After a violent roar, the Destroyer's body suddenly moved like a hill, and every time he stepped out, the ground trembled a little ...

This fully demonstrates the power of the Destroyer. M (Please use our Pinyin domain name to visit us.)

Watching the Destroyer's huge body rushing forward, and then feeling the slight tremor on the ground, the expressions on the faces of Fang Chong's four people looked very dignified.

Fang Chong is no exception. Although he has killed a destroyer, but now he is still a little palpitated watching the great power shown by the destroyer.

The destroyer should not be underestimated is Fang Chong's most direct thought now.

Suddenly, Fang Chong stopped seeing the Destroyer's running body, and when Fang Chong showed their puzzled look, the Destroyer's huge palms suddenly exerted strength, and a black car was caught by him .

"Don't ..." The destroyer was still less than 20 meters away from Fang Chong at this time. After seeing the action of the destroyer's hand grabbing the car, Fang Chong's pupils contracted instantly.

He understands what the Destroyer will do ...

"Leave the original position ..." Fang Chong shouted quickly after realizing what the destroyer was about to do. When shouting caution, Fang Chong's body collapsed at the same time.

After hearing the words of Fang Chong, the three people who still did not understand the action of the destroyer retreated without hesitation ...


At the same time as he hurried backwards, a huge shadow appeared within the sight of four people, and then gradually grew larger ...

In the end, this huge shadow came in, and a huge force knocked down a pillar on the third floor of the bank building ...

The loud noise kept telling Fang Chong them. The impact is huge ...

Looking at the black car that had been severely deformed, Fang Chong took a breath. At such a long distance, the Destroyer can easily throw a car weighing thousands of pounds, and it is so accurate? Fang Chong finally realized the destructive power of the Destroyer again ...

It is really the destroyer.


"This destroyer really doesn't allow us to belittle it ..." The smoke and dust spread away, and everyone was shocked. The Song Ming Emperor Qianchuan, who had a slow response just now, seemed rather embarrassed. He used the gray-faced face to describe that neither of them had passed ... .

After rising from the ground, Huang Qianchuan took away the rubble around him. I patted the dirt on my body and said with emotion.

"Oh, we never dare to underestimate the fighting power of the Destroyer ..." Qin Lan is no different. She has always been afraid of the fighting power of the Destroyer, so when she ran over from the Destroyer to her, her attention was Did not leave the destroyer for a moment. So when you see the abnormal actions of the destroyer. She was very vigilant, and after Fang Chong shouted caution, she turned away without hesitation ...

"The real test has just arrived ..." Fang Chong was not as emotional as a few of them. When the smoke and dust were cleared, Fang Chong's body had already appeared on the window sill in layers.

The building that lost a pillar has already looked a little shaky ...

When Fang Chong saw the destroyers slowly approaching them, he knew that things were not over ...

With a dignified expression, Fang Chong was running when the Destroyer ran again. He jumped down, and Fang Chongwei settled down by the ability of flying.

Withdrawing the long sword, Fang Chong looked calmly without slow speed, the destroyer running towards them ...

"Fight now ..." Seeing Fang Chong's body disappearing on the third floor, Huang Qianchuan's war will be surging. After pulling out his sword, he also jumped. fighting? He was never afraid, even in the face of the Destroyer ...

"Let's go ..." Song Ming didn't delay. However, compared to Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan, there is a certain gap between defense and speed.

"Hmm ..." Seeing the successive departures and the faint voice of Fang Chong fighting with the Destroyers coming from his ears, Qin Lan took out the long bow Yu that had been behind her and killed him. Ascension on the body ...

Unlike Fang Chonghuang Qianchuan and Song Ming's three-headed jump, Qin Lan still chose her best and most powerful fighting method ...

"Explosive star, it's up to you ..." Qin Lan stabilized his body about 30 meters above the Destroyer's head in the sky, holding the bow in his left hand, and slowly rushing into the quiver behind his back to take out a red and bright arrow. Arrows covered with blood.

Arrows in a pouch! It was Fang Chong who handed it to her today. The power is a huge arrow named Burst Star ...

Bending the bow and setting the arrow, Yu Xu's silver-colored bowstring pulled Qin Lan's arrow like a starburst and pulled it in vain.

However, Qin Lan did not choose to attack immediately.


"Kill ..." Looking at the destroyer approaching step by step, Fang Chong's body accelerated in vain, and the moment the fist blasted out of the destroyer was about to hit him, he shouted and avoided the attack of the destroyer's fist. His body moved, wielding a sword to pierce the leg of the destroyer.

Destroyer's thighs, like pillars, were stabbed by Fang Chongyi's sword accurately.

Although the Destroyer is considered thick and thick, but in front of the sharp blade of the long sword, it is no different from tofu.

After a nod, the sword went into the meat three points ...

"Roar ..." The huge pain in the legs caused the Desperate Roar to be painful.

However, it was long expected that the destroyer would go mad. Fang Chong had kept a certain distance from the destroyer when the destroyer vented his anger ....

"Boom, boom. Boom ..." Fang Chong's figure was completely weak compared to the Destroyer. After deliberately evading, the Destroyer could not capture Fang Chong's traces at all. The Destroyer regained his old business, and a car parked randomly on the road became a weapon in the hands of the Destroyer.

"Come on, let's meet you ..." Fang Chongpo was a little embarrassed, and Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming had already appeared behind the destroyer. While saying this, they held up their swords at the same time.

When their strengths gathered, they aimed at the bend of the Destroyer's knees.

"Hit ..." The huge force hit the knee of the destroyer from the blade. Although the level of these swords is not enough to break the scales of the destroyer's knee bending position, but the huge power suddenly made the destroyer's huge body lose the support power.

His knees were bent and he hit the road heavily.

The Destroyer knelt ...

"The opportunity is coming ..." Fang Chong didn't expect Song Ming, Huang Qianchuan would send him such a surprise, while seeing the destroyer kneeling, his body immediately moved, the speed burst, revealing The light cyan sword is in front of ...

"Hou ..." suffered a stigma-like blow, and the Destroyer snarled again and again, especially after seeing Fang Chongwu's sword running towards him, a look of scary-sized eyes appeared. .

I want to stand up, but when I kneel helplessly, my body is too heavy, and both knees are deeply trapped in the gravel. For a while, I can't move ...

"Look at the long sword ..." The Destroyer is trapped? It is impossible for Fang Chong to not see it, knowing that this is the best opportunity he has been wrestling with the Destroyer from now until now, and the speed of the long sword in his hand has been accelerated by a few points ...

Since the last time, the weakness of the Destroyer has been known. After his eyes and chest, his sword straightly destroyed the position of the Destroyer's chest ...



Fang Chong's speed is fast, and the speed of the Destroyer is not slow. When Fang Chong's long sword reached the Destroyer, the Destroyer's huge fist had been hit, and his fist collided with the long sword. It was crisp like a metal impact ...

"Look at our ..." Fang Chong was taken out of the body by the strength of the sword, but at the same time that Fang Chong was struck by the destroyer, Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan attacked behind the destroyer. .

Two swords shining brightly in the sun followed the Destroyer, their bodies leaped high and their swords held high. Their target was still the position of the Destroyer's knee.

After hitting Fang Chong, the destroyer's huge arm supported the ground and wanted to use his strength to stand up.

But with the attack that followed, the tacit attack of Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan made the destroyer completely lost hope.

"Bang ..." Just after supporting and being hit hard again, the Destroyer's knee was deeply buried in the gravel this time ...

"Roar… .." suffered heavy blows continuously, although the huge force of more than 25,000 kilograms made the destroyer feel severe pain, after the roar, did the destroyer look back, staring at Song Ming and the emperor with violent eyes? Qianchuan ...

"The opportunity is coming ..." Qin Lan, who has been waiting for the opportunity behind the Destroyer ~ www.readwn.com ~ While seeing the Destroyer turning his head, the long bow that had already been full moon shaped in his hand seems to have made another circle ...

After the destroyer's face turned completely, Qin Lan released his right hand holding the arrow in vain.

After the bright red arrow burst star broke away from Yu Yu's bowstring, the arrow body sharply spun up, bringing a vaguely visible air current rushing towards the destroyer ...

Qin Lan knows the weakness of the Destroyer, he wants to hit it with a hit, and the Destroyer's huge eyes is undoubtedly the best target ...

"嚓 ..." To Qin Lan's surprise, such an arrow, like a god's help, the red and colorful arrows stick straight in the eyes of the destroyer, the scene is quite scary ...

"Roar ..." The eyeball was exploded, the Destroyer completely lost his calmness, and the Destroyer's hand was scratched and put under horrible pain, screaming again and again ..... ’

............................ (To be continued ... )

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