I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 395: Abnormal zombies

Chapter 395 Abnormal Zombies


"I still hope that my flesh still exists ..." After listening to Fang Chong said comfortably, Qin Lan's small mouth was slightly lifted, she knew how great the flesh's flesh would be ...

A few days ago, a Destroyer's muscle flesh was extracted into muscle flesh, and all four of them were greatly enhanced. This benefit was so easy for her to forget ...

With a little unwilling expression, Qin Lan slowly moved to the destroyer's side ...

"I'm coming ..." From Qin Lan's answer, it is not difficult for Fang Chong to see the unwillingness in Qin Lan's heart. Counting, Fang Chong also hopes that the muscle of the destroyer still exists, how much muscle of the destroyer Strong, he is equally unambiguous ...

So when seeing Qin Lan going to do something, Fang Chong couldn't help but step forward and pulled out his long sword. Fang Chong had bent down and stood beside Qin Lan ...

"Hmm ..." Qin Lan wasn't overseas Chinese either. After Fang Chong bent down, she nodded and retreated to one side, watching Fang Chong's next movement calmly ...

After Fang Chong gave way to Qin Lan, he held the sword in his backhand, his expression sinking, his teeth biting, and his hands holding the sword at the same time exerted force. The destroyer, who had no sign of life, lost his sign. It can be said that the defense force dropped sharply, and Fang Chong was able to cut the chest of the Destroyer out of the intact scale armor again, without revealing a little white skin. m

Seeing such a breeze, she could cut the skin of the Destroyer, and she was suddenly relieved. Judging from the fighting power demonstrated by the Destroyer just now, the Destroyer they met here today seemed to be better than them. The Destroyer I met before is even more powerful ...

However, this will see that Fang Chong's sword can still easily see the destroyer's scale armor defense, and she denies his previous thoughts ...


"Does my flesh exist?" Qin Lan's expression became more tense as Fang Chonghua looked at the scale of the destroyer's chest.

Where does the Destroyer's flesh exist? Fang Chong did not know. This was the first time he had taken the Destroyer's flesh, and the last time he killed the Destroyer, he was seriously injured.

As for Qin Lan, because he was too worried about Fang Chong's injury last time, he only found that in a hurry to remove the muscle meat, there was no time to see anything else ...

"Let me see ..." Looking at Qin Lan, who was even more nervous than him, Fang Chong smiled slightly, and signaled that Qin Lan didn't need to be nervous, but to be calm ...

"Hurry up ..." Qin Lan couldn't be as calm as Fang Chong said, understand Fang Chong's meaning, but still urged ...

"Okay ..." After Fang Chong shook his head gently, his strength on the sword suddenly increased, and soon passed through the scales to reach the muscle tissue, and soon opened the Destroyer's chest ...

After finishing these in one breath, Fang Chong looked at Qin Lan looking forward, similar to the pitiful expression, Fang Chong even dismissed the thought of wanting to rest. After retracting the sword, he stretched out his hand and groped in the chest of the destroyer ...

Fang Chong is still very careful about the Destroyer's Flesh. Although I don't know if it is, Fang Chong can still see the performance of Fang Chong's stolen sword to avoid hurting the flesh ...

"How?" Seeing Fang Chong's hand still groping for a while, Qin Lan couldn't help asking again.

"It seems like ..." Fang Chong could already feel the existence of muscle flesh, but when he saw Qin Lan so nervous, he came up with an idea to tease her, pretending to be mysterious ...

"What does it seem to be ..." Qin Lan didn't expect her to look forward to it. She actually changed back to Fang Chong's ambiguous answer. Although it didn't matter much, she couldn't help but take the matter seriously. Like Fang Chong, her mouth is tall and tall. If there is no flesh, she will find Fang Chong's account ...

"That's it ..." Fang Chong endured the urge to laugh.

"You deliberately ........." After hearing Fang Chong's still ambiguous answer, Qin Lan saw Fang Chongqiang's expression of endurance smiling, and she finally found out that Fang Chong was intentional ...

Thinking of this, she cried softly, but worried that Fang Chong would damage the muscles, and grabbed Fang Chong's hand and stopped in the air ...

"Joke, joke ..." Fang Chong finally laughed, and Qin Lan was the cutest now.

Although she is a bit less mature and charming, she feels a bit more cute. Fang Chong likes this feeling ...

"Hmm ..." Of course Qin Lan could feel the hot meaning revealed in Fang Chong's eyes, but the girl's restraint still made her hum a little to show her dissatisfaction with Fang Chong's intention ...

"Ha ha….."


"Continue firing, you must not allow the Terminator to enter the range of 50 meters ..." Inside the mall, Xiao Jun's voice, including the voice of the other eleven to the captain, was loud.

Fang Chong has solved the destroyers on their side, but the situation on the large team side is getting more and more tense, and the attacks of the zombies are getting more and more fierce, especially the leading troops mainly based on the Hulk, giving the small army their commanders The pressure is huge ...

"Go fire, aim at the Terminator's head ..." The voice of another squad leader sounded, his eyes looking from the inside out, it is not difficult to see that his team's defense zone has a tall, close to five meters terminator ...

"Boom, boom, boom… .." The captain's voice dropped, almost at the same time, two artillery, an energy cannon at the same time and dazzling light, the three white and fiery red lights rushed directly into the distance Terminators 40 to 50 meters away.

"Boom ..." A loud noise and the light that exploded and sent out completely covered the destroyer ...

"Did not ..." The three gunners glanced at each other. They had no bottom in their hearts. With these artillery, it was difficult for the energy gun to kill the destroyer with one shot. It was almost killed by a terminator just now. Approaching to the mall building, fortunately, the last ten guns and several energy grenades exploded at the same time before killing this terminator ...

With the previous lesson, while the three gunners waited for the smoke to dissipate to see the results, they quickly reloaded the cannon and aimed at the same position ...

"Not dead? Continue firing ..." Unlike what they expected, the smoke finally dispersed and finally revealed the terminator that was just hit by them.

Although his face is scorched, it is not difficult to see from the action of this terminator. The three shells hitting at the same time did not cause much damage to this terminator ...

Regarding this result, the expressions of the three gunners changed slightly. Facing this result that was beyond imagination and imagination, the three men shouted at the same time, and after slightly aiming, the keys in their hands were pressed ...

"Boom, boom, boom ..."

"Boom ..."

Three more shells hit the Terminator again ...


"Sister Xiaolan, that terminator is difficult to tangle ..." At the position of the window on the third floor of the mall, a young girl who looked absolutely younger came to Xiaolan, pointing her finger at the scorched terminator. Xiao Lan said.

Terminators are not strange to them at all, but they are also very difficult to deal with. It is still difficult for them to rely on energy sniper guns to deal with Terminators easily.

The power of the energy sniper rifle is not weak, but there is also a difference in strength. After adding the energy crystal stone, the power can be adjusted, but the greater the power, the greater the backlash. Generally, the energy sniper bullet is raised. After being able to deal with the category of existence of the Terminator, the huge setback of the energy sniper rifle when firing was not at all comparable to their current physical fitness of less than one hundred levels ...

Afraid of being terminated, they have to report Xiaolan ...

Although Xiao Lan ’s strength is not as fast as Fang Chong, but compared to ordinary members, she is already a monster, especially in these twenty or so sniper gunners. She is their idol ...

"Where?" Xiao Lan heard the words, frowning slightly.

"That ..." said the girl, pointing to the terminator that was bombed continuously.

"Okay, I know ..." At this time, Xiao Lan also saw the terminator that was continuously attacked, and was always unwilling to fall. It is not difficult to see from the continuous shell explosion that this destroyer is safe for the personnel above. There are great threats. ,

After Xiao Lan's expression dimmed, the energy sniper rifle in her hand suddenly changed a position. Finally, she was aimed at the terminator. She suddenly adjusted the power of the energy sniper rifle to a position where she could kill the terminator. , She took out an energy crystal stone smaller than an adult fist and put it in the groove on the gun, and at the same time pressed the energy extraction ...

At the same time when completing this, Xiao Lan has basically locked the position of the Terminator, but after completing this, she did not rush to shoot, but took out a body about 7 cm in length and 1.5 in diameter from her body. The centimeter bullet stuck in the barrel of the energy sniper rifle ...

"Blaster… .." A bullet that can burst into great power when it comes in contact with a target. Of course, this kind of bullet can only be used with an energy sniper rifle ...

After making these preparations, Xiao Lan took a deep breath, and after the new round of shelling was over, she did not hesitate for a second, and immediately caught the trigger ...



After the bullet detached from the muzzle, the distance of tens of meters crossed almost in an instant. Xiao Lan who shot the gun herself was difficult to capture with the naked eye ...

However, with the sound of the explosion, the terminator's head has completely burst ...



"It's a big piece, I'm thinking about this playback ..." Fang Chong finally took out a large piece of muscle meat that was as white as sheep fat in Qin Lan's worried eyes, and looked at it like this Meat, Fang Chong finally knew why Qin Lan was so interested. After all, such a piece of muscle meat looks very attractive, let alone that there is still so much energy in it.

Changing to another place, I am afraid that it may be overturned ...

Fang Chong thought of this, and then handed this piece of flesh from the destroyer to Qin Lan ...

"Of course, rest assured. With it, at least everyone's strength can be improved a lot. At that time, our next plan can be implemented more smoothly ..." Qin Lan smiled happily, she had planned so Take advantage of this muscle.

"Uh ..." After hearing Qin Lan's detailed plan, Fang Chong didn't know what else he could say.

However, when I heard Qin Lan said that the plan was successfully implemented, there was nothing wrong with it. The stronger the power, the more convincing it will be, and it will be of great benefit to their substantial improvement. This is extremely clear to Fang Chong. ….

"After temporarily placing Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming in a safe place, we must go back to command the battle. Although the destroyers have died, the zombies have not been messed up at all. I suspect that these zombies in Shanghai should return There are powerful zombies in ... "Fang Chong did not deny the feasibility of Qin Lan's statement, but the current situation simply does not allow him to think about it, the situation of attacking the mall building is still severe.

After seeing the destroyers killed, the zombie formation did not mess up at all. It can be seen that there are absolutely "people" behind these zombies ... To be precise, there should be "advanced zombies" ...

"What do you mean ..." Qin Lan's expression suddenly became tense when he heard Fang Chong said. After Fang Chong described this, Qin Lan also thought it was possible ...

Thinking of being stronger than the Destroyer, Qin Lan felt a bit scalp ...

"I'm also guessing, as for whether it is necessary to look at it, it is best to be able to kill such a zombie who has no information at all ..." Fang Chong answered.

"Okay, let's go back then ..." After knowing the pros and cons, Fang Chong picked up one person and placed Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan in an absolutely safe place. Then he and Qin Lan quickly ran towards the mall building. go with….


With the intention, Fang Chong has been watching the surroundings when he ran, but unfortunately, he saw all zombies, but it is difficult to find a zombie that looks different ...

As the distance got closer and closer, the number of zombies still made Fang Chong vomit his tongue, but he was not idle in his hands, he shuttled through the zombies as fast as ghosts.

The long sword shakes from time to time, every movement shakes out, a zombie falls down, and Fang Chong is aiming at Hulk or above, the Terminator can say the most ...

Following the assassination of the zombies all the way, Fang Chong gave a **** path from tens of thousands of zombies. This performance, Fang Chong not only reduced the threat to the guards in the mall building, but also Let them see the incredible scene after scene ...

They desperately want to kill the unstoppable Terminator. They want to hit the weak point from the one-shot violent Hulk. The best of these zombies is always like cabbage and radish in front of Fang Chong.

They never saw a zombie who could walk twice in Fang Chong's hands, and the Terminator who was still threatening to them elsewhere was knocked down from the ground by blows from the open space.

In their eyes, too, the Terminator was smashed to the ground by arrows with a length of more than 1.5 meters.

Basically, the arrow shoots directly at the center of the eyebrow, and then the huge force overthrows the Terminator and nails it to the ground with the skull ...

This kind of performance is like acting, all of them are stunned in the mall building. At this time, they really do n’t know what to say, Qin Lan, Fang Chong ’s combat effectiveness, they do n’t know what words to use. describe? I'm afraid that in addition to shock, I'm surprised ...


"Continue firing ..." Fang Chong did not know how many zombies died in his hands after killing him from the front to the front, but the number was definitely not small.

When Fang Chong came to the mall building, Xiao Jun shouted immediately.

Instantly, hundreds of artillery shells flew out, and there was a series of huge explosions outside the mall. This time, there is no need to allocate power to deal with the Terminator. The effect is so good that they can't believe their eyes. They almost looked. Within the scope of the shell explosion, no zombie was still standing. It can be said that this round of shelling was their most perfect shot today ...

As the scene got under control, Fang Chong and they also got a short rest ...

However, Fang Chong and Qin Lan just sat down for a long time. Xiao Lan's figure rushed out of the stairs and looked at Fang Chong and Qin Lan with red eyes ...

"Is Song Ming dead?" Xiao Lan, who was in front of Fang Chong and Qin Lan, couldn't help shaking slightly. After looking at nothing around her, she focused on Qin Lan and Fang Chong ...

From the moment she was upstairs, she didn't see Song Ming coming back. At this time, she really didn't see her from the surroundings. Her eyes showed a kind of despair ...

"No, no ..." Fang Chongchu was surprised because Xiao Lan looked like Fang Chong, but then he understood.

"Brother Fang Chong, don't comfort me ~ www.readwn.com ~ If he's okay, why not here?" Xiao Lan's pupil suddenly became apathetic, and her tone was abnormally flat, obviously he didn't believe Fang Chong's words ...

"It's really okay. He and Huang Qianchuan were injured. Resting at the bank building ..." Seeing Xiaolan like this, Qin Lan got up from the ground and gently embraced Xiaolan and said ...

"Really ..." Xiao Lan heard Qin Lan's words, looked at Qin Lan with wide eyes, and then looked at Fang Chong. It seemed to be judging whether what Qin Lan and Fang Chong said was true ...

"Of course it is true ..." Qin Lan nodded solemnly ...

"Yes ..."




"Lingya you and Muge helped me to screen the zombies around us at this place with special care. I suspect there are abnormal zombies here ..."

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