I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 391: Destroyer Reappearance

Chapter 391 The Destroyer Reappears


The waiting time passed quickly, and Fang Chong and they also got the news from Ling Ya. When they heard such news, Fang Chong's expressions were very dignified. m

As a result, as Fang Chong and they were worried, now outside the mall building, a huge monster really appeared ...

Ling Ya They have never seen the Destroyer, so what exactly does the Destroyer look like? They do n’t know, it ’s not strange to say that it ’s a monster ...

But when Fang Chong heard that Ling Ya said that her body was huge, like a moving hill, he knew that it was right ...

"If there really is a Destroyer, we will only have two actions next ..." Fang Chong dropped the call with Qin Lan and looked at the others behind him with a grim expression. Everyone was waiting for the news like him. However, they were still very disappointed.

What does the destroyer mean? As his name says, a being born of destruction ...

"Separate two actions ..." Everyone's expression became unsightly, but after considering that the event has come to an end, Song Ming, Huang Qianchuan, Qin Lan, and others have all calmed down.

But the same is true, the destroyers do not disappear because of their fears.

Rather than wasting time worrying, it is better to choose to face, at least the chances of survival will be a lot more ...

It was exactly this way, Huang Qianchuan and they asked Fang Chong, and then asked ...

"The destroyer must be killed first, but where to kill it is an important point ..." Fang Chong did not pretend to be mysterious or anything, everyone's expression was puzzled, and he quickly made an answer ...

"This is also ..." Fang Chong mentioned this and everyone nodded. Fang Chong was right. These are indeed the key points. After all, the individual strength of the destroyer is so powerful. If the destroyer knows how to cooperate with other zombies, If they choose to break through the mall building, it will undoubtedly be catastrophic damage for their entire team.

Huang Qianchuan, Song Ming, and Qin Lan were all those who had seen the powerful Destroyer. Remembering what the Destroyer showed, the air-conditioner was still light.

Qin Lan was the most reacted among them. Thinking of the word "Destroyer", she remembered the scene where Fang Chong was injured at that time. Although Fang Chong was now very good, but in a short time, wanted Qin Lan to forget these? It's really tough…..

"Although the Destroyer is very powerful, don't forget that we are much stronger now than when we first confronted the Destroyer ..." Of course, Fang Chong could see what Qin Lan was worried about.

If the strength has not risen sharply, Fang Chong knows that he may still react like Qin Lan at this time. After all, in all fairness, the destroyer is really powerful ....

But now standing, Fang Chong is already fearless, except that after his own strength has been greatly improved, he also has a certain psychological advantage, and this time is different from other situations, they are no longer fighting alone. At least thousands of people cheered for them at the back, without worries. Fang Chong knew that he could do his best to kill the destroyer who made them all think of headaches ...

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"Yes, we are really strong. We don't need to be afraid of the destroyer ..." After Fang Chong raised the example, everyone's confidence seems to have returned. Fang Chong's words fell, Huang Qianchuan beat his chest with his hands, and said very arrogantly.

"What on the other hand ...?" After confirming the existence of the destroyer first, everyone's attention returned to this topic. Obviously, everyone was curious.

"Except for those who killed and destroyed the Destroyers, the others stayed at the mall door ..." Fang Chong saw that everyone was very curious about his statement. After his mouth rose slightly, Fang Chong opened his mouth ...

"Standing to attract the attention of the zombies, to win time for us to kill the destroyers ..." Fang Chong said calmly. Divided into two attacks, Fang Chong's purpose is here ...

"I see ..." Fang Chong said here, all the fools can understand, know Fang Chong's plan, everyone quickly prepared separately, guns and ammunition are moving hard here ...

It seems that as long as it is not the legendary destroyer attacking the door, everyone's enthusiasm for fighting is very urgent ...

Seeing the enthusiasm of the battle rising, people who seemed to be slowly confident, Fang Chong slowly walked aside and took out the energy grenades and other weapons that were exchanged last night.

Fang Chong knew that the destroyers had come out to take the initiative to attack. From this point, it is not difficult to find out that today may be the time when they still have a decisive battle with some zombies in Shanghai.

Thinking of this, Fang Chong's expression gradually changed, happy? depressed? pessimistic? … ..

It can be said that Fang Chong's heart is now like the overturned Wuwei bottle.

A decisive battle is a good thing, but can it win? Fang Chong hopes to be very smooth, but is it possible? Fang Chong didn't dare to guarantee 100% ...

"Fang Chong, the guarding work is ready, it is time for us to set off ..." After Qin Lan interrupted his contact with Ling Ya from Fang Chong, they contacted Ling Ya and their work was replaced by Qin Lan.

Qin Lan passed the news over there, and it was determined that the zombie army led by the destroyers was very close to where they are now.

If Fang Chong planned to ambush the Destroyer, it would be imminent to start now ...

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong's original intention was to have Qin Lan and Xiaojun stick to the mall building, but Fang Chong spoke and swallowed it back. He thought of Qin Lan's personality. Possibly, unless Fang Chong guards here with her.

Fang Chong is now Qin Lan's heaven. Where he is, even Qin Lan can be resolute ....

"Departure ..." Qin Lan was still worried about whether Fang Chong would go with him, and finally, after receiving the affirmation from Fang Chong, he was relieved ...


"Small army, the situation here in the mall building is handed over to the captain of the squadron. Remember, guarding is the main thing, preserving strength and reducing casualties is the top priority ..." Fang Chong, Song Ming, Qin Lan and Huang Qianchuan lined up in a row. Before preparing to leave, Fang Chong spoke with a serious expression to the captain of the small army and the other eleven teams ...

"Understand ..." Xiaojun worshiped a military salute. Although he was not a soldier at his age, this life still made him dream of what he had done in the ivory tower.

A brave soldier, defending his country ...

However, they are not defending the country now, because the moment when the last-day disaster erupted, the home and the country had long since been destroyed.

Now they are guarding only comrades-in-arms, friends, people who care, and one more thing is their hope for life ...

"The terrible thing is Terminator. After we left, Terminator tried to use energy sniper sniper to kill him and fight hand in hand. For you, it is more dangerous ..." Fang Chong told the army and came to Xiao Lan Xiao Lan's expression was calm. Although Song Ming left her very worried, did she know the pros and cons of this scene?

If they do not take the initiative, when the Destroyer and other zombies break through the mall building, their fate will be dead.

Just like this, she didn't have a word of objection this time, she just wanted Song Ming to guarantee that she would return intact ...

"I understand, I must live up to expectations ..." Xiao Lan nodded solemnly.

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong saw the decision on Xiao Lan's face.

"Sisters go ..." Picking up the long energy sniper box, Xiao Lan looked deeply behind Fang Chong, and after Song Ming's position, her expression became indifferent for a moment, and her voice shouted solemnly and forcefully.

"Yes ....." More than a dozen girls responded at the same time, their voices were strong and powerful. These girls who still looked weak in their bodies, in an environment like the last days, have a very strong character and become very strong. Compared to other men, a little Are weak ...

Watching Xiao Lan leave, Fang Chong also turned around.

"All come back alive ..." Fang Chong walked straight through Qin Lan, Song Ming, Huang Qianchuan, but just spit out five words as he passed ...

"Come back alive ....."

"Spread apart and return to their respective positions ..." After Fang Chong and the four of them left, leaving everyone with a dashing back, Xiaojun returned to God ...



"The Destroyer is now on the right side of the street in front of the mall building, about two kilometers away from the mall building. At the speed of the Destroyer, he arrived in about five minutes ..." Qin Lan kept reporting after the four people came out of the mall building. She organized the information she received from Ling Ya, and at the same time she told Fang Chong several people in detailed and useful news.

There are tens of thousands of zombies who came with the Destroyer, but they did not have the arrogance to fight so many zombies with their current strength, including one of them.

A plan is a must, and a fight is also a must, but it ’s so learned that it ’s so big ...

Qin Lan knew, Fang Chong knew, Song Ming, Huang Qianchuan also knew.

"Five minutes is enough. There are so many zombies. We ca n’t eat them all. It is necessary for them to attack the mall building. We now find a suitable place to ambush first, and the zombie army will join the destroyers. When it appeared, our main target was the Destroyer. Be sure to attract it ... "Fang Chong said calmly after listening to all the information Qin Lan said.

The plan was already in his mind, and the news Qin Lan reported, Fang Chong quickly completed the layout.

"Okay, it's better to just the building at this intersection ..." When Fang Chong finished speaking, Huang Qianchuan saw their current location, that is, the building on the side of the main road. A big red sign hangs on it. Bank of China building ...

The location of this building is about 100 meters from the mall building, and about 20 meters from the road where the destroyers came, including the army of zombies. At such a distance, they are very confident that they can attract the destroyers ...

"Well, in this building, everyone goes to the third floor to prepare, Qin Lan prepares the energy cannon, Song Minghuang Qianchuan takes the energy grenade ..." Fang Chong looked at the environment, and he nodded.

At the same time, Fang Chong also began to divide labor.

Energy guns and energy grenades are needed.

Although it is said that the power of the energy cannon does not hurt the destroyer, it is absolutely okay to beat it. The destroyer already has human-like wisdom. Fang Chong knows that hurting him. For the goal of attracting the destroyer It is undoubtedly easy to achieve, even more than hurt it ...

"Understand ..." After Fang Chong nodded, the other three turned around without any hesitation, and soon reached the third floor as Fang Chong said.

The frontage of the third floor of the Bank of China is a huge glass building.

Soon, this huge glass building facing the street collapsed completely under Song Ming's fist. At this time, looking at the street crossing where the army of zombies would pass, it was clearly visible. The distance of 20 meters was easily accessible. Qin Lan's confidence in attracting the Destroyer is not a problem ...

"Everyone check the equipment, the fierce battle is for sure ..." Fang Chong did not publish any extra words, but finally reminded others ...

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"As soon as the zombies appear at the intersection directly opposite the gate, all the gunfire will not be aimed at the second, just fire the gun. The movement on our side should be made as large as possible, and they will create opportunities for Brother Fang Chong ..." Fang Chong they are already on alert, and the small army here received the situation that Fang Chong had just sent, and he immediately gathered the twelve team captains to prepare ...

"Understand, just keep getting bigger, this is not a big problem ..." When Xiaojun's voice fell, the other eleventh team captains nodded to understand, and then continued after Xiaojun discussed some issues and then dispersed.

Five minutes, long or short, is not short, but it is enough for such an alert.

In Fang Chong, the distance was determined to be more than one hundred meters. Almost within five minutes, the angle of only the artillery was lowered to meet the needs as much as possible ....

Five minutes of time finally passed while waiting. Sure enough, after the first zombie appeared on the road 100 meters away, everyone's expressions became tense.

The first green corpse man appeared. The green corpse man was very fast. In less than five seconds, the body that had kept moving forward appeared in front of the mall building ...


A gunshot sounded and a bullet shot from the muzzle of the rifle, hitting the green corpse's eyebrow accurately.

"Boom ..." After the sudden bullet hit the green corpse man's eyebrow, he stiffly prevented the green corpse man from moving forward. In the next second, the entire green corpse man's body fell to the ground ...

"Roar ..." This green corpse was knocked down and was quickly found by other zombies, followed by a roar, followed by the acceleration of the roar of several green corpses, approaching the mall building ...

I had long been holding the crowds who attracted the army of zombies. I saw several zombies rushing towards them, and I was not surprised, but the green zombies were shot dozens of meters away from the gate of the mall. .

After everyone's strength has been qualitatively improved, it is becoming easier and easier to aim and fire. However, this refers to ordinary guns and ordinary bullets.

If it is similar to Xiao Lan ’s sniper with more than 20 energy sniper rifles, it will not be easy to aim. The frustration alone is not something that ordinary people can master, although it is similar to Fang Chong and these powerful people. Backlash is no problem, but accuracy and time difference are also a problem.

The Hulk explodes at a much faster rate than the hulk, and is similar to the Terminator or the Destroyer, two advanced zombies. In addition to hitting the weakness of the eyes, other locations want to cause the Destroyer or the Terminator. Fatal injuries are really difficult ...

"Roar… .." and saw several green corpses killed before they rushed out. This kind of thing was discovered by more and more zombies. This kind of completely provocative behavior, the zombies were finally angry, with a sound After the roar of the Hulk broke apart, there were dozens and hundreds of teams that accelerated to leave the Zombie Army this time, and there were corpses and hulks inside.

This should be regarded as the attack ...

"Shoot ..." The anger of the zombies was completely in everyone's plan, watching the zombies getting closer and closer, they ordered. "Seck them ..."

With the sound of gunfire, almost at the same time, dozens of zombies were instantly turned into horse honeycombs. Although ordinary guns did not cause much damage to the Hulk, the blood hole on their heads undoubtedly explained the location of the second floor. Xiao Lan, they shot ...

"Roar ..." After the whole army was overwhelmed again, the loud roar sounded even louder.

"Artillery, energy cannon ready ....."

Seeing a large increase in the number of zombies that absolutely surpassed their fists, the small army was no longer surprised or thought about it. After they let the bullets or energy in the guns of the group light up, they wisely picked up the energy cannons ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ artillery heavy weapons, and many members of the group already have energy grenades ...


"Qin Lan opened fire ..." Fang Chong, the four of them who had already prepared everything, had already been aiming, except for Qin Lan, who had been aiming, the three of them had been closely watching the development of the matter.

Listening to the continuous sound of gunfire, they knew that the small army had begun to attract the attention of the zombies.

Knowing this, when the destroyer appeared on the street, Fang Chong immediately ordered and let Qin Lan fire ....

"Boom ..." There was no slight error, and the distance of more than twenty meters was almost right in the head of the destroyer.

"Roar ..." Feeling the pain of being hit in the head, the Destroyer roared, turned his head in anger, looked around with eyes larger than the washbasin, and soon, Fang Chong's figure of four Locked by him ...


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