I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 404: New preparation

Chapter 404 New Preparations


Zombies are not dead and fighting is endless. M

Watching Fang Chong kill and go out, almost no one gave instructions, all those who were still able to fight rushed out and shouted to kill the sky.

Fang Chong's eyes were also red. After plunging his head into the zombies, Fang Chong had no time to think about anything, and some just waved his sword and tried hard to kill.

Fang Chong was fast, but slowly, he was also blocked in the zombies. As time went on, more and more zombies gathered around Fang Chong, of course, there were many dead zombies.

Song Ming and Huang Qianchuan, although the situation on their side is not as brave as Fang Chong looks, the combat effectiveness that erupted is still not to be underestimated. It may be because there are more personnel, and they seem to be more relaxed than Fang Chong. It is not as dangerous as Fang Chong's side, and will be attacked by the enemy.

But again, speed was hampered by more and more zombies gathered.

"Bomber prepares ..." When the breakout seemed unlikely, Qin Lan's voice sounded penetratingly in front of the entrance of the TV Tower building.

Qin Lan did not ascend into the air, nor did she fight with Fang Chong. From now until now, Qin Lan just stood quietly, watching the changes in the scene. Until now, when the scene seemed to get out of control, she spoke ...

"Okay ....." Qin Lan's voice dropped, and instantly there were dozens of members holding energy grenades around her. When Qin Lan's eyes saw them, they had a powerful bombing posture.

As soon as Qin Lan ordered, dozens of energy grenades flew out.

"Throw it out ..." Qin Lan nodded, seeing those people being so compliant, a smile of relief appeared on her face.

These bombers are the worst in the whole team. With their strength close to fifty, if you let them kill with the team, they are likely to die.

Qin Lan and Fang Chong did not want this. Although level 50 is not powerful, it is already very powerful compared to ordinary humans. Although these people have limited potential, they are not cannon fodder, and Fang Chong also does not need cannon fodder. ...

Qin Lan and Fang Chong discussed to the end, the common opinion is to let them be the support team in the back, and this support team is the bomber ...

It sounds like this name is nothing, but it can be very useful in many cases. Especially like this time.

The main force is entangled in zombies, and they want to change the situation.

Not too powerful fighting and zombies, but throw an energy grenade? It is definitely not a problem, and the level is close to fifty, and it has a good grasp on accuracy ...

Qin Lan calculated exactly this.


"Throw ..." Qin Lan's words fell, and her fist-sized energy grenade came out of her hands. The energy grenade, which had already opened the insurance, quickly drew, turning toward the zombies most densely, and away from Fang Chong, Huang Qianchuan and others There were tens of meters away.

Hearing Qin Lan's last tossing word, a man in the ranks of about forty came out of the team, and he yelled, almost a standard bombing posture, throwing out the energy grenade in his hand.

With his roar, all the members behind him moved, and they opened the insurance of energy grenades. Almost at the same time, the overwhelming grenades burst into the densest area of ​​zombies ...

"Boom ..."

The grenade thrown out by Qin Lan's fastest threw a burst of fire and exploded among the zombies. With the sound of a loud noise, dozens of zombies were instantly blown up, and affected far more than this. The energy of the explosion made the dense A gap appeared in the group of zombies, and a lot of zombies fell around ...

However, these are just the beginning. As the energy grenade thrown out by Qin Lan exploded, it was followed by the big bang.

One, two ..... At the end, almost dozens burst out at the same time ...

The deafening sound can be said to be endless, and the screams of the zombies are creepy ...

This sudden change made the roar of the zombies even more tragic.

"Throw again ..." After listening to such screams and watching such a chaotic scene, Qin Lan's expression was still calm, she could not see the anger or joy at all, and could not see a trace of emotion in it ...

"Throw ..." Qin Lan's words fell, and dozens of bombers were already ready. As Qin Lan's words fell, dozens of energy grenades flew out of their hands, and the target was still the place where the zombies were most densely concentrated.

In this kind of scene, there is almost no need to aim, as long as the energy grenade is far away from its own person, it can blow up a zombie.

Soon, dozens of people's hands, dozens of energy grenades were thrown out ...

It can be said that there are at least a third of the zombies in front of them, and the record is remarkable ...

"Kill ..." With the violent explosion slowly stopped, Fang Chong who had retreated with Song Minghuang Qianchuan, shouted a kill, and rushed out of the terminator beyond a few dozen meters away, only These Terminators are the ones that most threaten their team's existence.

The zombie army that has lost the mutant zombie, the current commander has fallen on the terminator, Fang Chong and they all know that as long as the terminator is solved, the remaining Hulk wants to command, and it will not play any role, level Placed there.

Of course, if even the Hulk knew command, they would not have lived today ...

The battle continued, and Fang Chong now looked at the increasingly chaotic zombies. He was very fortunate in his heart. It was a wise decision to kill the five mutated zombies in the morning.

Otherwise, how could it be so simple now?

Israeli Fang Chong's understanding of the mutated zombies, I am afraid that the pressure they encountered will more than double ...

But have the mutated zombies been killed? It is redundant to say that these are unnecessary, and Fang Chong will not be too emotional. The most important purpose now is to kill the zombies that can be seen in front of them, and to give the zombies a fatal blow. I believe today After that, even if zombies reappear in Shanghai Stock Exchange, it is not a concern ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Kill ....." The number of zombies dropped sharply, and Fang Chong and their side became more and more brave. They quickly chased them from the square in front of the TV tower building to the front of the city government building. It can be said that the zombies had been defeated ...

And the distance from the zombies was opened, and the shelling that was previously unavailable for the breakout was also restarted. Based on the distance and distance, the efficiency was amazing ...

When the night fell slowly, it was not possible to see the presence of zombies in the visible range, and almost as long as they saw the zombies, there was almost no other consequence than being killed ...

"Call everyone over, except for a few teams responsible for alerting, others quickly collect muscle meat ..." The scene was still under control, and Fang Chong issued new instructions.

From about noon to now, how do you kill dozens of millions of zombies? Among such a large number of zombies, except for zombies that were blown to pieces by artillery shells and energy grenades, most of them It still exists, especially the Hulk and Terminator's flesh.

Both of them have high levels, and ordinary shells are difficult to harm them, so their bodies are basically well preserved ...

And intact corpses, rarely the muscles in their corpses will break.

In this way, Fang Chong's gains were great.

Especially the Terminator's flesh.

Without a large number of destroyers, the Terminator is hard to come by.

Today, I would say that I have killed hundreds or thousands of Terminators. With such a large number, how can I add thousands of fighters with a combat power of more than one hundred to a team of only six thousand people ...

How could Fang Chong miss such a good thing ...

As for the ordinary muscle meat, Fang Chong also did not despise their role. Although it is said that there are basically no one in the team of more than 6,000 people who can use it, but what about the future?

Or a few days later ...

Today, the Shanghai Stock Exchange has basically been beaten down. After being beaten down, as long as it takes a short period of time to organize and build the fortifications, their first 'base city' stronghold is considered a success.

After it is completed, it is impossible for such a large 'base city' to have so many people all the time, and the number will increase greatly. Fang Chong knows that it is affirmative. Even if it does not increase, Fang Chong will find ways to increase it.

With so many people and strong power, Fang Chong still believes in the end of the world. Just like today, if only he can speak, can he shanghai Shanghai? is it possible?

The answer is of course no, but absolutely impossible ...

No matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to kill millions of zombies. Even if the zombies don't move, they stand there one by one and let Fang Chong kill.

And the "Zombie Army" can't stand there stupidly to let Fang Chong kill. Although Fang Chong's fighting force is strong, but his body is not iron, always tired ...

Having understood this reason, Fang Chong is ready to expand the size of the team. At least the humans in the 'Shanghai' survivor base have a combat strength of at least tens of thousands, preferably hundreds of thousands, not to mention killing all zombies and rebuilding their homes. In the future, it will play a greater role against the 'Zacks.'

The earth does not say that Fang Chong is alone. He is unwilling to be a big head of the injustice. He is unwilling to be a savior. If necessary, all human beings must work hard ...

Fang Chong wants to take this step now ...


"Understand ..." Seeing Fang Chong's silent expression, Song Minghuang Qianchuan and others nodded.

What Fang Chong is thinking, they all know more or less that everyone's dreams are not so great, but if they want to return to the earth before the last days, they must work together.

It can be said that everyone's dreams are no longer like the peaceful world before the last days. Now all we think about is to rebuild our homes and live a stable life.

Fang Chong did not say this, and others did not say the same, but everyone knew clearly that the same ...

"Separate your actions and strive to return to the TV Tower when night falls. It is unknown whether there will be any abnormalities at night ..." Fang Chong heard their voices return. Knowing that he was a little bit fascinated, Fang Chong rushed on and continued.

Finally, after everyone left and acted separately, Fang Chong stopped Qin Lan. "Count the death toll ..."

Hearing Fang Chong's words, Qin Lan nodded in silence. Then he turned away without saying a word.

Fighting death is certain, only more or less. The last thing Qin Lan wanted to do was work on combat effectiveness statistics. Every dead brother and sister was a life.

"For dreams, that's it ..." Fang Chong did not think that Qin Lan was angry if he did not speak. Qin Lan thought, Fang Chong knew that he didn't want to know the number of casualties, but as a leader, these were all he must face Yes, and only with bravery, he can understand himself more clearly, including the weaknesses of his team and weaknesses in command ...

After muttering this sentence, Fang Chong turned and walked towards the TV tower building silently.

Everyone is busy, he can't be idle, he has a lot of issues to consider now.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange has already been laid down, and his follow-up work needs to keep up. Now his decision has not only affected their team of thousands of people. What kind of trajectory will the end of the world follow? Now Fang Chong can change Role.

Although not big, it has already started ...

"How do you start ..." After returning to the TV Tower Building, Fang Chong silently walked up to the third floor of the TV Tower Building.

There is a large conference hall on the third floor, which is now valued by Fang Chong.

It can be said that in a short time, this conference hall will be occupied by Fang Chong ...

After arriving at the conference hall on the third floor, Fang Chong took a map of several square meters from the storage space, and a China map with detailed geographical distribution ...

Fang Chong frowned as he looked at the densely populated cities and towns on the map.

In the end, Fang Chong's gaze stayed at the dozen or so positions circled by the red pen on the map.

And the nearest one is not far away from Shanghai Stock Market, more than a thousand kilometers ...


Fang Chong's sight stopped at a place surrounded by a red pen. Fong Chong was no stranger to this place. Fang Chong painted these positions on the map. Fang Chong himself painted them, and he made them intentionally. The places marked are what Huaxia knew before today, where mankind established base cities.

Fang Chong does not know whether these base cities will be with or without the end of time.

However, one thing is certain is the five major base cities. Fang Chong believes that the five major base cities are all established by the Huaxia military, and their strength is unimaginable.

You must know that before the end of the world, the Huaxia military had a lot of strength. Otherwise, the combatants of the army could hardly imagine the weapons alone. If they really encountered a large-scale siege, they would bombard a missile and face the power of the missile , Most zombies, mutants, and even ordinary Zak people cannot escape the fate of being killed.

With missiles including other advanced weapons as a guarantee, it is absolutely not a problem for the five base cities to survive between the last days.

These things that can be regarded as secrets or human cards are in the base city of Kyoto. The five commanders told Fang Chong, and Fang Chong was equally convinced of this. ...

Especially in the future, when the Zak people appear on a large scale, there will always be some powerful Zak people who cannot play a role in missiles or even nuclear bombs. Fang Chong knows this ...

"I don't know if this Jiangnan survivor base city still exists ..." Looking at Jiangnan Base City, one of the five base cities marked by himself, Fang Chong's expression was full of doubts.

He believes that it does not mean that, as he thought, everything happened pitifully in the last days. For more than a year, the existence of Jiangnan Base City is a question mark.

Because in addition to a base city to have a strong gunfire to solve the problem of enemy attacks, the source of food is also the focus of threatening whether a base city can persist ...

"It is reasonable to say that the existence of this Jiangnan base city is inevitable, because Jiangnan is located in the rich downstream of the Yangtze River, and food should not be a problem ..." Thinking of food and food, Fang Chong believed that Jiangnan base city should still exist, or even more The big existence, what Fang Chong does not know now is that, in addition to the base city of Kyoto, other base cities do not know the existence of muscle meat in the zombies ...

"It stands to reason that my worry should be superfluous. It is impossible for the five commanders of the base city in Kyoto to tell the leaders of other base cities ..." The expression on Fang Chong's face has been changing.

"Yes, with the character of the five commanders, they cannot be so selfish ..." Fang Chong hesitated again after thinking.

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Fang Chong ~ www.readwn.com ~ You are here ..." When Fang Chong talked to himself, Song Ming, Huang Qianchuan, Qin Lan and others all walked in one after another, and they passed by Fang Chong who came from God. It was found that twilight had fallen and more than an hour had passed ...

After entering the conference hall one after another, everyone's eyes gathered on the map in front of Fang Chongshen.

Qin Lan and others who are already familiar with Fang Chong's habit of doing things, see that Fang Chong is observing the map, and know that Fang Chong has a new goal ... \\

"Ready to prepare for the development of the Shanghai city as a base city ..."

Fang Chong saw that everyone ’s attention was attracted by the content on the map and simply spread out the map ...

"My goal is the nearest Jiangnan base city ..." After Fang Chong observed the map, he pointed at the map and said the location of the Jiangnan base city.


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