I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 410: The fall of humanity and the killing

Chapter 410 The Fall of Humanity and the Killing


Fang Chong was thinking, the speed of the convoy gradually increased, the closer to the sphere of influence of the Jiangnan base city, the better the road went ...

After all, the team in the base city of Jiangnan also needs to go out to find supplies. A base city with a population of nearly two million people needs a lot of resources every day. Now it is basically impossible to be self-sufficient in the base city of Jiangnan. . m

However, along the way, Fang Chong not only learned from Xie Tao's mouth that those in power in the Jiangnan base city may have other purposes, but also learned that there is another good news in the Jiangnan base city.

Although there is no way to be self-sufficient for the time being, in an environment such as Jiangnan, crops such as rice before the end of the last century can still grow well, and after mutation, the yield is more than ten times. This discovery is a big solution. The food crisis in Jiangnan base city ...

The road is gone, the speed of the vehicle is driving, from the original speed of 30 to 40 per hour to the current 70 or 80, the original distance of more than one hundred kilometers, more than two hours have arrived, and it is still on the road Encountered the results of several batches of zombies.

Otherwise, the speed may not be limited.

However, a good reason to encounter zombies is that in addition to providing them with ordinary muscle meat, it also allows Xie Tao and their small team to truly understand what a powerful fighting force is.

On this way, the most zombies encountered were a batch of more than a thousand heads, but the more than a thousand zombies only appeared, and they were basically killed.

Except for a few dozen corpses that require players to use their knives, the others fell under the energy guns and energy machine guns.

The only Hulk that appeared was the headshot of an energy sniper rifle by a female team member named Xiao Qi when the attack broke out.

Song Ming remained in the base city of Shanghai. Xiao Lan could not come with them. Even if Xiao Lan and Song Ming had no opinion, Fang Chong knew that if he did, Qin Lan and the three of them would Can't spare him.

Wisely, Fang Chong just chose Xiao Lan's three superior snipers, and Xiao Qi is the best sniper in this energy sniper out of Xiao Lan. He is not weak ....

As for Xie Tao and the others, seeing the Hulk who made them desperate in front of Fang Chong them when they met them, they did not make any threats, and they were almost headshot in an instant.

This phenomenon, in addition to feeling speechless surprise, is more of a surprise ...

"True pervert ..." These three words are the adjectives at the same time in the center of more than thirty of them.

In addition, Xie Tao and they are basically completely convinced that Fang Chong has invited them to join their team. There is really no other idea.

Because they now know that in the face of such a powerful fighting force, they can not add up to a finger of others.

Xie Tao, they feel this from the feeling of Fang Chong and their walking tour ...


With their own thoughts and feelings, the speed of the vehicle slowly decreased.

"It is two kilometers away from the real range of Jiangnan Base City. Now this area we are in is the outer area of ​​Jiangnan Base City. These outer areas are difficult to have good security. Occasionally, there are large-scale attacks from zombies. In addition, mutants are also regulars.

The base city in Jiangnan is basically impossible except to open up the gates of the base city to house these people when a zombies attack is really large-scale.

And the word “Dirty and Bad” is used to describe the survival base of the survivors around the base city of Jiangnan. The survival base of the survivor is nowhere more appropriate, and there is no restriction on the base city. The dead basically happen every day.

You can see the darkness of the heart, the misery of fate ... "

The convoy stopped in front of a building that was broken and ruined.

Fang Chong looked at the dim eyes around them, and the expression of the desperate crowd froze.

After discovering Fang Chong's changes, Xie Tao knew instantly what Fang Chong's feelings were.

This is the darkest part of the entire Jiangnan base city. They live here. They know everything about it, and then he tells Fang Chong them the origin of the place ...

Although there are many buildings in Jiangnan Base City, there is no problem in accommodating tens of thousands of people, but they are unwilling to let these lives as refugees exist in Jiangnan Base City.

Without the ability to turn in a small amount of supplies, let them survive on their own.

Those who are weak and disabled have to wait here to die ...

Xie Tao, they do n’t want to control it, but because of their ability, they ca n’t control it at all. Every time they pass here, they can only close their eyes and not look at him ...

Killing, strong. It's not strange to see these things here, it's common ...

"Ah, no….."

"You innocent beasts ....."

Fang Chong's face was ugly, and when he was about to speak, a sharp scream came into their ears ...

"That **** scum ..." Hearing such a voice, everyone knew what was going to happen. Fang Chong was called to the car and asked the girl about the situation in Jiangnan Base City, holding a hand The rifle scolded and ran up ...

The girl ’s name is Li Yan, who is almost the same as her name, but she is beautiful and has a straight personality ...

"Qin Lan, you go ..." Fang Chongshen took a deep breath; his anger was suppressed by him.

However, from the noisy sounds, Fang Chong said that there were more than one beast.

"Um ..." Qin Lan nodded, her face looked like ice cubes. After Fang Chong's reply, her body suddenly disappeared in place. When it appeared again, it was already dozens of meters away. Li Yan suddenly fell behind her ...

Fang Chong didn't say anything, but walked forward indifferently.

The **** scene will spread throughout the periphery of Jiangnan Base City today.

As for the fallen, scum without humanity, Fang Chong will not relent, and he does not want to see him in this world ...



"Do not kill me……"


Stepping in step by step, screaming, begging for mercy, and approaching, Fang Chong they saw that the source of the sound was a store that had no door for a long time.

When I walked into the shop slowly, a fishy smell came over. No need to ask, Qin Lan didn't leave a living mouth.

Fang Chong's expression was still cold, especially after seeing a few women who had been motionless for a long time and had naked bodies ...

And in the corner, there are several women whose clothes have been ragged and curled up in the corner ...

"Take them away ..." Fist squeaked and Fang Chong took a deep breath at last. Although he knew that the fall of human nature was an inevitable trend of eschatology, he couldn't do it when he saw such a scene. To turn a blind eye, Fang Chong was not prepared to endure this degradation ...

The men around Xie Tao didn't need to speak. When the woman was busy lifting up the women who did not know how many times they had been hurt, their clothes had been taken off ...

"This scene is just a microcosm of this place ..." Xie Tao sighed.

"No, starting today, this is no longer the case. The only person who re-offends will die ..." Fang Chong shook his head, saying without a trace of emotion. "Animals have no right to live ..."

"You ..." Xie Tao felt the killing intention revealed by Fang Chong, and that feeling made him cold, but this powerful momentum convinced him that Fang Chong might really be able to make the entire Jiangnan base city outside Area has been renewed ...

After all, if you choose between survival and choice, I am afraid that many people will choose the former.

Fang Chong's powerful strength showed that there was no problem with the **** suppression ...

I walked out of the store because the screams attracted a lot of people to watch. The people killed by Qin Lan were the most powerful in this small area. Because there are about a hundred people, they usually do whatever they want. There is no organized woman here. Almost all became their playthings, and the fate of their death was finally inevitable, and they were miserable.

However, because of their large number and guns, others did not dare to take them.

I usually hear only the screams of women. I did not expect that the screams of men actually came today. Can they not come and watch?

From the screams just passed, they are full of joy, especially those women ...

Although protected by the team, but ...

It's no wonder that they are unhappy now that they are killed.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Do you know who these are?" Fang Chong stepped out of the store and saw a lot of people around him, all pointing and pointing, and the matter undoubtedly meant that they killed those few people.

Fang Chong also heard some of them. He had decided to manage the matter and didn't care about delaying that much time.

"They are the bullies in this small area. What are the Fangs Hunting Team? It sounds good, that is, a group of inhuman bandits, killing, strong, and treacherous ...." Fang Chong's words fell, an older middle The young woman stood out with an angry expression, but when she said these words, her eyes looked around, it seemed to see if anyone needed his attention ...

"Since everyone is so angry at what is called the Fangs Hunting Team, why no one cares about it?" Fang Chong looked calm.

"They have more than a hundred people. They are the largest hunting group in this small area, and there are more than a hundred people. Everyone dares to be angry ..." Middle-aged women don't seem to be afraid of Fang Chong, but she Still kindly reminded. "I urge you, take these women away from here, you are not here, you don't know their ferocity ..."

"Six were killed by us just now. You said that their number was more than a hundred. What about the others?" Fang Chong felt warm. The concern in the middle-aged woman's words reduced his anger a lot, but would Fang Chong be afraid? What about guns?

What Fang Chong cares about now is, where have these people gone?

"They were on assignment in the morning. These six people should be left behind and should be back soon. I just saw someone reporting it. These areas outside the base city are all embarrassed by them, so don't leave and wait. There are more than a hundred people who are afraid of coming .... "Thinking of the Fangs Hunting Group, the voice of middle-aged women is much lower, but in the last days, she has survived, and she hopes to survive more and more. Small, dare to stand up today, she also cut out.

"Aunt Tong, don't say it anymore, there will be trouble later ..." When the middle-aged woman talked about halfway, a woman who was young at listening to the sound, but a woman with a smeared face came out and brought the middle-aged The woman pulled back ...

"Small rain I ..." The expression of the middle-aged woman also flashed a bit of embarrassment. The woman named Xiaoyu was right to say that it would really cause trouble to the body. If several young people in front of her lose, she is afraid to die too Miserable ...

It is difficult to say that no one among the onlookers here will notify the Fangs Hunting Group.

In the last days, no one can guarantee anything ...

"If you believe in us, stay with us and we guarantee your safety ..." Fang Chong admired the courage of this middle-aged woman. She is also the object they want to absorb to Shanghai Stock Exchange. It is human hope ...

"Okay, we believe you, even if you are dead, I am not afraid. There is no difference between living and dying in this world ..." Middle-aged women heard Fang Chong's words, and then saw Fang Chong's firm Eyes, she gently broke the hand of a woman named Xiaoyu, smiled gently, and walked resolutely towards Fang Chong, without a trace of muddy water ...

"Well said, Aunt Tong, rest assured, a small hunting group, we don't look at it ..." Qin Lan went out and said softly in the ear of a woman named Aunt Tong. "If you want to kill, we are not afraid of 100,000 people ..."

"You ....." Aunt Tong was very surprised to hear Qin Lan's cold hum. She didn't know if Qin Lan was surprised or she wasn't scared. She didn't know what it felt like ...

"If everyone is afraid of being implicated, let's all disperse, here is the battlefield ..." Fang Chong laughed, coldly.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Fang Chong's words fell, and hundreds or thousands of onlookers crowded out like a bird of surprise. Soon, there were dozens of Fang Chong left in the huge small square, and there was a middle-aged man standing beside them. Woman, Aunt Tong, looking at these scattered crowds, Fang Chong's expression did not show much turbulence, everything was as expected ...

"咦 ..." Fang Chong gave a surprise as his eyes shifted, because there was still a person standing directly opposite them, and this person was actually a woman who had previously persuaded the middle-aged woman Tong to leave Xiaoyu.

Fang Chong had to be surprised to see this person. From a moment ago, she should be afraid of things, but in an environment like the last days, it seems that it is not wrong to know how to protect herself, and Fang Chong did not blame her. Meaning, but now she still stays here, it feels different, what does she want to do?

"Why don't you leave, Xiaoyu. Later, you will be talked by someone who talks for a while, and it will cause you trouble ..." It was not only Fang Chong who found Xiao Yu alone, but he was surprised when he heard Fang Chong. Voice, Aunt Tong exclaimed ...

"I know here. The best relationship is Aunt Tong. If you have an accident, it doesn't seem to make sense to me to live. The indifferent world, the degradation of the human form, are you right, what's the difference between living and dying? "Xiao Yu laughed at this moment.

"You ..." Aunt Tong heard this, but she didn't know how to say it for a while.

"Can I stand on your side like Aunt Tong ..." Xiao Yu came to Fang Chong, and she knew that Fang Chong was the head of these people.

"It was originally meant to say no, but you as a person are not easy. Now you can ..." Fang Chong was somewhat surprised by the few words that Xiao Yu said.

At the same time, the voice of Maya in his brain actually rang, asking him to take down Xiaoyu, because she found that Xiaoyu had a different wave on her body ...

"Although I don't know what is going on for the time being, the situation must be unusual ..." Fang Chong was very sure of this.

"Thank you ..." Xiao Yu nodded and passed by Fang Chong, and walked to Aunt Tong.

"What do we need to prepare ..." Quietly, everyone's eyes focused on Fang Chong.

"Li Yan, you take them to find a gun bomb that can't be reached by ~ www.readwn.com ~ Here we are enough ..." Fang Chong said after looking at the surrounding buildings, Although I don't know how many people, Fang Chong chose to be safer ...

"Okay ..." Li Yan had seen Fang Chong's power long ago. Zombies are much stronger than humans, but they have not been able to cause any harm to Fang Chong, let alone ordinary humans.

They could really be a burden here ...

"You guys ..." Aunt Tong and Xiao Yu were puzzled. They did not expect that these guys with guns would hide, leaving Fang Chong and them with knives.

In their opinion, this is death ....


"Xiaojun, you take a few people to take out the corpse that was just killed and throw it to the front entrance ..." Fang Chong did not explain to them, but greeted the Xiaojun, and they were more than thirty people Sit down at various stops.

They are very patient and wait patiently for the arrival of the Fangs Hunting Team ...

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