Chapter 408 Confusion


Huang Qianchuan was very patient. After he planned to absorb them into the team, he could say he had to answer questions. M

Although these dozens seem to be weak, they are all from the weak, and they did not look down on them from the heart. The reason why they made Huang Qianchuan fancy is not the value that can be used, nor the powerful fighting power. It can be said that what Huang Qianchuan sees is that they survived in the last days, but they were not affected by the desolate atmosphere of the last days ...

From the point they had yelled at him to leave carefully, it became clear.

Huang Qianchuan's imagination is not so rich. It is impossible to imagine their deliberateness and win the favor of Huang Qianchuan. The reason is simple. At that time, Huang Qianchuan did not look as powerful as it is now ...

"Can we really be strong? Is it as possible as you?" It was the third time the young boy had asked Huang Qianchuan unwillingly, and Huang Qianchuan seemed helpless.

Knowing that this would continue to be unclear, Huang Qianchuan greeted him alone.

"Take out the flesh of the zombie corpse, and then return to the team ..." After already planning to let these people try the idea of ​​having power, Huang Qianchuan did not intend to waste any more time.

"Okay ..." The team member didn't say much. After Huang Qianchuan said it, he carried a sword and quickly squatted next to the body of a dead animal.

Then he held up his sword, and with a hard hand, he inserted it into the chest of the zombie corpse.

"Click ..." A crisp bone fracture sounded immediately, and then the team member skillfully pushed down the sword, and the chest position of a zombie body appeared in a mouth more than half a foot long.

After doing this skillfully, the team member didn't stop, put the sword to the side, stretched out a hand and put it in the hole he just opened with the sword, and groped ...

"This ..." After Huang Qianchuan issued such an instruction, the survivors rescued by them saw such a scene, and the sound of retching kept sounding, and this behavior was very disgusting in their eyes.

They have done all the killing of zombies, but like Huang Qianchuan, they have the same complexion and digging the internal organs of the zombies. They cannot do this, and they worry that they are not only proficient in watching movements This is the first time ... \\

"Metamorphosis ..." The two men suddenly appeared in their minds.

They are very simple in thought. How can it be possible to do such a thing if they are invariable ...

"Surprisingly no, I even think we are perverted ..." Of course Huang Qianchuan knew the meaning of the expressions these people looked at him, with a slight smile on his face. Looking at everyone with a charming expression ...

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"No, we didn't mean it ..." Seeing Huang Qianchuan show such an expression, the middle-aged man quickly waved his hand, his voice was a little trembling, it seemed that by accident, it was their turn to be beaten.

"It's normal, I believe that after today I will understand why I did this ..." Fang Chong laughed even more brightly. They were worried, and their expressions looked funny ...

"Is there something in the body of the zombie?" Looking at Fang Chong's meaningful smile, the middle-aged man showed a doubtful look, but he already thought of something in the body of the zombie.

"Yes, you guessed it. The things that can make humans more powerful are in the corpse ..." Huang Qianchuan's mouth was slightly raised, with a wicked smile on his face. Such a smile, in addition to the group members from the same place as Huang Qianchuan did not care, in the eyes of the survivors rescued by them, it felt a little creepy ...

"Uh ....." After hearing Huang Qianchuan's description, and then thinking of a bright red heart, their expressions were even more unnatural.

Although it is said that getting stronger is a matter of day and night, but to ask them to eat zombies' organs for strength, they cannot ask themselves.

"Does it have to be strong to eat zombies?" Of the dozens of survivors, a girl who was just out of her twenties and finally could not stand the atmosphere, she shouted ...

"Do you think so?" Looking at the thrill of this girl's expression, Huang Qianchuan and his team of more than ten people have even stronger smiles, Xiaojun took a step ...

"This kind of power, we can't do it, we don't want to ..." Finally, the middle-aged man shook his head. He is the strongest in this small group of survivors, but now he can't imagine and can't stand it. ….

"Ka-chan ..." When the middle-aged man finished speaking, there was a brief silence in the scene. When the Emperor Qianchuan did not speak again, another bone fracture sounded ...

Although the sound is not loud, it is exceptionally clear when quiet ...

Hearing such a voice, except for Huang Qianchuan, who had more than a dozen of them, the other survivors turned their heads and looked at the same, staring at the member of the group that had just been sent by Huang Qianchuan to take the flesh. action…

I saw that the movements in his hands were still the same.

At this time, these survivors finally saw what was taken out of the corpse ...

A fist-sized thing like Baihuahua, like a snowflake, was taken out, and it seemed to be jelly ...

"What is this ..." Seeing that it wasn't the heart or other organs that were taken out of the chest of the zombies, their expressions seemed to relax a lot, but when they relaxed, they still had a lot of worry in their hearts, and the most curious thing was Count the muscle meat just removed from the zombies ...

They do n’t understand what muscle meat is ...

"Brother Qianchuan, let's get the muscled meat out of the zombie corpse? Don't take too long, Brother Fang Chong will worry about them ..." Xiao Jun saw the surviving expressions on the faces of these survivors and Curious, but Xiaojun didn't say much, at least in this case, it is not so easy to explain ...

"Well, that's the same ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded, and it would be almost twenty minutes for them to come in. If they didn't go out, Fang Chong would be coming over there ...

"Everyone has it. Take out the muscle meat from the zombies and return to the team ..." Huang Qianchuan thought of this, and then issued an order ...

After everyone else felt the same, when Huang Qianchuan finished speaking, they all moved ...

More than 300 zombies were quickly dissected in the hands of more than a dozen of them, and more than 300 pieces of muscle meat were packed into a large bag ...

"Okay, done ..." After Xiaojun put the bag in his hand, he signaled that Huang Qianchuan had finished ...

"Okay, close the team ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded and motioned to Xiaojun to walk in front of them ...


"You have other teams ..." The dialogue between Huang Qianchuan and Xiaojun, the survivors rescued by them, all listened to their ears. At first they thought that more than ten would be enough for the strong. I didn't expect them to have a whole team.

In their understanding, when is the strong so worthless ...

Seeing that Huang Qianchuan was about to leave, he finally could not help but ask.

Until now, they do n’t know what the white jelly-like thing is, or what the muscle meat in Huang Qianchuan ’s mouth is, and they do n’t know who these people are, let alone believe them. Yes, they can also become powerful….

In short, Huang Qianchuan's appearance has upended their world, it seems that the world has changed again ...

From the strength of Huang Qianchuan, it seems that humans have returned to the top of the food chain pyramid. Zombies don't seem so terrible, at least in the hands of Huang Qianchuan. No harm can be done at all.

"Yes, if you are strong, you can follow me. Similarly, if you want to know what it feels like to be strong, you can also be together. Of course, if you do n’t feel comfortable, you are the only one. We just pass by ... "Huang Qianchuan nodded.

"This ..." The survivors were silent. Although they were curious, they were equally worried about Huang Qianchuan's purpose ...

"Let's take a look with you ..." After Huang Qianchuan stepped out, the middle-aged man's voice sounded. Although he didn't know why Huang Qianchuan was so patient, but thinking of their low strength, if he really wanted to be right If they are unfavorable, kill them directly. Don't waste such a big week ...

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and decided.

When he was finished, he was relieved whether there would be changes in the future. Just watch this time ...

"Okay ....." Huang Qianchuan didn't look back, it seems that they have long known that their choices ...


"How's ...." When they saw Xiaojun coming back, they also brought a lot of muscle meat, Fang Chong asked, because Huang Qianchuan hasn't returned yet ...

"Having rescued dozens of survivors, Brother Qianchuan seems to want to absorb them into the team ..." Xiaojun said after placing the muscle meat on a truck behind the convoy.

"Good or good?" Fang Chong did not expect that Huang Qianchuan didn't come back because of this. He was curious about what these people attracted Huang Qianchuan ...

"I don't know. The strength is absolutely impossible. Those who are weak and the strongest are not more than ten, and they are surprised to see us. It seems that there is no such strong presence in Jiangnan base city ..." Xiaojun paused and said that he was hesitant about the situation in the Jiangnan base city.

"Average strength, that should be a good character ..." What Fang Chong noticed was that Jiangnan base city has no strong man. This gives the problem ...

In Fang Chong's opinion, it's not okay ...

"Should it?" Xiaojun couldn't deny the question of character ...

In the conversation between Fang Chong and Xiaojun, Huang Qianchuan's figure appeared in Fang Chong's sight, and more than him alone, behind Huang Qianchuan, followed many people carrying large bags ...

When Fang Chong saw this, he knew Huang Qianchuan should have been successful in persuasion ...

"Are you all right?" Huang Qianchuan embarked on the highway, Fang Chong asked.

"It's okay, they are all ordinary zombies, and their strength is very weak ..." Huang Qianchuan knew that Xiaojun should tell his thoughts to Fang Chonghe, and he didn't hesitate. "They are the survivors who were besieged by zombies, from the base city of Jiangnan ..."

"We are also a team of survivors. I am the captain. He is the deputy captain ..." Fang Chong read something from Huang Qianchuan's eyes. When they curiously looked at their team, Fang Chong introduced himself stand up.

"Such a strong team is a small team ..." The expression of the middle-aged man was extremely shocked. Fang Chong's strength was beyond their imagination.

They were completely stunned by the weapons equipped by the convoy. In a car, there was a heavy machine gun and an artillery. Can they not be shocked by this dynamic configuration? In addition to their eyes staying on these hot weapons, they have a greater attention to the clothing and sword on their backs ...

After seeing Huang Qianchuan's use of the power of this sword, they have put down their contempt, and even said that they love it from the heart, hoping to have such a sword that treats zombies as nothing and hold such a sword. The combat power will soar rapidly ...

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"Our strength is good, but it's not very strong. Is the current situation in the Jiangnan base city okay?" Fang Chong did not expect that such a weak survivor of this team would dare to do so in addition to robbing supplies. Fang Chong was even more curious about the current situation in the Jiangnan base city.

And what is the situation around the Jiangnan base city.

Fang Chong and they were all very curious, and he found that the zombies were also much weaker here.

But why, curiosity, is difficult to solve ...

"There are many survivors, but food, living materials, and other resources are scarce ..." said the middle-aged uncle without concealing.

"In the base city, are those in power including others, strong?" Fang Chong asked key questions ...

"We haven't seen it with our own eyes, but the legend is that the strength is indeed very powerful ..." After Fang Chong asked, the middle-aged uncle said very carefully ...

After seeing the strength of Huang Qianchuan, they didn't know whether the strong people circulating in their low-level low-level survivors were really strong.

He said that he believes in existence. Now, he definitely believes it, but before today, he didn't believe it and didn't dare to imagine it, because a strong person of that level is stronger than in a movie.

But after today, he believed, or they all believed, what Huang Qianchuan showed is indeed much more exciting than in the movie ...

Thinking of this, while talking, he also began to wonder what Huang Qianchuan, including Fang Chong them, was doing and where they came from ...

From the direction of their convoy, they came from a place different from them ...

And where is that place?

"That shouldn't be a legend, but it really exists ..." Fang Chong nodded, and after hearing the words of the legend, he understood that those who are strong should be evolutionaries.

After the large-scale eruption of the last days, things like evolutionaries have appeared very frequently. A base city with millions of survivors, there are evolutionaries, it is common, and hundreds of people need not be surprised ...

Fang Chong's accident now is not whether there is a strong man in the base city of Jiangnan, but curious why there are strong people who are afraid of being discovered, why not explain to ordinary survivors in the base city that they have a strong man.

Originally, he strongly propagated that his momentum would be greatly enhanced, which would be more conducive to their control of the Jiangnan base city ...

But now, Fang Chong wants to break his head without knowing why ...


"Fang Chong, give them some genetic medicine, let them try to feel strong?" Huang Qianchuan knew Fang Chong said softly.

"There is no problem, Xiaojun said just now that you are going to let them join the team?" Fang Chong had no opinion. Nowadays, there are many ordinary gene medicines. Although they seem precious, before the expansion of the team, these ordinary gene medicines work. Not big ...

"Yes, although their strength is not good, but the character can be trusted ..." Huang Qianchuan described it and expressed his feelings ...

"It's all up to you ..." Fang Chong waved his hand, saying that Huang Qianchuan didn't need to tell him to make such a small decision ...

"Understand ..." Huang Qianchuan grinned, and he found that he was a little careful ...

It ’s not a big deal to recruit a member ...

After Fang Chong walked away temporarily, Huang Qianchuan did not think much.

"These are ..." Huang Qianchuan took them to the side of a truck full of boxes. After removing several boxes, he took out a bottle of white genetic medicine ...

"Gene pharmacy, if you want to be strong, rely on him ..." Huang Qianchuan probably said a bit about the role of this gene medicament.

"Drinking this thing can make you strong?" Dozens of people looked at Huang Qianchuan suspiciously. They didn't know if it became really powerful ....

And Huang Qianchuan told them before ~ ​​ ~ Isn't that white lumpy muscle?

"Yes and no, just try it ..." Huang Qianchuan slowly opened the lid of the bottle. "Basically it only takes a few minutes to realize ..."

"I'll try ...". Among the survivors, the middle-aged man stood up, and he slowly took over the genetic medicine in the hands of Huang Qianchuan.

"Relax, as long as you feel the hot feeling ..." Huang Qianchuan seemed nervous when he saw him.


As the middle-aged man slowly raised his head and poured the gene medicine into his mouth, the other people's breathing seemed to stop, and they looked at the middle-aged man quietly, only Huang Qianchuan, with a smile on his face and a very smile confidence…

After a few minutes, the eyes of the middle-aged man slowly opened ...

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