I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 401: Mutated muscle

Chapter 401 Mutated Muscle


Looking at the three mutated zombies attacked before and after Fen Chong, the corner of Fang Chong's mouth slightly raised, his purpose was achieved. M ,,

Mutant zombies learn about the evolution of human templates. With thoughts, they will also contaminate many bad human thoughts. Although there are no timidity or other problems in the three mutated zombies, it is easy to be angry. One thing was that Fang Chong was firmly grasped.

Fang Chong seemed to ignore this kind of attack when he looked at the mutated zombies from the angry and abnormal attacks.

Although anger can bring powerful power, the consequence is very simple, that is, anger can affect thoughts and judgments.

Fang Chong dealt with the mutant zombies. What he wanted was this effect. The mutant zombies were angry, and his purpose was achieved. The more angry the zombies, the greater his chance.

"Come on ..." Fang Chong's sword pointed forward, his eyes still with a provocative charm, looking at the zombie zombies that were getting closer, Fang Chong then rushed up, the space in the corridor was small, The closer you are, the smaller the combat power of the Mutant Zombie can be, but Fang Chong is different. His physical flexibility, including speed and reaction ability, are above the Mutant Zombie. This situation is a common problem. Not big, but once within such a narrow range, the situation will be magnified infinitely ....

"Roar ..." Watching Fang Chong's provocative action, the zombie zombie who has reached the extreme speed has issued a roar again, and the gray pupil has been covered with blood, matching the ugly one. His face looked even more haggard ...

Speed ​​even increased a bit under the fury.

"It has a lot of potential ..." Although Fang Chong's face was full of provocative expressions, he had to say that Fang Chong had never underestimated the remaining three mutated zombies, and had previously killed two mutated zombies. The result of the zombies did not allow Fang Chong to underestimate the ability of the mutant zombies.

Otherwise, Fang Chong would not be so troublesome, it would be provocation and anger.

Although he was vigilant, Fang Chong's speed did not slow down by half a point, let alone meet the brave in a narrow way, not to mention Fang Chong's heart did not mean to be timid.

The corridor of tens of meters, under the sprint of the two as much as possible, was almost in an instant, the distance disappeared.


"Cang ..." The fists danced, the swords fluttered, and a clear impact echoed in the corridor.

I do n’t know if it was because two mutant zombies died in the hands of Fang Chong or other things. This time, although the width of the corridor was still narrow, the mutant zombies never came out to fight again, but the two were parallel.

Fang Chong did not expect that the mutant zombie actually changed his strategy. In comparison, Fang Chong seemed a little flustered. With one enemy and two, fortunately, he had a sword in his hands. Otherwise, Fang Chong would be in great trouble ... ..

The long sword and fist met, sparks splashed. I don't know if Fang Chong's sword can cause them a lot of trouble or other things. Except for the fist, the zombie zombie will basically not touch Fang Chong's long sword. other places.

Over and over, Fang Chong's disadvantages were slowly amplified, and his steps were forced to retreat ...

"Damn ..." Fang Chong's arms were a bit numb after the long sword was bombarded with two fists. Fang Chong pulled back a few steps and couldn't help cursing.

The combined attack of these two mutant zombies caused Fang Chong to suffer a lot, and Fang Chong's expression was a bit ugly.

He knows that if he goes on like this, his troubles will surely be even greater. One point is to destroy the cooperation between the two zombie zombies, even if they are injured.

After thinking of this, Fang Chong's expression became more serious.

"Roar ..." Seeing Fang Chong pull back, the mutated zombies did not intend to give Fang Chong a chance to breathe, howling rushed up, his fists shaking ...

"Come on, I don't believe in evil ..." Fang Chong was also annoyed by the aggressive attack of Mutant Zombies. After stabilizing his body, he kept up and followed.

"Superimposed chop ..." While Fang Chong bullied him, he yelled loudly in his mouth, and his momentum increased unknowingly.

The long sword combined with his attacking power could not break the hardened Vajra of the Mutant Zombie Fist. Fang Chong did not believe that the superimposed chopped was not yet possible. He had not used it just now. What Fang Chong was worried about was the cooperation between the Mutant Zombie. Fang Chong stopped thinking too much.

Taking a step, Fang Chong's sword turned around ...

Just over ten meters away, Fang Chong and the mutant zombies were close at hand.

"Hmm ....."

Just after the tenth turn of the long sword in Fang Chong's hands, the fist of the zombie zombie has rushed to his face, watching the fist getting bigger and bigger in the pupil, Fang Chong's long sword turned the same. Amazing speed chopped ...

Between the electric light and flint, there was no trace of errors in the long sword and it was chopped on the fist of the mutant zombie ...

Watching the fist being chopped by Fang Chong's long sword, the zombie zombie didn't show any worried look, the muscles on his face twitched, it seemed to be laughing, laughing Fang Chong in vain.

Because the fist glowing with golden light in the long sword split has been tried countless times just now, this time, looking at the zombie zombies, the momentum is a bit stronger, and the result is still the same. They can say that their diamond hardening skills, It's bursting with confidence ...

However, the expression of the zombie zombie-like smirk-like smile was suddenly enlarged after Fang Chong's long sword cut the fist of the zombie zodiac with a thunderbolt, and the smiley-like expression disappeared without a trace. , Replaced by surprise and incredible ...

There was no "clang" like the crisp sound of a metal collision, and no sparks were scattered.

The Mutant Zombie just felt a pain, the fist with his confidence split like a watermelon.

The long sword was no longer rebounded, but quickly fell into his fist like cut tofu, and then half of it still carried a little golden fist, and fell under his gaze ...

Bright red blood spewed from the broken palm like a fountain ...

"Roar ..." In the face of this scene, the mutant zombie finally reacted, and then gave out a sharp scream ...


"It's my time ..." Looking at the painful expression of the Mutant Zombie, Fang Chong did not move at all. When the injured Mutant Zombie wanted to retreat, Fang Chong's long sword had already returned according to the trajectory just rotated ...

After Fang Chong took another step, the long sword was inserted into the head of the zombie zombie without any problems.

Compared to the hardened fist, the skull of the mutant zombie is more like tofu, and the long sword cuts directly ...

"Touch ..." The corpse of the Mutant Zombie fell straight to the ground.

"Hou ..." Watching a companion dies in Fang Chong's hands, the other two mutated zombies finally panicked, the ugly expression with a panic expression, but watching Fang Chong step by step, After the two mutated zombies roared, their bodies rushed over to the front of Fang Chong ...

"Good coming ..." Fang Chong succeeded in successive attacks, and his momentum rose sharply. Facing the two mutated zombies coming from the attack, Fang Chong hurled his sword, and the long sword that has been turned several times is still the original track ...

"呲 ..." In the horrified eyes of the mutant zombie, Fang Chong's sword cut his fist, and opened his head. It can be said that the battle is nearing its end ...

The last remaining zombie corpse, watching Fang Chongyi's thunderous situation solve his only companion, it finally couldn't help it, after yelling, he ran away ...

"Can you run?" Fang Chong looked at this panicked mutant zombie, with an evil smile on his face, with a strong foot, and almost appeared in the blink of an eye behind the mutant zombie. The last mutant zombie under the head was cut off by Fang Chong without any response ...

Fang Chongsong breathed a sigh of relief when the last two mutant zombies were unexpectedly resolved. Fang Chong's expression of defeating the last two mutant zombies was undoubtedly picked up by Fang Chongsong.

If they are not timid or panic, it is still a question of who died in whose hands ...

But it's over, Fang Chong wins, winning perfect ...


"Is there any benefit to this mutant zombies ..." After completely killing several mutant zombies, Fang Chong did not rush to go upstairs to check.

Although it is not known whether these five mutated zombies are the only five in the TV Tower building, the continuous fierce battle just now has also consumed Fang Chong's physical energy tremendously.

Fang Chong didn't want to take risks, and was in a hurry, not to mention Qin Lan's situation was not so critical ...

After drinking a few bottles of genetic medicine, Fang Chong took a break before standing up.

However, after standing up, Fang Chong did not leave in a hurry, but focused his eyes on the five mutant zombies killed by him.

Zombies will have muscles, Hulks have, Terminators, and Destroyeres, Fang Chong will benefit from the muscles on the Destroyer. This will naturally not let go of the mutated zombies. Myogenic meat.

But what is the role of myogenic meat in this zombie body? Fang Chong has no bottom in his heart ...

"Variation of muscle flesh ..." Fang Chong just questioned, and Maya's voice sounded in his ear. Obviously, what Fang Chong wanted to know, the Mayan system had already seen ...

"Anomalous flesh?" Fang Chong came to hear Maya's words. The name sounded ridiculous. As for what happened, Fang Chong didn't know ...

"Similar to the muscularized meat taken from the body of this mutant zombie, the genetic medicine extracted from the muscularized meat is a mutant genetic medicine different from ordinary genetic medicine, and this mutant genetic medicine , The biggest feature is to possess the skill talents from the mutated objects… .. ”Fang Chong was so surprised that the Mayan voice appeared again ....

Explained to Fang Chong clearly ...

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"Have a talent for mutant creatures?" Upon hearing such an answer, Fang Chong's expression froze. For a while, he could not see whether it was happy or sad. Chong is a surprise ...

"Yeah ..." Maya nodded without much feeling.

"Can't you miss it ..." Fang Chong stood up in a blink of an eye after Maya's affirmative long. At this time, Fang Chong could not take any rest. By this time, Fang Chong's In the eyes, there is only mutated muscle meat ...

"Should it still be in the same place?" Fang Chong appeared with a long sword next to a corpse of a mutated zombie without a head. After looking at the corpse of the mutated zombies, Fang Chong was a little elusive. Uncertainly asked.

More than 250 grades of muscle meat are already very important, not to mention that the muscle meat of mutated zombies is not only high in grade, it is even more important that the muscle meat of mutated zombies is not only high in grade, but It is his ability to change.

Variant Zombie's talent skills, King Kong hardening is very easy to use. It is not an exaggeration to say that Fang Chong is jealous.

But one thing is for sure, even if you drink this genetic medicine extracted from the mutated zombie muscle meat to get such a skill, Fang Chong has no intention to drink it ...

After all, Fang Chong, who has a Maya system, has a hardened talent, but Fang Chong does not need to **** with others.

And another reason is to drink such a genetic medicine. For Fang Chong, apart from obtaining such a skill, it has no other effect at all, and it is useless to improve the level ...

For other people below the 200 level, the effect is not simple. Breaking through the 200 level is similar to a small army. For those who are close to or exceeding the 150 level, Liu Jian has reached normal….

There is also such a reason, Fang Chong will not grab, he cares about these people, and the talent skills of the mutant zombie is undoubtedly giving them an extra lifeline ...


"Yes, in the position of the chest, the mutated zombies have died, and their talents have lost their ability ..." Maya nodded after hearing the murmur in Fang Chong's mouth.

Although she didn't know anything about mutant zombies before she saw the mutant zombies, before Fang Chong defeated, including defeating the mutant zombies, Maya had a comprehensive understanding of the mutant zombies.

On the one hand, it is based on the situation of Fang Chong's battle, and on the other hand, her powerful analytical power. Combined with the two, Maya then contacted the unique situation of the zombies, and finally got the detailed information of the zombie. Very accurate ...

"Okay, I see ..." After receiving Maya's affirmation, Fang Chong pulled out his sword and opened the chest of the zombie zombie directly.

Sure enough, as Maya had speculated, after the Mutant Zombie died, his talent skills disappeared, and Fang Chong wanted to take out the muscle meat in his chest easily.

After the position of the Mutant Zombie had no Vajra hardening skills, Fang Chong quickly took out the first piece of muscle from the Mutant Zombie.

Looking at this piece of color is still white, but there is a hint of red muscle in the white, Fang Chong is a bit surprised, although the color is generally the same, but from the touch, this piece of muscle from the zombie zombies, has Very strong vitality.

Although it is a feeling, this feeling is very clearly visible ....

"Vitality?" Fang Chong's expression flashed with surprise as he felt the surging vitality ...

"Strong vitality is the biggest difference between mutants and non-mutated organisms. It is the easiest to distinguish from the muscle flesh, almost twice the vitality of ordinary creatures, or more ..." When Fang Chongzhen was extremely strange, Maya's The voice sounded faintly, from Maya's point of view, these are not surprising ...

"Is that so?" Fang Chong suddenly realized that he had such an answer, but after such a small episode, Fang Chongda expected from his heart the effect of the mutated zombified muscle meat after extracting the genetic medicine ...


With greater expectations and knowing that there are other important things that need him, Fang Chong did not waste much time. After gently putting away this piece of mutated zombie flesh, Fang Chong took the long sword and went to the second. In the same way, the body of the second zombie corpse was taken out ....

"Still the same ..." After taking out the second Mutant Zombie Muscle, Fang Chong's expression was full of surprise, because he still felt strong vitality from this Mutant Zombie Muscle. It feels like he enjoys it ...

Fang Chong, who fully believed in the Mayan words, was slightly surprised this time and put them in the same place.

Next, the third, fourth, and fifth heads of mutated zombies' muscles were removed by Fang Chong in the same way.

"Finished ....." After doing this, Fang Chong's expression was relaxed, in Fang Chong's view ~ www.readwn.com ~ The rewards of this trip were huge, except for killing five heads and recovering them In addition to the huge mutant zombies threatened by the Shanghai market, these five pieces of muscular meat with strong vitality and talents with mutant zombies are even more rare.

After all, the chance of a zombie zombie appearing is smaller than that of a destroyer ...

As long as the time is up for the destroyer, there will be more natural appearances, and the variant zombie depends on the environment.

"It's time to look up and see ..." Fang Chong's expression returned to calmness after putting away the last three pieces of fleshed meat. After looking up at the position of the stairs, he said something softly in his mouth.

Breathing calmly, Fang Chong held the sword, and his body moved immediately.

Whether there are other mutant zombies in the TV Tower building, he doesn't know. What he can do now is to find them layer by layer, but the function of Maya can help him scan in a certain range. To a certain extent, Fang Chong does not need to. Too troublesome…

Soon, Fang Chong's body appeared on the ninth floor ...

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