I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 417: What is strength


The sound of gunfire continued, and the intensity was no less than that of Fang Chong. They fired at the same time in the face of more than 500 guns. Although Fang Chong did not follow Huang Qianchuan and Qin Lan to accelerate, the speed of the group was not slow. m * m

Ling Ya and Muge have greatly improved their level since taking the genetic medicine of the Mutant Zombie, and their strength has also approached 200, and their talent skills are not bad ...

This change also allowed Fang Chong to see the power of mutant zombies' genetic medicine.

The feeling is really that I can't hate a few mutated zombies, especially Fang Chong, this feeling is the strongest.

After all, with his current fighting power, although Mutant Zombies are powerful, it is difficult to threaten him ...

"This gunshot?" Li Yan and a few of them ran at the end. They listened to the dense gunshots in their ears. They were very surprised. Although they didn't know what was going on, they definitely had something to do with them. Otherwise, they There is no need to hurry like this ...

"Uncle Tao, they are in trouble ..." Li Yan's expression was calm. Although the sound of gunfire sounded dense and horrible, for the one who had seen Fang Chong's powerful, I didn't know what was going on, and the other side admired them very much. Self-confidence, it seems that nothing in this world can hurt Fang Chong them ...

"So intense gunfire, is it a rage?" It was Xie Tao who heard that they were in trouble. Several people around Li Yan were extremely surprised.

They have been mixed for so long in the last days, and they are not little girls who do not understand anything. From the sound of gunfire, they can discern the quantity.

This intensive gunfire. There are more than hundreds of words. Thinking of so many gunmen shooting at the same time, the scene is absolutely shocking ...

"Someone is asking for trouble, but don't worry, Uncle Tao should be fine ..." Li Yan looked at Fang Chong, who was gradually distanced from them, of course, she said. "We need to speed up ..."



"Xiaojun, did we hang them all or what?" In a residential building in the town, more than a hundred of them were hiding quietly. The gunfire outside was dense, but they were hiding in the residential building. To say. There is no danger at all.

If there were no ordinary people like Xie Tao who were still physically similar to ordinary people, it can be said that even if the entire residential building was trampled, they would not be in danger.

Because there is such a layer of relationship in it. Xiaojun, they are calm.

"The coming person should be Tang Ba, and these people should be his other forces in this town, right?" Xiao Jun did not answer immediately.

"It's definitely Tang Ba. Only people like him will attack like crazy and desperately ..." Xiao Yu heard Xiao Jun asking and continued, but when she heard Tang Ba's name, she bit her teeth and seemed to be very Hate Tang Pa ...

"If it's really him, we don't need to be polite ..." Xiao Jun's voice sank quickly after receiving Xiao Yu's affirmation. The tone must be a strong answer.

Although it is not known whether there is a story between Xiaoyu and Tang Ba, it is impossible for Xiaoyu to deceive in this issue. After knowing this, Xiaojun directly ordered.

"All soldiers are preparing for energy grenades ..." After it was determined that the number of opponents was more than a thousand, Xiaojun had no intention of assaulting from the front.

Although it is impossible for them wearing ordinary armor to cause damage to them by ordinary firearms, the assault fighting method is still too troublesome for them.

For small troops to count, throwing energy grenades seems to be the most direct way of fighting.

How powerful the energy grenade has been, he has experienced countless times. I have known for a long time, Xiaojun believes that as long as this thunderstorm of energy hands stops, the person who can survive the other is a miracle ...

"Throw ..." After the time was almost calculated, Xiaojun took the insurance. While whispering, the energy grenade disappeared from the army.

After the energy grenade left the palm of the army. * m is fast ...

As one energy grenade flew out of the window of a residential building, there was a second one. In a short time, dozens of energy grenades appeared in the air.

The small size of the energy grenade is slowly enlarged in the eyes of Tang Ba and their group ...

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"What is that?" Looking at the energy grenade flying out of the residential building, Tang Ba's pupils were dilated. He is an ordinary evolutionary. Although his strength is not particularly powerful, he also has strength close to fifty. With his more than 50 levels of strength, his eyes can no doubt see more clearly than ordinary people.

It can be said that the moment the energy grenade flew out of the window has attracted his attention, but the shape of the energy grenade makes Tang Ba unable to guess at all.

They don't know what an energy weapon is, and they don't even know that this swollen thing is an energy grenade.

"It looks like a grenade?" Hearing Tang Ba's words, a robe around him seemed to be very dressed, and the middle-aged man said something. As for this person's identity, it might be Tang Ba's dog-headed military officer, right?

Although his face was very calm, when he said the words grenade, there was a hesitation in his eyes. It is not difficult to see that he was afraid ...

"That's not a grenade at all ..." Tang Ba was also a soldier before the end of the world, but was later expelled from the army because of the crime. He still knew about guns and weapons, at least he was familiar with grenades. .

And even before the end of the world, even with his more than 50 levels of strength, when he was the director of this weaponry center in Jiangnan Base City, the grenade was contacted a lot, more than 8,000 without 10,000 ...

"But ..." what time did the head soldiers say. The energy grenade that first appeared in the air had fallen. It hit him tens of meters away from him and Tang Ba.

"Boom ..." A loud bang erupted with the energy grenade, which was the moment when an unknown object in the eyes of Tang Ba landed on the ground.

A fierce explosion sounded, and a fire burst into the sky.

Along with a series of screams, flesh and blood flew, and the limbs were scattered like rain.

Almost instantaneously, the scene changed drastically, from being completely suppressed just now to being like Shura Hell ...

"This ..." The dog-head military division was smashed into the chest by a large piece of flesh and blood. Looking at such a disgusting scene, his legs trembled, and his voice was speechless because of tension. The muscles on my face are jerking ...

"Waste ....." Tang Ba's expression was also lethargic with this sudden change, but when he smelled a urine smell floating around him, he finally passed by.

Looking at the robes that the dog-head military officer was soaked around, he cursed with an ugly expression ...

Tang Ba considered all possibilities. He also knows that the opponent is strong and he is likely to be able. This speculation is why he went out today and brought out such a large number of men.

At the same time, there are dozens of people who are capable.

Belongs to the hole card in his hand.

But with a sudden explosion, he seemed to find that his previous preparations were somewhat useless.

Although the dog head military division said that it was a grenade, the power of the explosion was not comparable to that of a grenade. It was said that it was similar to a rocket launcher or other shells ...

Thinking of this, Tang Ba's expression became more and more difficult to look, knowing that he still underestimated the strength of the enemy. He raised his hand ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

However, Tang Ba was too late to say the second sentence, when the retreat was called, another energy grenade crashed to the ground.

Another deafening explosion violently exploded, and the crowd who had not shaken from surprise before finally panicked.

The explosion of the second energy grenade completely disintegrated their confidence, and their number of overwhelming advantages instantly became their Achilles heel.


With the energy grenades landing, teams with more than a thousand people had nowhere to hide.

One round of the explosion was over, and the number of people able to stand was already small.


Most of the remaining dozens were those of Tang Ba's ability. Although they could escape their lives under the energy grenade, the situation was definitely not better. Ragged clothes, many people are still bloodied. Wolverine that looks unusual ...

Even Tang Ba himself is definitely not better there.

As for the dog-head military division who had been hiding near Tang Ba before, this time also fell on a pool of blood. Originally, on the bare head, a shrapnel of energy grenade exploded and was inserted straight on it ...

"Ah ..." Sudden changes and far beyond the scope of Tang Ba. It can be said that he has few remaining hands. The hard-cultivated talents were blown up by a few energy grenades, could it not be painful?

"What are we going to do, minister?" Hearing Tang Ba was screaming as if he was about to go crazy. Several capable people around him surrounded him. On the one hand, everyone noticed the position of the window. Is there any energy grenade from the window of the residential building? Fly out.

After the explosion just now, the feeling of supremacy in their hearts has disappeared ...


"We seem to be late?" When the violent explosion sounded, Qin Lan and Huang Qianchuan's bodies appeared at the end of the street, listening to the familiar explosion. Huang Qianchuan and Qin Lan were not so anxious ...

Hearing the dense explosion of energy grenades, they have no worries except to scold the small army for wasting. Just listening to such explosions has shown that the small army does not have much loss. After all, the energy grenades are only the small army. They Only for these old players ...

"Yes, we walked over like this, the fighting should end ..." Qin Lan nodded, and the series of explosions was beyond their expectation ...

"I don't know if Tang Ba died?" After Huang Qianchuan was in no hurry, he remembered the name of Tang Ba ...

After seeing the fat commander and the three of them today, Huang Qianchuan also had some guesses about the power departments in the base city of Jiangnan. Power and power of those in power are closely related.

This Tang Ba was able to take such a large position. According to the calculation of strength, it is absolutely impossible to be an ordinary person, and the evolutionary is the least ...

"When I go there, I know that I hope he is still alive. Judging from Xiao Yu's performance, she definitely has a story with Tang Ba before ..." Qin Lan nodded, indicating that Huang Qianchuan's curiosity was the same ...

"How do you think about it ..." Huang Qianchuan looked a little surprised, but what did Qin Lan say? However, after Qin Lan said this, Huang Qianchuan really found out after recalling it. Every time I mentioned the name of Tang Ba before, Xiao Yu's face was gritted.

It really feels like eating Tang Ba.

"Besides intuition, Xiao Yu always likes to smear her face very much. That girl doesn't love beauty? Unless she doesn't want to let people see him clearly ..." Qin Lan analyzed. "Xiaoyu has been doing this. Don't you find it strange?"

"This is also true, maybe Xiaoyu is still a big beauty?" Huang Qianchuan nodded, and when he finally laughed, Qin Lan looked very speechless ...

"There is such a possibility. After all, there is no strong protection, and beauty is also a sin ..." Huang Qianchuan was quite moved.

"I'll know later ..." Qin Lan nodded.

With a new purpose, Huang Qianchuan and Qin Lan could not help but get up again ...


"What to do? What else can we do now? Instead of being used as living targets by them here, or rushing in and killing them directly ..." Tang Ba's expression became more and more ugly, and in the end, almost roared. speak out.

After yelling at these words. His body moved, and the destination was very direct, that is, the residential building that just flew out of the energy grenade ...

After Tang Ba's action, dozens of abilities around him rushed up in a hurry.

"Come here ..." Listening to the footsteps coming from the stairs, the little army who had stepped out of the room, wrapped his hands around the front of the body, and quietly looked in the direction of the front stairwell.

As the footsteps got closer, Xiao Jun's expression became quieter.

"A little hair kid?" After Tang Ba stepped out of the stairwell, when he saw Xiaojun for the first time, his eyes almost fell.

The age of the small army is indeed difficult to accept.

"You're Tang Ba?" Xiaojun's expression remained calm. He didn't jump like thunder because of Tang Ba's little hair boy. He was watching, let's see how Tang Ba's strength is, knowing himself and winning every battle ...

Fang Chong and they were not there. It was up to him to fight, but thankfully. Although Tang Ba's expression was embarrassing, but the feeling revealed from him, Xiaojun always felt that Tang Ba had a feeling of strong outside and strong inside.

As for whether it is an illusion or something, Xiaojun doesn't know ...

"That's right, I'm Tang Ba ..." Tang Ba heard their names and said their names all at once, and suddenly a bad feeling came to him.

Xiaojun, they know his name and dare to wait for him here.

There are only two possibilities for this situation. One is that the small army has no brain and seeks death by itself. The other is that they have the confidence to defeat him, Tang Ba ...

Thinking of these two possibilities, Tang Ba's expression became even more ugly. From the current performance of Xiaojun, when more than a thousand people were killed before contacting him, he shivered from the bottom of his heart.

Xiaojun is not without a brain, so the only possibility left is ...

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Although Tang Ba didn't believe that Xiaojun could defeat him, because his strength had reached level 50. Although he was not a top player, he was still regarded as the number one in the Jiangnan base city, which was similar to Huang Qianchuan's guess. Being able to take up the post of Minister is largely due to his strength ...

It can be said that in the Jiangnan base city, those who are powerful are all people with real power. He doesn't believe how powerful he is at the age of the small army in front of him. If it is really powerful, he would not have heard of it ...

However, Tang Ba ignored whether the small military wanted them to come from elsewhere.

"I heard that you are cruel, and there is no humanity ..." Looking at Tang Ba's face with a heavy look, Xiaojun smiled softly.

"Eh ..." Xiaojun's tone was very flat, but the words spoken let those who subsequently rush to Tang Ba take a breath of air. In addition to knowing Tang Ba's strength, they also knew Tang Ba's character.

Although Xiaojun was right, but in the Jiangnan base city, who dared to say this directly, they instantly cast sympathy on the Xiaojun, it seems that the Xiaojun will die ...

"Hahaha, I was still thinking about whether to leave you a whole body, and now I don't tear you into pieces, it is difficult to understand the cruelness of my heart ..." Tang Ba, with a somber face, laughed, and finally, he His eyes stared fiercely at Xiaojun.

When the words fell, he sprinted quickly towards the army ...

Although the speed is fast ~ www.readwn.com ~ but in the eyes of the Xiaojun, it is still not worth seeing. The Fifty Level is really not powerful now. In Shanghai Stock Exchange, the lowest combat power is all fifty ....

"It's going to tear me to pieces at this speed?" Just when Tang Ba's fist appeared not far from Xiaojun's face, Xiaojun's body disappeared, while the body strangely disappeared, a disdainful word passed into Tang Ba's ears ...

"Look for death ..." Tang Ba, who failed to hit, didn't realize that the speed of the army was much faster than him. In the case of full confidence, after discovering the discovery of the army, he howled and rushed up. ...

"It seems that you won't give up if you don't show you what combat effectiveness is ..." After Xiao Jun avoided Tang Ba's fist again, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, but his eyes didn't smile.

When his body moved, he appeared behind Tang Ba. At the same time, his fists covered with the armor set blasted down Tang Ba's back ...

………………………………………………………………………… (To be continued.)

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