I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 396: TV tower building

Chapter 396 TV Tower Building


"Lingya you and Muge helped me to screen the zombies around us at this place with special care. I suspect there are abnormal zombies here ..."

After Fang Chong told Xiao Lan that Song Ming was really okay, he turned on the telephone with Ling Ya. M

Fang Chong was very skeptical of the existence of a zombies that is as smart as humans, even by humans. The plots these zombies show these days are very strange. Fang Chong has suffered a lot from these.

The results of the discussions with the Maya system were similar. The suggestions Maya gave to Fang Chong also suspected that there was an alternative zombie in Shanghai.

Maybe I do n’t know yet, but it ’s a pity and frustrating that Fang Chong is good at either scrutinizing or rushing into the zombies, except for these ordinary zombies or these ordinary zombies. Chong is very helpless, but other than that, he really can't think of other ways ...

In the end, Fang Chong thought about Ling Ya, and Ling Ya could use a small reconnaissance aircraft with satellite system.

Fang Chong thought that these two things should help him a lot ...

The role of these two things has been verified countless times. As long as they still have zombies, it is only a matter of time ...

"Anomalous zombies?" Hearing Fang Chong's words, Ling Ya repeated these four words. Ling Ya's tone was not difficult to understand ...

"Yes, it ’s abnormal zombies. Now the zombies behave strangely here. I suspect there are mutated zombies in the zombies ..." Fang Chong did not hide Ling Ya. As for the others around him, Fang Chong's thoughts did not want to be other People conceal.

Although it may cause small-scale riots, small riots cannot last long. Everyone hopes to live ...

If you want to live, you can only fight, and from this unknown threat, everyone has a lot of pressure, and your strength will increase faster.

As the saying goes, stress is motivation ...

"Variant zombies are smarter than humans, and even smarter than ordinary humans?" Listening to Fang Chong's general description, Ling Ya's mouth opened wider ...

"That's right, so we have to find it out, but now that there is no clue, it depends on you and the animal husbandry ..." Fang Chong's tone was affirmative ...

"Okay, I must find it out ..." Knowing that this matter had a huge impact, Ling Ya answered solemnly.

"it is good…."


"What now? The counterattack is still guarded ..." After the zombies were repelled again, Qin Lan asked Fang Chong a little tired, this time it was the seventh time they had defeated the destroyers and returned to the mall building Zombie attacked again.

Zombie attacks are gradually weakening, but the number of zombies is still surprisingly large ....

And after Fang Chong reminds everyone that there are mutated zombies, everyone's vigilance will increase, and we don't know whether the change like zombies is really weak or the plot of zombies ...

"Wait a minute ..." Fang Chong said after frowning. He now has no bottom in his heart, and there is no zombie in the zombie group.

Before Fang Chong was not sure, he decided to keep the same until Ling Ya Muge didn't hear from them.

Now the fruits of victory are almost in their hands, killing two destroyers in a row, and hitting the Shanghai stock market is a matter of two days. Although it is more anxious, there is no need to worry at this time.

Fang Chong is calm and sees clearly ...

"Hmm ..." Qin Lan nodded and walked away to tell everyone that for the time being safety is the main priority, and now consume the power of zombies ...

The artillery was still there. When the time was up in the afternoon, the news finally came from Ling Ya. Fang Chong waited for a long time and finally got the news he wanted ...

"Ling Ya, how?" Fang Chong asked excitedly after pressing the first sentence.

The news of Ling Ya will determine the casualties or intact of these people here ...

"The central location of Shanghai, which is also the Shanghai TV Tower building, we found abnormal electromagnetic waves, and this electromagnetic wave is the frequency of communication between zombies and zombies ..." Ling Ya burst out a let Fang Chong Exciting news ...

The electromagnetic waves communicated between zombies and zombies is a new discovery recently researched by the base. Once this project can be successfully researched, it will be much easier to deal with zombies in the future.

However, the current research has not been successful, but today Lingya and their findings are worthwhile ...

"Shanghai TV Tower ..." Fang Chong almost cried out when he heard this address.

Being able to make such a discovery also shows that all his previous guesses were correct, and now there are really mutated zombies in zombies.

Although I don't know how the combat power is compared to the Destroyer, I cannot ignore the cleverness ...

After knowing this news, Fang Chong had mixed feelings.

I am happy to know that the mutated zombies are in that position in Shanghai Stock Exchange. What is worrying is that the zombies have really mutated. For the majority of survivors, it must be a new disaster ...

"That's right, it's in the TV Tower building in Shanghai, but it's a pity that we didn't get a picture of this zombie zombie through the satellite system, and we are afraid to use the small energy reconnaissance plane, for fear of attacking the grass ..." Ling Ya added.

"It's very good. You are indeed doing it right. If such a clever mutant zombie is discovered by him, it will be difficult for us to discover his existence if he finds the existence of a small energy reconnaissance plane ..." Fang Chong affirmed Say, Ling Ya they are more and more mature, there is no problem at all on their own ...

"We will closely monitor the situation of the TV Tower building, what about your plans?" Ling Ya continued.

"To storm the TV Tower building, the Shanghai market must be completely laid down, and this zombie corpse must be killed ..." Fang Chong thought of the losses in the hands of the zombies these days, his expression was very exciting.

Mutant zombies cost him a lot of money, and he must recover from the mutant zombies ...

"Okay, I'll let you know if there is an abnormality. Be careful ..." Ling Ya is for a smart woman. Although she is very much like listening to Fang Chong's voice, but knowing the current situation, she hangs up after telling a sentence ... .


………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"The mutated zombies really exist. The location is in the TV tower building in Shanghai ...." Fang Chong put away the telephone and looked at the people gathered around him with a serious expression.

The next plan is definitely not to be failed, and once they start attacking the TV tower building, encountering the zombies will be their worst since the last days.

There is a command and no zombie command, there is a schedule and no schedule, and a group of zombies can be said to be a far cry in terms of combat performance ...

"Then we?" After hearing Fang Chong's certainty, everyone's expressions were very solemn, because everyone knew what these meant? It is necessary to kill this mutant zombie, but to kill this mutant zombie, fear that they will face millions of zombies next ...

Think of millions of zombies, even if the number of ants is black, let alone a creature such as zombies, think of the existence of Hulk, Terminator, their bodies are several times the size of previous humans ... .

How many millions of zombies do they dare not imagine, nor can they imagine.

"Strike, the zombie mortal will kill ..." Fang Chong did not make redundant descriptions. At the same time as his plan and Ling Ya said, these people also heard clearly ...

"Yes ..." Knowing Fang Chong's determination, everyone did not hesitate to answer. Although it was extremely dangerous, there was no choice ...

Already stabbed with the zombies, they will not die if they die ...

"Let's go ..." Fang Chong waved his hand, and people strode out ...

After the captains of the twelve squads understood Fang Chong's meaning, of course, when Fang Chong walked out of the mall building, they had already ran up the floors and called out the members of the various layers and assembled ....

"I will distribute these energy grenades later, and these more powerful energy bombs ..." Fang Chong walked out of the mall building and led a group of members who were not weak to destroy the zombies around the mall building and stayed. After the next section was on alert, he and Qin Lan came to the square in front of the mall building.

In the open space, Fang Chong took out a lot of energy grenades.

The energy grenade displayed in the battle these days is extraordinary. With this performance, the amount of Fang Chong exchanged from the Maya system is also amazing, and less than tens of thousands.

What Fang Chong did not expect was that these energy grenades came in handy so quickly ...

Today's completely unreserved attack on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the dangers of which are difficult to estimate, and it is undoubtedly very unwise to retain these energy grenades that have been exchanged.

Energy grenades are exchanged once, and human life is only once. Everyone is the same. Fang Chong does not want to see these group members who have been fighting with them for many days.

Under certain circumstances, it can play an extraordinary role, especially when the number of zombies is far more than the number of times and hundreds of times.

And the massive explosion effect of the energy grenade is just as amazing ...

"Okay, I understand ..." Qin Lan certainly understood Fang Chong's consciousness when Fang Chong took out an average number of energy grenades per person. Soon, Qin Lan was distributed separately. ,

According to the number of twelve teams, it is easy to distribute them.

"Get off ..." Fang Chong started calling for action after seeing the energy grenade allocation ...

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan didn't know if they had woke up. I checked to see if you are careful ..." After letting dozens of tanks and armored vehicles open the road, Fang Chong told Qin Lan.

Now it is time to attack the real city center of Shanghai. Fang Chong still thinks that Song Ming, including Huang Qianchuan, cannot stay here.

On the surface, the safety factor of the bank building is quite high, but there are no guards around them, and the danger is also there. Fang Chong does not want to bet on them ...

Moreover, Fang Chong feels that although Song Ming, including Huang Qianchuan, has suffered a severe coma, although the time has passed, it should be restored.

"I know, you have to be careful too. If you can't do it, use a small energy car to take them back to Lingya ..." Qin Lan nodded, Fang Chong meant she understood.

Now Ling Ya Mu Ge is no longer Fang Chong's side, and Song Minghuang Qianchuan has been hit hard. Fang Chong has few people around him. Knowing that she is one of the few people who can help, Qin Lan has no word Dodge ...

"Well, I know, the controller of the small energy car is handed over to you ..." Fang Chong has summoned three small-capacity cars to hover over their current heads.

Qin Lan did not remind Fang Chong that he ignored the role of small-capacity vehicles.

Although the attack power is not so great, it can really play a large role in large-scale attacks, and the power is still lethal to ordinary zombies ...

"Okay ..." Qin Lan understood what Fang Chong meant, and what was the next path? She doesn't know that there are small energy vehicles in the air for reconnaissance. Their safety factor is much larger. At the same time, the role of small energy vehicles is not small ...

Fang Chong watched Qin Lan leave, and he didn't stop too much time. After watching Qin Lan go out some distance, his body disappeared ....

When it appeared again, it was already near the bank building ...

After pinpointing the floor, Fang Chong jumped in a few jumps, and they divided Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan's room ...

Looking at the two people lying on the ground, Fang Chong gave a sigh of relief.

"It seems this place is still safe ..." Fang Chongjin went inside and found that there was no zombies, Fang Chong thought to himself ...


"Fang Chong, where are we now ..." Just when Fang Chong did not know whether to leave the two of them in this place or use a small energy vehicle to send them to their temporary base in Shanghai. Huang Qianchuan woke up at this time ...

Seeing a strange environment, and besides Song Ming lying around, Fang Chong was there, Huang Qianchuan asked after struggling to do it ...

"On the bank building ..." Fang Chong was very surprised to hear Huang Qianchuan's voice. But he soon recovered his calmness. Huang Qianchuan woke up at this time, indicating that his injuries were absolutely not serious. Perhaps he could come in handy tonight or tomorrow .... "How about the injuries?"

"It's not a big deal, I should be able to recover today ..." Hearing Fang Chong's words, Huang Qianchuan slowly remembered how he was injured. When Fang Chong asked how the injury was, he closed his eyes and felt it seriously ...

"That's good…."

After Fang Chong took out the gene restoration medicine to Huang Qianchuan, Song Ming also woke up. Fortunately, Song Ming's situation was not much different from Huang Qianchuan ...

Fang Chong sought their opinions after making sure that they were not a big deal. In the end, they all decided to join Fang Chong to enter the city center of Shanghai.

Although their fighting power is not as high as Chong, it must not be underestimated ....

"Fight, fight well ..."

The horn sounded!


"The distance between the TV tower building in Shanghai and Shanghai is ten kilometers ahead, and the next ten miles should be full of danger ..." After Fang Chong stopped on a bridge, Qin Lan looked at Shanghai's Map, try to find out the location of their TV tower building from Shanghai Stock Exchange ...

After determining the location of the TV tower in Shanghai, Qin Lan was a bit worried.

When they came along all the way just now, the number of zombies they encountered far exceeded their estimates, but Rao is so, they have no idea of ​​backing down, and human beings have reached the point where they can no longer back off ...

"We must move forward in many dangers. We have no way back, unless we withdraw from the Shanghai Stock Exchange ..." Fang Chong knew what Qin Lan was worried about. Why didn't he have such an idea, but could such an idea become a reality? Fang Chong knew that the answer was absolutely negative, couldn't he? No, they have no choice but to fight ....

"Quit? Impossible, we came to Shanghai with all our hardships, and we have killed enough zombies these days. It is absolutely impossible to quit ..." Qin Lan shook her head suddenly, and she replaced all others Members answered Fang Chong's words.

Fang Chong's words touched her a lot, but the result of this touch was to let Qin Lan know more clearly what they were doing.

Laying the goal of going to Shanghai stock market is simply to better survive in the last days.

Technology will also be very important in the future, and Shanghai Stock Market can provide them with a better living condition ...

"Hehe ~ www.readwn.com ~ Now that we know we have only one road, dangerous and difficult? We have no choice but to go to the dark road ..." Fang Chong smiled slightly, and Qin Lan's reaction was all he expected. After a slight smile, Fang Chong motioned everyone to move on.

Tanks, armored vehicles, even the small energy vehicles he redeemed these days are hovering over them ...

With these guys open the road, their safety factor has increased a little bit, at least it is difficult for them to be hit hard by the scheming scheme of ambush.

The ambush that made the zombies in vain was in vain, Fang Chong said honestly, he was quite comfortable ...

The speed of tanks and armored vehicles is not very fast, but this kind of open work is not as fast as it wants to be, but the results are remarkable. At least until now, they have really had no major troubles.

When the number of Terminators is too large, it is basically Fang Chong and Qin Lan who cut them across the board, which will not cause much trouble ...


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