I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 415: Fat Commander's Shock


Seeing the tragic situation of the wallet man, his other companions looked at each other, and they did not dare to step forward for a while, saw Li Yan's strength, and then thought of Li Yan's fierceness, they all resigned, Because the wallet man is their head, and there is a backstage behind the wallet man who can speak in Jiangnan base city ...

They know that once they retreat or run away today. m (M_)

If the wallet is dead, it's okay. If it's not dead, they are afraid that the future will be difficult ...

It can be said that the worst thing is that these people, they ca n’t fight and fight, they ca n’t escape, this feeling of waiting to be blasted is very uncomfortable, they do n’t mention how depressed they are ...

"Not rolling yet ..." Li Yan stared, and drank the wallet man.

This is not far from the residence of the power-holders in Jiangnan Base City. Although Li Yan hates these scum, it is not a good choice to kill people by hand ...

"Yes, yes ...." Hearing Li Yan's words, the man in the wallet was relieved. He could feel the strength of Li Yan, and that kind of strength was too abnormal.

He was also very depressed, so casually encountered a woman so powerful? He didn't dare to imagine what would happen to the two men, Fang Chonghuang, Qianchuan, behind Li Yan.

But now it's finally over. When I saw Li Yan letting them go, he didn't dare to come out, and the gun was dingy. The embarrassing look made Fang Chong them ...

"Strong power, fast speed ..." While fleeing, the male of the wallet didn't stop. After running a long distance. The wallet man paused to say something in his mouth. Today, when he saw Li Yan's fighting power, he seems to have heard of it ...

He frowned and blinked ...

"Those who are capable ..." Suddenly, these three words popped into his mind, and he finally remembered that this powerful force and fast speed were not his uncles. One can now say something in Jiangnan base city Talking man.

Although he is not the highest-ranking power-holder, his status is not low. Otherwise, how dare he prepare to tease women in front of the city government building? You know in the base city of Jiangnan. This situation is forbidden ...

He is also fortunate to have his uncle, the guards closed one eye from the other.

Although unlucky, his uncle hated iron and steel, but he was a nephew. In addition to giving many conveniences, he also gave the wallet man a task. Among ordinary survivors, finding out people with outstanding characteristics, he was useful ...

At first, the wallet man didn't know what role it was to find these people, but later, his uncle still told him the truth. He has a performance that is different from ordinary people, and that kind of person is likely to become a capable person.

The simple understanding is the existence of several times that of ordinary people.

The base city in Jiangnan did not say this mutation of human beings. It can be said that in the Jiangnan base city, everyone does not know that those who have the ability to say so ...

What a capable person represents, although the wallet man is nothing, he still pays attention to important things, especially his uncle's account, he knows that without his uncle in Jiangnan base city, he can count as a fart Not on ...

"Go, go to the camp ..." The more I thought, the happier. The wallet man had a happy expression on his face. After leaving alone, he took his dozens of men to quickly run out of his uncle's camp.

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"You stand still, who are you? Unidentified people are not allowed to appear here ..." Fang Chong and their party, after the wallet man got out of business. They are still the target, the listed government building. Look for those in power in this Jiangnan base city.

What I didn't expect was that they had been stopped by two guards holding rifles as soon as they arrived in front of the city government building, and he asked them to show their identification ...

"We are looking for the ruling party in the base city of Jiangnan ..." Fang Chong's face was not displeased. At least the guards were dutiful, and their attitude was not bad ...

"Are you looking for the authority of the base city? Our heads?" The two guards heard Fang Chong's words, their expressions froze, and they laughed after a while ...

In their eyes, Fang Chong and their pedestrians are very ordinary. There is no backing at all in the Jiangnan base city. Otherwise, they need to walk in the Jiangnan base city ...

"Yes, I repeat ..." Fang Chong did not get angry, and looked at the two guards calmly. (M_) Indeed, it is easy to misunderstand them to make such a request. Rao was not convinced by Li Yan, Xie Tao and others before ...

"It's impossible, if you come here casually and say that you want to see our commander, wouldn't it be messy ..." The two guards showed a slight discomfort, and Fang Chong's insistence made them angry. edge…

"You leave quickly, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude ..." Another guard also spoke, and in their opinion, Fang Chong was troublesome ...

"Are you here to make trouble? Go and tell your commander, Gene warrior will see us ..." Fang Chong frowned, and the two guards seemed to be right, so they traded like this. If you want to meet the power-holders of this Jiangnan base city, if everyone treats them like this, it will be easy to mess up ...

In the end, Fang Chong thought about the issue of genetic medicine. The five major survivor base cities are all connected, knowing that gene warriors should be inevitable.

"You ..." Seeing Fang Chong's self-confidence, the expressions of the two guards hesitated. He didn't know if Fang Chong's statement was true ...

"Okay, let me report it. If it is false, be careful of your life ..." The two guards discussed it. Although the strange name of the gene warrior is unusual, Fang Chong's self-confidence made them elusive. Are they here to make trouble ...

Afraid to really delay the business, they succumbed ...

"We are waiting here ..." Fang Chong knew that things had basically been done. If the incumbent of the Jiangnan base city hadn't come out yet, he might not enter it politely.

be honest. His impression of Jiangnan Base City is absolutely bad now ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"What. Gene warrior ..." Guarding the soldiers quickly, all of a sudden came to the third-floor conference room of the city government building, where three middle-aged men in light green military uniforms sat on black leather sofas.

The middle body is quite blessed. When the oldest man, who was approaching the age, heard the words of the gene soldier, the expression changed slightly, and the voice revealed a little surprise ...

The word genetic warrior is not unfamiliar to the three of them present. As early as a few months ago, when the five major base cities were able to communicate through satellite systems, they had already learned from inside Kyoto base city, but it took several months to They are not without research, they just have no results.

Genetic potions extracted from zombies. The effect is minimal.

Because of this, they have never been distributed to the people.

"Yes, they said that, and the commanders would see them ..." The guard soldiers were a little surprised by their response. I thought they couldn't hear me, I repeated ...

"We know, you can let them wait for a while ..." The fat commander nodded and waved his hand. When he said this, he let the guard soldiers quit ...


"Second, youngest do you think about this?" After the guard soldiers withdrew, the fat commander's slightly fat body slowly got up from the sofa and rushed to the window at an exaggerated speed.

Looking through the window, he stared grimly at the place where a few hundred meters away from the gate, where several of them were standing ...

"Willn't they be from Kyoto's base city?" Different from Fat Commander. The person talking is much thinner, but taller, like a bamboo pole ...

When the fat commander rushed to the window, his body moved, and in terms of speed, he was no worse than the fat commander.

"Is it possible? Second brother, are you kidding me? Kyoto is so far away from the base, and now the world is full of zombies, how many of them can come here?" The youngest, about 30 years old, but tall. Of the three, the most imitation of the military ...

After he heard the tall and thin man say, he asked with doubt in his tone ..

"It is possible to know that the first base medicine in Kyoto was successfully extracted, a powerful genetic warrior exists, and growth is not impossible ..." Fat Commander said after a pause.

"Then we'll go down and meet them for a while. Ask clearly, don't you know everything?" The old third paused.



"You are the ones who let the soldiers inform the genetic soldiers?" When the fat commander and his three men descended to the gate. I saw Fang Chong several of them.

Seeing Fang Chong's age, the fat commander's three expressions were stunned, too young ...

And all of them are not bad ...

"Yes, you are the commander Qiu Ji of Jiangnan base city, known as the fat commander?" Fang Chong took a step forward, looked up and down the fat commander, and said surprisingly.

"Eh… .." Hearing Fang Chong's words, not only the fat commander, the three of them had collectively stiff expressions, but also the expressions of Fang Chong, Qin Lan, Huang Qianchuan, and others were unnatural. It was pale, wasn't Fang Chong's remark?

"Oh, yes, everyone cried kindly ..." Commander Qiu Ji's expression froze for a full two seconds before he reacted. He could only force a smile and answer before knowing Fang Chong's exact identity. But I smiled stiffly and fake ...

"You are ..." The fat commander's voice lags behind. His second child is also the No. 2 person in Jiangnan Base City. He Chu also spoke. His face was calm, but the atmosphere was obviously less awkward at this time. ...

"We are from the base city of Kyoto. To be precise, we are coming from Shanghai Stock Market ..." I don't know if Fang Chong will say something amazing again, Huang Qianchuan said before Fang Chong spoke.

"On Shanghai, you ..." If they heard that they were still calm in the base city of Kyoto, the three words on Shanghai were enough to surprise them.

Regarding the three words of Shanghai Stock Market, it sounds like a nightmare. They are not without the idea of ​​Shanghai Stock Market. They just kill them all the way. They have suffered heavy losses, especially storming Shanghai Stock Market ...

A few months ago. More than 10,000 of them attacked the Shanghai Stock Market. In the end, the number of people who could return to the base city of Jiangnan alive was less than one-tenth. It was still the result that they could not attack it. They gave up wisely.

He Chu was one of the survivors in that battle, and now he really feels worried about it ...

"The Shanghai market has been beaten by us a few days ago, no surprise ..." Of course, Fang Chong knew what the words Shanghai market meant, and the restricted area of ​​life was not a joke.

I have experienced him firsthand, and I can better appreciate the danger of Shanghai. If they were not fully prepared, and they were in strange encounters, they would be hard to stand here today ...

"You ..." The three fat commanders really didn't know what to say, they certainly doubted. But Fang Chong's calm expression clearly told them that they were not joking ...

"Go in and say ..." He Chu took a deep breath.

"it is good….."

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Dozens of Fang Chong slowly walked towards the building. Unlike their leisure, the two guard soldiers were frightened with a cold sweat. How could they never imagine that a seemingly ordinary party was so large on both sides. They have heard the name of Shanghai Stock Exchange.

The loud number in the restricted area of ​​life is hard to remember ...

"What you just said is true. You are really from the base city of Kyoto. You really knocked down the Shanghai market a few days ago ..." In the conference hall on the third floor, Fang Chong dozens of them and Fat Commander three of them Sit across.

As soon as his **** was settled, the fat commander asked calmly. What Fang Chong said just now is beyond his ability to imagine and bear ...

Not to mention the dangers of Shanghai stock market, Rao's journey from Kyoto to Jiangnan is enough to make people die several times ...

"Do we need to deceive you?" Huang Qianchuan was also laughed at by the expression of the fat commander three of them. Their nervous appearance, how they look, is not like a base city authority ...

"The environment of the last days really makes it hard for us to imagine that we once attacked the Shanghai Stock Exchange a few months ago, but we lost all our soldiers and lost everything, leaving less than one-tenth of the last people who left ..." I believe that He Chu, the number two in power, said helplessly. "Zombies were so powerful a few months ago, let alone now ..."

"You think this way is based on your strength, including the strength of survivors in the base city of Jiangnan?" Qin Lan frowned. Suddenly thought of the gap in strength, indeed, according to the survivors they met here in Jiangnan Base City these days, whether ordinary people or evolutionaries, in general. They are relatively weak, even now they are in front of them. These three Jiangnan base cities are in power.

Although the strength is not weak, the strength of more than 120 levels is a little weaker than the Terminator, not to mention the Destroyer, and even less than a few months ago, let alone ...

"What do you mean ..." After hearing Qin Lan's words, the fat commander and the three of them were obviously unhappy. Qin Lan's words were not difficult to hear she was laughing at them ...

"She's just telling the truth, Fat Commander, your strength is the most powerful of the three of you, the speed and strength of the evolution of the combination, you should be called here, right? But your current strength is at most more than 120 close One hundred and thirty levels, this kind of strength is indeed not powerful ... "Fang Chong knew that the fat commander had misunderstood them.

"How do you see it ..." Hearing Fang Chong immediately said the strengths and weaknesses of all three of them, the fat commander exclaimed.

"We are stronger than you, naturally you can see ..." Huang Qianchuan said bluntly.


"How powerful are you ..." The fat commander thought it was possible, but the three who had been confident of their strength still hoped that Fang Chong would prove it.

"Qianchuan, show your speed ..." Fang Chong knew what they meant, nodded and looked at Huang Qianchuan.

"No problem ..." Huang Qianchuan smiled slightly. After standing up calmly, his body flashed, and the person had disappeared.

"Hmm ..." the fat commander exclaimed.

But by the time they reacted, Huang Qianchuan had appeared beside them, with a hand on his shoulder ...

"You ..." The fat commander gave his heart a moment of grief, and just said a word, Huang Qianchuan disappeared again, and then turned back, Huang Qianchuan reappeared in his seat ...

"This ...." The fat commander and the three of them looked back after Huang Qianchuan returned to his seat and couldn't say a word.

He finally understood the meaning of Huang Qianchuan's phrase "We are stronger than you ..."

"How many levels of the most powerful zombie outside now ..." I have seen the strength shown by Huang Qianchuan ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fat Commander no longer doubts the others, they have been out of the base city recently. For the evolution of our current zombie To what extent it is a bit vague now.

The strongest zombie they saw was the Hulk.

"Destroyer, a zombie with a height of ten meters, belongs to the king among zombies, the level is more than three hundred ..." Ling Ya took out a piece of paper, in addition to the details of the destroyer, a photo was attached. ….

"More than three hundred levels?" Looking at the shocking photos and the introduction on the paper, the fat commanders took a breath of air. The powerful shock makes them feel powerless when they look at the photos ...

". Have you met?" After the three fat commanders returned from shock, the first sentence asked ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… (to be continued.)

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