I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 397: Offense begins

Chapter 397 The Attack Begins


Fang Chong and Qin Lan killed easily. Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan, the wounded, felt itchy, but Fang Chong refused to let them do anything until his physical condition was fully recovered. M

Fang Chong, want to fight? When you are near the TV tower, you ca n’t help but you ca n’t help you… ..

Fang Chong is still worried, how many zombies are there? Although they are now adequately prepared, what is the situation? The preparation is useless, these questions are doubts, no one can guarantee ...

"It's almost time for the decisive battle ..." Suddenly there were fewer zombies, and Fang Chong could clearly see the appearance of the TV Tower building.

Feeling the change of the zombies, Fang Chong's expression did not relax.

The zombies retreated, not to say that the zombies were completely defeated. Fang Chong knew that this change of the zombies should be visible to the zombies. In such a way, the zombies did not have the ability to stop Fang Chong's attack. It is better to fence up and wait for Fang Chong to fight them.

As for whether it is, Fang Chong also does not know, does the zombie have such courage?

Fang Chong is more worried that before they killed the Destroyer, the mutated zombies knew absolutely. Will this leave a shadow in the mutated zombies? Maybe the same ...

Fang Chong is more worried that this mutant zombie will run away alone ...

Because now there are such a large number of zombie groups in this area, if that zombie zombie really wants to take the opportunity to escape, they want to kill it is really difficult ...

Thinking of this problem, Fang Chong frowned slightly ....

"Fang Chong you ..." Fang Chong's expression changed, Qin Lan was watching, she knew Fang Chong's pressure at this time was definitely not small ...

"It's okay, I'm more worried. The number of zombies, how strong they are, and whether the mutated zombies will run away are all questions ..." Fang Chongchao Qin Lan showed an expression of no worry. However, he told what he was worried about.

"Here we have no choice but we still have to believe in our own strength. Now when we face zombies, we are not the same as a few months ago. Although zombies are growing fast, we are the same Not slow, victory is reasonable ... "Qin Lan said.

Although there is an element of comforting Fang Chong in it, Qin Lan is also telling the truth. The strength of the entire team now is really not comparable to that when the team first came out of the base city of Kyoto. Power is combat effectiveness, experience, and Guts ...

These changes cannot be overstated ...

"I know ..." Fang Chong exhaled, Qin Lan said that he was ignored, and now it is true ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"An army of zombies has finally appeared. If we can win today, and in the future, humanity can really defeat the zombies, including the Zak of the alien invaders, our battle today can definitely be regarded as the survival of humankind in the early days of the last days. The most perfect, this massive, most meaningful battle.

And once this battle is successful, the situation in the last days will begin to reverse ... "Standing at less than 500 meters from the TV tower building, Fang Chong and their entire team stopped, not because they did not want to leave, but because the zombies were densely packed. Occupy their way forward.

Looking at the number is absolutely crowded, it should not be "corporate mountains and corpses."

With such a large number of zombies, Rao is Fang Chongdu taking a breath of air, right? It was prepared, but when they really saw such a huge amount, Fang Chong and they could n’t calm down if they wanted to calm down ...

However, Fang Chong was not shouted. Fang Chong knew that although the number of zombies is now terribly large, once they can defeat this battle today, it will be of great significance to the future, as Fang Chong encouraged everyone.

"Haha, the decisive battle is the decisive battle. I want to record it in history ..." Song Ming smiled from the car and walked away from him, "the wind is blowing at his feet", but it is hard to see that his previous injury was absolutely not a problem ...

"Of course, who is afraid of zombies, why don't we do it for ourselves ..." Huang Qianchuan also jumped out of the car and calmly looked at the zombies who had been eager to try to start the attack, his expression was equally relaxed.

He is similar to Song Ming, that is a kind of self-confidence, absolute confidence in his strength ...

The self-confidence of Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan gave Fang Chong a little more confidence. At least from the moment they showed, their injuries were not harmful ...

"Everyone is preparing ..." Fang Chong didn't sigh any more or talk about Luo Zhe. He knew that the army of zombies had already begun to surround them. If they could no longer arrange them until the zombies surrounded them, their situation would be bad. After this worry, Fang Chong issued a loud command.

Success or not depends on this time ...

Fang Chong's words fell short. Everyone who had been prepared already acted instantly. After looking for obstacles separately, they set up artillery, energy cannons, and various powerful guns. As for Xiaolan, they were in a group of more than ten People, after Fang Chong gave the order, they rushed to the road instantly; on the taller buildings on both sides.

More than a dozen girls around Xiao Lan are snipers, and they are very clear that snipers can play the most dangerous force on higher buildings ...

After Xiao Lan occupied the high place, the footsteps of the zombie army were getting closer and closer.

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Fast incendiary preparations ..." After setting up a car defensive wall several meters high on the street, the zombies were not far away from them. Standing on the defensive wall made of cars, Qin Lan took over the command from Fang Chong. Right, start giving instructions ...

"The incendiary bomb is a relatively ordinary weapon, which is not very powerful, but it burns fiercely. Such a phenomenon is undoubtedly a very rare method of making enemies for Fang Chong ...

Zombies are afraid of fire. This has been tested no less than ten times. Basically, as long as Fang Chong and their team know what is going on ...

"Throw out ..." Everyone who was eager to try, Fang Chong did not let them wait any longer. When hundreds of incendiary bombs were ignited, Fang Chong himself also held out a burning flask that was already extremely fierce and threw it out ... .

"Throw ..." Fang Chong's order is undoubtedly the most welcomed by everyone. As Fang Chong's words fell, hundreds of incendiary bombs that had been set on fire flew from the steel defense wall of the car just built. The target points directly to the zombies ...

"Bang-bang ..."

A series of shatters sounded crisply after the incendiary bomb fell into the zombies.



After hundreds of incendiary bombs shattered at the same time, it can be said that the group of zombies closest to Fang Chong's defensive wall seemed to have been blasted. The zombies were screamed with the raging fire.

Fear of fire is a deadly weakness of zombies. It really is true. With the roar of zombies and the sound of flames, the bitter screams of the zombies entangled people.

If these zombies heralded their lives and deaths, Fang Chong might be soft-hearted, but when threatening his life, Fang Chong did not waver.

Looking at the zombies that were only 30 meters away from them, Fang Chong's expression remained indifferent from beginning to end. This momentum fully showed Fang Chongzhen's many experiences of life and death ...

"Energy grenade preparation, pitcher preparation ..." After looking at a large number of zombies burned alive, Fang Chong's expression remained indifferent. After successfully destroying some zombies, Fang Chong himself took out an energy grenade ...

Although the power of the energy grenade is average, it is still powerful against ordinary zombies, including those below the Hulk. The real ineffectiveness is against the Terminator or the Destroyer, but the probability of these two appearing is really small ... .

"Throw ..." After Fang Chong threw out an energy grenade himself, other members of the group also learned something. Without waiting for Fang Chong to give instructions, the energy grenade in their hands flew out without money.

Quickly fell into the area where the zombies were most dense ...

With the booming explosion, the zombie deaths and injuries once again increased indefinitely.

Seeing such a scene, Fang Chong blossomed in his heart, so it didn't take much to make such a big change; his energy could achieve such good results.

It is also true to say beyond imagination ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"How did today ’s zombies behave so weak ..." Looking at the zombies who were bombed and lost their helmets again, Fang Chong them, everyone ’s confidence seemed to have triumphed, and many members returned at this time. Shouting to rush forward to solve these zombies who dare to attack ...

However, looking at this situation, Fang Chong's expression was always very dignified. He didn't know what was wrong there, anyway, there was always a kind of worry in his heart. It seemed that something unexpected happened ...

"Did we rush in directly, these zombies do not threaten us at all ..." Fang Chong was silent, but it did not mean that Huang Qianchuan and these people would choose to remain silent like him. When Fang Chong was worried, others did not seem to have With this feeling, Huang Qianchuan even demanded that he go all out to kill the TV tower building in Shanghai ...

"No, don't want to, I suspect that the zombies are fraudulent ..." For Huang Qianchuan's proposal, Fang Chong shook his head very clearly. From the zombies that just appeared to the present, except for the occasional Hulk, the Terminator did not seem to see Fang Chong's worries became more and more serious as there were not many Hulks.

In the morning, in the mall building and blocking their zombies, the Hulk has almost become the main force, and the number of Terminators is not a lot. That kind of situation is much more dangerous than it is now. Even when they were all walking towards the TV Tower just now, the threat of zombies was very high, it would not be like this now ...

Fang Chong couldn't think of this question, what happened to the zombies ...

"Zombie is cheating?" After hearing Fang Chong's words, everyone's laughter suddenly froze. Fang Chong didn't say anything. Once they said it, they finally knew that they always felt weird. The place is there.

The strange place is that the zombies are weak, it seems that they have never encountered a weak, this situation is simply impossible, everyone thinks more and more terrible ...

At this time, they didn't have to remind Fang Chong to think of the reason.

They were all dazed by a little victory ...


"Yes, I suspect that the zombies are fraudulent. Without him, the zombies are too weak ..." Fang Chong nodded, and everyone suddenly awakened that he was watching, and at the same time he was secretly relieved.

He saw in everyone's expressions the deep doubts in everyone's hearts. He was almost deceived by the deliberate atmosphere of the zombies just now. The mutant zombies knew how to show weakness to their enemies.

"Fortunately, I didn't have that idea ..." The more and more frightened, Fang Chong said secretly.

"Yes, the zombies are really too weak, they are not their strength at all. From this we can see that the zombies are pretending ...." After everyone came out of silence, Huang Qianchuan waked up and said after summing up.

"I believe that the strength of the zombies is so realized in the morning, don't I need to say more, right?" Looking at everyone with a little confused expression, Huang Qianchuan paused and continued to say, although he himself , The destroyed person was injured in a coma, but what's the situation behind the mall building? He still knows from other populations ...

Compared to personal experience, Huang Qianchuan said this example. , Undoubtedly let others quiet down all of a sudden, they all experienced the most dangerous time this morning, almost several times the zombies almost broke into the mall building ...

Fortunately, Fang Chong and Qin Lan arrived and the situation changed greatly ...

"As long as we don't care, the situation is still under our control. Don't hurry to attack ..." Fang Chong saw Huang Qianchuan talk about the point. After everyone was quiet, he stood up and said.

The current situation is not out of control. As long as they are not careless, there is no way to achieve the zombies' conspiracy. Now the most important thing is to stabilize and see what the zombies are playing.

Hulk, the Terminator doesn't come out, they continue to kill, look at the low-priced zombies like these cannon fodder, they can't come out ...

With such a plan, Fang Chong's mouth slightly tilted ...


"Then what shall we do next?" After everyone no longer shouted that they would rush in and fight against the zombies, everyone's eyes gathered on Fang Chong and a few of them.

"Continue to wait and kill these ordinary zombies, and you will know what conspiracy these zombies are going to complete ..." Fang Chong said his idea. "As long as we don't take the initiative to attack, we won't do it ..."

"This is a good idea, we will keep the defensive line of the car piled up ..." Qin Lan also said, and at the same time signaled the sniper occupying the high floor to pay attention to the alert ...

"Hmm ..." After receiving instructions from the twelve captains, he guarded several intersections at the same time ...

"Small army ..." Fang Chong called the army when Fang Chong saw that the other eleven team captains had left one after another to stay in place.

Now that the zombies are playing a conspiracy, Fang Chong has to be cautious. Although the back line has been carefully checked when he came before, will there be zombies coming from other places or some zombies will be sent out by mutant zombies? Entrapping them does not necessarily happen.

With such concerns, Fang Chong would have to be more vigilant, or when the real decisive battle would take place, the enemy would be in danger. Fang Chongke does not want to see this ...

"Brother Fang Chong, what's the matter ..." Xiao Jun originally planned to leave, but hearing Fang Chong's tone, he knew that he should have other tasks ...

"Where the station is for other people to go, you have a more important task ..." Fang Chong then explained the tasks that the small army was required to complete, and the importance was all detailed ...

"Are you worried that the zombies will smuggle?" Hearing any of this is Xiaojun's brow frowning, obviously Fang Chong felt a little useless, but Fang Chong's order, he still needs to listen, but just before leaving, he still bear I kept asking ...

"Zombies know how to ambush? Can't they subscribe?" Fang Chong gave a simple example. When the zombie was ambush, Xiaojun was not present, but he has seen the pictures passed from the satellite system ...

"This ..." Xiao Jun thought of this, but had nothing to say ...

"I just worry about other people's care. From letting you go, we all believe in you ..." Fang Chong told the truth, although the possibility of being enveloped by zombies is not high, but it is because of this possibility Fang Chong was most worried. It may not be medium and large, and it is easy for everyone to ignore ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ Once they ignore, they will have a lot of trouble ...

Although it is not a trouble, such things often affect the development of the war situation ....

"I see, Brother Fang Chong ....." Looking at Fang Chongto's trusting eyes, Xiaojun understood.

Nodded solemnly, he greeted hundreds of people and went to the rear ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Watching Xiaojun leave, Fang Chong's worry seemed to be relieved a lot. Xiaojun was very convinced that with him, there was absolutely no problem. There was no need to worry about the rear. There was only an attack. Although he did n’t know what the zombies were playing, but Fang Chong's face will be hard to lose if he storms ...

"If we can't attack it, we have the advantage in the air ..." When Fang Chong was indifferent, Qin Lan suddenly saw several small energy vehicles still hovering above them.

"Yes, the weapons on the small energy vehicles are equally powerful. We let them bomb them well. It's no wonder that the zombies are not exposed ..." Huang Qianchuan also echoed ...

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