I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 393: Burst Arrow

Chapter 393 Burst Arrow


"Fire, direct bombardment ..." The small army yelled again and again. They never thought that during the day, the attack on the zombie army was so fierce. The extent of this attack was beyond their imagination. M

In the absence of this team of Fang Chong, Song Ming, Huang Qianchuan, and Qin Lan, the small army suddenly became the commander, and the captains of the other eleven teams have used to treat the small army like this ...

"Shoot ..." Several dozen shells flew out at the same time.

"Boom, boom, boom ..." The square in front of the entire mall is now almost in ruins, potholes ...

"Rotating guns, on top of the energy machine gun ..." As more and more zombies approached, the small army could not be so calm. Before this day, he thought it was not too difficult to command such a battle, but until today After he took office, he couldn't calm down.

Especially violent attacks like zombies.

But anxiously returned, Xiaojun has not panic ...

After dozens of enhanced machine guns started firing, the zombies' attack was finally blocked.

"Be prepared for energy grenade, throw it out with all your energy ..." Seeing the zombies were blocked from advancing, the army signaled the gunner to pause. When his voice dropped, he did not remove a weak energy grenade from his body and opened the insurance Later, he struggled to throw at the zombies that were 50 meters away from them ...

As Xiaojun's words sounded, the grenade was already ready to pull out the energy grenade insurance almost at the same time. As Xiaojun shouted, they almost exhausted their efforts ...

Hundreds of grenade grenades were thrown out at almost the same time, and hundreds of energy grenades flew out of the gate like a heavenly girl scattered flowers.

Finally, the energy grenade quietly fell into the zombies.

The location is basically concentrated in the fierce between 70 and 100 meters ...

"Boom ..." As a small army of energy grenades sought to explode in the zombies, a series of explosions continued to sound ...

The flames soared, and the corpses were flying ...

Hundreds of energy grenades exploded at the same time, the power is not as simple as one plus one plus one ...

Seventy to one hundred and twenty meters from the mall door was almost a vacuum zone after the explosion. No zombies are standing ...

Xiaojun, they can almost be sure that this time the explosion, no less than two thousand zombies died under the energy grenade ...


"Aimed and hit, the target is above the Hulk, including the Terminator ..." Xiaojun was temporarily resting on their side, and Xiaolan, who was holding a long-energy sniper rifle upstairs, was still aiming.

The range of the energy sniper rifle is more than kilometers. This distance is undoubtedly the most suitable for dealing with high-level zombies ...

"Yes ..." Xiao Lan's voice fell, and more than twenty girls around him nodded in unison. They understood the meaning of Xiao Lan's words. Such an opportunity is rare ...

"Shoot ..." Xiao Lan didn't say much. In the battle, her character was cold, and this was because she was able to become the first sniper in the team, and until now, she is afraid to surpass him in China. It ’s really hard to find ...

They were repelled by the army for a round of zombies and moved again, and the number was still terrible. Xiao Lan aimed at a terminator in the sniper mirror. Although the speed of the terminator was fast, but after the marksmanship was a little deeper, Xiao Lan was considered amazing ...

"Touch ..." A small sniper rifle sounded.

With the sound of this sound, a terminator who rushed to the front of all the zombies suddenly appeared a small hole in the skull, the diameter of which is about the same as the bullet hole of Xiao Lan's sniper rifle ...

"Touch, touch ..."

The continuous energy sniper gun sounded, and with the sound of the gunfire, it was a terminator who was not low in grade ...

However, at this time, the frequency of the Terminator has far exceeded the frequency of the energy sniper rifle speed. Slowly, more and more zombies.

A new round of zombie battles begins again ...

And this time everyone felt chilling, no more Green Zombies were used as cannon fodder, but Terminator, the only zombie individual in the zombie race that was weaker than the Destroyer ...

"All vigilance, emergency first level ..." Watching the dense Terminator appeared in his eyes, the roar of Xiaojun sounded in the mall. Everyone knows how powerful the Terminator is, and now it is the Terminator that is leading the battle. The army even feels scalp tingling.

He even had some doubts that the Terminators had taken the lead, would there be a large number of destroyers behind them?

But thinking about it, he didn't dare to relax at all in the movement and the command. He knew that before Fang Chong came back, no matter what, here he was? The army must stand up ...

Gritting his teeth, his eyes flashed a bit, and Xiaojun decided to fight ...

"Grenade preparation, gunner preparation, machine gunner preparation ..." After issuing several instructions in succession, Xiaojun also gave the instructions to throw energy grenade to all floors of the building, and his comrades in the window position.

There are not many artillery, but there are a lot of energy grenades. Xiaojun's task tonight is to throw energy grenades when the scene is almost out of control ...

And now with so many Terminators, it is undoubtedly the time when he had been worried before ...

Although the scene was tense and the atmosphere was the same, when Xiaojun arrived at this time, he felt extremely calm in his heart. He even looked forward to the meeting, hundreds, or hundreds, or even thousands of energy grenade explosions ...


"Fighting ..." Watching the painful Destroyer is struggling ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fang Chong's face is embarrassed. For the Destroyer's enemies who are much higher than them, it is not cruel No way ...

Gritting his teeth, Fang Chong's sword was on his side, and he stomped. His body just leaped. With the strength of the wall, Fang Chong's body suddenly increased in speed, like a rocket sticking into the destroyer ...

"Spelled ..." Knowing that the destroyer had been severely damaged, Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan looked at each other, their bodies also exploded at the same time, the sword was waving.

The start is the superimposed chop that Fang Chong has always used ...

"Fighting ..." After seeing the actions of Song Ming, Huang Qianchuan, and Fang Chong, including Fang Chong, the three of them were almost sure that Fang Chong was ready to be fierce. Thinking of this, Qin Lan's face laughed.

After secretly speaking two words, a black arrow stick appeared in her hand ...

Arrow name:



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