Chapter 403 Burning

ps thank the brother [ng] for the reward, the two-month reward has been broken, thank you ...


The horn of battle opened, and it can be said that it entered the stage of heating up all of a sudden. The shells flew horizontally, shouting to kill the sky, and the smoke was rising ...

The fierce fighting situation even exceeded Fang Chong's imagination. I don't know if the slogan played a role or everyone couldn't hope to continue to live, or that there was something in between ...

"If you continue to fight like this, you will soon reach the vicinity of the TV tower, which is the place where the number of zombies is the most ..." The team is advancing fast. Although the number of zombies is quite large, the entire team is rested after this period of time, except for combat effectiveness In addition to greatly improving, progress in coordination can be said to be more rapid. m

Like today, the twelve teams are basically divided into two sets of tacit understanding. It takes time to buffer everything. After the twelve teams are divided into two sets, there is almost no need to stop. Although the scope of the attack is much narrower, but in terms of speed, It's more than twice what it was before. If you go down like this, in terms of speed, it's only faster than slow ...

The distance of several kilometers passed almost in a short time. Looking at the ‘TV Tower’ building that was getting closer, Qin Lan opened.

The distance between the Shanghai Municipal Government Building and the 'TV Tower' building is not too short or too far away, but between these two places is almost the last densely populated economic center of Shanghu City.

Now, this density has not changed because of the difference in the world, but the population density has become the density of zombies. In this regard, Fang Chong and Qin Lan already included in the materials sent by Ling Ya Muge. Speaking.

Qin Lan is now more worried about this. The density of zombies will represent an increase in their danger. This situation, of course, needs attention.

Whether you can avoid casualties, or avoid casualties as much as possible, the strategy at this time is very important ...

From the beginning of the offensive, the team can be said to be all the way to Pingchuan. In this case, Qin Lan is happy, but has to mention that Qin Lan's worry changes as the team gets closer to the most central position of the 'Zombie Army'.

The smooth result is often everyone's care, and the price paid after the care is not imaginable.


"The momentum is like a tiger. We can't choose to stop now. We are like a tiger today, eating all the zombies in Shanghai ...." Fang Chong nodded, indicating that he also found something, said Qin Lan, Fang Chongyao He knows the distance better than Qin Lan, so he has run a round trip.

It was just concerned about killing 'mutant zombies'. Under the 'TV Tower' building, including how many zombies existed outside, he didn't know anything. Except for anxiety and major accidents, Fang Chong said that the actual, more confidence .

Blood and fire can make people transform, and between life and death, ordinary people can grow faster.

In the past, the average age of this team was not large at all, but now compared to before, it is difficult for you to find a still immature face from the entire team. You must know the age of the small army The youngest members are now able to stand on their own. With this rapid growth rate, Fang Chong is more pleased than his tongue ...

The more powerful they are, the greater their hope….

"But can we imagine the zombies too simple?" Looking at Fang Chong's confident table, Qin Lan said with some uncertainty, Fang Chong now seemed to be confident, and this confidence allowed Fang Chongyin vaguely has an ominous warning ...

"I understand what you mean, you are afraid of our self-confidence, and overconfidence is self-confidence ..." Fang Chong watched Qin Lan's hesitant expression and uncertain tone, his eyes gently focused on Qin Lan, his voice was soft Said.

"You know?" Qin Lan's expression was a little surprised, it seemed that her own worry was a little overdone.

"Of course I know, carefully sailing for ten thousand years, I haven't returned them to the teacher in such a simple way ..." Seeing Qin Lan's surprised expression, he planned to laugh at Qin Lan, but relying on Qin Lan's uncertain tone, Fang Chong knew that he might have been ignored all the time. Even Qin Lan was worried about his carelessness. Although the situation is average, the danger still exists ...

"Then what do we do now?" Seeing Fang Chong's appearance looked like a bamboo in his chest, Qin Lan simply saved effort and asked Fang Chong's plan ...

"Let's just ..." Fang Chong did not continue to conceal. After Qin Lan asked, he explained it in detail.

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As Fang Chong spoke to Qin Lan about the details of the attack, Qin Lan's eyes slowly lighted up. Although Fang Chong always looked like a careless expression, at this time, when he heard what Fang Chong said, Qin Lan never knew that her guess was wrong. Fang Chong always had a bottom, and even said that he was full of confidence ...

Otherwise, Fang Chong would not be able to say so many details under the attack. These details cannot be said without careful consideration.

Qin Lan was relieved, and even more pleased that today ’s battle seemed to be very hopeful, that is, at this time, Qin Lanxin finally turned down. This feeling is wonderful, so wonderful that Qin Lan himself has some strange feelings ...

While Qin Lan and Fang Chong talked, the team was getting closer to the TV tower building. At this time, it was less than 200 meters. The square in front of the TV tower was clearly visible. On the square, the zombies gathered at this time also let Fang Chong took a breath of air.

The news from Ling Ya said that there were many zombies, but to what extent? Fang Chong, they have imagination, but did not imagine that the number is so large ...

Looking at the zombie army that can almost be said to be crowded together, Fang Chong was silent, from the expression? I can't see what Fang Chong is thinking, is he worried, afraid, beat back or something ...

"Roar, roar, roar ..." As Fang Chong's team approached, more and more zombies roared, not knowing whether it was excited or disturbed ...

“Everyone has… ..” Seeing that the time has come, Fang Chonggao stood on the roof of the off-road vehicle and shouted without reservation. Fang Chong wanted all members of the team to hear his voice, because Once in contact with such a large number of zombies, no slogans or instructions will work. What Fang Chong can do now is to remind everyone how to fight. In addition to these, what is the direction after the fight ...

These are top priorities ...

"The goal is the TV tower building ...." Fang Chong saw that everyone was paying attention. He didn't talk nonsense. He raised his sword and pointed directly at the TV tower building with dozens of levels.

The situation of the TV tower building has been well understood. It can be said that except for the first floor, the zombies on the upper floors have been resolved by Fang Chong.

As long as they can rush into the building of the TV tower, they will be able to take a breather and take a rest ...

This opportunity may or may not be much, but if you think about it, the role will not be so simple. The team will have a chance to rest, and the combat power will be able to maintain its prosperity, and the victory will be even greater.

When the time is not short, it is the best choice to ensure the combat effectiveness ...

In this regard, Fang Chongyou considered that, after all, today's fighting was not a few minutes, ten minutes or more than an hour.

Minutes are a few hours, a dozen hours, or even a day or two ...

Preparation for a long-running battle is necessary ...



Fang Chong's words fell. At about the same time, three small energy vehicles hovering in the air extended black gun barrels. A dazzling white light appeared in the sight of everyone. After a few seconds, three bright white lights shot from the gun barrel. Out.

The speed of the white light was very fast, and it hit the zombies most densely in less than 0.1 second.

A violent explosion sounded immediately.

The most dense zombies appeared in three large pits of more than ten square meters. As for the zombies inside, almost all of them disappeared out of thin air ...

"This ....." Seeing that the power is so huge, everyone's expressions are a bit stunned. Song Ming, Huang Qianchuan and others all saw the place where the big pit appeared. At the time just now, those three places were all separate. There are Terminators, and the Hulks are all around. They have been bombed so that there are dozens of zombies?

Before it was changed, at most, they were knocked over, and it was impossible to change it now ....

"Enhanced version of the energy concentrating gun ..." Fang Chong's expression was very calm. Although the power seemed very great, Fang Chong did not seem very satisfied.

The 'Enhanced Version' 'Energy Concentration Cannon' can be said to be the most powerful weapon that Fang Chong can use at the same time, and it is also a weapon that can only be used in this kind of scene. According to Maya, this' Energy Concentration Cannon 'is installed in' On the small energy car, there is a chicken rib.

The 'Enhanced Version' 'Energy Gathering Cannon' is an 'Enhanced Version' of the 'Energy Gathering Cannon'. It is much more powerful. Basically, it does not cause any problems for 'variant creatures' that hurt more than two hundred levels. However, the problem is that the response is slow and the time to gather energy is long. In actual combat, it has little effect ...

At the speed of a small energy vehicle, it is basically unusable. If it is used, it can not be hit, and it also costs a lot of `` energy crystal stone '' ...

But today is different. The zombies are all gathered together, no doubt they are dead ...

"This gun is so powerful. Why didn't you use it before ...." After hearing Fang Chong's name that sounds domineering, everyone's eyes light up at once, and it seems that defeating the zombies is much easier ...

"Now the zombies are concentrated, the power can be manifested. Once the number of zombies is small and they can be activated, the effect will be small ..." Fang Chong does not want everyone to pin their hopes on this foreign object, although the enhanced version of energy The power of the gun is really powerful, but Fang Chong did not lie. It really has little effect on the back, especially the terrifying zombies, which are very fast, and it is not very useful to deal with ordinary zombies ...

"This is actually the case?" Everyone was disappointed after listening to Fang Chong's brief introduction of the energy-concentrating cannon, but they soon adjusted it ...

"Don't fantasize about these foreign objects, let the attack begin ..." Fang Chong gave the final instructions.

With the end of a round of bombardment, Fang Chong pulled out his long sword, and the soldiers rushed out. Almost one face to face, others appeared in the most dense area of ​​zombies.

With a long sword waving, Fang Chong's whole person was like a killing machine, ramming and rushing. When people got there, there was a piece of flesh and blood flowing into the river ...


"Oh, let's kill ..."

Until Fang Chong entered the corpse, other talents reacted. Song Ming's sword was just raised, and the strength of more than 250 levels broke out without reservation at this time. The voice did not fall, and he rushed in. Among the zombies.

Song Ming's moves were widened and closed. No one zombie could have a block to stop Song Ming's footsteps. Almost every knife was swung sideways, and dozens of zombies were stopped and cut into two sections. The scene was extremely **** ...

However, Song Ming's expression was dumb, and it seemed that none of them seemed to him.

Fang Chong delivered the skills of serial chopping in their hands. Maximized performance in Song Ming's hands, Song Ming's power is huge, compared to Fang Chong, it is too much, but not worse than ...

"Kill ..." Song Ming led hundreds of people and rushed into the army of the zombies, invincible ...

"Let's go too ..." Huang Qianchuan's expression was depressed. He didn't expect that Song Ming and Fang Chong would kill himself without even knowing the first thing.

In addition to depression, he was not willing to lag behind to greet the remaining teams to attack. After everyone was not chaotic, he would not care about everyone. The sword was turned, and the whole man was killed in the zombie army that began to panic. He understood that The purpose of Chong and Song Ming, who are familiar with them, knows that Fang Chong and others are not fighting, but in solving the zombie army, similar to the leader of the human army, the general exists ...

After these existences, after Fang Chong eliminated the mutant zombie, a destroyer similar to a military division in the zombie army and a marshal, the only one left was the terminator ...

"Kill ..." After Huang Qianchuan joined the battlefield, a comprehensive battle really broke out.

There are zombies falling down every minute. Although the number of humans is small, there are three people, Fang Chong, Song Ming, and Huang Qianchuan, who open their way to those who can say that they are abnormal.

Fang Chong rushed to the front, almost less than 50 meters away from the TV tower building ...


Fang Chong watched the TV tower building getting closer and closer, his speed gradually slowed down, the closer he got to the TV tower building, the pressure on the zombies became more and more great, although for him, killing in such a group of zombies A few round trips are not a problem, but others are not.

Now he is facing several Terminators and cooperates with hundreds of Hulks. With such a powerful zombie, if the opponent is an ordinary army, killing is definitely not a problem, but for Fang Chong, there is not much pressure ...

Fang Chong slowed down, the most important thing is that the people behind can keep up ...

"Rush, speed, eruption ..." Fang Chong changed his goal immediately after solving several Terminators around him, and he was still a zombie who threatened the team members ...

After the speed on Fang Chong's side dropped, Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan also slowly followed. By this time, a tens of meters wide road without zombies had been cleared.

In less than half an hour's rush, almost tens of thousands of zombies killed him in their hands, and the number of Hulks and Terminators is also quite ...

When the three are combined, the attack power is even greater.

"Here, Song Ming, you solve the zombies on the first floor of the building, we continue to kill powerful zombies ..." As Fang Chong approached the huge building area on the first floor of the zombies building, they also appeared in front of Fang Chong, looking at the area With such a huge first floor, Fang Chong didn't hesitate to let Song Ming attack the first floor ...

"Let's go ..." With the increasing number of people on the first floor of the TV Tower, Fang Chong's role has obviously decreased, until it seems to be truly safe, Fang Chong didn't hesitate at all, after greeting Huang Qianchuan, Rushed out.

"The first thing to do is to get rid of the zombies closest to the building. The entire TV tower will be our information center. We must clean it up ..." Fang Chong said whether to focus or not ...

"Understand ... /" After Emperor Qianchuan understood Fang Chong's meaning, his body moved, and the zombies who became their targets only fell down, and the destroyers were no longer ~ ~ They are no longer able to be blocked by Earth people , Invincible ...

But how does this power compare to mutant creatures, and to the Zaks? Fang Chong does not know, everyone does not know how to explain ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Hurry up and rest. The army of zombies still exists. I think we have a similar rest. We only want to break out of this TV station building ..." After killing the most annoying zombies around, both of them followed into the building. , Take a break ...

"Understand ..." After everyone nodded, dozens of people were left guarding the gate and a small team was guarding at the entrance of the stairs above the first floor, and others took time to rest.

After a short period of time, Fang Chong also had to stand up.

'Zombie Army' has basically been killed at the gate of the TV Tower.

"Begin to kill, and we will win after killing these." Fang Chongyou stood at the gate and ran away and killed several zombies who wanted to rush in.

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