the Hulk's head tilted, a blood arrow ejected from the disconnection. Then, the tall body of the Hulk with some proud smiles came down before. under….

"Resolve one, what about the other zombies?" After Fang Chong resolved this Hulk easily, his expression did not relax at all, and he looked around dignifiedly, as if Fang Chong wanted to find the zombies from these places around him. conspiracy.

However, what is doubtful is that Fang Chong's observations did not yield any results. Apart from nothing, Fang Chong decided to run back ...

The Emperor Song and the Emperor Qianchuan did not keep up. Do n’t doubt it, it was definitely in trouble. They have n’t been seen for so long. Do n’t ask, it ’s definitely a lot of trouble ...

With the intention, Fang Chong was not ready to delay, turned back, and ran quickly ...


"Roar ..." Fang Chong was stopped by a group of people as soon as he ran to the exit of the community. No, it should not be said that it was a person or a zombie. Fang Chong was surrounded by a large number of zombies ...

"Do you play siege?" Fang Chong looked at these menacing zombies, his expression was still calmer than before, but these zombies that suddenly appeared in front of him still surprised Fang Chong's face.

The zombie is still a face like that, which can be said to be expressionless, but this group of zombies actually learned to ambush, and it was ambush that Fang Chong did not notice at all, this place is the most Fang Chong surprised.

From this point, let Fang Chong smell a simple question and ask inside.

Looking at the dense zombies around him, Fang Chong finally moved.

Seeing more and more zombies gathered around him, Fang Chong did not dare to delay.

There are zombies with hulks, zombies, and corpses. Although the number of zombies has exceeded thousands by this time, it is difficult for Fang Chong to feel pressure, but the trouble is definitely.

Fang Chong is not nervous now, but he is worried about Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming. He has the Mayan system and has not been able to find the ambush of the zombies, let alone Song Ming Huang Qianchuan.

Although the strength of the two of them will not be weaker than him, Fang Chong's intuition now feels that the plot of the zombie should not be so simple.

Fang Chong's eyes became cold, his breath was slowly changing, and a strong and violent breath emanated from Fang Chong's body.

This is the first time Fang Chong has shown such a sloppy side ...

After worrying about the safety of Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming, including the team of more than 100 people, Fang Chong was really angry.

Rage skyrocket ...

"Kill ..." Fang Chong shouted as the momentum reached its peak.

Both feet exerted force at the same time, and the man rushed to the nearest zombie near him, a Hulk standing about two meters and five meters, and a long green sword with a pale green light shook in Fang Chong's hands. The sword draws a beautiful arc in the air ...

No sound, no extra sound, the blade of the sword instantly penetrates the Hulk's neck ...

Almost at the same time, you can see the head of the Hulk flying up, and the eyes above the head are full of unimaginable expressions looking at Fang Chong ...

A sword perfectly killed a Hulk, Fang Chong's expression did not change at all, Fang Chong knew to himself that such a Hulk had nothing to do with thousands of zombies.

Fang Chong did not expect to kill such a zombie to scare them. Zombies are not human. Although they also know what they are afraid of, one-click killing a Hulk will scare thousands of zombies. , That's just kidding.

And Fang Chong knew one thing, not to say that zombies were walking dead and alive. Even people, under the temptation of heavy money, there will still be many people to fight his idea.


Fang Chong kept his forward body without any pause, and soon inserted into the group of zombies. Fang Chong was not afraid, nor was he afraid. For others, he broke through the Longtan tiger's hole ...

The sword danced endlessly, almost forming a layer of sword cover beside him.

Not only did the zombies fail to hurt him, the blood of the zombies killed by him was also blocked, and the clothes on Fang Chong's body were still bright ...




A roar of zombies kept ringing, and at the same time these vocals sounded, the siege of Fang Chong's siege also increased, and the pressure of Fang Chong also increased a lot, but there was no trouble trying to make Fang Chong. Yes.

Fang Chong still looks like a killing machine. The place where the corpse was hanged, the blood of the zombie's body is flying, and the scene is like Shura hell.

Fang Chong marched at a fast pace, walking almost as usual.

Under the circumstances that can not be optimistic, Fang Chong's strength broke out completely. After more than ten minutes of killing, Fang Chong killed a **** road and broke through the zombies ...

"Where is the direction ..." After Fang Chong highlighted the zombies' encirclement, he frowned, because he was anxious and temporarily forgot the way to come. After slightly discerning the direction, Fang Chong's body moved again.

After slashing several zombies that followed him, Fang Chong speeded up and ran in the direction he thought.

Fang Chong didn't have much low in his heart, but he was very fortunate that just after running a street, Fang Chong was able to hear the sound of fighting, and also mixed with many human roars ...

Knowing that the direction was right, Fang Chong's speed couldn't help but increase a bit.

In less than half a minute, Fang Chong was able to see Song Ming, Huang Qianchuan, and others fighting with the zombies.

Of course, Fang Chong also saw the group members who had been killed and lying on the side, and there were more than one.

Watching some members die because of his care and the slyness of the zombies, Fang Chong's eyes grew colder, and the zombies had touched his bottom line.

"Kill ..." Fang Chong rushed forward without any delay ...

Fang Chong is like a **** of killing.


"Is Fang Chong?" Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan, who had been persecuted by a large number of zombies, seemed to hear Fang Chong faintly ...

"Did you faint ..." After hearing Song Ming's words, Huang Qianchuan frowned and looked at Huang Qianchuan. Fang Chong should be in a much more dangerous situation than them.

Although it is said that Fang Chong's strength is much stronger than them, the level is similar, but in terms of explosive power, Fang Chong is not comparable to them.

But even so, the number of zombies they have to face outside is already so much, not to mention that Fang Chong has gone deeper than them, and the danger is bound to be greater than the zombies they face now.

This is why Huang Qianchuan felt that Fang Chong could not come to support them ...

"Don't believe it? Listen carefully ..." Song Ming didn't deny his own answer because Huang Qianchuan said so. He still could hear a familiar voice rushing directly in front of them, directly behind the zombies.

Seeing this, Song Ming was even more pleased ...

"Really?" Huang Qianchuan didn't expect that Song Ming would insist on it. After he said it, he really sounded seriously ...

"Come here ..." Huang Qianchuan listened carefully and really heard some familiar voices coming from not far away. This familiar voice Huang Qianchuan thought of Fang Chong for a moment.

I can't see it because the Hulk and Terminator are so tall, but their voices can't fool people.

When he realized that it was Fang Chonglai's support, Huang Qianchuan's face was ecstatic, his expression flashed with a smirk, his breath was full of vitality, and the feeling was very dangerous, just like the same ancient giant wanted to erupt.

After Huang Qianchuan broke out of a powerful breath, she did not act immediately, but looked at a terminator 50 meters away from him with cold eyes. Huang Qianchuan looked at this terminator with an expression of hatred. The eyes of the Terminator were like looking at the dead.

Huang Qianchuan knew very well that the three members of the group who died in his team were killed by it. Huang Qianchuan's character can never let him live so moisturized ...

"Well, absolutely Fang Chong ..." Song Ming nodded, and Huang Qianchuan was gaining momentum. Song Ming was not idle. He temporarily blocked the attack for Huang Qianchuan. Huang Qianchuan wants to do it later, which is also what Song Ming wants ...

"Kill ..." The breath has accumulated in the bursting state, Huang Qianchuan finally no longer endures, and the huge strength of the body also broke out at this time.

After Huang Qianchuan stepped on the solid concrete road with both feet, his body rushed out with this huge rebound force.

The sword in his hand was dancing. The speed of killing was not slow at all. He approached the target he wanted more quickly, a behemoth with a height of nearly four meters ...

With three lives in his hands, Huang Qianchuan has no reason not to fight ...

"It's also the death of the three brothers ..." Huang Qianchuan rushed to the Terminator in less than a minute. Looking at the Terminator who killed his three brothers, Huang Qianchuan yelled. , His body leaped high, the sword in his hand split a few sword flowers, quickly and powerfully split to the Terminator ...

"Roar ..." The Terminator did not expect the humans who had been easily killed by them before this time dared to behave like this. This act of challenging his dignity, after a roar, a huge fist blasted at Huang Qianchuan in the air ...

Looking at the huge fist that the Terminator blasted out quickly, Huang Qianchuan's expression did not show a wave of waves. Although the strength of the Terminator was strong, there was no trace at all of these evolutionaries whose strength has far exceeded 200. Difficulty. I didn't rush out to kill him before. The biggest reason was that there were too many zombies and things happened too abruptly. They couldn't react, and the group members were killed at that time.

Later, Huang Qianchuan, because of the safety of the other members, took refuge in the impulse and did not kill him ...

But at this time, the situation was different. Except that after the team's combat effectiveness was gradually restored, Fang Chong came back to support him. In this case, he had no reason not to kill.

Do not avenge other killed members ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Kill ..." Watching Terminator's fist getting closer, Huang Qianchuan's mouth rose unexpectedly slightly, but his hand was not idle, and with a force, the sword crossed a residual image, Fang Chong's body slightly On the side, while Kankan escaped the Terminator's fist, the sword in his hand had cut off the Terminator's head ...

After being counted as a perfect blow, Huang Qianchuan fell into his body and kept his hands intact.

Wherever he went, the blood flow was endless, the limbs were flying across, and the scene was good. Fang Chong could not go there. If there was a difference between the two, Fang Chong was faster than Huang Qianchuan ....

Soon, Huang Qianchuan's desired purpose was achieved. After his series of messes, the direction of the zombies' siege was all disrupted. It could be said that the orderly zombies had been all out of order.

The attack was almost paralyzed.

The goal was achieved, Huang Qianchuan was not greedy, he continued to intersperse with the zombies for a while, and his body leaped high. After finding the direction, Huang Qianchuan did not stop to rush to gather with the team.

After all, in this world full of zombies, an accident is not difficult, even if it is his strength ...

"Come back ..." When Huang Qianchuan rushed back to the team, Fang Chong had rushed in for a little while.

"Well, are you okay?" Seeing Fang Chong really come back unscathed, the smile on Huang Qianchuan's face was bright, and it was most important that he was all right.

Although they all paid attention today, the loss was not particularly heavy. The three team members sacrificed and they were still within an acceptable range.

"How is the situation now?" Fang Chong nodded, and began to ask the team's current situation. In this small area, the number of zombies who besieged them exceeded tens of thousands. This number of zombies was completely killed by Fang Chong alone. Impossible, but the more than one hundred genetic fighters with a strength of more than one hundred levels are not easy to explode.

If everyone is in the state, it can be a fight.

To be safe, Fang Chong didn't want to take a risk, and his condition was not good. He would choose to retreat wisely ...

"It's okay. I lost my helmet and armor just because the zombies appeared too suddenly. Of course, it's not too much to go too smoothly the previous two days ..." Song Ming nodded. He knew the situation of the team, especially After the refurbishment of this small meeting just now, the combat effectiveness of the team was hardly lost ...

"Then let's fight fiercely ..." Fang Chong heard the news, and his long sword was raised high.

"A fierce battle ..." Passion can be ignited. After Fang Chong roared, one hundred people also raised their weapons.

"Kill ..." Fang Chong was a soldier.


"throw it out…."

Several energy grenades appeared in Fang Chong's hands. After handing them to several soldiers around him, he took out a few more, and also handed them to the soldiers' hands. After the number was close to thirty, Fang Chong pulled the fuse of the energy grenade for several seconds Later, the energy grenade was thrown high in his hands.

Finally, in a beautiful arc, it fell to the place with the most zombies. Other group members also have everything to learn ~ ~ Under Fang Chong's password, dozens of energy grenades were thrown out ...


"Boom, boom ..."

"Boom, boom, boom ..."

Dozens of energy grenades exploded one after another, the huge explosion sound was deafening, and even the earth trembled slightly under the great power.

And such a powerful explosion, the results are full of ...

Dozens of vacuum zones without zombies appeared on the road full of zombies.

In such an explosion, at least not less than thousands of zombies were directly killed, and the number of zombies who lost their ability to move was also huge ...

"Assault began ..." I know the record is great, but Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan did not intend to continue to throw energy grenades. With the end of the explosion, they have all rushed out ...


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