I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 413: Talent Market

Chapter 413 The Talent Market


There were no gunshots, and the streets that had been quiet for a long time slowly heard sounds. The originally closed doors and windows of the buildings around the small square slowly opened, but no one came out of it and may be observing, for fear of being affected. Upper body ...

Hundreds of corpses were lying upright in the small square, and the strong **** smell made the survivors who were accustomed to life and death feel a strong nausea. Xiao Lan and Li Yan's faces were a little ugly, even Xie Tao and their Such a big man is also pale. After all, these are people. They were alive a few minutes ago, but now ...

But everyone's expressions are ugly, but no one will feel that they are pitiful ...

And what surprised Xiao Lan and their survivors the most was that among the dozen or so Fang Chong they saw such a **** scene, they all looked calm. It seems that what they just killed was not a living person, but a zombie. Mutant creatures are generally ...

This kind of cold-blooded existence that is different from adults really makes people feel cold, but Qin Lan and others should have felt Li Yan Xiaoyu and others like this, but they are not afraid, and this result is somewhat beyond their own. accident…

"From today, there are rules here ..." Fang Chong ignored the changes in the expressions of Xiao Yu and others. Although they have survived for more than a year in the last days, in the eyes of Fang Chong, even Xie Tao is like this. Age, but also a fledgling ...

With such a bit of blood, his face was pale. Fang Chong could only shake his head, but Fang Chong did not lose hope to them. Slowly, he was always able to grow between blood and fire ...

Fang Chong had a plan in his heart, and he didn't make any noises. The area around the Jiangnan base city, starting today, he will set the rules. m

Fang Chong originally didn't plan to make a show in Jiangnan Base City, but there was no humanity. He would rather watch the zombies run rampant than see the degeneration of humanity, just like **** ...

"Xiao Yu and Aunt Tong, you are familiar here. Starting from today, within a month, you started to organize manpower to rectify here. If someone disagrees, one word, kill ..." Fang Chong's eyes stopped at Xiao Yuhe Aunt Tong these two choices stood on the woman on their side.

When Fang Chong finished speaking, his eyes turned to Xie Tao, Li Yan and others.

"More than thirty of you, cooperate with the actions of Xiao Yu and Aunt Tong. The small army will help you. With them there, you act boldly. If there is a problem, we have ..." Fang Chongton said. "I hope you can absorb a group of people, any number, as long as you are human ..."

"We ..." was watched by Fang Chong, Xie Tao opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything in the end, knowing that Fang Chong already believed them, and finally nodded solemnly ...

"We'll do a good job ..." After Xie Tao had a different feeling in his heart, Xie Tao's tone was positive.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"But what about the Tang Pa that the Scar Man mentioned last?" After Fang Chong told Xie Tao that they need to pay attention to some of the main issues, Xiao Yu couldn't help asking.

From Xiaoyu's point of view, it is not a problem to establish rules in these peripheral areas on the side of the base city. You can claim that these perverted existences can be solved by force, because this area requires force to solve.

But Xiaoyu was worried that Tang Scar was the last cousin mentioned by Scar Man.

This character is famous in this area around the base city. In addition to the director of the weapon distribution center in the Jiangnan base city, he is also notorious in this area around the base city.

He was founded by the Fang Hunting Corps.

And far more than one such team ...

She does not know how high the position of the Minister of the Weapons Distribution Center is, but will it be possible to build such a large number of teams? The answer in Xiaoyu's mind was very clear.

She can also be sure that this Tang Ba is definitely not a good person. Without mentioning his name, the courage of his cousin, including those of the hunting team, is innocent.

"If you dare to get ahead or find trouble? Xiaojun, kill it directly ..." Fang Chong's expression was still calm, and there was no slight change in expression as Xiao Yu imagined. Fang Chong was very calm. In his opinion, what Tang Ba, not even a small fish ...

"I know how to do it ..." Xiaojun's mouth was slightly young.

"Should there be no problems?" Fang Chongguang glanced around the members around him.

"No ..." Xiao Yu didn't bother, anyway, this life is here, and the big deal is to die.

It has been around the base city for so long. If it hadn't been for her own intentional vilification, she would have no idea how long she would die.

The eschatological woman has a beautiful face and a curvy body is miserable.

Unless you can rely on the strong, but that will only survive a little better.

The unpleasant thing to say is a sexual desire to vent.

Otherwise, it is that they can be extremely powerful, so that all men can be discouraged, otherwise, their fate can not help them. Like Qin Lan, they meet a man who treats them better than themselves, and at the same time this man is extremely powerful. It is really harder and harder. I am afraid that no one other than the three of them can come across ...

With this in mind, Xiao Yu can be said to have escaped, and even after she died, she found that she really didn't have anything to worry about ...

"Then prepare each ..." Fang Chong nodded indifferently.


"How? The degree of degraded humanity has given you new insights, right?" Huang Qinchuan said when the three daughters of Qin Lan and Qin Lan returned to the place where the team stopped.

Although he didn't see what happened just now, he could imagine how **** the scene was.

But Huang Qianchuan is not surprised. This **** and inhuman scene. As early as a few months ago, when the base city of Kyoto was first established, the order was also a panic. It can even be said that the same human nature was degraded and weak food was strong ....

However, in the end, the five commanders began **** crackdowns and cleaned up. It became the first survivor base city in the last days. Although there are rules, although it is different from the law, it can at least ensure the safety of the base city.

"You seem to have guessed this long ago?" Fang Chong was attracted by the tone of Huang Qianchuan's speech, but it would be wrong to say that he did not gain anything today. At least, Fang Chong was wrong when he rewarded the Shanghai base city. I won't commit it ...

"Anywhere there is a dispute, there are legal restrictions before the end of the world. There is not much knowledge of this degradation of human nature, but it is different after the end of the world ...

Wandering between life and death all day, the pressure is not a joke, and many people choose to fall, and those things that are not human will happen more than once ...

"Maybe you're right ...." Fang Chong heard a smile. It's really hard to say something like human nature. After all, when you can't see the hope of survival, the degradation of human nature is absolute ...

"You may be the hope for the future of mankind, at least in our team, no one is temporarily fallen ..." Huang Qianchuan also laughed, Fang Chong thought, he thought too.

So he said this is true. From Fang Chong's performance, Fang Chong does have the ability to change and give them hope ...

"Some?" Fang Chong showed a strange expression. He didn't want to care about it before, but now he really can't stand it. Otherwise, he wouldn't choose to do it today ...

"What's the next plan?" Huang Qianchuan didn't talk about this topic again. In his opinion, since he chose to obey Fang Chong's order, he would not consider himself again. This kind of thing requires Fang Chong to make his own plans, so he Now more concerned about Fang Chong's next plans.

This killing that occurred in the outer area of ​​Jiangnan Base City today is believed to be a big sensation by tomorrow.

The attention of some of those in power in the Jiangnan base city is positive.

Although they are not afraid, even if they are not the enemy of the entire Jiangnan base city, in order to avoid loss, Huang Qianchuan feels that he must be prepared ...

"As long as five of us entered the base city, the rest of the people, including supplies, will remain in the outer area of ​​the base city, and we will make a decision depending on the situation ..." Fang Chong said his long-cherished plan.

After seeing some dark and degenerate conditions in the base city of Jiangnan, Fang Chong changed the plan that had been determined before.

"It's okay, and I don't want to waste a dozen cars ...." Huang Qianchuan heard the plan, his expression moved. Fang Chong considered a lot of places.


The time soon came to the next day. After a night of sorting out, hundreds of corpses in the small square had been disposed of. If it were not for the blood on the ground, it was really hard to see how many people died here yesterday. ...

"Let's go! It's also time for us to take a look at the Jiangnan Base City of the five survivor base cities. The Jiangnan Base City should be the best scenery in all the base cities right now?" Fang Chong walked out of a building in the small square .

"Should you? Jiangnan is picturesque. Although it's been a long time since there were zombies, the place shouldn't change much ..." Qin Lan said.

"It's better for us to go directly to the base city. The scenery is not important for survival ..." Li Yan, who was going to be Fang Chong's guide, listened to Fang Chong's so relaxed conversation, her face was full of depression.

"Yes, business matters are important ..." Fang Chong had no opinion, Li Yan was right, it was time to do business.

"Then go straight to the Jiangnan base city ..." Others have no opinion.

Subsequently, a team of six people appeared at an entrance to the base city of Jiangnan.

At this place, Fang Chong's sight also subconsciously looked around. The building at the entrance of Jiangnan Base City is very simple. Fang Chong looked at this so-called entrance, that is, more than a dozen soldiers holding guns were standing guard, and at the same time determined whether it Absolutely dangerous character.

But the next second, Fang Chong denied the idea in his heart, because their four women and two men team, such a distinctive team, after Li Yan handed in a backpack of supplies, no one stopped them from doing anything. Now ...

"This base city is really too good. These guards are also guards. Fortunately, there are no too strong zombies here. Otherwise, with this vigilance, I don't know how many times have been destroyed ..." Fang Chong and their team left When he entered the real site of the Jiangnan Base City, he thought to himself.

I don't know if Jiangnan base city is superior in geography or anything else. From the situation he asked before, Jiangnan base city is indeed lucky and safe ...

But is it still the same? Fang Chong didn't know. It stands to reason that zombies have been evolving. There are no destroyers here? is it possible?

"Can't say that they are too good. How can they say that they are still performing their duties and seeing the beauty without any light ..." Li Yan's voice sounded.

"That's the truth ..." Qin Lan agreed with Li Yan's statement. At least one soldier can maintain this situation.

"Stop that, we'd better take a look at this base city ..." Although there are a lot of serious things in my heart to do, it seems that wasting time blindly without knowing the environment.


Li Yan understood what Fang Chong wanted to say, and Fang Chong's words fell, so she took Fang Chong to start the Jiangnan base city. In addition to the environment, the policies in the base city were also what Fang Chong wanted to know.

In the near future, the Shanghai base city is bound to be comparable to the five major base cities.

The speed of the crowd is not slow, it seems casual, and it seems to be in a hurry.

Soon a day passed, Fang Chong and others walking in the base city like this did not have any trouble or any trouble, but their plan to find scientific and technological talents or worker masters has not progressed for the time being ..

At night, Fang Chong stayed in Xie Tao's original residence in Li Yan. Although it was simple enough, there was a seemingly safe place, which was enough ...

"Today, our purpose is to be talents in science and technology, or in other words, they are all industry experts ..." The next morning, while having breakfast, Fang Chong looked at everyone and said that talent is still Fang Chong's main goal.

Human beings want to be stronger, and the development of weapons has a lot to do with their own development ...

"Talent? Industrial expert?" Listening to Fang Chong's words, everyone else nodded and understood, as if Li Yan, including several members of their small survivor team, were bewildered, they seemed unable to think of Fang Chong who wanted talent doing what?

Is it necessary to study weapons or other technologies? Run a factory?

Thinking about this, they were all surprised ...

"You think those impossible things are true, that's it ..." Fang Chongdao looked at the number of people who were constantly changing their faces.

"We didn't lie to you before. We came from Shanghai, the place that Huaxia calls the city of death ..." Qin Lan explained, after all, if Fang Chong was so vague, Li Yan would sound confused. ….

"Did you really hit the Shanghai Stock Market?" Qin Lan finished, Li Yan's expression was completely shocked, because they saw Fang Chong's demonstrated strength, they already believed that Fang Chong had such strength ...

But Shanghai is different from ordinary cities. The number of zombies is not simple ...

"You will be there ..." Fang Chong did not explain. If he did not believe it, it would not be clear how to explain ...

With regard to Fang Chong's words, Li Yan didn't ask any more. She already believed Fang Chong's words in her heart, and her strength was there, no explanation at all ...

Knowing this, she immediately packed up and took the few couples they had left in the base city with them and some of them left ...

The so-called talent? There really is such a place in Jiangnan Base City, in a large shopping mall several streets away from them.

The original department store's shopping mall has long been re-exported of any supplies. As for the empty building shell of the mall building, it has been developed into a talent market by those in power in the Jiangnan base city. In other words, the settlements of the bottom people in Jiangnan Base City.

A strong person in the Jiangnan base city either joins the team or owns the team. Otherwise, the person will be alone if he is lonely ...

It is not possible to have all the powerful people, so the so-called talent market in Jiangnan Base City is designed for those with relatively low strength.

In this place, in addition to a strong team coming to absorb new people, there are also people with the same strength to form a team to go outside to hunt mutant creatures or find supplies.

There are also many people employed, but the work of these people is relatively low. Women are more often vented by men, and some men are women's playthings ...

The strong are more than men ...


"This is the talent market in Jiangnan Base City. I believe that you can find people here ..." After arriving at this place, Li Yan began to introduce.

And Fang Chong was very surprised when they heard it ~ www.readwn.com ~ But behind the surprise was joy, so that not only they could find the talents they wanted, but also facilitated them a lot ...

Especially those technological talents, if they can survive, they will make a lot of money ...

"If we go in, the more talented we are, the better ..." Fang Chong could not help speeding up his feet.

Although it's early, after entering this talent market, the number of people in it has already been many, even as many as Fang Chong, they are surprised ...

"Find a card and change your name ..." Qin Lan and Li Yan arranged.

"The size of the remarks is larger. We want a wide range, but the people I want to find are human ..." Fang Chong said his requirements ...

"I understand this ..."

"I also understand ..."


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