I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 414: Windfall


A notice board with very different contents from the surrounding area immediately attracted the attention of many people. After all, Fang Chong didn't care about the survivors' fighting power or the age of the survivors. As long as they knew the technology, science and technology researchers would do. This kind of other kind of notices suddenly made a lot of discussions, but there were a lot of people watching, but not many people actually came forward to ask ...

Fang Chong and others were sitting quietly in front of a table, the feeling was similar to the job fair before the last days. m (M_)

However, to have this position, Fang Chong still need to pay a certain amount of supplies, a backpack of supplies ...

Although this didn't mean anything to Fang Chong, Li Yan and the others had pain in their faces.

How much it costs to carry a backpack's supplies is clear to them, and it is normal to lose your life every minute ...

"The notices above are all real?" There are more and more people on the sidelines, less to say that there are hundreds of people shaking in front of Fang Chong. After half a ring, there is a gray hair, a lot of age, and the body The weak-looking old man came to Fang Chong and asked with a vicissitudes of voice.

The survivors of this age, Fang Chong, were shocked when they saw them. It seemed that they had lived for so long before they first saw such a human being. It was an accident.

Although the old man looked weak, Fang Chong did not look down on this person and nodded with a certain expression. "Yes, all of the above are true, as long as they are engaged in mechanical and technical work before the end of the world. They include science and technology researchers. We don't care about age, we don't care whether the combat effectiveness is weak or not ..."

"I was an engineer in Shanghai Science and Technology Heavy Industry before the end of the world. I wonder if I can do it?" The old man heard their answer. The original gloomy eyes suddenly brightened a lot, he could see that Fang Chong and they didn't tell lies, they lived a lot at this age, and this still depends on people's eyes ...

However, although it is certain that Fang Chong and they are not joking, it is not wrong for him to use the words "old, weak, disabled" at this age, because of this, his tone of speech is not enough ...

"Yes. We welcome ..." Fang Chong did not expect this old man to have such an identity before the end of the world. Although he is a little older, he has rich experience and is much better than those who are young and strong.

And now there are so many genetic medicines. Still afraid of his poor health?

Fang Chong they believe that as long as the old man is absorbed in less than a month, they can be many times stronger than ordinary people before the end of the age ...

With this in mind, Fang Chong stood up and welcomed ...

"Really?" Seeing Fang Chong stand up. The old man was so excited that he couldn't explain clearly ...

"That's right ..." Qin Lan nodded as well, giving way to the old man.

Absorbed the first person, and with the beginning, the next one went much smoother. After more than half a day had passed, Fang Chong received a total of more than 200 people who had various mechanical skills before the end of the world.

This number is undoubtedly beyond their expectations. What surprised Fang Chong was that most of these people came from Shanghai Stock Market.

After the outbreak of the last days. Escaped from Shanghai Stock Market.

After Fang Chong knew this, he was more confident to bring these people back to Shanghai Stock Market ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Most of the people with technical experience are in good physical fitness, but the physical fitness of the experienced technical staff is much worse. This is also inevitable. Compared with Fang Chong's joy, there are many people who are puzzled. Many people do not know what crazy these people are ...

If you only hire those who are in good physical condition and say that repairing the vehicle is reasonable, but those old guys who can't be described as old, weak, sick and disabled can't understand it?

Could it be that they have too much food to eat? They don't believe that things like factories still exist. * m

Can it be sold even if it can be produced? It's just a waste of time.

"It seems to be here today, everyone goes back first, and the exits of the day after tomorrow base meet up ..." Fang Chong looked at the time and knew that those that met their requirements had already come out. After all, they were so generously treated, No one is coming out now, basically indicating that there are not many suitable candidates for them. Or no more ...

After all, no one can doubt their motives, and Fang Chong does not care whether there are more or fewer people.

Today, more than ten of the more than 200 people who are charged are experienced teachers. With such experienced teachers, it is easy to teach apprentices ...

"Yes, it is the day after tomorrow. If people who need living supplies in these days can go out of the base city and pick up supplies from the nearest town outside the base city ..." Fang Chong saw that some people have questions. He Then go on.

After all, everyone comes out here to do the task, all they want is to get supplies that can survive ...

Although there are still many doubts in everyone's expressions, after Fang Chong reported the detailed address, everyone started to leave ...

"We are also gone ..." Fang Chong saw that everyone was scattered, and he also stood up. If it is possible for talents, we will look at it tomorrow. Otherwise, it will be a paragraph.

But did he come to Jiangnan Base City once, Fang Chong still vividly remembered the scene that happened the day before yesterday, how can he say that he is going to meet the power-holders of Jiangnan Base City for a while to see if the humanity that even the power-holders have lost ...

And Fang Chong still remembers a name in the heart, Tang Ba, a domineering name, but it is hard to say whether it is a blessing or a curse if Fang Chongzhen remembers it. Once it proves that he is like the light rain they say, regardless of other Jiangnan base cities What about his ruler, he is definitely not going to survive ...

At the same time, Fang Chong was also curious if Tang Ba would come to him, and if Fang Chong knew this kind of person, the other party should avenge his scar male cousin, right?

From the bottom of his heart, Fang Chong hoped that he would take revenge, which would allow Fang Chong to save a lot of efforts to find him ...


"Old gentleman. Where do you live? If you are alone, would it be better to follow us now?" Qin Lan's voice sounded, and when they were ready to leave, they found out of the more than 200 people they had collected. The first old man left to join their team ...

Seeing that he had not left, Qin Lan thought of the old man's age.

"No, I'm more than one person. If there was only one person, this old bone would have been gone for a long time ..." Hearing Qin Lan's words, the old man's expression was a little excited, unlike the indifference of others, he could feel Fang Chong them These people are sincere.

But he did not lie. He does have more than one person.

Otherwise, at his current age, it would not have been possible to escape from the Shanghai Stock Market more than a year ago and come to this place in Jiangnan Base City. And lived so long in the cruel end times ...

Protecting him was a small team of dozens of people, a group of people who worked with him in the heavy science and technology industry before the end of the world ...

Dozens of people are basically colleagues, his students. If it weren't for these people, he wouldn't be able to survive. He had never wanted to drag others down, but there was no alternative but to his physical condition. Let ’s do a mission together, I ’m afraid it will drag down the team when we ca n’t help.

Listen to what the old man said. The expressions of Fang Chong and others were both surprised and reasonable. They were surprised by the importance of the students and colleagues of the old man. What makes sense is why the elderly can live to this day ...

"Where are their people now?" Muge asked curiously, such a kind of people who are serious and righteous are rare to see. Muge believes that Fang Chong's heart must have planned to ask them to join their team ...

"It's time to go out. Now that there are less and less materials, if you want to find new resources in the abandoned city, you have to go further and further ..." When the old man said these things, his eyes became a bit dim, and the black eyes revealed Deeply worried ...

"This is also ....." Li Yan felt the most of this sentence in his heart. Why did they not do so a few days ago? If they met them, now they are afraid to die in that small town ...

Rao is so many heads in time, she still has some lingering thoughts ...

"If they are willing, the old gentleman can invite them to come with you, our team will welcome them ..." It is almost the same as Mu Ge guessed. Fang Chongzhen sent an invitation to the old man. Fang Chong likes people who are serious and righteous. He also hopes that after the Shanghai base city of survivors is really established, there will be a kind of warmth in it ...

"You?" The old man can feel Fang Chong's sincerity, but he still does not know what team Fang Chong is and what the same purpose is. "I will tell them, but no matter what they are, I will definitely join you ..."

"Okay ..." Fang Chong liked the old man's decision. After a smile on his face, he found a bottle of ordinary gene medicine from his body.

"The old gentleman of the bottle of medicine returned to the place where he lived and drank it. It is believed to be of great benefit to the body, but it needs to be noted that after drinking the medicine, the body feels hot and there is no need to worry. It belongs to the normal range ..." Fang Chongba After handing over the genetic medicine to the old man, he beckoned ..

"Thank you…."

Next, the old man slowly left with the genetic medicine Fang Chong handed to him.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Let's go?" After watching the old man leave Qi, everyone's expressions were a little confused.

"I want to know where in Jiangnan's base city is in power ..." Fang Chong asked.

"What are you going to do?" Hearing Fang Chong's question, Li Yan's expression tightened. She heard the words of the person in power, and she suddenly thought of Fang Chong's attempt to kill the base city By.

After all, Fang Chong's guts combined with their current strength is not surprising to have such a plan ...

"I just want to talk. Jiangnan base city is the closest human survivor camp to Shanghai. Our plan is to hope that when there is any danger in the future, the two base cities can survive each other ..." Fang Chong expressed calmness. Say, these are what he had planned before today, but it is easy to say now ...

"This ....." When Li Yan heard Fang Chong's words about Shanghai Base Survivor Base City this time, her pupils tightened. It seems that Fang Chong has deceived them for no reason ... Li Yan really can't think of any point in them that can attract Fang Chong's attention ...

"Don't think too much, we can't kill people ..." Although Li Yan didn't say her worry, Fang Chong would not know what she was going to say? Everyone was silent for a while, Huang Qianchuan patted Li Yan's shoulder gently ...

With the sentence of Huang Qianchuan. They have also stepped out of the talent market.

After rest and taking the gene pharmacy to restore their strength, they and a group of people slowly led out of the building symbolizing power in the base city of Jiangnan under the guidance of Li Yan ...

Now the people in power in Jiangnan Base City live in it.


"Well, so pretty chicks! And there are more than one, all of them are watery, I like… .." Fang Chong and they went on, but they were on a street when they hadn't reached the city government building in Jiangnan Base City. Blocked.

The people who blocked them. There are a lot of people. There are a full dozen or so people. Fang Chong looked a little and knew that they were in trouble again ..

Or needless to say, trouble. It was blocked by several flies ...

But within three days of the Jiangnan base city, the faces of Qin Lan, Muge, Ling Ya and others finally brought them the first trouble ...

"What do you want to do?" Li Yan belonged to the ground snake, and saw these characters who deliberately found fault. Her face is ugly, she hates such people from the heart ...

She might have run away secretly a few days ago, but now it's different. Not only has her strength improved to some extent, but Fang Chong exists behind her. She can say no fear at all ...

"What do you want? I want you chicks to warm up, what are you doing?" A man wearing a wallet stood up. His expression was disdainful, and his tone was very playful ...

"You ..." Li Yan listened to the other party's explicit words, and her expression suddenly became a little bit cold. If she didn't know Fang Chong's plan, she would almost rush ...

"Haha, isn't it my heart ..." Looking at Li Yan now, the smile on the wallet man's face is very strong. He seems to see that his purpose is achieved, and the expression on his face is extremely wretched ...

"Heart **** ..." Li Yan also did not converge, angrily cursed ... "A group of scum ..."

"What a **** do you say ..."

Called scum by Li Yan, several people who originally had a provocative expression on their faces, heard the two words that Li Yan called out, their expressions were quite stiff, and they were only shown after half a ring.

The wallet man was slightly trembling because of excessive anger, and his hand touched his waist ...

"I scold the beast as a scum ...." Li Yan knew what the wallet man's hand touched to the waist foreshadowed, but in addition to her new confidence in her physical fitness, she also believed in the existence of these abnormalities in Fang Chong them. They could never watch her killed.

And in the Jiangnan base city, Li Yan believes that these dozen men dare to break the rules and shoot?

Understand this, Li Yan's mouth is not vegetarian ...

"You're looking for death ..." The wallet man didn't expect Li Yan to have any scared expressions, and after this flicking action couldn't scare Li Yan, he gave up because he was guessed by Li Yan, in the base city of Jiangnan , He did not have a courageous gun ...

Even if he is at most a little foolish, if these dozens of people are powerful, they don't need to block the door to the talent market. Here they block the weak people, small teams ...

Although he did n’t know what Li Yan was relying on, he was really angry. The anger was burning. After spitting his teeth and saying the word “Sanwei”, he flew towards Li Yan and grabbed his hand with Li Yan ’s neck. It's not hard to see in Li's expression that he intends to choke Li Yan to death ...

"This should mean you ..." Li Yan's expression grew colder in the face of the menacing big hand. After she uttered these words, she did not retreat, but also greeted empty-handed.

"Kachan ....." The speed of the wallet man is fast, and Li Yan's speed is even faster. After three or four days of growth, although Li Yan is still very weak in Fang Chong's eyes, it is actually very powerful Today, it has broken through the tenth level and reached the eleventh level.

Although the force of more than 1,100 kilograms is not great, it is enough to deal with this wallet man.

Li Yan caught the wallet man's big hand at the speed of the electric light flint, and took advantage of it to twist. The unprepared wallet man, his arms twisted in Li Yan's hands at once, clear Visible bone fracture sounded ...

"Ah ..." With the scream of the wallet man, it is not difficult to see that the arm of the wallet man was destroyed.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"This ..." The two women who were with Li Yan would see Li Yan's fighting power this time, and the expression of UU reading www.uukanshu.com instantly became astonished. Why did they never think of Li, who had not seen it for several days Yan combat power soared.

Strong, very powerful ...

This is their evaluation of Li Yan ...

"You ....." Li Yan's wallet man with one arm was abolished all at once, his face became iron-blue with pain, and he stepped backwards.

Seeing Li Yan's footsteps preparing to move forward, he panicked ...

Sound terrified ...

"Aren't you trying to kill me? I stepped forward to let you kill ..." Li Yan smiled, her eyes full of provocation ...

"No, don't ..." Li Yan's strength has been tasted. When the wallet man thinks that he cannot use a gun, he looks pale ...

………………………………………… (To be continued ...)

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