I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 405: Rebirth, start


"Did you mean, you are going to knock down the Jiangnan base city?" Everyone's eyes were looking in the direction of Fang Chong's fingers. When everyone's eyes saw the five big characters marked with red font, everyone made a sound Exclaim ...

"Jiangnan Base City is a gathering place for survivors. Can't we do this?" Exclaimed, Qin Lan also looked at Fang Chong with a look of astonishment, as if she had some doubts. m {htt / book uploader update}

"Yeah, humans are no better than zombies, can we not kill each other?" Song Ming's thick expression also had doubts. He could kill his zombies without blinking, but killing humans ...

It's not Song Ming, even other people, he also believes that cannibalism can't be achieved.

They are all afraid of Fang Chong making such a decision ...

"Well, Brother Fang Chong, we might as well change a city, at least don't kill each other. There are not many humans left now, and everyone is Chinese ..." Xiao Jun also looked at it with the same expression ...


Next, everyone talked eloquently, but the end of the topic is to ask Fang Chong to change his mind, not to scare the command to attack the Jiangnan base city ...

"Have I ever said that you want to lay the Jiangnan base city?" Seeing everyone reacted fiercely, Fang Chong's expression was helpless, and after everyone was quiet, he said with a smile.

He was so helpless, he really wanted to ask everyone, is he really so cruel? Everyone does not want humans to kill each other, does he think?

However, thinking of his looming thoughts before today, everyone thought that Fang Chong wanted to build a real power and then annex other base cities.

It must be like this, otherwise, everyone would not be so worried ...

"No? Didn't you say our next goal in the Jiangnan base city?" Looking at Fang Chong's expression of tears and laughter, the others' faces were even more puzzled. In the end, Qin Lan couldn't help asking.

"I mean that Jiangnan Base City is our next goal, but I didn't say that we want to fight it down. They are all human. Do we want to enter Jiangnan Base City?" Fang Chong said, but he still wanted Said.

"Then what do you mean ..." Fang Chong's words fell off, Qin Lan seemed to understand.


"I mean it very simply. The Gangnam base city is now one of the five largest base cities in the entire area of ​​Huaxia. In this way, the situation around Gangnam base city is likely to be the same as that of Kyoto base city. Surviving humans, or small survivor camps and the like.

And our purpose is very simple, that is, these surviving human beings, as long as the Shanghai Stock Exchange is successfully established, there will be no shortage of people, but people are definitely in short supply. This is sure ... "Fang Chong felt that everyone's attention was focused on him. After a pause, he said it seriously, and at the same time made a mark on the map ...

"You mean that what we need to do next is to attract these small teams around the Jiangnan base city, and the small base city will attract or invite them?" Qin Lan understood.

"Yes, that's it, everyone knows. The deeper the end, the less human resources can use, and the fewer the resources, each base city cannot allow surviving humans to enter on a large scale as in the early end. And, at the same time, if you want to survive in the base city, you need to pay more. In this way, except for some powerful human beings. Or the group can survive in the base city, other people are forced to leave the base city. . And it is not safe to stay away from the base city, so most people will choose to survive around the base city ... "Fang Chong said everything he could think of.

This pattern is inevitable ...

"And the scarcity of resources will also allow the survivors in the base city to be divided into layers, such as 369, etc. are normal ..." Fang Chong added.

"So what Fang Chong you want to say is that our target is those survivors who are free outside the Jiangnan base city, and there is no problem in attracting them. Moreover, many humans who are free outside the base city will definitely have good strength. , Character is also unwilling to be slaved, at least these people still believe in the equality between men and women ... "Fang Chong said, Huang Qianchuan said, he had been a leader before, this kind of reason he does not May not understand. Speaking of which, his summary is a bit clearer than Fang Chong. (M)

If the Emperor Qianchuan does not have this ability, the five commanders of the Kyoto base city will not tacitly recognize him as the future base city of Kyoto.

What they value is the strength of Huang Qianchuan ...

"Yes, this is my purpose. If those human beings have fallen, even if they want to enter the base city, we cannot allow ..." Fang Chong nodded, Huang Qianchuan said nothing wrong.

"I see ..." When Fang Chong finished speaking, Qin Lan suddenly realized that these conditions were ignored. This situation has not happened in the base city of Kyoto before, but now I think that there is a faint slenderness, so Similar to them now, aren't they the teams in Huang Qianchuankou who believe in absolute equality between people?

At least until now, everyone in their team is still like this.

She is like this, Fang Chong is like this, so is the future ruler of the Kyoto base city, Huang Qianchuan ...


"In addition to this situation, we also lack a lot of talents. Before leaving the base city of Kyoto, there were only more than 100 technical personnel, and most of them were not experts. Talents are also necessary to build a better base city. …. "Fang Chong kept talking after seeing that everyone understood.

"Going to the base city of Jiangnan is an opportunity. We need to absorb talents on a large scale."

"Understand, this is the opportunity, the opportunity for the rise of mankind ..." Fang Chong said very confidently, while everyone else was infected.

And everyone knows that Fang Chong is not talking loudly. When Fang Chong has been providing a large number of weapons beyond the earth's technology, they no longer doubt others.

We can say that today ’s battles, energy grenades, energy cannons, and small energy vehicles are beyond the technology of the earth, and they have played a decisive role in the battle.

As for the weapons made of these super alloys, there are also armor sets. It is even more incredible that no one would dare to imagine before Fang Chong did not take it out. A weapon made of metal can be sharp to that level, and its defense is so abnormal ...

"Indeed, talent is very important. If there are several experts who are proficient in technology, we hope that the speed of development can be carried out quickly ..." Huang Qianchuan knew more about the importance of talent in modern technology, especially It is under the circumstances that Fang Chong can provide so many things beyond the earth's technology.

"Yes, it's absolute before we can't design a super clever ..." Fang Chong nodded. Huang Qianchuan is right. Manpower is still very important. Even in the future world or other planet civilizations, human beings can always stand at the top of the food chain. Manpower is still important.

Even if it is a super intelligent system, in the case of Maya, he is already the most powerful and humane intelligent system in the Maya star system. But Maya still has no ideas of her own.

at this point. Besides the system setting is not allowed, the system without self is also a reason ...

But for a long time to come, Fang Chong was still able to use robots. If it was not too expensive for the robot to exchange the price, Fang Chong would not have to make other people's ideas ...

"Then we set our goals on talented people and survivors with good personality ..." After being affirmed, Qin Lan nodded. He knew what the purpose was.

"Well, the two are the most important. It will become the core, but as long as the number of survivors in the base city of Jiangnan is large. We don't have to consider too much, and the combat effectiveness also needs to be supplemented ...

"Understand, understand ..." Fang Chong said this, and everyone expressed their stance that the plan had surfaced.

…………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"The results of the statistics also came out ..." After Fang Chong sat down again, the somewhat noisy scenes immediately calmed down, and after quieting down, everyone's attention returned to today's battle ...

The first person to stand up was Qin Lan. What she did was statistics that everyone was not willing to face. Speaking of statistics, Qin Lan's expression was very solemn, and she put a piece of paper in front of Fang Chong ...

"Three hundred killed and eighty wounded ..." After Fang Chong took over, this data from Qin Lan's statistics was very simple with only two lines, but Fang Chong's expression became very ugly when he saw the content ...

The death of more than 300 people was indeed beyond his expectation, but more than 6,000 people fought against more than one million zombies. This number of casualties should also be said to be a blessing in misfortune.

"The number is a little bit, but the number of zombies is too terrible ..." Qin Lan saw Fang Chong's face was very ugly, and she said comfortably.

"There will be casualties in battle. I only hope that everyone can see more and more powerful ..." Fang Chong's face calmed down quickly. The casualties were absolutely unavoidable in the battle, even by himself. , I have walked many times at Ghost Gate.

Like today, when faced with mutated zombies, if it is not fortunate to find the weakness of mutated zombies accidentally, people nowadays are basically unlikely to sit here.

"We understand ..." Fang Chongshen took a deep look at everyone, everyone said that they were clear.


………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"The harvest of the fleshy meat is very optimistic. There are more than fifteen hundred pieces of flesh of the Terminator, and the number of Hulks is even more, almost 80,000, and the rest are still considered corpses. There are more than 800,000 complete ordinary zombies, and they are full of dozens of container trucks .... "After Qin Lan reported, Song Ming stood up, and the data he reported immediately not only frightened Fang Chong, but the others were dumbfounded. Stare.

Add up the millions, can it be full of shock?

Especially the volume of dozens of container trucks is even more amazing ...

"Good job, we have been able to survive for a long time even if we do n’t fight for a long time ..." Fang Chong's expression seemed a lot easier after hearing such a large number .

"Then how to deal with these muscles?" Song Ming focused on Fang Chong, how to deal with it is Fang Chong's own consideration ...

"Transfer back to the base, hoping to be able to extract and produce the raw materials of these gene medicines into gene medicines in a short time, otherwise, once it is wasted, it is a pity ..." Fang Chong thought for a while, his eyes turned , And soon came up with a way ...

"Will the night be too dangerous?" Everyone understood Fang Chong when he said goodbye. But Qin Lan was worried about the situation, the night under the night was extremely dangerous ...

"The danger may exist, but how much danger will be encountered. The possibility is still very small ..." Fang Chong frowned, then said.

"Well, I believe the danger is not high, if there is greater protection. I will go back with Song Ming and bring two teams, it will definitely not be a problem ..." Seeing Fang Chong's concerns, Huang Qianchuan also knew that he could not carelessly, and he stood up and asked for help.

"That's right. Even if we go together, there is no problem even if we are in danger ..." Song Ming nodded, and it was not a problem for him to bring the two teams alone, let alone to add Huang Qianchuan ...

"Okay, in this case, you set off ..." Fang Chong also said nothing, and the meat cannot be wasted. Take Qin Lan's situation over there. Millions of muscle meat need to be extracted, and it takes a short time ... "Safety first ..."

"Understand ..." Fang Chong's words fell, Huang Qianchuan and Song Ming nodded, greeted the captains of the two teams and left.

"I hope tonight is a peaceful night." Fang Chong looked at the back of the four people who disappeared at the door and murmured.

"Yes, it will get better together ..." Qin Lan could see Fang Chong's worry.


……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

At about ten o'clock in the evening. Ling Ya came back to Huang Qianchuan when they arrived safely and heard the good news. Fang Chong also felt a lot easier.

Go all the way at night without encountering danger. Indirectly, it also shows that in the entire Shanghai market, zombies are basically gone. As for mutants, there seem to be few.

In addition, there are two destroyers in Shanghai. There is a zombie king with a powerful combat power, such as the destroyer. Mutants can't compete at all. Fang Chong believes that the mutant was not killed by the zombies. They ran away. It does not exist. It is very normal. ….

Nothing to worry about, Fang Chong was exhausted after a fierce day of fighting and soon fell asleep.

One night passed quickly, and when Fang Chong woke up again, the time had arrived in the early morning of the next day.

Open the window, the sun is very bright and the weather is exceptionally good ...

If it had not been for a strong **** smell, and the stench came, Fang Chongzhen would have thought it was not the last days.

The world is quiet and safe ...

"The sunshine is very good, if it is not the last days, how good?" Qin Lan's figure appeared behind Fang Chong, and his voice appeared behind Fang Chong with a hint of laziness.

"There is still another day ..." Fang Chong turned around and gently held Qin Lan's request. His lips kissed Qin Lan's forehead gently. The voice was very soft, but very powerful.

"I believe that with you, there is hope ..." Qin Lan felt very happy, and she enjoyed this sense of security in Fang Chong's arms.

"I hope everything in the Jiangnan base city is going well. I don't know if the people in power in the Jiangnan base city will be the same as the five commanders ..." Fang Chong nodded, but said that he hoped that Fang Chong thought about the next move. Jiangnan base city plan.

Fang Chong wanted all human beings to act together with Qin Lan. Mobilization was necessary.

But is it true that all human beings want the earth to return to before the last days, Fang Chong does not know, this problem is also Fang Chong has never wanted to go down.

The so-called heroes in troubled times, some people simply do not like peace and quiet life.

In the last days like this, there is a more chaotic world than the troubled world. These are undoubtedly those people yearn for most. There is no legal and moral constraint. As long as they have strength and speak with their fists, this world is what they yearn for.

Fang Chong is most worried about whether the people in power in Jiangnan Base City will be such people ...

If so, what would he do? The conflict is affirmative, and once the conflict begins, blood cannot be avoided, and the scene of cannibalism will be released ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Yes, there are still many good people. Although human nature is selfish, as long as they are not perverted, they will not do it ..." Feeling the pressure of Fang Chong, Qin Lan said softly.

"Hope ..." Fang Chong no longer said that, anyway, when the ship arrived at the bridgehead, it would naturally be straight. If that happened, then the big deal would be killing. He would definitely not allow the kind of people who used small humans as slaves.

You can go high ~ www.readwn.com ~ but you cannot trample on human beings, let alone humanity ...

Time passed quickly, and three days passed quickly.

In the past three days, Fang Chong did a lot of things. In addition to the intense construction of the fortifications in Shanghai, there are more troubles left by the fighting before the clean-up and some missing fish.

The number of zombies is so large that everyone is surprised. Millions of zombies are not cleaned up. The trouble is great. Of course, stench is one of the biggest reasons. Fortunately, everyone's level is high now. Don't worry about infectious diseases at all. ...

After the end of the last days, the best thing is that no one will get sick ...

With the coming of an unusually heavy rain on the third night, all the **** smell and stench were finally washed away, and the whole Shanghai market seemed to be reborn ...

………………………………………………………………………… .. (To be continued.)

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