I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 402: War unveiled

Chapter 402 The War Begins


After Fang Chong appeared on the ninth floor, he searched non-stop, but it seemed that there were not so many mutated zombies. Fang Chong quickly searched the entire ninth floor, but he did not see a mutated zombies. M

No? Fang Chong was a little disappointed in his heart. Before he knew the strength of the mutant zombies, Fang Chong had always been very embarrassed. Is very much looking forward.

Disappointment is now normal.

No on the ninth floor, Fang Chong continued to go up.

Not seen on the tenth floor ...

Eleventh floor?

The twelfth floor is so scary ...

The thirteenth floor ...

It took Fang Chong almost an hour to search over thirty floors below the entire TV tower building, but what disappointed Fang Chong was that apart from the five mutated zombies killed by him on the eighth floor, he never again There is no harvest, even if it has reached the 30th floor, it is the same. Facing this situation, Fang Chong has no interest. He has not seen a zombie for more than ten consecutive years. On the upper floor, Fang Chong does not plan to go up again. , In vain, he didn't want to go to waste ...

"Go back first, the mutant zombies have been killed, and the current zombie army must be headless. This is a good opportunity to recapture Shanghai Stock Exchange in one fell swoop ..." Standing by the thirty-story-high window, Fang Chong has already looked down, but the distance is too high, Rao is Fang Chong's current vision can not see the situation clearly.

Thinking of continuing to go up in vain, Fang Chong thought of Qin Lan and others who were still fighting fiercely with the zombie army.

In addition to helping out, Fang Chong even didn't want Qin Lan to worry about them. Although Qin Lan didn't show much, Fang Chong believed that her heart should now be referred to the position of her throat ...

Thinking of Qin Lan, thinking of the idyllic Lingya at the base, Fang Chong's face was filled with a happy smile.

Starting today, the world will be different. Fang Chong believes ...

Once the Shanghai Stock Exchange was won, it represented that they had taken the first step in the prelude to the counterattack in the last days, and the effect of this step was huge.

A very good start ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Soon, Fang Chong returned to the bottom floor, looking at the dense zombies on the road. After looking at Fang Chong, the path he chose was still his choice.

Although it is known that there is no command of mutated zombies, it is basically impossible for these ordinary zombies to cause much trouble to Fang Chong, but Fang Chong does not want to waste time, and he does not want to make insignificant sacrifice. Fang Chong did not choose to beat the hero.

Back on the original road, Fang Chong has already passed once. The road is unusually familiar. In terms of time, Fang Chong has shortened a lot ...

Listening to the increasingly fierce fighting and gunfire, Fang Chong stopped at the top of a building.

Looking at the thick smoke rolling down the road and the sound of guns exploding, Fang Chong knew that where he was going.

To Fang Chong's joy, he found the destination easily, and not only from the rhythm, these combat power from their team, started to look a bit ...

With the goal, Fang Chong's speed can be said to be even faster. It took less than a minute for Fang Chong, who was ten floors high, to come downstairs.

"Fang Chong… .." Fang Chong went downstairs and soon appeared to Qin Lan. After seeing Fang Chong's appearance, Qin Lan's expression was full of unbelievable, there were surprises and concerns, but when he found Fang Chong After Chong was completely okay, she was relieved ...

"I'm okay ..." Looking at Qin Lan's expression, Fang Chong could see the worry in Qin Lan's eyes and said softly after a slight smile.

"Does the zombie exist?" After Fang Chong and Qin Lan talked, Huang Qianchuan came over. After finding out that Fang Chong was okay, they had a relaxed expression, and then they focused on the topic. ….

"Existence, on the TV tower building, the live room on the eighth floor ..." Fang Chong nodded. Fang Chong had to talk to them about the zombie affair. Maybe they will meet in the future. Now I understand it. For the future, Very useful ...

"How strong?" Fang Chong explained the general situation of the mutant zombies, and Huang Qianchuan asked again, he was more worried about the strength of the mutant zombies ...

"Like us, they are all around level 250, but the skills of mutated zombies are more troublesome ..." Fang Chong did not conceal. This kind of concealment is to find death. He is unwilling to harm everyone, and Fang Chong also Believe, what he said, Huang Qianchuan will all believe that he will not doubt his bragging or other ...

"What skills?" Hearing the words "trouble" in Fang Chong's mouth, Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming concentrated their attention at once. They all knew Fang Chong's strength, and they could let Fang Chong say trouble. not simple….

"King Kong's hardening, Fang Chong's perverted skills, unusual trouble, it is difficult to deal with ..." Fang Chong said that although several defeated zombie zombies have been defeated, when Fang Chong talked about the perverted zombies, He was still suffering, and the trouble was uncomfortable for him now.

Had it not been for a trip to the western mining area, where he met the Zak base halfway, and received the sword from the hands of a combat robot, then his small life today would probably be lost in the hands of the mutant zombie In this case, Fang Chong was depressed when he thought of it ...

Fortunately, everything has been resolved ...

"The long sword can break through three hundred levels of defense. It is useless to have the hardened fist of the mutated zombies, so what about metamorphosis?" Fang Chong looked at everyone with some incredible expressions, he continued.

"The long sword can't break the fist of the mortal zombie ..." When Fang Chong said this, everyone's expressions were silly. Although Fang Chong said it easily, everyone could see from Fang Chong's tone that Fang Chong was depressed And there is a huge danger in it. Fang Chong was dealing with how dangerous the zombie corpse was before. They can all imagine, especially after the sword's attack has no effect ...

"That's how you do it ..." Qin Lan was the one who was most worried. Fang Chong said easily, but she was frightened to hear it.

"Fortunately, my head is still the weakness of the mutant zombie. I later accidentally hit a long sword to hit a mutant zombie's head. Knowing that my head is still the weakness of the mutant zombie, things are easy to handle ..." Feeling To Qin Lan's worried expression, Fang Chong quickly changed his tone, speaking in a more relaxed tone, and at the same time weakened those dangers. Fang Chong was afraid of speaking too dangerously. Qin Lan would not let him do it alone. It ’s troublesome to keep going….

"Is it really that simple?" When Fang Chong finished speaking, Qin Lan looked at Fang Chong with suspicious eyes. To be honest, she was very suspicious of what Fang Chong was saying now ...

"What did I lie to you ..." Fang Chong looked a little unnatural to Qin Lan, and creaked.

"That last ..." It may be seen that Fang Chong was asked by Qin Lan very speechlessly, and Huang Qianchuan asked again, to rescue Fang Chong, but to be honest, Huang Qianchuan was also anxious to know the development of the subsequent events ...

"In the circumstances of each of my smashes, all five mutant zombies were killed by me. Although it was a bit more troublesome, we still solved this big trouble and resolved the mutant zombies. Our attack should be much easier in the future ..." Fang Chongmian was relieved. Huang Qianchuan asked this question in a timely manner. Fearing that Qin Lan would continue to entangle, Fang Chong said it quickly.

And this time it ’s more detailed. Although some of them are made up, Fang Chong said that it is still very exciting. Everyone hears like listening to a story ...

"It's that simple ..." After Fang Chong said, Qin Lan was obviously skeptical, but she wouldn't say anything all the time, Fang Chong was afraid she was worried she knew ...

"Um ..." Fang Chong nodded.

"So to speak, the problem of mutated zombies has been resolved, and the army of zombies should be in a state without heads. We can attack aggressively ..." Fang Chong did not know when he responded to Qin Lan's remarks like this, Huang Qianchuan said again.

Fang Chong wanted to thank Huang Qianchuan for a while today ...


"Yes, after losing the command of the mutant zombies, the zombie army is indeed in a state of no dragons. We can now attack aggressively ..." Fang Chong quickly answered, although Fang Chong's sentence escaped Qin Lan. The problem, of course, is that there are serious issues in it.

The time is approaching noon. If they want to completely eat the zombie army, it is best not to exceed this evening. Otherwise, the trouble still exists, and at night, they will not have the advantage in battle. Chong is more worried.

Although it is said that there is no such commander of mutated zombies, there is never a shortage of weak people in the army of zombies ...

"The time is close to noon, if we want to attack aggressively, we must take advantage of now ..." Fang Chong's words fell, and Qin Lan also spoke. She did not focus on whether Fang Chong had deceived her.

Speaking of business, Qin Lan is very rational.

"The order made everyone take turns to rest. After half an hour, we attacked aggressively ..." Qin Lan also agreed, and the smile on Fang Chong's face was put away. The attack was a matter of business, but it should not be allowed for hours ...

"Understand ..." Fang Chong was serious, everyone else nodded.

"Each ..." Fang Chong waved his hands and everyone fell apart. ‘

As each order was issued, the speed and power of the entire team and the twelve squadrons decreased.

Fang Chong and they are also in the preparations.

Full offense is simple to say, but the situation is not so simple when it is actually implemented.

The distribution of the zombie army is focused, and Fang Chong and them all have to figure it out in a short time and then distribute it.

These simple points can affect the effect of the attack in minutes ...


"The release of the most powerful strength of the Zombie Army should be on the road between the TV Tower building and the Shanghai Municipal Government Building, including between the two squares. From the information sent by Ling Ya Muge, this is a key area. It's also what we want to pay attention to ... ". When the time was tense, time passed quickly, and after nearly half an hour, Fang Chong had the last meeting before the attack.

There were a lot of people, except Fang Chong, Qin Lan, Huang Qianchuan, and Song Ming, and the captains of the twelve squads of the small army were also there.

After everyone got together and sat down, Qin Lan spoke.

"The key area is here, what about other places?" Fang Chong asked, and now with the help of Ling Ya Mu Ge ’s satellites, the situation is indeed favorable ...

"The release of the Zombie Army is very wide, but I believe that as long as we can successfully lay down the main force of the Zombie Army, we will be advantageous ..." Qin Lanton said, her expression was very calm, and her speech was also very clear.

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong nodded, and Qin Lan was true.

"Then our plan is ..." Huang Qianchuan also understood. He also believed that other people could also understand. No one here was weak. There was no reason why he could not understand the simplest reason.

After all understand, all they need to do is to assign tasks ...

In most cases, the task of assigning tasks is Fang Chong ....

"Still attacking in twelve squads, our focus is between the TV tower building and the city government building ..." Fang Chong nodded and immediately opened up. When the matter reached an important moment, he would not shirk ...

"What about me?" After hearing the two words, Song Ming stood up. His previous mission was not between the twelfth team, and he did not have much commanding power ...

"It is still a genetic warrior facing more than a hundred people, ready to support ..." Fang Chong looked at Song Ming and smiled.

Song Ming's role is best reflected in support or assault, but now is a large-scale attack, Song Ming's support ability is very important ...

"Understand ..." Song Ming didn't say much when he saw Fang Chong's eyes.

"That's good. Let's get ready first. Ten minutes later, the decisive battle will begin ..." Fang Chong stood up, watching everyone, watching the sky of Shanghai.

"For our future ..."

"For us to live ..."

"For this team of more than 6,000 brothers and sisters ..."

"We have to fight. Today, the danger still exists, and even the danger is abnormal, but we have no choice. We must stand and fight fiercely. We do not do anything else, only for ourselves. We are not saviors, but we are the same. Need to live… .. "

After Fang Chong closed his eyes, he paused for a few seconds, then held up the long sword in his hand, and made a series of ambitious declarations of fighting with a nearly roaring voice ...

"For our future, to survive, to fight fiercely ..." The atmosphere was contagious, and Fang Chong's words fell, and Song Minghuang Qianchuan raised his sword at the same time, learning Fang Chong, and fighting loudly. .

"For the future, to survive, fight fiercely ..."

In the end, more than 6,000 people screamed at the same time ...

"Let ’s go ..." Mobilized for a few minutes, Fang Chongchangjian waved in the hands, everyone started to go ...

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"I didn't expect that you could be so sensational ..." The team set off. Fang Chong and Qin Lan stood in the middle of the team. After walking a short distance, Qin Lan watched the members of the extremely fierce fighting in front of him, his mouth moved slightly.

"What I said was actually in my heart. The most important thing is that I hope everyone can survive ..." Fang Chong heard Qin Lan's words and took his eyes back from the smoke that had already started fighting.

Looking at Qin Lan's face, thinking about the things he guarded, he said with an expression of ease,

Without the nervousness he believes in, or the fear of the situation, it seems that today's battle has been triumphant ...

"Anyway, what you said just now has a very obvious effect, and then what I see is the attacking force of the zombie army ..." Qin Lan seemed to feel Fang Chong's look at him, and she also turned her head, and there was something in her eyes. With affection, looking at Fang Chong, said softly.

It seems that the zombies no longer exist, and he and Fang Chong are left in the world ...

"We will be victorious. This Shanghai city has experienced countless ups and downs in history, and countless stormy cities are destined to be our place of rise ..." Fang Chongbao, with the same affectionate eyes, gently grasped his big hand Holding Qin Lanrou's boneless little hand, he nodded and said ...


When Fang Chong and Qin Lan said these things, the first members of the twelve squads had been in contact with the zombies, but they were only headed by artillery shells, and physical contact was not the time ...

"Fired ... 0"

"Quick, fire ..."

"For our future, for existence ..."

There was a loud blast and it spit out in the mouth of the captains of the twelve squads. Although the tone was not good, none of the players would make dissatisfaction or find fault ...

Everyone knows that the squad leader is nervous, nervous about their lives ...

Understandably, everyone ’s combat effectiveness is very proud ...


"Boom ..."

"After the bang ..."

The sound of explosions is endless ~ www.readwn.com ~ The explosion of a cannonball is almost several heads, dozens of zombies fly up, or are blown to pieces. Of course, there are exceptions, Hulk, Terminator. Perverts, the normal chance of shells is to tickle them.

Even if the energy cannon can blow up the Hulk, there is no problem after the Hulk gets up ...

However, there is no problem, it does not mean that Fang Chong took the Hulk, the Terminator had no way, and the effect of the shell was not great. Fang Chong's use was artificial processing.

Now the number of genetic fighters over 100 levels can increase greatly from time to time, and even dozens of members with a combat power over 150 levels.

With more than one hundred levels of power, there is no problem in killing the Hulk. Although the Terminator is in trouble, it will not be killed. Once the strength approaches or exceeds one hundred and fifty, there is no problem in killing the Terminator Now ...


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