I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 407: Rescue and purpose

Chapter 407 Rescue and Purpose


"Within 150 kilometers, it will be difficult to see the available supplies. It seems that the scope of activities of the survivors in the Jiangnan base city should be the center of the Jiangnan base city, covering the outside and the radius. About one hundred and fifty kilometers ... "After tens of kilometers were not found in the existence of large-scale zombies, Fang Chong they did not find large-scale Materials, it can be said that basically the materials that can be used have been cleaned up ...

Looking at this situation, although Fang Chong did not say anything, they knew clearly that the scope of the fighting activities in the base city of Jiangnan was here ...

"The range of 150 kilometers is also a little narrower. After all, this Jiangnan base city is one of the five largest base cities in China. Is it possible that there are only tens of thousands of adults?" After hearing Fang Chong's analysis, Ling Ya sent out a questioning question. . m

"Yes, moving in such a narrow area, enough supplies, enough food?" Qin Lan nodded, and she agreed with Ling Ya's question.

"Like Kyoto base city, there are tens of millions of people. It is also one of the five major base cities in China. The number of people cannot be so small. It is said that it must reach more than one million levels ..." The situation is very clear, how many survivors who survived the end of Kyoto to escape the end of the world, here she and Huang Qianchuan know.

"Can there be anything to rely on in the Jiangnan base city?" Huang Qianchuan analyzed.

"Jiangnan has been the home of fish and rice since ancient times. Isn't it impossible to have a large amount of food?" Fang Chong also thought about it. According to theory, this possibility is the most ...

"This is possible. If plants such as rice are mutated, it is not impossible to solve the food problem in Jiangnan base city ..." Ling Ya also said.

Obviously speaking of these problems, in an environment like the last days, it is really possible to happen.

In the present world, there is only you who ca n’t think of it. Without you, you do n’t see much. It seems that everything now becomes normal in the last days ...

"If this is the case, then the hope of humankind will be great ..." Hearing this possibility, everyone's expressions seemed a lot easier.

The biggest problem that plagues humankind in the last days, except for safety, is basically food. It is impossible for people not to eat for a day ...

"Yes, if this is what we think now, this trip to the Jiangnan Base City is worth it ..." Fang Chongan nodded, this conjecture is undoubtedly exciting.

"Anyway, it's almost here. When you get to the base city of Jiangnan, you can find someone to ask ..." Mu Ge looked at the screen of her laptop and said without raising her head that it had become her habit.

Although generally speaking, the closer you are to the base city of Jiangnan, the less likely you are to be ambushed by a large number of zombies, but accidents often happen accidentally ...

Everyone nodded and didn't speak again. It was less than a hundred kilometers away from the base city of Jiangnan, and it did n’t take much time, and now they are like the national road on which their cars are walking. The road is very convenient and there are almost no obstacles ...

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After the team continued to walk a long distance, a sudden gunshot caught their attention. From the sound of them, they were able to tell that a fight had occurred, not far from them ...

"Boom ..." A little bit surprised, another boom exploded.

"There is a fight ..." Huang Qianchuan, who drove, turned around.

"It should have met the team in Jiangnan Base City ..." Fang Chong nodded. From the sound of gunfire to the explosion of a grenade, Fang Chong had confirmed that a battle had occurred.

And here is already in the range of Jiangnan base city, the team is in danger and normal ...

"Go and see?" Huang Qianchuan asked.

"Okay, it's all human beings, you can help but you can help ..." Fang Chong has no opinion. To the best of his ability, Fang Chong is willing to do this kind of work, and the other party is also a survivor of the Jiangnan base city ...

Fang Chong knew that with the deepening of the last days, there will be greater separation and alertness between people. In this case, it is not easy for them to enter the base city of Jiangnan, especially the identity of their outsiders. .

It is easy to be remembered, and the situation now is undoubtedly an opportunity, an opportunity for them to easily enter the Jiangnan base city, even if they have not been able to easily enter the Jiangnan base city, understand some Jiangnan bases from the mouth of these people The situation around the city, including the Jiangnan base city, is undoubtedly a good idea ...

"Then we will help. Listening to the gunfire is getting more and more panic. We are afraid that if we are late, we are afraid that these people have finished playing ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded, and Fang Chong's eyes revealed what he knew ...

"It should be enough to take ten people ..." Fang Chong said after Huang Qianchuan stopped the car.

"No problem ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded, and then asked more than ten people to follow ...

Looking at the small village with gunfire in the distance, Fang Chong and his party were standing on the highway for a while.


Huang Qianchuan is not slow, and under a purposeful situation, more than a dozen of them soon appeared in the outer area of ​​the small village, and the sound of gunfire became more and more visible ...

Everyone who is very confident in their own strength has no idea of ​​hiding their whereabouts. After appearing at the entrance of the small village, they swayed and rushed into the small village very quickly ...

"After that ..." After entering the small village, a dozen people slightly distinguished the direction of the sound, and speeded up a little more.

Listening to the roar of the sound of guns, they knew that the number of zombies should be more than one hundred. As for what zombies, Huang Qianchuan did not know before they saw them.

Soon they saw the fighting scene on the playground of a school in the small village ...

The school's door was closed tightly, and the chain-locked door had been deformed by the zombies, and it seemed that it would be difficult to escape the direction of being hit in a short time.

The sound of gunfire came from the school's teaching building. Twenty or thirty humans with rifles in their hands were aiming at the zombies that had been piled up at the gates waiting for the gates to be hit by a day.

But the expressions are very ugly. With more than 200 zombies, the sense of oppression is really full.

"Resolve the zombies near the corner first, and then save people ..." Although the number of zombies is large, Huang Qianchuan is not afraid. Millions of zombies have been killed, not to mention the situation of only two hundred heads. After a brief observation of the scene, Huang Qianchuan began to issue orders.

Everyone soon broke up ....

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"What are they… .." Upstairs, a middle-aged man holding an ak47 in one hand looked at Huang Qianchuan and their team of more than ten people. Huang Qianchuan's uniform black armor suit caused their curiosity. In particular, each of them is carrying a large sword.

This dress looks a little retro in them, or it looks like a knight ...

However, in their opinion, Huang Qianchuan's appearance is a bit of an idiot. How thick is the skin of the zombies? They know that it is not a tool such as a knife to work at all. It is still very difficult for ordinary guns to seriously damage zombies.

With this premise, they will feel Huang Qianchuan they are idiots ...

But knowing that Huang Qianchuan is here to save them, they want to swear, and they can't swear ...

"You run away, zombies can't compete with ordinary knives ..." After thinking of these, the middle-aged man immediately put down his rifle and shouted at Emperor Qianchuan with his hand on the railing.

"It's over late ..." The middle-aged man looked at Huang Qianchuan and they still turned a blind eye, suddenly anxious, his voice increased a bit.

However, the middle-aged man shouted and shouted, Huang Qianchuan's expression calmly continued to move forward. In fact, if he was not worried about the explosion of their fighting power, he could easily solve the two hundred heads of zombies alone.

"Is he scared to be stupid ..." Watching Huang Qianchuan slowly approaching the place where the zombies are the most, step by step, the young man next to the middle-aged man, who is not much older than the army, turned pale, as if he I saw Huang Qianchuan was torn to pieces by a zombie ...

He knew the horror of the zombie killing scene, and the **** scene was still not what he wanted to see ...

"Look at him ..." The young boy's voice just came to an end. He was a little older by his side, and the older man pointed his hands at once, his voice surprised.

He saw Huang Qianchuan suddenly accelerate towards the zombies, and the speed was so fast that they could not see clearly ...

"This ..." Seeing Huang Qianchuan speeding forward, the expressions of dozens of people on the teaching floor froze. ,

I was shocked, I was worried, I was surprised, I was surprised ...

However, these expressions turned into surprises after seeing Huang Qianchuan behave like a wolf like a flock ...

Huang Qianchuan's speed is very fast. Seeing them can't see clearly, they started to accelerate from Huang Qianchuan, and they lost the sight of Huang Qianchuan. With the sudden separation of the head and body of a zombie, they discovered that the original body Fang Chong, who was dozens of meters away from the zombies, did not know when they had appeared in the zombies.

The speed of almost ten seconds per second and dozens of meters makes their expressions extremely wonderful.

But these are not the most shocking. With a scene in which a corpse beast was beheaded by Huang Qianchuan, it is difficult to describe their mood with shock.

They are very clear about the strength of the corpse beast. Under normal circumstances, without a powerful sniper rifle, it will be difficult to harm him, unless it can accurately hit the eyes of the corpse beast, but that situation is difficult ...

It can be said that the corpse beasts are very powerful in their eyes, but this time, they seem to be very powerful corpse beasts, and they are easily cut off by their heads.

Such a strong difference, their expressions can not see anything except surprise, and some people even rubbed their eyes, it seems to want to see a little bit, did they read that moment just now ...

"Is this still a corpse beast?" The expression of the middle-aged man was equally astonished. The scene was completely beyond his expectation. The man who looked a little silly on the surface was so powerful.

This mighty character appears only in legends circulating in base cities.

He didn't believe it before, but now, believe it ...

There really is such a powerful existence in humans ...

However, their shock did not end there. After Huang Qianchuan moved, the other dozen soldiers who followed him also moved ....

Although the speed is not as abnormal as Huang Qianchuan, but it is definitely not slow. After Huang Qianchuan rushed into the zombies, he could say that with each sword movement, one zombie fell down ...

Without Terminators and Hulks, these zombies are all babies ...

Looking at the scene like a massacre, shock is hard to describe the survivors upstairs in teaching. They don't know how to say it. The world seems to change suddenly and they don't know it.

Zombies that were so powerful that they couldn't resist. At this time in front of Huang Qianchuan and their group, they were like cabbage and radish.

Changes in this gap are really difficult for them to understand ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Over a few minutes, when there was no zombie standing on the field, the people hiding on the third floor were already stupefied. They were shocked at first, surprised, shocked, and finally, finally completely numb ...

Until Huang Qianchuan they settled the fight and they came back from the reaction ...

"Is this still human?" The young boy with a pale face at this time had a touch of red on his face. From this point, he can see that he was very excited and excited ...

"I don't know ..." Hearing such a question that sounds idiot, the others shook their heads unexpectedly. Huang Qianchuan showed such powerful strength that they exceeded their imagination too much ...

"They are signalling us to go down ..." When the words were over, a woman in their team said that he saw Huang Qianchuan beckoning to them ...

"We ..." The middle-aged man also saw that Huang Qianchuan was signalling them to go down, but his expression was very unnatural. He didn't know if Huang Qianchuan had any other purpose in it ...

"Go, with their strength, if we want to kill us, we can't resist it ..." Someone said, they are very excited and want to see if these strong people are close ...

As for the question of whether they would eat them if they were not human ...

"Let's go?" The middle-aged man looked at his surrounding companions. After seeing that most people had the same expression, he gritted his teeth, stood up, dragged his rifle in his hand, and walked downstairs step by step ...

Excitement, fear, curiosity, and paleness ...

The closer you are to the gate of the school, the more beautiful your expressions are. In addition to being excited to be in close contact with Huang Qianchuan's powerful and outrageous powerhouses, they are also afraid of them. They killed. If Huang Qianchuan really wanted to do this, they would have no resistance at all ...

The thing that keeps their faces unchanged is the scene at the scene. Their limbs are scattered and blood is flowing into the river. This **** scene is difficult for them to accept. If they were not afraid of causing their dissatisfaction, they would have spit it out.

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"The danger is resolved, are you okay?" Of course Huang Qianchuan saw the expressions on the faces of these people, and he was helpless when he was speechless. The thing that disappointed him most was the strength of these people. Qianchuan has seen the strength of these people, basically none of them exceed the tenth level ...

This kind of strength, Huang Qianchuan's expression can be imagined.

But speechless returned, Huang Qianchuan knew Fang Chong's purpose, and asked.

"No, it's okay, thank you ..." The middle-aged man walked over carefully when he heard the words of Huang Qianchuan.

"That's good ..." Fang Chong nodded, his eyes continued to look at them, and Huang Qianchuan couldn't help asking the exit. "Why is your strength so low? Isn't anyone notified that something can improve the strength of the battle ..."

"Can strength be improved?" After hearing Huang Qianchuan's words, dozens of people who came along all of a sudden became quiet. They all heard what Fang Chong wanted to say.

"Of course, humans can be so powerful at once ..." Fang Chong nodded.

"Can we also become strong?" Listening to Huang Qianchuan's words, other people's expressions were full of doubts.

"Of course, who can be powerful, but talent also has a relatively large impact ~ www.readwn.com ~ But overall, it can still be much stronger than you are now ..." Huang Qianchuan continued. The introduction is much more detailed ...

"Can they be as strong as them?" The young boy with a more excited face was very excited when he heard Fang Chong asking questions.

However, he was referring to the members who came with Huang Qianchuan. Huang Qianchuan's strength showed them to stop ...

"Can ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded. In the dealings with him just now, Huang Qianchuan thought that these dozens of people were good. If he could contact them in detail, he would not rule out the idea of ​​absorbing them into the team ...

"Really ..." After receiving the affirmation of Huang Qianchuan. The eyes of these dozens of people have lighted up, and the smiles overflowing on their faces seem to be that they are already very powerful ...

"Hmm ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded seriously.

Although they think it is a bit exaggerated, it is not impossible, as long as they can provide them with sufficient resources, it is not a problem to be powerful ....

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