I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 388: Doubt and worry

Chapter 388 Confusion and Worry


"Is there an explosion of energy grenades?" As dozens of energy grenades exploded before and after, Fang Chong heard them in the mall, Huang Qianchuan stood up in surprise. m

"Is it Qin Lan?" Song Ming also smiled on his face. If it was Qin Lan, it would undoubtedly be a charcoal in the snow. Now they are not in such a situation.

And the worst part is that all the signals of the two-way radio are actually blocked, what is the reason? Don't know yet ...

This fatal reason is also the reason why they have to fight alone, and in the final analysis it is their intention ...

"It should be Qin Lan alone, otherwise, the zombies would have been messed up, and the explosion would definitely be more than that ..." Fang Chong also stood up, but he was still calm, and he said only after confirming the situation.

"Well, Fang Chong also said ..." After Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan calmed down and listened carefully, they nodded. Fang Chong is true. There are still heavy weapons in the comparison team. If a large army arrives, the sound of guns will definitely not stop there.

However, although it was known that it was not a large army arrived, their expressions did not change much. As long as Qin Lan discovered their situation, it would not take long for the large army to arrive.

There are more than 100,000 zombies here, the number sounds terrible, but with one enemy ten, the problem is not big, and the battle situation is almost certain when equipped with heavy weapons ...

Although the pressure on defense is a little bit greater, the problem is not big when the energy grenade is not the support, plus a lot of gene medicine on Chong, even if the support is fine for a day or two.

Fang Chong they are not afraid to wait ...

Although the voice of Fang Chong and the three of them was not loud, others were able to hear clearly. When they knew that reinforcements had arrived, they were mentally uplifted. For a time, the zombies didn't want to think of Leichi any more ...

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"Sister Qin Lan, is it a hard attack or ..." After Fang Chong regained confidence inside them, outside the mall, Xiaojun has led thousands of people to approach the mall, but he has to approach Fang Chong's besieged mall for a while. Is impossible.

Don't say that the zombies gathered too densely, and the road was blocked. Whether zombies are willing to let them live is still a big problem ...

Xiaojun didn't get such an idea, he chose to ask Qin Lan's opinion ...

"Hard attack, but from the entrance, one thousand meters away must not be included in the scope of the shelling ..." After Qin Lan was able to determine the distance between the entrance and the outside, Qin Lan began to issue instructions.

Such a huge number of zombies. The effect of the shelling is the most amazing, basically you can achieve a good record without aiming ...

"Understand ..." When Qin Lan said this, Xiaojun suddenly understood what Qin Lan was worried about. From the electronic map on his car, the most obvious place to choose for defense two kilometers away from where they are now is the mall. This mall with a low floor should be the one Fang Chong is now avoiding. local….

Knowing this, Xiaojun reminded everyone of what needs attention, and everyone's preparations have begun.

Artillery, energy cannon ...

All kinds of guns are available.

Dealing with these guns that Terminator, Destroyer, Zak, and even Hulk are not very effective, they are still very depressed, but ordinary zombies are still nothing to worry about.

After a round of shelling, the effect was clearly visible. Afraid of thousands of zombies falling at this time ...

"Boom, boom ..."

The effect is remarkable, the fire is re-emerging ...

It was another round of heavy shelling, and the zombies finally panicked, but with the end of the round of artillery, the zombies from the side of the small army, that is, the side of the large army, finally found their presence, such a large number Humans, at this time, have undoubtedly become huge targets for zombies.

With a few sharp growls, a large number of zombies began to turn around.

I've been sprinting recently, running towards the army and their side ...

"Shoot and hit ..." Looking at the zombies approaching quickly, Xiaojun's face was unmoved. After the zombies entered the attack range, he decisively ordered.

As for the members responsible for firing, they even turned a blind eye to these approaching zombies. They still reloaded, aimed, and fired ...

Where the shells fell was still the most concentrated place for zombies to gather.


"Everyone stand up, the support has arrived, and the victory is still ours ..." Hearing such a fierce bombardment, the soldiers in the entire mall could hear it.

When Qin Lan, who was completely certain, arrived, Huang Qianchuan said loudly.

Now everyone is most in need of conviction. With conviction, the surging survival desire can double the combat effectiveness.

Although it does not stimulate everyone's desire to survive, there is no problem in keeping it, but after explosive power, the potential can be more developed. Huang Qianchuan and they all hold this idea ...

"Yes ..." Sure enough, as Huang Qianchuan's words came to an end, the atmosphere in the whole mall suddenly rose to the extreme, and the enthusiasm for combat effectiveness increased, and the zombies seemed more regressive.

As for Fang Chong's side, many members of the group had a vague urge to go out and support the assembly of the team.

However, Huang Qianchuan and Fang Chong were very clear to stop other members of the group from thinking about it. They rushed out, and it was difficult to guarantee injuries ...

"Fang Chong ....."

As time went on, the attack power of the zombie side had been greatly reduced, and the pressure felt at most half of what it was before. This change, Fang Chong knew that the support team should give the zombie a blow that was too large and exceeded The scope of loss that zombies can accept.

Only in this case, it is possible for most of the zombies to move to attack there ...

When Fang Chong was happy, a figure fell in the air ...

"Qin Lan, why are you here first, what's the situation over there ..." Seeing Qin Lan, Fang Chong's face was a little surprised. It stands to reason that the big army over there and Song Minghuang Qianchuan were not there, but Ling Ya Keep the base stronghold there. In this case, Qin Lan can never walk away.

After all, in addition to the above-mentioned people, Fang Chong can't think of any other person who can competently command this heavy task ...

Ling Ya came over to help? Fang Chong knew that this possibility was impossible, Ling Ya, they simply couldn't know that they were trapped ...

"The army is directing. After several trials these days, the kid's commanding talents are well demonstrated. He has commanded the battle from just to now, and the effect is still good.

Although there are still a lot of zombies, the number is declining rapidly, and we now have the upper hand… .. Qin Lan has not concealed who Fang Chong is in commanding the battle and wants to train a small army into commanding talent. What Qin Lan hopes, in their eyes, this young army is a little younger brother.

He is competent for this job, and for them, it is undoubtedly the most gratifying… ....


Fang Chong nodded with a smile. He believed in Qin Lan and also believed in Xiaojun ...


Time quickly passed in the battle for more than two hours. As time passed, the roar of the zombies became smaller and smaller, and the sound of gunfire had basically disappeared.

After Fang Chong went out of the mall, they were shocked by the scene.

More than 100,000 bodies, it is really hard to imagine ...

But as everyone sees this scene now, everyone knows that this is just the beginning ...

"The signal of the walkie-talkie was restored ..." When starting to clear the battlefield, Song Ming was pleasantly surprised to find that the walkie-talkie really lost the call function unconsciously as Song Ming said, and now it is restored unknowingly .

"It was either disturbed or shielded just now ..." Huang Qianchuan frowned. This is a coincidence. The zombies recovered as soon as they were wiped out?

"Did the kind of zombies that have interfered with human signals have evolved ..." Huang Qianchuan combined these possibilities, and his expression was dull. In association, this possibility is really great ...

"What are you talking about?" Seeing Huang Qianchuan's complexion ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fang Chong asked a little bit, Huang Qianchuan was fighting very hard today, Fang Chong did not know if Huang Qianchuan was injured, after all, he was zombies before Ambush, he said a lot of attacks, he himself was greeted by many fists.

Sheng's strength is now strong enough for zombies, and the ‘feather defense’ suit of armor is not to be underestimated ...

"I am worried that a new type of zombies has evolved in the current zombies. Otherwise, the signal cannot be blocked when confronting the zombies ..." Huang Qianchuan said his worry in his heart.

"The probability of this happening is definitely not low, so do n’t you think, the situation of zombies today is also very different from usual ..." Fang Chong nodded, understanding what Huang Qianchuan wanted to express, Huang Qianchuan thought Fang Chong also thought about this possibility before.

Compared to the trouble of blocking the signal, Fang Chong is more worried that today the zombies know how to ambush, pinch, and wait for the rabbit.

Fang Chong does not know if these zombies have evolved zombies with intelligence as good as humans ...

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