I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 412: Blood rain

Chapter 412 Bloody Rain


Time passed in a minute and a second, and Fang Chong and others were sitting in a building not far from the small square. m

There was no trace of worry in their expressions. With a calm expression, Fang Chong also took some of the fruits from the storage space on the road and came across from the storage space ...

The color is bright red, the juice is full, the taste is sour and sweet, and the taste is very open.

It can be said that this kind of food is very rare in the last days.

Until now, the wild, especially the vast mountain and forest areas, can be said to remain a restricted area for human beings.

Fang Chong also dares to do so now that he has a certain amount of strength plus a part of the flying ability that he is familiar with ...

"I don't know if Brother Qianchuan will be in a hurry, or are you worried?" Xiao Jun said vaguely, eating the fruit of his mouth. "Maybe he should have itchy hands ..."

"Worried about it, what if there is a gun? Come and kill one, and two to kill a pair ..." Muge poked her mouth and said to her, "No tusks hunting group, nothing in her eyes." . "What's the Fangs Hunting Team, I've made it toothless ..."

"Mage song is domineering and leaky, beware that Brother Fang Chong treats you as a tigress ..." Ling Ya was amused by the expression of Mage Song ...

"Brother Fang Chong, don't you think so? I'm gentle ..." Lingu was said to be a little flustered by Ling Ya, thinking that she seemed to have the potential of a tigress as she waved her fists. She was a little flustered.

"Uh ....." Fang Chong didn't know how to get in touch with him again and had to speak without a word. "No, why, I know the character of Xiaoge ..."

"That's good ..." Muge breathed a sigh of relief, his expression relaxed. "Do I mean that? I'm gentle, Sister Ling Ya must not scare me ..."

"Haha ..." Ling Ya smiled, and the idyll was still so cute. It seemed that the environment of the last days left her no trace ...

As for the others, the expression is also smiling ...


"They are more than ten or twenty people? Why aren't they afraid? This environment still smiles so happily?" Xie Tao took more than thirty people from his small group, as well as Aunt Tong and Xiao Yu. The two of them had nowhere to hide. How far are they.

Fang Chong's laughter from them was clearly visible on the second floor.

Listening to this laughter, they also tasted the bright red fruits that Fang Chong gave them, and Xiao Yu's expression was very complicated ...

From the perspective of Xiao Yu, a team of less than 20 people did not want guns or make any preparations. Not to mention that the enemy is currently still joking and eating ...

I do n’t know if they have no heart or lungs or big nerves, or are extremely confident in their own strength .... Xiao Yu does n’t know what it is. She only knows that the number of fang hunting groups is more than 200. And in this place, there are a lot of hunting groups like fangs.

Xiao Yu believes that once the Fang Clan killing group heard that Fang Chong had the courage, they killed six of their team members, and heard that the Fang Clan hunting group had the courage to wait for them to come. Xiao Yu believed that they would not be one. The team comes alone ...

Even if it comes again. Afraid that the number of enemies will also be around five hundred.

Thinking of more than 500 teams with guns, Xiao Yu's scalp was a little numb. She couldn't imagine it, because no matter how they thought, they didn't have a chance to win ...

She also did n’t know what she was crazy about before, so she joined it with Aunt Tong when her head was hot, but now it ’s too late to regret it ...

What makes them even more depressed is that Fang Chong and their people would be fine. This small group called by Fang Chong to evade here is just like Fang Chong and they have no worries ...

"Their strength! It's not what you imagine now ..." Li Yan actually liked Xiao Yu's girl who seemed to be the opposite of him.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yu's expression was full of doubts. She didn't know what Li Yan meant by this sentence.

In the end, is it true that Fang Chong is strong, or that Fang Chong has someone inside the Jiangnan base city, and one day he is sure that the people of the Fangs Hunting Group will not dare to act rashly ...

"Their combat effectiveness ..." Looking at the complex expression on Xiaoyu's face, Li knew Xiaoyu wanted to crook. If she had not seen Fang Chong's fighting power, she might have the same idea as Xiao Yu ...

"They will martial arts?" Xiao Yu understood Li Yan's words, but she disagreed, and said all the common sayings. "No matter how high the effort is, I am afraid of kitchen knives ... let alone gun bullets."

If the human body is against a gun, it will not be broken into a horse honeycomb even if it is lucky ...

"It ’s amazing. If the Fangs Hunting Team really dared to come, it really was the beginning of their nightmare ..." Li Yan also did n’t know what to say to Xiao Yu, that powerful fighting force, not with her own eyes. Seeing, she couldn't understand it at all, she couldn't believe it, she was the same before ...

After finishing this sentence with Xiaoyu, she didn't say much, just like Xie Tao and they closed their eyes and began to rest ...

"Is it really that amazing?" Seeing everyone resting quietly, Xiao Yu's doubts were still a lot, but she didn't speak again.

What is the answer, I really need to wait for the Fangs Hunting Team to come to witness ...


"It seems to be coming ..." Fang Chong's eyes slowly opened after everyone quietly resting, after hearing the sound of the car's engine.

After saying from Fang Chong that this place will become a battlefield, the area within a few miles around will suddenly become silent, there is no sound of vehicles, and the unruly noise of their first arrival. Everyone seems to disappear all of a sudden ...

The stronghold became an empty city ...

However, saying so, Fang Chong and they all know in their hearts that this area is not an empty city, but that the survivors are afraid of things and fear that they will be involved by Fang Chong and Fang Chong. They cannot deny this. But they are afraid of death ...

No matter from the perspective of Fang Chong's number, including weapons, no one will be the opponent of the Fangs Hunting Group ...

"Well, let's go out to meet this group of scum. Regardless of those in power in the Jiangnan base city, we let him have a **** rain ..." Fang Chongzhen stood up, not knowing when he became very indifferent. At the end of his sentence, the words of **** rain accentuated the tone.

"Maybe this Jiangnan base city is too stable around, so stable that they have no humanity ..." Qin Lan's expression was also indifferent.

"Booming ..."

When Fang Chong and his group of dozens of people walked out of the building, a convoy of dozens of cars appeared in their sight, on a street on the side of the small square ...

The sound of a car engine is deafening ...

"It was you who killed our Fangs Hunting Team ..." The car was fast and came to Fang Chong in a blink of an eye. The front was a military jeep. After the car reached Fang Chong, A young man with a scar on his face jumped off the car and looked proud.

Not old, but the attitude is absolutely arrogant ...

"We killed a few dogs ..." Looking at the young man with a smile on his face, Qin Lan said in a disgusting tone ...

"Dog? You actually scolded us for the Fangs Hunting Team?" Hearing Qin Lan's words, Scar Man almost jumped up. How could he never imagine that these people in front of him were actually facing hundreds of them? At the muzzle, he calmly said nothing, and another woman dared to scold him ...

Before, his attention has always been on Fang Chong's body. For a while, he did not pay attention to the people around Fang Chong. After hearing Qin Lan's voice, he discovered that among the dozen people, there were actually a few beautiful women. Wrong, it's a real beauty ...

Although they have done nothing wrong, and women have been killed by them countless times, but since the end of the last days, they have not seen beautiful women at this level like Qin Lan ...

Now it's more than that in this case, his fascinated eyes swept up and down Qin Lan ...

My heart started to yy, and that expression was almost drooling ...


"Scolding you guys are dogs? All of you are uplifted, you are a group of beasts ..." The voice of the herd broke out, and she saw the scarred eyes of the Scar Man sweeping back and forth on them, and she wished for his eyes Dig it down.

But before Fang Chong didn't say anything, she resisted the urge to do it.

But she couldn't move her hand, she wasn't afraid ...

"Are you not sure what the situation is now, we have hundreds of guns facing you, dare to scold? Believe it or not and take you to Xitian for a second ..." The Scar Man laughed without anger. "Chick, if you are scared, please ask me to play with me for a few days, and then play with brothers like me. Maybe it will save you from death. It ’s a pity that you were beaten into a honeycomb by your fine skin and tender meat ..."

"So, those women are all killed by you?" Fang Chong's expression grew colder and he asked without the slightest expression. Before that, he didn't know whether the aunt Tong and Xiao Yu said is true, but now it seems that they The two people seem to be missing something.

When Fang Chong asked this sentence, Scar Man had already been sentenced to death in his heart ...

"Are you afraid? We, hundreds of brothers, have to play several people a day. If you are afraid now and kneel down to be a dog for me, I can consider asking you to join us ..." I don't know if Fang Chong has seen him as a dead person, he laughed and said ...

"You really have done this ..." Fang Chong's mouth slightly raised, with an evil smile on his face, his head slightly raised. "You **** ..."

"You ..." The Scar Man didn't seem to think that Fang Chong would dare to say so at this time, treating hundreds of them as transparent air ...

"Give you a chance. If you want to change yourself, leave now. Otherwise, you can only go to **** for wrongdoing ..." Fang Chong ignored a person who had been sentenced to death by his death, and looked away, he shouted Say this sentence ...

"Hahaha ..." Fang Chong's words fell, and Scar Man laughed. "Do you want to bluff? Okay, if anyone is afraid, surrender and give you ten seconds to choose ..."

Ten seconds elapsed ...

But none moved.


"Hahaha, are you dead? Want to scare us?" Scar Man seemed very satisfied with the current scene. He looked at no one behind and poke Fang Chong's chest with his hand ...

"Then you can die now ..." Fang Chong's expression didn't change at all. After confirming that no one had a trace of remorse, his murderous spirit slowly radiated out ...

The air seemed to drop a few degrees Celsius at this time.

The most obvious thing is the scar man closest to Fang Chong ...

After hearing Fang Chong's words, and then seeing Fang Chong's icy eyes, his heart froze a bit, his steps could not help but retreat, if it was not blocked by someone behind, I was afraid he had fallen ...

"That kind of guts? Don't come out and be ashamed ..." Muge sneered a few times ...

"Okay, you killed yourself, I will complete you ..." The Scar Man hiding behind several people has a little bit of confidence, and it can be said that it is like a thunderous rumor when you hear such sarcastic words as Muge ...

"Shoot them and beat them into horse honeycombs ..." Scar Man yelled.

However, before he finished speaking, Fang Chong had disappeared. He was surprised. The team members with dozens of fingers in front of him had moved their heads at the same time, and a strong man standing in front of him had a huge head. Son fell into his arms ...

The warm blood examined his face ...

"Ah ....." Scar Man was frightened for a second by this sudden change.

After shaking back, he yelled, and after throwing away his head in his arms, he found a silver pistol ...

"Kill them all, shoot, shoot ..." Fang Chong was not found. He fired with a pistol and shouted at the same time, while others also found out that he hadn't waited for the Scar Man. After issuing a second order, their muzzles fired bullets at about the same time ...

But the strange scene of Fang Chong's disappearance just now appeared in their sight again. It can even be said that this time it is more rich and powerful ...

Not one of the dozens disappeared, but the place where all ten oddly disappeared.

Hundreds of bullets were missed ...

In this scene, the faces of all members of the Fangs Hunting Team were dull, and the scene was suddenly terrifying ...

Scar Man's arm trembling slightly ...

But the next second, a cyan light appeared on his side, and then his arm shaking hands dropped neatly ...


One second later, his terrible cry broke the weird silence ... \\

"Kill, there is no human beast, there is no need to live ..." With the horrible voice of Scar Man, there was another side member who said that his head was moving ...

As Fang Chong's voice sounded again ...

"Kill ..." Fang Chong appeared looming in the most densely populated area. When he got there, there was a splash of blood ...

The members of the Fangs Hunting Corps slaughtered without a trace of resistance. Naked slaughter ...

Fang Chong dozens of them, like dozens of killing machines, panic gunfire was chaotic in the screams ...

From the beginning to the end, no bullets hit Fang Chong them.

The process of killing was very fast, and they had been given a chance. Without any trace of remorse, they had no trace of mercy. Within two minutes, nearly five hundred, the members of the two hunting regiments were all slaughtered ...

This scene, the most surprised came out of Scar Man and Aunt Xiao Yutong.

At this time, Xiao Yu also knew what Li Yan had told her before, and she understood what combat effectiveness is ...

From the start of Operation Fang Chong, her expression was dull, faster than the bullet, Fang Chong was like a **** of death ...


"Don't kill me, don't kill me ..." As the last enemy holding the gun fell, Fang Chong came to the scarred man who was paralyzed to the ground. Feeling the murderous, **** smell, the scar male voice shivered and said that he could not care about the wound of his arm, and his body was lying on the ground ...

"Scum ..." Muge spit out two words in disgust. She didn't know why Fang Chong just broke his arm and didn't kill him directly. Knowing that Fang Chong had a purpose, she was disgusted, but didn't do it ...

"My cousin is the weapon distribution minister in the base city. You ca n’t kill me, otherwise my cousin sent an army to avenge me ..." Seeing Fang Chong did n’t say anything, he killed him all at once, scar The man raised his head.

"Is the Minister of Weapons Distribution powerful in the base city?" Fang Chong's expression remained indifferent, and the **** smell of the scene did not make him feel a ripple ...

"Big, it must be big. Otherwise, I would not be able to have so many weapons and armed forces ..." Scar Man thought Fang Chong was afraid of asking this sentence, and he raised his head at once ~ www.readwn.com ~ If you want, we can ask him to adjust your weapon ... "

"What's your cousin's name?" Fang Chong did not answer. Instead, he continued to ask the question of the scar of the male bull's head.

"Tang Ba ..." The Scar Man looked proud.

"Well, you can die ..." Fang Chong remembered the name, and he spit out seven words ...

"What do you mean ..." Scar Man's original expression was instantly stiff.

However, Fang Chong did not explain what to say, the green sword awn flashed, and the scar man's head had flew out ...

The ugly expression of the head and eyes widened, it seemed that he did not know why Fang Chong killed him all of a sudden ...

"It's over? This is over. Over 500 people are completely dead like this ..." Xiao Yu turned back from shock and said that all expressions were incredible.


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