I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 416: Tang Ba appeared


"To be precise, we have not only met, but also killed ...." Unlike the fat commander's shock, Fang Chong said calmly, as to whether this answer will rise in the hearts of the three of them The uproar was out of his consideration ...

"You ..." Fang Chong's words fell, and Fat Commander didn't really say everything, with an incredible expression on his face. Fang Chong said these things far beyond what they knew and could bear ...

"You can doubt our words, but when you really meet the Destroyer, I hope you don't regret it ..." Qin Lan knows that such words are really difficult to make confident. M

And the human figures in the last days are selfish, they don't care if the fat commander believes or not ...

"It's really hard for us to believe at once, after all, the Destroyer said him too powerfully. We want time to investigate ..." The scene was silent for a few seconds. He Chucai, the No. 2 power-bearer in Jiangnan Base City, spoke with a slight tone. With helplessness and hesitation.

In their hearts, what they think is similar to what he said. It is really difficult to believe that Fang Chong is so powerful in front of them ...

But stronger than them, I believe ...

"We understand, and our purpose is not this today ..." Fang Chong's expression still did not show a wave, as he said, their purpose today is not in this matter.

"Then what is your purpose?" After hearing Fang Chong's words, the fat commander's expressions were even more shocked. Isn't this what will happen?

"We just arrived within the range of the Jiangnan Base City the day before yesterday. But some people we met had some things. It was very chilling. The kind of living environment without humanity even made me feel that the Jiangnan Base City did not exist ..." Fang Chong expression Suddenly it became indifferent, and suddenly became indifferent to the previous indifferent attitude.

"You ..." The fat commander felt the murderous power revealed by Fang Chong, the kind of real murderous power. His pores were horrified. He could feel that Fang Chong was not kidding, but did they Such strength is unknown ...

"Why do you say this, Jiangnan base city is like this, what is the living environment without human nature ..." Jiangnan base city's number three in power. Suddenly Hu Bing stood up. The fat commander could hold back temporarily. He couldn't bear it, because Fang Chong's words were obviously threatening.

He usually holds power. How can I tolerate this attitude, and Fang Chong them are not very old, in his eyes are a few Huangmao children ...

"If you dare to talk nonsense, I'm afraid you won't get out of here today ..."

"Really?" Fang Chong's expression was heavy and heavy, but he had not spoken yet. Huang Qianchuan had already stood up and patted his hand on the mahogany conference table. His tone was extremely cold ...

The scene froze all of a sudden, and the battle flared ...

"A rotten table can't be beaten, and how powerful is it?" Hu Bing ignored the fat Commander and He Chu's eyes. They laughed loudly when they saw the red wooden table intact.

He stood up just now without thinking about taking photos of the table, but he knew that with their current strength, such a seemingly solid solid wood conference table could not bear their shot ...

Huang Qianchuan's expression did not change at all, he just watched Hu Bing quietly.

As to whether the mahogany conference table is safe, it is not within his consideration ...


When Hu Bing was very unnatural by Huang Qianchuan's eyes, he heard a soft sound in his ear.

He looked at it, and finally stopped at the rosewood conference table, the moment he thought it was wrong. The conference table, which was still intact, collapsed instantly, silently, and the whole red wooden table instantly turned into a pile of sawdust ...

"This ....." such a scene appeared in their sight, the fat commander's expression twitched ...

As for Hu Bing, the No. 3 person in power in the Jiangnan base city, his expression was a little pale.

what's going on?

It's not difficult to shoot a table. But it is not possible for anyone to make a solid mahogany conference table into a pile of sawdust.

I ca n’t do it myself ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Looking at the wood dust all over the floor, one after another. Hu Bing's hands and feet gradually became stiff, his expression changed from pale to a little blue. Thinking of what he said just now, and then thinking of some words that Fang Chong had said before, he seemed to feel that today they would really be criticized Up ...

The shock of Huang Qianchuan's palm made him really see what is called powerful!

He doesn't know if he can stop Huang Qianchuan with his current fighting power? Thinking that he had disregarded his boss just now, the second child's persuasion, now he really regretted it, and sweated on his forehead ...

"I don't know if this rotten wood table is enough?" Huang Qianchuan's mouth slightly raised, and all his attention had been put on Hu Bing.

"Enough, enough, enough ..." The fat commander's face was as dead as blood, and he didn't have any blood. Although he didn't know what Huang Qianchuan's character was, the smile on Huang Qianchuan's face shook him inexplicably.

And this powerful Qian Huangchuan now shows, isn't it true that the murder happened in the peripheral area of ​​the base city the day before yesterday is real? Only as long as Fang Chong and their abnormal strength can do that.

Thinking of the murder, the fat commander's expression became more ugly.

More than 500 lives? All of them were killed in minutes! The soft-hearted can do this? is it possible? That is absolutely impossible. More than five hundred lives are not zombies ...

Thinking of more than 500 people, they can all succeed. Now Hu Bing? Don't they dare to kill?

The fat commander even thought that Fang Chong and they really dared to slaughter the Jiangnan base city ...

"Is Commander Hu Bing? I know you are strong. Let's talk about it. What about death and injury?" Huang Qianchuan was not a fat commander at all. He took a step at his feet and stared at Hu Bing ...

"I ..." After hearing Huang Qianchuan's words, Hu Bing's heart was gone. He was most afraid to come. Huang Qianchuan was not prepared to let him go. He might break the mahogany conference table at first, but it was just for them. A little deterrent, but what he later laughed at was undoubtedly the fuse that provoked Huang Qianchuan ...

With so much annoyance in his heart, Hu Bing didn't know what to get from Huang Qianchuan. Huang Qianchuan said it was nice. But there are deadly wounds there.

Obviously, Huang Qianchuan just wanted to take this opportunity to kill him ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"All of you, we admit that we have underestimated people, and we know what we have done wrong. Can you please let go of my third brother?" The fat commander was really depressed. Just now they always signaled Hu Bing to calm down. Ca n’t live, they really caused them big trouble, and it was about his own life and death ...

Although Jiangnan base city is their place, Fang Chong's strength has been demonstrated, fearing that they have not called anyone yet. The three big powers in Jiangnan base city are afraid to hang the meeting room ...

Without help, they succumbed ...

"The main purpose of our visit today is not to kill people. We are more advanced than you. We are more powerful than you. If you have always thought that the world is still the same, Jiangnan base city is not far from being broken by zombies." Fang Chong said, Huang Qianchuan did not move, although he was very angry, but before he was not sure whether he would be the enemy of Jiangnan Base City, Fang Chong did not intend to break down and deteriorate the relationship now ...

"Then what do you mean?" After hearing Fang Chong's explanation, the fat commanders' expressions on their faces were dull, and now they came to Fang Chong and said. They also remembered that they never really asked Fang Chong what was their purpose? I guess at the energy ...

"Seeing that the survivors in the base city of Jiangnan are too weak, I want to ask you if you know how to extract genetic drugs, but now it seems that there is no need to continue ..." Fang Chong shook his head gently, The tone was surprisingly unexpected.

Fang Chong's tone became calmer. The fat commander became more and more annoyed, especially when he heard about the technology of gene extraction. It can be said that he even regretted the intestines in his stomach ...

"Yes, even this so-called commander has no right or wrong base city, no matter how good it is. If the gene extraction technology is really put into their hands, I am afraid that those in the Jiangnan base city will be more vulnerable. That terrible life.

Rather than let them tragically survive in the base city of Jiangnan, it is better to let powerful zombies or mutant creatures destroy the entire base city of Jiangnan .... "The idyll that has not spoken ca n’t help but think of the periphery of the base city The tragic death of those women, she said with gritted teeth.

"There is no reason why the Shanghai Stock Exchange has already seen the Destroyer, and there is no surrounding Jiangnan Base City? Not even the Terminator has appeared? Could it be that this coincidence or Zombie has another purpose ..." Someone asked a question.

Seemingly unintentional, in fact, her problem caused a big stir in the fat commander three of them.

"Zombies are getting smarter and more cunning. It may be that there are a lot of survivors in the base city of Jiangnan. Before being sure, zombies now know how to preserve their strength, especially the queen of the zombie or the In the case of mutated zombies, these possibilities are likely to happen ... "Fang Chong also ignored this problem these days, and Ling Ya raised it, and she found it to be not simple.

If it was not for the mass killing of Jiangnan Base City around Jiangnan Base City, then a plot of zombies against Jiangnan Base City has begun ...

"Will it still be the trick of siege of the zombies?" When talking about these problems, Huang Qianchuan did not go to worry about the commander.

If the zombie really has a conspiracy, I am afraid that with the fighting power of the current Jiangnan base city, even if it can survive, I am afraid that most of the entire Jiangnan base city cannot avoid the fate of being destroyed. As for the survivors, they are afraid that they can survive. less.

This directly shows that the Jiangnan base city is in danger ...

"It's possible ..." Fang Chong nodded, and Huang Qianchuan made a point.

"Our plans here in the Jiangnan Base City in the past two days have to be speeded up. We should leave the land or leave early ..." Qin Lan frowned. If this were to happen, their speed would have accelerated ...

"Well, let's temporarily suspend the search for skilled personnel. After returning to see how Xiaojun's work is today, if it goes well, leave here tomorrow or the day after tomorrow ..." Fang Chong also considered the advantages and disadvantages.

If you really encounter a zombies siege, with the strength of the current Jiangnan base city, the odds are very small, and at the same time pray that zombies do not appear too strong, similar to the Terminator. Or the pervert of the Destroyer.

Otherwise, a destroyer may be able to attack the Jiangnan base city directly ...

The height of the Destroyer more than ten meters, even if the Jiangnan base city has dug a moat that is several ten meters wide and more than ten meters deep. I ’m afraid I ca n’t stop for a moment ...

If that day comes, they ca n’t escape if they want to run ...


"What are you talking about?" Fang Chong's conversation. The fat commander heard them confused. Although they didn't understand what Fang Chong was talking about at first, they slowly heard it later, but after they heard it clearly, Their hearts are cold and cool. Although they don't know if Fang Chong's statement is true or not, from Fang Chong's analysis, the possibility is very high ...

At last. The fat commander asked impatiently ...

"It has nothing to do with you, we will not take care of things in the Jiangnan base city ..." Huang Qianchuan heard the fat commander, and he turned his head, his face still with a smile, but this smile was seen by the fat commander. It ’s not a good thing to come ...

Sure enough, as soon as Huang Qianchuan spoke, they blocked the fat commander's mouth. "Now we want to take some survivors out of the Jiangnan Base City and leave to go to the Shanghai Stock Exchange for development. I hope you will not block or do any small actions ..."

"Did the zombies that you said really exist?" Huang Qianchuan's words fell, and the fat commander's hearts were even more bottomless, and they all stuttered.

Originally as the power of a base city. What haven't they experienced, can they survive in the last days to the present, and blood and fire, which they haven't experienced before?

But now they panic. Except that Fang Chong's many things mentioned by Fang Chong are beyond their comprehension, because of the fighting power that Huang Qianchuan showed.

A series of things add up. As a result, there is a scene of confusion and uncertainty in their hearts.

It would be more appropriate to describe them as the six gods without a master ...

"Presence and non-existence are nothing to do with us. You can think of us as a burst of air today, and never appear here. If we had thought about this today, we would never come over ..." Fang Chong vomited At a stretch, it was obvious that he was under a lot of pressure before, but now that he has learned a little selfishness, it is much easier.

He still thought of that sentence. He was not a savior or a saint. All he thought was that the people around him were better off.

Fang Chong will no doubt choose the latter between saving the base city in Jiangnan and protecting the people around him ...

"As for what happened to the siege of the zombies, the fat commander can find the person in charge of the base city of Kyoto. I think they can provide a short video of the information and pictures ..." Fang Chong gave the fat commander a hint ...

As Fang Chong's words fell, everyone else stood up without Fang Chongduo saying anything ...

"What's the boss to do?" Watching Fang Chong and a few of them leave chicly, the fat commander leaned a little on the chair with a look of loneliness ...

Looking at the expression of Fat Commander, Hu Bing, including He Chu, couldn't calm down, especially Hu Bing. It was because of him ...

"Opening the communication system in Kyoto base city, we need to verify with them ..." After a moment of silence, the fat commander's head was raised, and the expression on his face was very determined, very different from before ...

"Understand ..." He Chu heard this and stood up and went out ...


"Are we going directly to the base city of Jiangnan?" When they came out of the city government building, Huang Qianchuan stopped to look at Fang Chong. They didn't know if what Fang Chong just said was true.

Just now there was a meaning to scare the fat commander in them, but now I think that the siege of the zombies may not be small, after all, the environment around the Jiangnan base city and the number of zombies are really tangled ...

"Out of the base city, I don't know how the army is doing on their side? And I'm also curious, will Tang Ba go to make troubles ..." Fang Chong thought for a moment and then said.

"Hmm ..." After everyone nodded, the speed accelerated ...

Knowing that Xie Tao lived outside the base city, and the two girls who were staying behind were also unable to stay in the base city. They also seemed to be frightened by what Fang Chong described as ...

With the intention ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fang Chong, they did not stay in the slightest, and quickly came out of the base city ...

"Bang ..." Just arrived not far from the small army where they were stationed, a gunshot rang into their ears ...

Everyone's expressions changed slightly when they heard the gunfire. Although they believed in the strength of Xiaojun, would the accident happen? Everyone is not sure ...

"Did Tang Ba really come?" Fang Chong's name appeared in his head.

"Whoever we are, we must be fast ..." When Huang Qianchuan's words came to an end, his people had already rushed out and disappeared in an instant ...

"I'll go too ..." Qin Lan nodded, and her body jumped into the sky ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… (To be continued.)

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