I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 387: Kill blood

Chapter 387 Killing With Blood


The killing is in progress. A team of more than a hundred people is inserted directly into the zombies like a sharp knife. Although the number of zombies is dozens of times that of humans, Fang Chong and the three of them are opening the road. None of the zombies has a block. The force was almost instantaneous, and the team rushed tens of meters away. Everywhere they went, there was an empty lot, and the scene was like a killing field. M

"How about spreading and killing ..." There was almost no obstruction. After rushing out of the tens of meters again, Huang Qianchuan asked, although there was no zombies with power, but the scene was still not so easy to control. Rush, the number of zombies destroyed is at most one or two thousand. For such a number, for tens of thousands of zombies, there is not much impression at all.

Huang Qianchuan also knows this, and also knows that the physical strength of the team members is not a problem, and the attack power is sufficient, but such a long-term attack, in addition to easy fatigue, the team members are also vulnerable to damage ...

"It's not enough to spread and kill. Some of us are not a problem. The other team members can't break through at all. If they continue to impact, if they cannot support it physically, they will break through ..." Fang Chong looked calm. He just experienced such a surprise attack just now. There are a lot of zombies. With so many people together now, his pressure is much easier than before.

He knows better than Huang Qianchuan what environment they are facing. Once the team is dispersed, a person must face at least tens of zombies. Such a number cannot be afforded by ordinary members.

It is easy to cause unnecessary casualties.

"Understand ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded, and continued to take the lead to rush forward, widening and closing the moves, waving a knife, always counting the number of zombies and falling.

Fang Chong was more assured that the number of zombies had been significantly reduced after several rounds of back and forth shocks, and their pressure had been reduced a lot.

Of course, in the impact of these laps, Fang Chong's energy grenade also played a rare role. Basically, a grenade was thrown out. The number of dead and injured zombies was dozens and hundreds, and the huge explosion sound and the horror effect also let A lot of zombies' actions were stopped ...

After more than an hour passed, when Fang Chong cut and killed the last zombies, the team of more than a hundred people seemed to be removed from the blood pool. After seeing the danger lifted, in addition to Fang Chong, the three of them were still standing. The others fell on the pavement covered with **** limbs. More than a hundred people killed tens of thousands of zombies. This disparity in fighting, in addition to letting people go, is more stressful, but what makes Fang Chong happy is that everyone has survived ...

Fang Chong believes that after this time, not only will these people greatly increase their strength, but their combat experience will also increase greatly ...

"Drink the genetic medicine, take a rest, and reload it ..." After letting everyone rest for more than ten minutes, he took out hundreds of bottles of genetic medicine from the storage space and asked everyone to come and pick it up.

Drinking these gene drugs after dehydration has the best effect of restoring physical strength, and it also has many benefits for strength growth.


"We also set off, Fang Chong and they have sent a signal ..." After Fang Chong and their rest, they checked around and did not find an ambush again, and then informed Qin Lan.

It ’s a lesson for Fang Chong to eat a long one. They already know that zombies are no longer the kind they were before, and they will now ambush ...

"Okay, set off ..." Qin Lan waited impatiently. After all, they do n’t know how dangerous the location of Shanghai's city center is, but Fang Chong only had more than a hundred people, and the time has passed so long, and The explosion of the energy grenade before also made them nervous.

Qin Lan knew Fang Chong's personality. He would not have used a large-scale anti-personnel weapon such as an energy grenade if the number of zombies had reached a certain level.

However, Fang Chong did not issue a notification signal, and they just moved randomly.

Understand Qin Lan's concerns. After Qin Lan ordered, Xiao Jun and Liu Jian have greeted the team members and entered the avenue leading to the city center in an orderly way ....

But after walking hundreds of meters slowly, the quiet environment made the team make some weird sounds, many of them disdain.

Because the environment here is much safer than before.

In this kind of environment, Qin Lan didn't know how to do well.

"Sister Qin Lan, why are there no zombies here, is there a scene of fighting, and why did we hear so many energy grenade explosions just outside?" Xiaojun and Qin Lan were sitting on the same off-road vehicle, although the outside The discussion made him a little unhappy, but it really was what they said.

"Some of the previous situations are different. Fang Chong can't throw energy grenades so boringly ..." Qin Lan's face had doubts, but she believed in Fang Chong very much.

"It should be what Sister Qin Lan said, there may have been changes in the front ..." Xiao Lanshou did not let go of her energy sniper rifle. Although this situation is safe now, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no dangerous situation.

"Hmm ..." Xiaojun looked at the car seriously, but speeded up a bit.

"Oh, there is a **** smell ..." Soon, proceeding a distance of less than 100 meters, through the window of the car, Xiaojun's face changed, and a strong **** smell came ....

"It's so thick ..." Xiao Jun's voice fell, and Qin Lan also smelled it. The **** smell that was strong enough to make him feel sick, Qin Lan's expression slowly became dignified.

"Surely there has been a battle, and it's not ordinary fierce ..." Xiao Lan has stood up from her seat, and an energy sniper rifle with a length of more than 1.5 meters has been mounted on the roof of the car, looking around quietly ...

Although Fang Chong's signal was safe, but such a strong **** smell could not help them not to be nervous.

Sudden situations can happen a lot ...


"Stop, walk forward, all on alert ..." Qin Lan gave instructions.

Although I believe that Fang Chong should be completely relieved of the danger without warning, but Qin Lan is still for insurance, and some of the members just said made Qin Lan a bit unhappy. Although I know that everyone is not malicious, Qin Lan is not willing have witnessed.

Now there is such a strong **** smell, which is undoubtedly a good educational class ...


After Qin Lan's order was issued, a procession of thousands of people divided into several streets, and soon, as the **** taste became more intense, they finally came to the source of the **** taste ...

After seeing such a scene, Qin Lan opened her mouth slightly, it was too **** and disgusting ...

Even after a few months of eschatology, I couldn't help taking a sigh of breath when I saw such a scene.

In the zombies siege, although the number of zombies killed was very large, but the artillery was very large. Basically, many zombies were blown up and scorched, and there is rarely such a scene of blood flowing into the river nowadays, and the area of ​​the zombies is siege. Very wide ...

"Brother Fang Chong, are they too bloody?" Xiaojun spit out his tongue, such a scene is too shocking ...

"Are there tens of thousands of zombies here?" After confirming Maya's danger, Xiao Lan got off the car, her expression was a bit ugly. After all, this **** scene was still a little unacceptable for a girl. .

Qin Lan's expression was a bit unnatural, and it was not surprising that Xiao Lan had such a reaction ...

"Yes, let everyone hurry and take out the flesh from the zombies ..." After taking a deep breath, Qin Lan calmly gave instructions.

Qin Lan swept the expressions on other people's faces. The proud members before this time have become silent and their expressions are very wonderful ...

"Understand ..." Xiaojun nodded and gave instructions.

Thousands of tens of thousands of zombies were collected and completed quickly, but when everyone gathered the muscles, their expressions were very wonderful, they were always quiet.

They didn't know what was dangerous until they knew that a team of more than a hundred people had killed more than 50,000 zombies ...

Qin Lan didn't say much. After instructing some people to transport the muscle meat back to the base, she directed the team to move forward ....


After seeing such a scene, and then on the road, the team of more than 6,000 people didn't have to ask Qin Lan to do anything. Everyone walked tacitly, but compared to the previous one, which was a bit loose and somewhat non-performing. Much more serious.

Everyone is expressionless, but it can be seen that everyone's attention is in a highly concentrated situation.

"Boom ..." After walking for a while, I didn't see any **** scenes anymore, but everyone still looked serious, but with the sound of an explosion, a sound of sounds of weapons drawing out in the team rang.

"Something went wrong ...." After hearing the explosion of the energy grenade, Qin Lan and their watches immediately became nervous.

Although they do n’t know what happened here in the center of Shanghai, the zombies were all gathered together, but after hearing the explosion, they knew that Fang Chong was bound to be in trouble again ...

Thinking of the scene where hundreds of people dealt with tens of thousands of zombies before, Qin Lan didn't hesitate to let everyone speed up ...

Qin Lan did not quite believe that Fang Chong and their people could always win more with less.

If the team of hundreds of people has the same strength as the three of Fang Chong, it is possible, but is it possible? Is absolutely impossible ...

"Accelerate ..." When Qin Lan knew that the situation was not optimistic, she immediately asked everyone to speed up, and her expression seemed very tense.

As the instructions were issued, other people did not need to make too many instructions at all, and the speed was tacitly mentioned. Everyone is a partner. They cannot see them in distress ...

"It should be coming soon ..." As the explosion sounded closer and closer, Xiao Jun said, he could see Qin Lan's worry.

"Well, Xiaojun, come behind you, I'll go first ..." Qin Lan nodded, and suddenly stood up.

"it is good…."

Qin Lan finally couldn't help but flew into the sky first.

…………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Hey, Fang Chong, I didn't expect that we could eat one and didn't grow up. We actually lost the plot of the zombies ..." Huang Qianchuan gasped and smiled at the other side in a mall in Shanghai, saying just now After they sent the signal, they continued to move forward, but they did not expect that they were hit by the zombies under the circumstance of being very careful ...

I don't know if I just knew that tens of thousands of zombies couldn't stop them or for other reasons. Once again, the number of zombies that surrounded them exceeded 100,000. In that dark scene, Fang Chong did not hesitate to let more than 100 people The team directly kills the mall closest to them. After all, the mall has fewer entrances and exits, and it is unlikely that the zombies want to attack them on a large scale.

What did not expect is that the zombies seem to have long thought that Fang Chong might enter this mall. A large number of zombies are arranged on the first floor and above. In Fang Chong, they think that blocking the outside zombies is not dangerous for the time being. Down, the zombies upstairs went down.

Suddenly, Fang Chong, who was on the back of his back, was suddenly in extreme danger ...

Thankfully, Fang Chong finally killed the zombies inside the mall after paying the lives of several soldiers ...

"We did take care. Now these zombies are not the ones we know. They are very cooperative and will ambush. Now they will actually go upstairs to ambush?" Fang Chong nodded, and he was breathing heavily now. The five Terminators killed in the zombie cost him a lot of energy.

"What shall we do next?" Song Ming also retreated from the guard at the door at this time. After so long, if the three of them had more than two hundred strengths, I was afraid that they would have fallen down at this time.

"I can only keep it up, waiting for Qin Lan to come to rescue them. Now our strength and state can't support us to break through ..." Fang Chong took out a lot of genetic medicine, and motioned for others to come and get strength. Said.

Now to keep the entrance to rely on energy grenades to help, in the case of many members have been out of power, breakout is undoubtedly the most unwise.

They don't know that zombies will grow more and more?


"What about Fang Chong them?" After Qin Lan flew up into the sky, he quickly mentioned the speed, and soon saw the densely packed zombies.

Looking at such a large number of zombies, Qin Lan looked around nervously. She tried to find Fang Chong them among the zombies.

But it was really difficult to find a few people in such a huge amount of more than 100,000. Qin Lan flew a few rounds in his mouth and found nothing ...

"Sister Qin Lan, how is the situation?" When Qin Lan secretly anxiously, the intercom heard the voice of Xiaojun. Obviously, Xiao Jun's mind is also on Fang Chong ...

"Not found yet, but the number of zombies here is more than 100,000. Heavy weapons cannot be left ..." Qin Lan stopped at a place more than thirty meters above the sky, while continuing to look at the surroundings, while telling Xiaojun, Tell him the situation here.

She was more worried that the small army would rush over when they left the vehicle.

Thousands of zombies are still very threatening to their entire team ...

"Understand ..." After hearing the amount of more than 100,000, Xiaojun took a breath of air, and secretly worried for Fang Chong.

Had it not been for the explosion of the energy grenade, he really thought that Fang Chong had all died of their war ...

After closing the dialogue with Qin Lan, Xiaojun informed the 12 team captains that Qin Lan had seen the situation ...

"By the way, isn't the place where the sound of the explosion came from Fang Chong?" Qin Lan looked for a few more round trips, but after nothing was gained, he knew she needed to change her mind.

After calming down, Qin Lan once again heard the explosion of the energy grenade.

"On the left ..." Qin Lan quickly determined the direction, and flew towards the place where the voice came when her body moved.

With the direction and the approximate target, Qin Lan was in a great direction. These zombies were gradually consistent in the places where they gathered close together. After confirming that their goals were not wrong, Qin Lan's speed suddenly increased.

Soon she saw a building, and this building is undoubtedly where Fang Chong is now holding ...

"Trapped in the building?" After discovering that the energy grenade was thrown out of the building, Qin Lan was not in a hurry. She knew that at the entrance of a shopping mall, Fang Chong them had no problem keeping them for a while. He didn't make much difference by himself.

If you want to solve the situation at hand, you must rethink the solution, and the best solution at present is undoubtedly the power of a large team.

"All I can do now is wait ..." With the intention, Qin Lan's body remained in the air, but she had a few more energy grenades from Fang Chong.

Xiaojun, it will take them a few minutes at the earliest to reach the periphery of the tens of thousands of zombies, and it will take even longer to reach them.

And if nothing is done within these few minutes, Qin Lan can't help it.

After taking out several energy grenades, Qin Lan's head came alive. She was trying to find a way to find the best way to use these energy grenades as much as possible ...

"Let's throw it to the place with the most zombies ..." There are only a little more than ten energy grenades. The most densely populated area.

Although it does not have a large and sensational effect, it is absolutely not a problem to at least kill hundreds of zombies and create some confusion ...

After thinking that the method was good, Qin Lan immediately acted.

After his body was slightly raised for more than 20 meters, the energy grenade insurance was pulled by him ...

More than a dozen energy grenades were thrown out by her in different positions ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Boom. Boom, Boom ..."

Immediately, the violent explosion sounded again ...

The smoke filled ...

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