I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 409: For another purpose

Chapter 409 has another purpose


"Uncle Tao, how do you feel?" A few minutes seemed long at this time. As the middle-aged man's eyes opened slowly, the survivors surrounding the middle-aged man asked with concern ...

It is not difficult to see the worry in their hearts from their worried eyes ...

"It's okay, the genetic medicine seems to be really effective, it's really amazing ..." The middle-aged man, called Uncle Tao by everyone, stood up from the ground, he looked at the direction of Huang Qianchuan Station, and nodded around him. Companion said. m

Among the dozens of people, except for his middle-aged man, none of them was over thirty years old. He was a security guard who had been a soldier, called Xie Tao ...

"Really?" After hearing Xie Tao's words, other young people's eyes lit up, and it could even be said to be hot.

"Well, I can feel that the strength has increased and my body is full of strength ..." Knowing that Huang Qianchuan did not lie to them, he waved his arm vigorously.

"This ..." The young man was affirmed by Xie Tao, and a group of people were in a commotion. They didn't doubt Xie Tao's words. They followed him from the end of the last days, and now ...

These dozens of people belong to the previous company in the last days. There were hundreds of people in the beginning. Later, as the danger became more and more, they died, and scattered, and now there are more than 30 of them. Originally, Xie Tao and Xie Tao also had two security guards who were also veterans, but protected them from death ...

Of these remaining people, more than half of them were saved by Xie Tao. There is no reason why they should not believe such a person.

"……………………." Xie Tao knew the thoughts of these young people. He had felt the difference. It can be said that the person who most moved was undoubtedly him, but there is no free dinner in the world and he wants to become Strong, it definitely comes at a price.

Xie Tao did not speak immediately because of this, he did not know what price Huang Qianchuan needed them to pay.

Although on the surface, whether it was Huang Qianchuan or the people who rescued them before, it didn't seem like a bad person last time, but he was not 100% sure.

Things are very unusual or weird to describe. He can't think of them, one of them can attract the attention of a team with powerful fighting power like them.

Xie Tao was more and more surprised the more he thought about it.

The so-called clearness refers to these people, because compared to Huang Qianchuan and their team, they want supplies without supplies, combat effectiveness without combat effectiveness, and attracting them to the team is undoubtedly a burden. It's a drag, Xie Tao knows for himself that they have a few kilograms or two in their hearts.

"I know what you mean, I'll ask ..." I couldn't figure it out, I couldn't understand why, Xie Tao bit his teeth after a struggle, and said with a heavy expression.

He knows that maybe today is the biggest opportunity for them to change ..


"I feel okay?" Huang Qianchuan looked at Xie Tao who had walked not far before him, and asked with a smile on his face.

Xie Tao just dared to try to prepare for his own sacrifice. To be practical, Huang Qianchuan was very moved. He was also more certain that he wanted to absorb this group into the team. At least in terms of character, there was absolutely no problem ...

"Very effective, I seem to feel that I have become stronger ..." Huang Qianchuan asked, and Xie Tao nodded again and again, now it seems to be more obvious than before, and he is full of energy ...

"Then what are you going to say?" Just now I knew more or less what those young people said to Xie Tao. Huang Qianchuan now feels like he knows it ...

"We want to be strong, what is the price to pay ..." Seeing Huang Qianchuan deliberately pretending to be confused, Xie Tao also cut out. They had always doubted the purpose of Huang Qianchuan and others. Now it is normal for others to doubt them ...

"The price?" Huang Qianchuan heard these two words and finally knew why Xie Tao kept hesitating. Originally, he guessed that Xie Tao did not believe him. He did not expect that they were worried about the price ..

But then Huang Qianchuan also figured it out, he also thought of the saying that there is no free dinner in the world ...

"That's right, although I don't know what you think of us, but as long as we don't touch the bottom line of human nature, we want to survive and can accept ..." Xie Tao said with certainty that he made a decision.

But it takes a price to get it, he recognized ...

Being strong is a dream and the only way to survive. They do n’t want to betray themselves, but between life and death, they compromise, but he has his own bottom line, like the kind of inhumanity and inferior things to pigs and dogs. Yes, he will definitely not allow any of them to do it.

This is the bottom line.

Can survive, but not lose conscience ...

It is better to live like that than to die.


Listening to Xie Tao's words, Huang Qianchuan's smile grew stronger. He heard Xie Tao said that he had a bottom line, and knew he was not wrong.

"In fact, what we need is your bottom line, not any price ..." Huang Qianchuan felt Xie Tao's eyes passed by him for a while, and he said slowly after a pause.

"No need for any price?" Hearing Huang Qianchuan's words as if joking, Xie Tao and all of them looked blank.

"Yes, our team is not evil, it will not be human, we are just a group of people who hope to live well ..." Huang Qianchuan laughed and dispelled Xie Tao's worry in their words ...

"Really ..." Everyone including Xie Tao was stupid, as if they were hit by a pie ...

"Okay, now I think about it clearly. Those who want to enter our team will come to get the genetic medicine. We don't want to join if we don't force it ..." Huang Qianchuan didn't want to talk nonsense. If time is wasted, is it possible to reach Jiangnan Base City at night or is it a question?

He has been patient to such an extent that Huang Qianchuan felt the accident directly. He usually does not have such good patience. Maybe these people feel like him? The only answer that Huang Qianchuan can think of ...

"We… .." Xie Tao turned back and saw Huang Qianchuan was waiting for his answer, his eyes returned to the others ...

"Uncle Tao, let's join, we need to be strong ..." The young boy spoke out. Although they still don't know Huang Qianchuan what they said is true or false, but Huang Qianchuan includes what the whole team showed. Look, they are all very good and very happy ...

It's not dark at all, and he can feel that happiness is from his heart ...

"Hmm ..." The others spoke in the small young words, nodding their heads by default. They agreed with this sentence. They really need to be strong. Are there still few people who have died in their team?

If it were n’t fortunate that I met Huang Qianchuan today, it would be a matter of life or death ...

"Okay, let's join ..." After Xie Tao got everyone's unanimous approval, the expression on his face returned to calm, and his hands full of rough cracks clenched tightly.

"Welcome you ..." Huang Qianchuan laughed, and he was happy to hear such an answer.

Later, Huang Qianchuan didn't waste much time, and other people couldn't wait to experience the charm of genetic medicine.

When Huang Qianchuan turned around and walked towards a truck not far away, these people did not need Huang Qianchuan to speak more to follow tacitly ....

"One bottle per person, it doesn't work if you look at it more ..." Huang Qianchuan took it out and stated the amount. After all, the gene medicine tasted good, but in the early days before evolution, drinking too much did not mean that it was a good thing ...

"Understand ..." Xie Tao looked serious, he understood the meaning of Huang Qianchuan's words, and he began to urge.


"Our destination is the Jiangnan Base City. Where should you come from?" After more than thirty survivors received the genetic medicine, they got on a large truck under the arrangement of Huang Qianchuan. Space just happens ...

After settling these people, Huang Qianchuan didn't rest, but directly faced Xie Tao and the other two members, and took them to the vehicle that Fang Chong took ...

After getting in the car, Fang Chong said straight away ...

"We are from Jiangnan Base City. You are not survivors of Jiangnan Base City. Where are you from?" Hearing Fang Chong said five words in Jiangnan Base City all at once, whether Xie Tao or the other man and one The two new members of the female, their faces have an incredible look ...

If this happened before the end of the world, there is no accident at all. The Internet is so developed. I do n’t know what is unclear. Teacher Baidu will tell you very clearly, but it ’s different now. After the outbreak of the end world, what kind of Internet is early It has no effect, let alone the navigator.

But Fang Chong and they actually knew that there was a base city like Jiangnan Base City, and the distance was clear. This surprise, coupled with the genetic medicine that Huang Qianchuan brought out to them, was not scared. Strangely, they looked at Fang Chonghuang Qianchuan as if they were looking at a monster ...

"On the Shanghai Stock Exchange, we set off from Shanghai Stock Exchange two days ago. Maybe it won't take a few days before you go back to Shanghai Stock Exchange with us ..." Fang Chong already knows that dozens of people including Xie Tao Have joined their team. He doesn't need to hide that much ...

"Shanghai Stock Market?" Hearing Fang Chong's words in Shanghai Stock Market, the expressions of Xie Tao's three people were not only shocked and simple, their eyes stared like goldfish. What kind of place is Shanghai Stock Market? They knew in their hearts that in a densely populated city before the end of the world, they had not heard of anything about Shanghai in the base city of Jiangnan.

Some people who fled from Shanghai Stock Market in the early days of the last days, the army raised the Shanghai Stock Market with a look of shock. The three of them still remember the story they heard.

They listened to the descriptions of those survivors at the time, and they were a little creepy. Otherwise, they would still not have such clear memories ...

But Fang Chong and they actually said that they came from Shanghai Stock Market? If they hadn't been with Fang Chong and others for so long, these 3 sessions, they really have a **** feeling ...

But Rao is that they believe in Fang Chong, but when it comes to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, their faces still have a strong disbelief ...

"What do you mean by this expression ..." Fang Chong could feel the doubt in Xie Tao's eyes.

"Isn't Shanghai Stock Exchange known as the Forbidden Land of the Living in Huaxia after the end of the last days?" Looking at Fang Chong's puzzled expression, Xie Tao whispered that he was not sure if he would say this sentence, would Fang Chong be unhappy ...

Doesn't anyone want face?

"It is a forbidden place known as a living person, but is it possible that humans will not be allowed to shoot it down?" Fang Chong heard this sentence and instantly understood that the expressions of the three of them would have such doubts ...

Xie Tao, the three of them thought he was bragging ...

Thinking of this, Fang Chong's expression was extremely depressed. Why was he honest? No one believed it ...

"Is there more than a hundred of you?" Seeing Fang Chong's extremely surprised expression, Xie Tao looked at each other a few times and shook their heads at the same time.

Although Fang Chong's team is extraordinary, they also adore this strength, but worship will return to worship, and they will not blindly believe that more than one hundred people, Fang Chong, can deal with millions of zombies.

A million people have not been born ...

"Wait more than ten days, then you will know that what I am saying is the truth ..." Fang Chong found that it seemed difficult to make it clear now. There was no other way, he could only say so ...

"This ..." Looking at Fang Chong didn't seem to be joking, Xie Tao and some of them were shaken again ...

It seems that Fang Chong does not seem to lie to them, but in fact what they think is absolutely impossible. One person kills 10,000 zombies? is it possible? Tired and tired of them ...

However, even though they felt that way, they did not show their expressions again. For a while, the car fell into silence ...

In the end, Fang Chong opened his mouth ...


"Is there a large number of survivors in the base city of Jiangnan?" Fang Chong saw that they were silent and knew that they still did not believe what he said, but Fang Chong did not care. After adjusting his mood, Fang Chong shifted the topic to the business.

What is the situation in Jiangnan base city now is what they want to know now.

From the situations that Xiaojun said before, it seems that there are very few strong men in the base city of Jiangnan. As little as they did not exhaust their performance before, they are regarded as legends ...

It is very necessary for Fang Chong to understand this difference. Fang Chong is still not sure whether there will be a day of war with Jiangnan base city ...

"More than one million people. Listening to the propaganda of Jiangnan Base City, Jiangnan Base City seems to be China ’s five largest base cities now. The number of survivors should now be close to two million ..." Xie Tao said without thinking. This question Fang Chong asked is not difficult to know. In Jiangnan base city, there is still such publicity from time to time.

It seems that it is giving survivors in the base city of Jiangnan a power, telling them that there are still tens of millions or more human beings in China now ...

As long as they live, there is hope ...

"It's almost the same ..." Fang Chong heard this number and knew it. The number of people close to two million was not much. Compared with the base city in Kyoto, it was a lot worse, but it was also quite a lot. It has large resources and limited resources. In some backward mountain areas, the number of survivors is probably much higher than that of cities.

The denser the entrance, the smaller the proportion of human survivors. This is a law ...

"Is the army or armed forces strong?" Fang Chong asked again, although the strength of the army is not particularly strong, once the zombies rise to the level of Hulk, Terminator or Destroyer, the role of guns and shells will not Big, even missiles must be able to hit and succeed, but the terminator, including the destroyer, is so fast, unless it is a large-scale destructive weapon such as a nuclear bomb, otherwise, if you want to hit, you have to One word, difficult ...

But to say that, to deal with ordinary zombies, zombies below Hulk, the large-scale army lethality is still huge ...

So Fang Chong still wants to know something about this ...

"About 100,000, but in addition to the strength of these troops, the team also has a lot of armed forces. It can be said that the entire Jiangnan base city should have half of the armed forces, millions of people ..." Xie Tao thought about it afterwards Say, because small teams like themselves are also armed forces ...

"What about the strong one?" Fang Chong nodded ~ www.readwn.com ~ Such figures are normal.

"I don't know, shouldn't there be many? Some of the stories about the strong are circulating ..." The young boy interjected.

"Doesn't Jiangnan Base City have yet to promote any way to make human beings stronger?" Fang Chong asked what he wanted to know most, besides doubt.

He still can't figure out whether the five commanders did not say that the medicated meat in the zombies can be extracted from the genetic medicine or that the power in Jiangnan base city has another purpose ...

According to Fang Chong's understanding of the five commanders, they are not the kind of selfish people. Otherwise, Fang Chong would not be so relieved to elaborate on matters related to genetic medicine ...

"No ..." When Fang Chong said this, the three people who had tasted the benefits of genetic medicine, answered without thinking ...


"Does the person in power in the Jiangnan base city have another purpose?" Fang Chong could only think of the only possibility.

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