I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 398: What will human kings look like?

Chapter 398 What Will Human Kings Look Like?


After the plan was fully adopted, everyone immediately acted ...

After choosing to stay in place, all the muzzles are aimed at the front. The place where the zombies attack and defend is better than the plot. Fang Chong they are ready to see the move. If the zombies are playing Yin, they are ready to let them play ….

After everyone returned to their respective positions, Fang Chong was idle alone. M

Although he also assigned a lot of tasks, the command of the small energy vehicle is simple.

After Song Ming, Huang Qianchuan, including Qin Lan went to command the battle, Fang Chong also connected with the Mayan system ...

"Maya, you will control the small energy vehicle later and bombard the vicinity of the TV tower building. The denser the zombies, the more vigorous you will be ..." After connecting to the Maya system, Fang Chong went directly to the subject without any nonsense. .

Fang Chong knew that commanding this thing was foolproof in the hands of Maya, and that Maya was much more advanced than the command system on a small energy vehicle ...

"You can host ..." After Fang Chong's words, he did not nod unexpectedly, this kind of thing is within his duties ...

"By Maya, can you find out the rank or name of the mutated zombies now?" Fang Chong nodded, and suddenly remembered the question about the mutated zombies.

In the past, Maya only speculated that there might be, but now it is absolutely certain that Fang Chong was a little curious and hoped that Maya would know,

After all, do you know yourself and your friends? Moreover, this is the first time that Maya has not provided detailed information about Fang Chong since it has owned the Maya system for a long time. This is also what Fang Chong is worried about ...

"Metamorphic zombies are newly evolved creatures. The system has no data. To know the combat effectiveness, you must defeat the new creatures ..." Maya said after a pause, but the answers given made Fang Chong somewhat disappointed.

"After having to overcome?" Fang Chong's expression was very wonderful when he heard Maya's answer, but he understood after wanting to see it, Maya could not be omnipotent. I don't know how many things there are ...

"Yes ...", Maya could see Fang Chong's disappointment on his face.

"Forget it, it's just a mutated zombie. The king and the destroyer in the zombie have killed two heads at most, and it's a little troublesome at the most ..." Fang Chong laughed when he heard Maya's emotional changes.

Although unknown is dangerous, confidence is more important than anything ...

"The idea of ​​the host is correct. The destroyer is the king of zombies. Unless the king of the zombies, such as the destroyer, has a mutation, otherwise, the combat power of the mutant zombies cannot exceed the destroyer ..." Maya said immediately.

"Is there another reason?" Fang Chong's expression was excited when Maya said so.

Once Maya is true, then he doesn't need to worry about that much ...

The Destroyer is basically impossible to appear again ....

"Well ..." Maya said patiently. "All creatures are the same, the king is the ultimate body of their evolution ..."

"What about humans?" Fang Chong burst out of curiosity ...

Especially after hearing the ultimate body, Fang Chong became more interested, and understanding these evolutions will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the future ...

"Likewise, human beings also have kings, that is, the ultimate body of human evolutionaries including genetic warriors ..." Maya nodded unexpectedly.

Fang Chong just asked casually, but did not expect that Maya actually nodded.

Upon hearing such an answer, Fang Chong's expression froze.

"Human beings have kings?" Fang Chong was most curious, and most worried about this issue.

Will the human king be ten meters high like the king destroyer in the zombie?

It would be terrible to be really adult ...


"What would happen to become the king among human beings?" Fang Chong thought of the Destroyer, and then the appearance of other mutant creature Kings. He sweated in his heart. He felt that according to the current development, he might return in the future. There is a possibility of becoming the king of human beings, but he was shocked when he thought of the horrible king ...

I do n’t have any confidence in asking Maya ...

"Will it be ten meters tall like the Destroyer, like the Titan Giant ..." Fang Chong described in his heart, he didn't know what the Mayan system knew what the Titan Giant looked like ...

"In theory, but there is uncertainty. Humans are very wonderful animals ..." Maya did not know what Fang Chong was sweating at all, and said to himself.

"In theory?" Fang Chong glared, knowing that he could only pray to the Buddha now ...

"Hmm ..." Maya didn't give Fang Chong fantasy space.

"Is there any possibility that I will become the king of human beings in the future?" Fang Chong asked unwillingly, how he hoped that Maya would say no at this time ...

"This is for sure. From the first day of possession of the Maya system, the host is destined to stand at the top of the human power pyramid. The king is the inevitable result ..." Maya was very proud to say that for a system, Fang Chong This was already doubting her somewhat.

"Uh ..." Fang Chong looked without such confidence, he was finally speechless, and never knew to say that again ...

"I hope that the theory is false. Even if I become a king of human beings, my brother is still so handsome ..." Fang Chong's face was like a simmered eggplant ...

"Whether the host turns on the combat system of the small energy vehicle ..." Seeing Fang Chong's silence, Maya would speak first.

"Well, open, bomb the zombies to the slump ..." Fang Chong was speechless. When he was worried about other problems, he almost forgot the business. When he was depressed, Fang Chong couldn't help but get angry ...

"Are you sure?" Maya repeated.

"OK ..." Fang Chong nodded with anger, and now he was depressed, so he had to take out the zombies ...

"The bombardment of Spar is a waste of energy spar. Are you sure ..." Maya said in a strange tone.

"True ..." Fang Chong stretched the word "Zhe", his expression fluctuated. When he heard the words "Energy Crystal Stone", he chose to pause wisely ...

"Just reasonable ..."


Maya rarely answers ...

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Fang Chong, what is the problem with small energy vehicles?" Everyone is looking forward to using the air force to strike. At least since then, zombies have been counted as the only air strike force they have now. Qin Lan is a human and therefore does not count.

Everyone is looking forward to seeing the powerful side of small-capacity cars. If they can, everyone ’s self-confidence will skyrocket, and Fang Chong ’s plan to tell them before is to make a cottage version of small energy cars. Big focus work ...

"No problem, you can start to act at any time ..." Fang Chong has already returned to God at this time. He is afraid to stay in the internal space of the Maya system. He is afraid that he always thinks about the problem of the human king. In the end, he will go crazy. ...

"Zombies have been regrouped. I recommend starting fire suppression. Once the zombies are approaching our defense line, casualties may occur, and we may also defeat ..." Fang Chong nodded and said no problem, Huang Qianchuan was relieved, He also started to say what's important now ...

"Well, the suppression of firepower is necessary, and the command here is given to the three of you. I want to take a look at the TV tower building. If the random zombies can be resolved at will, we can win easily ..." Fang Chong After nodding in agreement, he looked at Song Ming, Huang Qianchuan, Qin Lan, and then continued.

Fang Chong already had this idea in her heart after talking with Maya just now about the situation of mutated zombies.

Fang Chong had no worries after knowing that the power of the mutated zombie could not exceed that of the destroyer ...

In order to reduce the casualties to the minimum, it is absolutely necessary to solve the abnormal zombie of the TV tower building first ...

"Do you want to lurk into the TV Tower building?" After hearing Fang Chong's plan, Qin Lan's expression suddenly became ugly. Although she did not deny Fang Chong's idea, it was a very good idea, but also very risky.

It can even be said to be dead. Qin Lan is absolutely opposed, and if Fang Chong must insist, she hopes to accompany Fang Chong ...

"Yes, this is a better idea at the moment ..." Fang Chong saw Qin Lan's different expressions and nodded indifferently. He wanted to remind Qin Lan in this tone as well.

"I want to go too ..." To Fang Chong's surprise, Qin Lan did not speak out, but directly said her request. Fang Chong said indifferently, how could she not hear ...

"We're going the same way, adventure is not important to us ..." Qin Lan's words came to an end, and Song Ming came over for fun.

"Yeah ..." Huang Qianchuan was not far behind ...

"You guys ..." Fang Chong did not expect that these two guys would be afraid that the world would not be chaotic ...

"Fang Chong, you go with us, many people take care of us, not to mention our cooperation is very tacit ..." Qin Lan said, with a strong dismay on his face ...

"No, this time the TV tower building is different from the past. If I am found alone, the possibility of escape is very high, but with you, the strength is greater, but the comparability of the exposed target is also greater. And, after being discovered, the chance of escape is also small ... "Fang Chong shook his head, saying with certainty. "And once all four of us are gone, who is in charge of the big picture here ..."

"This ..." After hearing Fang Chong's analysis of the pros and cons, Qin Lan, Song Ming, and Huang Qianchuan were all speechless, and could not find a fancy reason to refute Fang Chong.

Because Fang Chong did make sense, Fang Chong's fighting power is the most powerful among them. If Fang Chong is surrounded by zombies, he is much more likely to escape alone ...

And Fang Chong said it was true. After Fang Chong was transferred to the rear of the team to ensure the safety of the team, in the absence of Ling Ya Muge, they really could not find anyone to replace the command. The other eleven gave the captain the same. No, it is not a problem for them to lead the team, but it is a little overwhelming to rise to control the overall problem.

In today's scene, they cannot tolerate risk, and the word adventure is not appropriate.


"Trust me, I will come back. Once the situation is urgent, I will give up all actions. You should know my fighting power. No zombies can stop me ..." Fang Chong knew what he said and moved Qin Lan and the three of them. He quickly Strike while the iron is hot ...

"Okay, we believe in you. Once your whereabouts are revealed, you will come back ..." Qin Lan gritted her teeth, her eyes calmed down, and she took a deep breath and said affectionately.

"Rest assured, I will come back ..." Fang Chong gently embraced Qin Lan.

"Song Ming, Huang Qianchuan, it's up to you here. Until there is no clear plot of zombies, you have to stick to it. Once the situation is too critical, you will retreat, leaving the green hills without worrying about burning wood ..." After releasing Qin Lan, he walked to Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan with a serious expression.

"Know, you are also careful ..." Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan nodded solemnly.

"Okay, everyone is careful ..." Fang Chong believes in himself, believes in Song Ming and believes in the strength of the team ...

When Fang Chong finished speaking, he got up from his seat. The footsteps of the zombie attack were getting closer and closer. When they heard this, Fang Chong knew that the battle was about to begin ...

"Shoot ..." After leaving their command vehicles one after another, you can see the momentum of the zombies rushing over ...

Looking at the zombies that were getting closer, Huang Qianchuan didn't know when the extra flag waved down and shouted at the same time ...

"Boom boom ..."

As the sound of Huang Qianchuan sounded, a series of gun ejection sounds sounded one after another ...

"Boom, boom, boom ....."

After less than ten meters, a huge explosion of artillery shells exploded, and the bombs flying into the zombies exploded at the same time as the open spaces appeared.

Almost none of the zombies that were bombed by the bomb ...


"Roar ..."

As the explosion did not depend on the ears, the roar of the zombie's fury also sounded. A series of roars made people cold, and the zombie was still very deterrent.

However, as a result of the roar of the roar of the zombies, the instructions for firing were issued to the encrypted set.

This is a massacre-like battle, and now their team seems to have become an executioner, and the zombies slaughtered by them seem pitiful ...

"Can the mutant zombies really be so suffocated?" Watching the zombies disappeared and increased, and they were destroyed again, the expressions of Fang Chong and others were not so good-looking.

Several of them are very clear in their hearts. From now until now, the number of zombies who have been shelled, fired, killed, killed, and hanged can be counted.

The scene at the scene was very disgusting, with residual limbs, minced meat, and blood everywhere, and the bloody, foul smell was hard to bear. Rao is a strong man who has long been accustomed to the environment of the last days. It feels weird ...

This kind of scene makes them feel uncomfortable, and they are even more worried about the next plot of the mutant zombie ...

"It doesn't matter if it's sinking or not, anyway, we need to stick to it now, and it's definitely not a problem. After I left, the situation behind the small army should help me pay more attention ..." After seeing the scene is always the same, Fang Chong It's not a waste of time to stay in the line of defense.

I want to know what plot the mutated zombies are playing. After catching it, any mystery will be revealed.

After having such a plan, Fang Chong was ready to leave when he finished ...

"Well, we know, Xiaojun, I will go over and see for myself. After the performance of the zombies now, there is a high possibility of attacking and double-tapping from behind ..." Fang Chong's words fell and Song Ming came out Nodded earnestly, Fang Chong was worried about Xiaojun, Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan were also the same, they have begun to prepare ...

"Okay, this is the best way. I'll go first. In a critical situation, keep in touch ..." Fang Chong nodded.

"Don't hesitate to hear the news from Lingya ..."


After Fang Chong's goal was fixed on the TV tower building, he started to act. With the goal, Fang Chong's thoughts became clear. Their current position is about hundreds of meters away from the TV tower building. If you want to sprint That is more than ten seconds, but rushed over? Obviously impossible.

It's not that there are so many zombies. This road has already been filled up. It will only be known by the mutated zombies. Fang Chong will not take the risk of being unattractive ...

As for how to get there? After looking at the surroundings of the surrounding buildings in detail, Fang Chong began to plan.

Mutant zombies may attack them from behind. After Fang Chong suspected this possibility, his idea was inspired by this place ...

"I will attack from the back ..." Fang Chong secretly said. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com. He thought that this unexpectedly might have a very good effect, and after getting more and more feasible, Fang Chong began to act ...

The so-called sneak attack and lurking is to prevent the zombies from knowing. Fang Chong is very clear in this dessert. After understanding, he knows what the point is, and his body disappears in place.

But the place he rushed to was not the road, but the buildings on both sides of the road ...

Everyone knows the situation of the buildings in Shanghai. The surrounding city, which is one of the top five cities in China in terms of population, especially the downtown area, can be said that the eyes can see the reinforced concrete structure.

But now this happens to be that Fang Chong can use high-rise buildings everywhere, which undoubtedly shows that Fang Chong can start from the highest floor.

Although the TV Tower building is relatively prominent and relatively high, the possibility of lurking in is equally great, and the most dangerous place is the safest. This is absolutely true ...


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