I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 406: Collect supplies

Chapter 406 Collecting Materials


The next day, a prepared group stood in front of the Shanghai TV Tower building. m

Everyone who was already ready to go had a rare smile on his face.

The Shanghai downtown area has changed a lot in the past few days. If it was n’t for a small population, you really do n’t see a hint of eschatology, but the area near the sea is still more dangerous.

In addition to the threat from mutated fish in the water, there are also seabirds in the air. Speaking of which, the entire Shanghai market is the most dangerous by the sea now. However, with the number of people in this team, it is not necessary to go to the sea. Go, and as long as the seabirds do not go to the beach, no one has been attacked these days in the city center.

On the whole, Shanghai is very safe, especially the first fortifications built outside the city center. Even if you encounter a large-scale siege, you are not afraid?

"Let's go when we are ready, the target is Jiangnan Base City ..." Fang Chong spoke after seeing that the number was almost there.

There is a purpose to go to Jiangnan Base City. In addition to the survivors who want to bring back some, Fang Chong wants to see the current situation of Jiangnan Base City. It would be even better if he could bring back some of the talents ...

Although the plan sounded good, Fang Chong did not know whether it was going well or not, as did everyone else.

Moreover, the road to Jiangnan Base City is not too close. Straightening a distance of thousands of kilometers even if the vehicle can reach directly, it takes one day to get on the highway.

Now, after the highway is basically unable to drive at high speed, the time from Shanghai to Jiangnan Base City can be reached in two or three days. Even if it is the luckiest, Fang Chongke dare not think that they are invincible now.

The powerful mutant creature king, the unfathomable Zak tribe, both of them can cause Fang Chong to have big troubles ...

The same must be prepared, in the wild, anything unexpected can happen ...

"Departure ..." Fang Chong became very excited when he got on the off-road vehicle. However, when he entered the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the girl was basically living with his notebook, and he would be holding the notebook tomorrow.

It is not that he likes to surf the Internet, but that he must hold it. The team can successfully defeat the zombie army in Shanghai Stock Market, and establish Shanghai Stock Base.

However, the pastoral song also paid a lot of money for this. During this time, the pastoral song was either nested in the car or lying on the floor or staring at the screen at home. There was no time for her or where to go ...

This kind of situation will make Pastoral so happy ...


"Will there be a lesser team of more than a hundred people, and if we are so small, if the Jiangnan base city embarrasses us, will we be too passive?" The speed of the car is not fast or slow. On the cleared road, except for fewer cars, the others remain unchanged.

"Aren't we? We are not fighting?" He laughed softly when Qin Lan said the word less.

When they go to Jiangnan Base City, they do not attack, at most they negotiate or cooperate. If Jiangnan Base City really degenerates as they fear, they may not even show their identities.

After finding the right talents for them, they left, but to what extent will the next thing develop, Fang Chong did not know, everything depends on the situation ...

In addition, Qin Lan was worried that the issue of combat effectiveness would not exist.

Although it is said that there are only over 100 people, among these more than 100 people, the strength is almost close to 150. In their entire team, players of this strength can be regarded as the backbone and fight everything. Be a veteran.

This level, plus a few of them, this team of only over a hundred people can basically go sideways.

Fang Chong does not know the situation of the Jiangnan base city, but the number of thermal weapons should be large. As for the strong, the number is difficult to say. The five commanders of the base city of Kyoto have not announced the method of extracting the gene medicine. Fang Chong does not know Once this news is not released, the possibility of a strong fighter here in the base city of Jiangnan is really unlikely.

Moreover, once highly dependent on thermal weapons, the amount of muscle meat that can be obtained from zombies is absolutely small.

It is impossible for everyone to be a sharpshooter, and guns can be accurately headshots. Once this happens, the muscle is damaged by bullets and shrapnel.

For the strong, Fang Chong does not believe that the overall human strength of other base cities can be stronger than them, or it can be said more definitely that it is absolutely impossible ...

In other words, they are a team of more than 100 people, and their combat effectiveness is absolutely remarkable ...

Qin Lan are they worried about weakness? Does not exist at all ...

"Your worries are all wrong. In the face of the Zak, the army of zombies, we, a team of more than a hundred people and more than 20 cars, really do not have the strength. Zak's individual fighting power is absolutely strong, and zombies It depends on quantity, but have you ever thought that we are facing human beings today, a place of survivors in the Jiangnan region, and a base city in Jiangnan. Are we weak when facing humans? "Fang Chongkan Fang Chong laughed with the three women still worried.

But this time, Fang Chong said a lot more in detail.

"The king and the destroyer in the zombie are dead in our hands, and they are afraid that at most they are a little more powerful than ordinary humans, or with the armor set we wear now, ordinary bullets or bombs can hurt us The answer is also impossible. Excluding these two possibilities, do you think that we are still weak? "Fang Chong asked, but he believed that Qin Lan should be clear after he said that?

"This ...." Listening to Fang Chong's detailed description, Qin Lan nodded three of them and seemed to understand.

"Different objects are very different ..." Fang Chong smiled slightly.


The first day was very smooth. In a hurry, Fang Chong and them traveled more than 300 kilometers in total. The distance was slower than they thought. Except that most of the lanes were blocked by abandoned cars. They encountered several waves of zombies again. Although it did not cause them any trouble, it was a waste of time.

And to their surprise, they encountered a mutant creature attack, mutant buffalo, dozens of guys with a level of more than one hundred, which caused Fang Chong a lot of trouble, but the casualties did not appear, but it cost The most time, but the harvest is quite rich.

Dozens of pieces of mutant buffalo's muscle meat, after extraction, these muscle meat can be extracted to become the genetic warrior needed by genetic warriors, but also possess a talented skill of mutant buffalo, which is an unexpected harvest ...

On the second day, it was even smoother than the first day. The place may be more remote than the place that passed on the first day. There are a lot of abandoned cars on the road and the same is true for zombies. However, there are signs of increase in mutant organisms, but they are all Ordinary mutant creatures can not cause much trouble for Fang Chong. It can be said that it is to send muscle meat, but the level is not more than one hundred. It is not possible to extract the evolutionary genetic medicine that the gene warrior wants. ….

In addition, everything went very smoothly, and the most important thing is that today we have walked more than 100 kilometers than the first day. It can be said that it is only 300 kilometers away from the base city of Jiangnan ...

At night, the sky is starry and looks very beautiful. After entering a small town, fierce fighting broke out quickly. It took more than an hour and a team of more than 100 people killed thousands of zombies. The town After all, it was quiet.

Accommodation is a must, and it is best to have buildings, and these areas of the town are undoubtedly the best choice.

In areas like small towns, the number of zombies is not large, but in any case, they belong to the zombies. In such places, there are basically no mutated creatures. For Fang Chong, such places are undoubtedly the safest ...

Fang Chong's strength as a pedestrian is far more dangerous in the face of mutants than in zombies, and most of them have latent talents. In the big night, mutants are very dangerous ...


"Fang Chong, we will be close to the base city of Jiangnan tomorrow. Do we want to get some supplies, such as food and food?" Huang Qianchuan said when everyone sat down and sat down.

Now Fang Chong's night lighting tools are all energy crystal stones, which is quite convenient.

"Yes, I said before, the eschatology still erupts for such a long time, and there are no materials available near the Jiangnan base city. We outsiders want to enter the Jiangnan base city without paying a little price. …. ”Ling Ya also spoke. For a long time without going out and personally, Ling Ya looked weak, but that was when she did n’t speak.

"This is a problem. Tomorrow, see if there are any available supplies in this town. If you can, pull a few cars with you ..." Fang Chong nodded, and everyone did not say, he said this The problem was ignored.

"Among many materials, food is important, and daily necessities are also needed. If they can kill mutant creatures, they are afraid that meat will be more attractive ..." Ling Ya analyzed lightly.

"I knew that the carcasses of dozens of mutant cows were taken with me. At the current temperature, it is not a big problem to keep them for two days, and the mutant buffalo is a mutant creature. The meat quality is different from others. The preservation time is longer ..." Fang Chong said with a depressed expression, he didn't think about the problem that Ling Ya was worried about just now, and now that he knew about it, Fang Chong had a sore face in addition to depression ...

"It's not difficult to find mutant creatures, maybe we will meet another wave tomorrow ..." Muge said with a smile. "Too many times ..."

"Uh ....." Listening to the theory of muge, Fang Chong was speechless, he really wanted to ask, what is the concept of muge.

Others can't hide from mutant creatures, but they are looking forward to mutant creatures. That makes sense.

"Haha ..." Looking at Fang Chong's weird expression, everyone here finally couldn't help laughing.

"Well, there is still business, how do you think about seeking cooperation ..." After a while, Fang Chong spoke, and the meeting continued, and there were still many things to consider ...

The most important opinion Fang Chong heard tonight is about seeking cooperation. The purpose of this time is to say simple, simple, and complicated. Although Fang Chong can do everything, he has n’t reached Jiangnan Base City. Everything can be said to have changed ...

Once the city of Jiangnan Base is not what they imagined, the so-called cooperation need not even be mentioned. At that time, their purpose is believed to be simpler. In addition to the number of people to convene a batch, there is nothing left. Technical talents are both ...

As for Qin Lan's war they were worried about before, Fang Chong is still saying that as long as human nature is not degraded to a point where he is much less human than the devil, he will not intervene. Everyone has his own way of life, as long as it does not touch Fang Chong's bottom line. Still conflict with him.

But Fang Chong did not allow anyone to challenge them or want to eat them.

Fang Chong's refusal to pick things does not mean that he is afraid that he will suffer. He is unwilling to eat ...

"The best cooperation is to get along peacefully and survive mutually ...." Ling Ya said that her ideal cooperation is like this, and this situation is still a disadvantage for her. She knows very well what kind of advantages they have in this team. They It is a big loss to be willing to cooperate with others ...

"This is the minimum requirement ..." Pastoral complied.

"I am afraid that people will think that they are one of the five major base cities in China, and I am too confident ..." Qin Lan was more worried.

"We have already suffered from cooperation. Equality relations are the lowest standard. Below this standard, we don't even do it ..." Huang Qianchuan said with a chuckle.

If in accordance with his original intention, cooperation is absolutely not wanted, but in the long run, this issue is also necessary. After all, humans now die one less, and human offspring seems to have stopped in this end time ...

For at least such a long time, no newborn was found ...

This situation has caught Fang Chong's attention ...


But even if Fang Chong knows it now, there is no way to change it. Is it a genetic mutation or some other reason? They do n’t have the time or talent to do this research. At least in this case, even humans The ability to reproduce is not a problem, and I am afraid that no one will ask for children.

Whether it is born into a zombie or deformity is a question.

And what the future world will look like, with or without food, ca n’t be guaranteed ...

It can be said that in the case of zombies including mutants, the Zak did not drive out of the human living environment or were killed. Basically, in this day and day living environment, no one will think about it ...

"It's our job to do or not to do it, anyway we keep our bottom line ..." Qin Lan interjected.

"Yes, it depends on the situation, and there is nothing else. Let's go to rest, right?" Fang Chong stood up. These things are not very clear now, at most it is a general direction ...

"it is good……"

Everyone stood up one after another, leaving a few group members on guard, and everyone else found a quiet corner to rest by themselves.

At present, everyone's physical strength includes fighting power. Basically, as long as it is not fighting to release, it is not a problem to not rest day and night, but the reason for not continuing to rush is because the night is dangerous.

Whether it is a zombie or a mutant, it is extremely active at night. In the early days of the last days, after night falls, the outside world has become a forbidden area for human beings.

Basically no one can come back alive after going out at night ...

But now Fang Chong is strong, it doesn't matter, but everyone is still a bit uneasy ...

One night passed quickly. Fortunately, in such a night, the danger did not appear to be a little bit, and it was safe to spend one.

When Chuyang was lifted off, Fang Chong and his party had assembled. Today's tasks are more than the previous two days, and everyone consciously advances a lot.

"The town should have a lot of resources. Let ’s take a look. If you can get it, don't waste it ..." Fang Chong saw that everyone was preparing similarly, without talking nonsense, and went straight to the topic ...

"I understand ..." everyone agreed.

"Small army, you take a few people to find a few big trucks that can move, and the rest move out the materials that the town can still use, and try to complete these within one hour. Today, we have three more miles to go. More than a hundred kilometers ... "Fang Chong began to assign tasks.

"Okay ..." Xiao Jun nodded. When Fang Chong finished speaking, he had already greeted several members to leave. It was not difficult to find a large truck, but it was more difficult to find a car that could start.

Most of the cars stayed in the open for a year and became scrap iron ...

With the small army, they started to act first, and Fang Chong did not spend much time on their side. UU reading book www.uukanshu.com tacitly separated into several parts, and walked towards the small streets of the town ...

Sure enough, the materials in the town are really as Fang Chong imagined. Basically, as long as the packaging is intact, they can be used. As for the food, it is worse, most of them have been damaged, except for the finely packed .

However, Rao is broken a lot, and supplies are still so large that Fang Chong and their tongues ...

The small army found eight large trucks that were quickly full, and some of them could not be loaded, they all put them in the car when they came ...

After doing this, the team started again.

The target is Jiangnan base city ...

Along the way, Fang Chong and they continued to collect supplies along the way. After less than one hundred kilometers from the base city of Jiangnan, Fang Chong's vehicles for supplies had reached an astonishing fifteen ...

The delivery was really scary ...


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