I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 390: The hole card? Destroyer

Chapter 390: The hole card? Destroyer



After dozens of flame bombs were thrown out, the gasoline that had already fallen on the ground was ignited instantly, and the sparks splattered within ten seconds. The outside of this mall was like a sea of ​​fire. m

Many zombies in the sea of ​​flames were squeaked by this sudden flame, and the screams were endless ...


By the light of fire, Fang Chong and others who were inside the mall had been able to clearly see the situation outside, and a huge group of zombies had surrounded them.

Looking at the densely packed zombies, Fang Chong shouted without hesitation.

Tonight is not destined to be a quiet night. Now that he can fight the zombies by burning gasoline, Fang Chong cannot let such an opportunity be wasted.

The use of bombardment, although powerful, has the disadvantage that when the shell explodes, it is easy to explode the tanks that store gasoline and the gasoline on the ground.

Fang Chong predicted that the gasoline they prepared can illuminate at least dozens of minutes ...

"Shoot ..." After Fang Chong shouted, Song Ming and others instantly understood Fang Chong's meaning. After knowing that such an opportunity was rare, they all started to urge the members around them to shoot.

With the roar of instructions, countless fire tongues spewed out of the building on the side of the mall.

After more than 6,000 people concentrated on guarding this mall building, it can be said that the six or seven-story mall building is full of Fang Chong's people near the windows.

The entire team of more than 6,000 people, except for the real strong ones, is similar to those of Fang Chong. The weapons of the other members are double prepared. Hot weapons such as firearms are absolutely indispensable, and these guns or artilleries They are not the previous earth goods.

It is the new weapons Fang Chong exchanged from the Mayan system. These weapons are the absolute main force against zombies ...

Especially in this case, the gunners don't need to worry about the safety around them. All they have to do now is to aim and shoot ...

Energy weapons can often be omitted in conjunction with the step of reloading. This situation will undoubtedly greatly increase the efficiency of the battle ...

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"It's beautiful ..." Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan didn't intend to help, at least they wouldn't shoot if the scene could be controlled.

Moreover, ordinary zombies similar to the Hulk cannot break through the blockade of the firepower network. At the same time that the shots are fired, the zombies that are still advancing are like the storm blowing through mature rice fields. In the eyes of Fang Chong, this situation is quite reassuring.

Even if the Hulk blocked by the occasional clash of Firepower Network, in front of several powerful snipers in the team, some only have fallen down ...

Now in the entire team, there are more than 20 sniper sniper fighters headed by Xiao Lan.

And tonight, they are undoubtedly their stage. Their goal is to be the best among the zombies. Similar to the Hulk, the Terminator, including the Destroyer, which is theoretically impossible to reappear, at least the Destroyer needs to appear for a short period of time. time….


Fang Chong played fiercely on their side, and the zombies appeared like live targets. They were beaten down. After a long period of time like this, the best of the zombies couldn't help it, and a roar of fury Sounded.

"Be vigilant ..." After hearing the roar of the zombie's rage, although Fang Chong did not see it, it was not the first time that he had fought. Fang Chong could be said to have a good understanding of their combat effectiveness.

Especially the Hulk's unique crit. Fang Chong was more worried about this. The Hulk's original resistance was already very great. Once the crit's unique skills were launched, Fang Chong was afraid of the situation. How many members can keep it ...


With the roar of the first zombie, it was almost the same. From that second, the zombies roared out one after another. After tens of thousands of zombies came together, it was difficult to make the scene spectacular.

It's not difficult to hear the sound, there are more and more zombies gathered at the entrance of the mall, and most of them are powerful Hulks.

It was found that Fang Chong frowned.

Fang Chong believes that their firepower network has been spotted by the leaders of the zombies. In this case, the wave of attacks launched by the Hulks will soon be visible.

"This ..." The roar of the zombies growled continuously, although the other members did not feel much, but Fang Chong had been able to feel the depression of the atmosphere. From this point, the expression became ugly and affirmative.

Song Minghuang, Qianchuan, and others also knew the current situation. The war was about to begin. In this case, their eyes were on Fang Chong.

"Energy gun, artillery preparation, the goal is directly in front of the mall building ..." Of course Fang Chong understands the problems that everyone has in his eyes, but Fang Chong has no intention to explain, and the current explanation is completely waste.

Fang Chong is very disgusted at the fact that the so-called temporary gun is not good either ....

In the last days, any mistake may lead to the annihilation of the entire army.

With Fang Chong's order spreading in the building, guns and other weapons have been collected at this time on different floors of the building, and replaced by a series of energy cannons, artillery ...



Finally, after the last roar of the zombies sounded, the zombies ran like crazy, and the target went straight to Fang Chong's gate position.

Fang Chong looked at the mighty army of zombies. The expression on his face remained the same, but his eyes were covered with ice cold ...

It is difficult to tell who wins, but if the guard cannot hold it, the loser will be them.

The Hulk slammed into the forward-looking sturdy, Fang Chong did not know how many people could be left in the hand-to-hand battle once the door was destroyed and the zombies entered.

Speaking of this issue, Fang Chong's heart is relatively low.

"The artillery, the energy cannon is ready ...." We clearly saw that the zombies that we were desperate to see acted, and Fang Chong did not give any instructions in the slightest.



As Fang Chong's voice fell, a dazzling white light spewed out from him instantly.

With a loud noise, this dazzling white light rushed straight towards the zombies who were really running towards the mall door.


Then, one after another bombardment sounded, white light and fire light alternated one after another. The entire mall building was bombarded by this continuous bombardment, and the explosion ignited, shining like daylight.

Hundreds of artillery energy cannons were opened at the same time, and the scene was not spectacular. The smoke and dust from the explosion slowly dispersed, and almost all the zombies that were visible to the eyes were swept away, leaving a dark ground. ...

"It was so easy to be killed ..." Looking at the dark square that had been restored outside, many people in the team cheered, even Song Ming turned his head and looked at Fang Chong with a look of surprise, he felt a little bit Blind, he doesn't believe much, but what you just saw and everyone is talking now.

"Impossible, less than one percent of the zombies that were just bombarded by shelling just now ..." Fang Chong's expression was still serious. Others didn't know what to say, but Fang Chong himself knew the facts. Although those fires were not so powerful , But the number of zombies that can be killed will never exceed a thousand.

As for the existence of zombies just now, the biggest problem is the visual impact. The strong light generated during the explosion made everyone's eyes directly ignore the shadow area behind the light, and also ignored the zombies in the shadow area.

"Everyone is quiet, staying in their place, the zombies still exist ..." Huang Qianchuan saw that everyone started to be a little disappointed, and he had to stand up.

"Look, zombies have appeared again ..." As soon as Huang Qianchuan's voice fell, Qin Lan's voice rang. When everyone turned to look at it, the energy cannon in Qin Lan's hand was turned on. At the same time the voice did not fall, it was another Dazzling white light is emitted from the barrel of the energy cannon ...

"Look, there are still zombies, and there are a lot of them ..." As the white light passed, the entire team's attention was drawn to it, but when everyone saw the current situation outside through the white light, everyone gathered Take a breath of air.

The current situation outside is very shocking. The dense crowd of zombies has begun preparing for a new round of attacks ...

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"Fire, fire quickly ..." With such an amazing discovery, once again Fang Chongdu said nothing, with the sound of the captains of each team, shells, white dazzling lights kept on Shot out inside the mall.

And then there is an explosion, an unusually gorgeous explosion ...

The new round of explosions also stopped shortly. At this time, the members of the upstairs team also started to exert force. It can be said that the entire mall just now had been completely covered by artillery, and the scene was extremely hot, accompanied by the explosion. The screams of zombies.

From these voices, Fang Chong's face slowly relaxed, Fang Chong knew that this series of artillery attacks, although at night, still gave a lot of blows to the zombies. These were undoubtedly Fang Chong's most hope have witnessed.

Without knowing exactly how many zombies are, killing one will reduce the threat of one ...

Gradually, to Fang Chong's surprise, the zombies actually stopped attacking. Such an unexpected move, Fang Chong and them all looked surprised.

"Are you afraid of the zombies being hit by artillery fire?" After determining that the zombies are no longer attacking, everyone sits on the floor. It is impossible to take a rest without knowing whether the zombies are really not attacking or falsely not attacking.

It is very fortunate to be able to let you carry a gun and carry it for a while today. Fang Chong said that his heart is very satisfied. As long as it can reach daybreak, their odds are much greater.

"It's possible, Xiaojun continues to observe, and other personnel take time to rest ..." Fang Chong didn't know what the situation was, he just ordered everyone to take time to rest. As for the guards, they are the best in their team. Or, in this case, they can cope, even if an emergency occurs.

Arranging these, Fang Chong held the sword, his eyes narrowed.

Other people who do n’t have the task also take time to rest ...


The time soon came when the next day was bright. The fact that the zombies did not choose to attack last night made everyone very grateful and puzzled. They did not know what the zombies were like ...

"What do we do now ..." Seeing that the sky was already bright, everyone didn't leave immediately to do something else.

Is there any conspiracy in the zombie? Everyone does n’t know. After all, the zombies last night were too abnormal. Although they said that the artillery fire last night was a bit violent, as long as the zombies were killed to some extent, they did not have the opportunity to break into the mall building.

Fang Chongke did not believe that these zombies did not know that night was their most advantageous battlefield.

Everyone thinks about it and comes to the conclusion that the biggest possibility is that the zombies have a conspiracy. Otherwise, they would not be able to waste a lot of good opportunities ...

"So I think a conspiracy is possible ..." Thinking of the word conspiracy, everyone's attitude became serious immediately. The conspiracy thing can be big or small, and everyone doesn't want to lie to themselves ...

However, everyone agrees that the tacit agreement proves that zombies may really have conspiracy. After all, zombies are far beyond their understanding these days.

Although it can sometimes relieve the pressure, just like last night, if the zombies really ignored all the storms, they would not be afraid to sit here and talk about them now.

Many times, it ’s really hard to say who has died ...

"Can it be a zombie with a hole card?" Huang Qianchuan made a hypothesis. Huang Qianchuan thinks this is very likely. As for what card? Huang Qianchuan didn't know how to guess ...

"Hidden cards? Could it be that there is a king in the zombies?" After hearing the speculation of Huang Qianchuan's hole cards, everyone looked sideways, and Song Ming guessed ...

"You mean the Destroyer?" When Song Ming heard that the King of Zombies existed, everyone's eyes gathered on Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan. They didn't know if what they said was true ...

"I think it may be the destroyer, because only the appearance of the destroyer can give them great confidence ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded.

"If it was really the Destroyer, the next attack would not be so simple ..." Qin Lan's expression was very cold, that feeling was not what she wanted.

The destroyer has always left a shadow in Qin Lan's heart. The scene where Fang Chong killed him only from time to time still appears in Qin Lan's dream. Every time this appears to the dream, Qin Lan will be scared out of cold sweat ...

Maybe wait until Fang Chong easily kills the destroyer before she will have such a nightmare ...

Qin Lan's changes, Fang Chong looked at the eyes without any leakage. When Qin Lan's face was erratic, Fang Chong walked slowly and placed his hand gently on Qin Lan's shoulder.

"Don't worry, even the destroyer, now facing us, it must be death ..." Fang Chongyou was surprised that the scene of his distress that time would leave such a big shadow in Qin Lan's mind.

In surprise, Fang Chong is more moved. If Qin Lan does not care about Fang Chong, there is no such thing as the shadow on the top ...

"My strength has greatly increased, isn't your strength the same?" Looking at Qin Lan's still blank expression, Fang Chong took Qin Lan's hand ...

"Well, everything must be careful, Fang Chong is actually afraid of ..." Qin Lan revealed the delicate side of the little woman, leaning lightly on one side of Fang Chong's body, only the two of them could hear the voice. Say….

"It's all right ..."


"Ling Ya, help me check the situation around where we are now, and see if there is a figure of the destroyer ..." Fang Chong, the building in the city center, is still familiar. If there is a destroyer, he will "Cat" is nowhere to go on the street.

Knowing this, it is much more convenient for Lingya to use the satellite system to view. After all, there are many heights at ten meters, and there is no such thing as a small hill ...

Fang Chong and they now want to know that the most important thing is not to escape, but to be mentally prepared ...

"Destroyer?" After hearing the word, Ling Ya's face was not so good. Fang Chong's previous serious injuries were caused by this destroyer ~ www.readwn.com ~ Ling Ya and Qin Lan were very annoying ... ..

"Yes, it is the Destroyer. We found it here today in the city center ..." Fang Chong did not hear the meaning of Qin Lan's words.

"I'll take a look, and tell you the situation after reading ..." Ling Ya hung up after speaking ...

"We are still waiting to take the initiative ......" Fang Chong is known to Ling Ya in a row, but waiting for the news to return to the news, the number of zombies is so much, even if there is a destroyer, it is a threat to Fang Chong. The power is greater at most, and there is still a battle ...

"Waiting ..." Fang Chong didn't plan to go out, at least until Ling Ya didn't send out an image and there were conditions, he was willing to wait.

Safety is paramount now ...

"Okay, everyone is back on standby, safe for the first time ..." After Fang Chong made a decision, everyone didn't refute them ...

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