I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 400: Skills, diamond hardening

Chapter 400 Skills, Diamond Hardening


"'King Kong hardening' ..." Fang Chong's expression was very surprised when watching the 'long sword' being popped. How sharp is the 'long sword'? Fang Chong knew in his heart that the defense of the 'Destroyer' was in vain in front of the Long Sword, but now? A 'mutated zombie' can actually counter Fang Chong's 'Long Sword' with his fist. With this kind of mutation, Fang Chong can calm down ...

As Fang Chong was surprised when he heard the words "Mayang" say "Mayang", his body quickly pulled back. M

The current 'mutant zombie' is undoubtedly new to Fang Chong, and no one knows anything about it, whether it is offensive or defensive, combat or defensive, at least from now until now, The speed is also 'King Kong hardening' This skill has already unexpected Fang Chong's surprise.

After pulling back, Fang Chong fell into a dilemma for a while, attacking or not attacking?

After Fang Chong stepped back a few steps, the sword was erected, and his eyes watched the zombie mortal with vigilance ...

As for the "mutant zombie", after fighting hard with Fang Chong, his body was also repelled more than a dozen steps, and his strength was inferior, so that the "mutant zombie" did not immediately come forward for a while. Chong stalemates more than ten meters apart, and two 'grey' pupils are constantly scanning back and forth on Fang Chong's body.

"'King Kong hardening' is a skill of 'mutant zombie', meaning very simple. It is as stiff as 'special metal'. From the perspective of the sword that can block the host, the 'King Kong hardening' defense should be at level 300. The above is a long-term attack method for 'mutant zombies', but from the perspective of 'mutant zombies' not exceeding two hundred and fifty levels of fighting power, 'King Kong hardening' should be limited to a certain part of 'mutant zombies'. Some parts ... "Fang Chong was wary of re-evaluating the 'mutant zombies', while Maya's voice sounded in Fang Chong's ears again. Maya just disappeared for a while, Fang Chong knew that it should be sorting out Information on 'mutant zombies'.

Sure enough, when Fang Chong hadn't asked before, Maya had finished finishing up, and came here one by one ...

"The defense force is more than three hundred ..." Fang Chong listened very carefully and was able to defeat the five mutated zombies. The information summarized by Maya is very important. Fang Chong believes that the Mayan system can help little, but Better than nothing ...

As Maya said more and more, Fang Chong's mood became heavier, especially when he heard that the Vajra's defensive power was above 300, Fang Chong's heart almost jumped out. It's not surprising that this is strange. The degree of defense has exceeded Fang Chong's prediction. The reason is very simple. There is no problem with Fang Chong's current fighting power, but there are five heads of "mutated zombies" here.

If the five heads are truly surrounded, Fang Chong's odds are almost zero ...

This feeling is not ugly to look strange, but in order to pretend, Fang Chong's face is still calm.

At least Chong could not reveal his true feelings in front of the Mutant Zombie Face, otherwise, with the cleverness of the Mutant Zombie, he would die very hard to see ...

However, although Fang Chong was shocked, and even had plans to retreat, he continued to hold back. Listening to the "Mayan System" continued, he heard that "'King Kong' should be limited to the 'mutant zombie' body." Fang Chongzhong breathed a sigh of relief when he said the phrase "Some parts of".

After all, the information revealed from this sentence is not difficult for Fang Chong to hear.

The so-called part should refer to the position of the mutated zombie's body, which can use the skill of ‘King Kong hardening’. There are only places similar to fists or fatal weaknesses ...

It ’s not like they ’re wearing a ‘armor suit’, the defense is full body ...

With this discovery, Fang Chong's eyes lit up at once, because if Maya's analysis was correct, he would have no chance ...

"I can't pierce where I can harden, and I don't believe you can stop my attack without a place where I can harden ..." Fang Chong laughed. Whether it was feasible or not, Fang Chong decided to give it a try. .

Speed, he stabilized the "mutant zombie", and even if it was unsuccessful, it was a waste of time at most, and nothing was lost. Failed, there is a stairwell behind, he wants to escape, it is easy ...

Armed with this idea, Fang Chong put on an offensive posture.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

With Fang Chong's intention to attack, Fang Chong's pose failed to react at all for a while. Fang Chong moved when he looked at the strange zombie.

Fang Chong knows that the best way to unexpectedly harden the Vajra hardening skill is to surprise him.

"Come on ..." Fang Chong shouted, his body was already attached, and the sword in his hand waved forward, stabbing directly at the chest of the zombie zombie.

Fang Chong did not know where the weakness of this mutant zombie was, but now it is just an attempt.

Fang Chong's violent speed was so fast that the zombie zombies couldn't react at all.

The long sword brought a touch of cold light and flew directly to the zombie zombies. The distance of more than ten meters was almost drawn in an instant ...

"Dang… .." The long sword was inserted into the chest of the mutant zombie, which made Fang Chong feel a bit depressed. The sword was not directly inserted into the body of the mutant zombie, as Fang Chong imagined. After the sound of the metal collision, Fang Chong was not panicked. Although unexpected, but this change was also in Fang Chong's imagination.

Without disappointment, Fang Chong pulled the sword down. When the zombie zombies did not respond, Fang Chong moved again. Unfortunately, the sword's offensive was still blocked and the blade and alien Zombie skin comes into intense contact, no blood, only sparks ...

"Did Maya's guess be wrong ..." After two consecutive blows had no effect, Fang Chong was a little suspicious.

Watching the Mutant Zombie reacting to the fists that hit him, Fang Chong exerted his strength, and his body retreated with his strength. After pulling away from the Mutant Zombie, Fang Chong's expression was a bit unnatural ...

"The area from the front chest to the belly is within the hardened range of diamonds. Otherwise, such an unexpected attack would have worked long ago, could it be the head and neck?" Fang Chong's head quickly turned, and his eyes looked at the mutated zombie. .


The mutant zombies attacked by Fang Chong somehow finally reacted at this time. When he saw Fang Chong's eyes looking at him, he was furious.

An angry roar, unexpectedly Fang Chong unexpectedly, after the mutant zombie uttered this roar, the body learned what he had just disappeared.

The speed of the mutant zombies is very fast, Fang Chong knows, but the speed of this performance is still beyond Fang Chong's expectations. Watching the mutant zombies disappearing in the body, Fang Chong waved forward without hesitation. One sword ...

"Cang ..." Fang Chong's sword slashed downward, a spark appeared in the air, and the sword trembled slightly.

As the voice calmed down, the body of the mutant zombie appeared.

"Do you also learn unexpectedly?" Of course, Fang Chong knew that the figure was a zombie zombie. When the sword was shaken, Fang Chong had reached his fist ...


I do n’t know if Fang Chong ’s fist unexpectedly changed or he was n’t expecting that Fang Chong would be able to stop the punch he had just made. Fang Chong ’s fist after the long sword was shaken was accurate. Hit on the face of the mutant zombie ...

The face of the zombie zombie with no human expression, deformed under Fang Chong's fist, turned stiffly from left to right, and finally, the body was off the ground.


"Effective?" Looking at the mutated zombies with a severely deformed face, Fang Chong's eyes widened a bit, and he looked at the mutated zombies paralyzed on the ground. He didn't think he was so fierce. The attack did not work. At this time, "the master was beaten to death".

"Really dead ..." Fang Chong looked surprised, and the other four mutated zombies were the same as Fang Chong. They looked at the mutated zombies lying on the opposite side.

Fang Chong was sure that the mutant zombie was really motionless, he exclaimed ...


Finally, the remaining four mutated zombies also found this answer, knowing that their companions had been killed, and that they died so inexplicably, while Fang Chongyi wondered, they moved.

With an angry roar, the four figures disappeared almost at the same time.

"Are you going to die?" Fang Chong felt the drastic changes in the air flow in the corridor, and he knew that the four mutated zombies were running towards him.

However, at this time Fang Chong was already fearless. After knowing that the weakness of the zombie corpse lies in the head, it can be said that the odds are in the hands ...

The four mutated zombies were not close to Fang Chong's side. Fang Chong had already moved. The speed of the mutated zombies was very fast at this time. Fang Chongguang could not easily catch the mutated zombies by his eyes, but After living in the last days for so long, what Fang Chong has gained most is experience. Whether it is theory or practice, from judgment to the flow of air, Fang Chong can think of ...

Fang Chong at this time is not a long-time old man, and it is no exaggeration to say that he is an experienced veteran ...

I felt closer and closer, and the more dangerous I felt, Fang Chong's expression was calm under this kind of invisible pressure, but his frown was slightly tightened to show the importance of Fang Chong's heart ...

Fang Chong's body began to move after the wind blowing from the zombie zombie caused a pain in his face ...



Fang Chong's goal was straightforward. Since Fang Chong's head was a weakness of ‘mutant zombies’, Fang Chong had no reason to attack other places. Fang Chong had always made good use of the opportunity….

"Dang ..." But when I saw Fang Chong's danger in his eyes, when Fang Chong's sword approached the head of the 'mutated zombie' that came straight, the 'mutated zombie' closest to Fang Chong was not idle, or Said that it did not intend to let Fang Chong win at all. When the long sword was not short distance from his skull, a fist was not small, and a fist with a touch of "golden" light was coming. Some unimaginable speed hit the side of the Long Sword,

At the same time as the crisp sound sounded, Fang Chong's arm felt a slight numbness under the vibration of great strength ...

Fang Chong's expression was still calm.

Although he did not seriously damage or kill the 'mutant zombie', Fang Chong didn't care. He just resolved a 'mutant zombie' so easily. They all said that it was "the blind cat has encountered a dead mouse." One thing is clear, and I will not always imagine that 'Zero Zombie' is really so vulnerable ...

This ‘uppick’ sword, in fact, his purpose has been achieved, Fang Chong ’s plan is to retreat the ‘mutant zombie’ or cause it to lose the focus of the attack.

At this time, it can be said that Fang Chong's purpose is undoubtedly achieved. The fist of the mutated zombie can no longer greet Fang Chong ...

Moreover, the mutant zombie will face much more trouble than Fang Chongda at this time. After his forward body was forced to stop by Fang Chong, the mutant zombie who immediately followed him had to stop. Said that Fang Chong's sword has achieved proud results.

The attacks of the four mutant zombies have no effect ...

The crisis was temporarily resolved, and Fang Chong did not waste any time in rejoicing. The danger of mutated zombies is very high. Fang Chong has the opportunity and he will not miss it.

After the "mutant zombies" fell into panic, Fang Chong had stabilized his body, his eyes swept away, and people had rushed straight up, regardless of any aspect, waving his sword, and the place where the mutated zombies were still their absolute weakness. ...

The area of ​​the corridor is small, but Fang Chong is indifferent. The length of the long sword is enough for Fang Chong to take advantage in this corridor.


After occupying all the advantages, Fang Chong did not intend to waste these opportunities. The sword danced, and the character of the wolf howl has been accidentally transferred to the zombie corpse. Every sharp flip of the sword can bring a touch of cold light or A spark-scratched scratch was rubbed where the blade and the zombie body touched ...

The intensity of the battle is difficult to explain. Only Fang Chong saw his body moving up and down, swinging left and right, while the mutant zombie was forced back by Fang Chong, roaring again and again. Frustrated by Fang Chong, the zombie wants to move, retreat, and counterattack? Impossible at all ...

The four mutated zombies are all embarrassed ...

"Roar ..." After his body stood against the three mutated zombies behind him, the mutated zombies forced by Fang Chong to have no retreat finally stopped his retreat and issued a furious roar, with both fists punching at the same time.

The target is Fang Chong's sword ...

"呲…." Fang Chong, who did not expect such a move in the mutant zombies, was caught in the middle by two fists with golden light, and Fang Chong tried to break free, but was killed for a while. Dead stuck ...

"Damn ..." Encountering this change, Fang Chong's expression became ugly, and the mutated zombies were indeed cunning.

"It's you who are trying to die ..." In the case that several break-ups did not work, Fang Chong used the pull to attach his body and learned the tricks of killing the zombie zombies before, fists hit the zombie zombies ...

Although the three mutated zombies are stunned, Fang Chong has no choice but to give up the long sword is impossible ...

"Touch ..." Fang Chong's fist attacked the zombie zombie with a strong wind. This change zombie seems to have thought that his fist was less than ten centimeters away from the zombie zombie. A fist blocked Fang stiffly. worship…

Power is equal to Fang Chong ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

When he touched back, Fang Chong retreated after the sword was out of the control of the mutant zombie. Attention, but in order to ensure safety, back off is necessary,

However, this retreat, his advantage that was not easy to beat just now also disappeared ...

"Roar ..." Fang Chong has not yet stabilized his body. The mutant zombie in front of him has screamed and rushed up, but not just the other side. Seeing this scene, Fang Chong's expression became very beautiful.

"Yeah! Actually know the wheel wars ..." Fang Chong cursed, but there was no other way, he just braced himself and went to the top .....

As soon as the battle was about to start, it immediately entered the degree of fever, and the most depressing Fang Chong was more than just a zombie who knew wheel warfare. They were in front of the corridor just now and were forced by Fang Chong to be embarrassed. At this time, the substitution and Fang Chong Confrontation, the other three mutant zombies actually stopped outside the corridor.

In this way, Fang Chong's idea of ​​oppression has also come to an end, and the mutant zombie combat power and flexibility have been greatly improved without worrying about the future ...

In the face of this, Fang Chong was extremely depressed, but depressed and depressed, the fighting still had to continue.

Fight, fight ...

Fang Chong was also angry. After the war intentions were ignited, Fang Chong wanted to kill this mutant zombie regardless of his thoughts.

Putting aside everything completely, Fang Chong also let go of his hands and feet, in the case of strength to stabilize the mutant zombies ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fang Chong's attack was abnormally fierce. Although the mutant zombies have the skills of 'hardening', But still could not stop Fang Chong's fierce attack.

Slowly, there were more wounds on ‘Metamorphic Zombies’.

After less than half an hour of violent attack, the speed of the mutant zombies slowed down. After making a scream, Fang Chong's sword crossed the neck of the mutant zombies.

The huge zombie skull flew out ...

"Bang ..." The body without a head was kicked and kicked by Fang Chong, and he fell heavily in front of the other three mutant zombies ...


"Come on, it's your turn ..." Fang Chong, who was completely irritated, knew that the mutant zombies could understand, and pointed at the remaining three mutant zombies ...

"Human, you **** ..." Seeing Fang Chong's provocative look, when he saw the tragic death of the two mutant zombies, the remaining three mutant zombies were angry, you look at me and you, at the end , The three mutant zombies rushed towards Fang Chong ...

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