I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 418: Hate fate


"Boom ....."

Xiao Jun's fist was not hit on Tang Ba's back without any accident. Tang Ba suffered such a heavy blow, his body flew out like a shell, and he slammed into the wall of a building. m {htt / book uploader update}

With a bang, the entire wall collapsed ...

"Is this still human power?" Tang Ba's small army can be seen, and Tang Ba's ranks of the small army to the ability are also clear, but how powerful is the small army?

Tang Ba couldn't see it, the dozens of people around him couldn't even see it.

In their hearts, Tang Ba's strength is enough to make them look up, but now? Tang Ba was already strong enough in their eyes! Not only is the speed slower than others, but now they are blown away by a fist.

The fist of Xiaojun not only gave them a huge impact visually, but also caused a great uproar in their hearts, and their eyes were full of incredible looks ...

"Tang, Tang Ba was blown away with a punch ..." Tang Ba's staff were dumbfounded, and they all spoke sharply.

"Isn't it going to die like this?" Someone asked again, but the person who asked the question was equally frightened. He was very afraid that the small army would actually attack him ...

The strength that Xiaojun has just demonstrated has made them unable to raise any fighting spirit. It can be said that one shot blasted their confidence ...

"No, it shouldn't, you see the rock pile moving ..."

"Wow ..." The man's voice fell. The gravel pile that was originally moving suddenly surged. With a bang, a figure rushed out of it, and the dust rolled ...

"I didn't expect you to be quite resistant ..." Xiao Jun stopped in place after making a punch just now, without moving. He knew that Tang Ba could not die. His punch didn't use much energy at all, otherwise, if he tried his best, Tang Ba's body would be knocked out ...

Xiaojun knew that Tang Ba could not die. When the smoke and dust settled, he saw that his clothes had cracked. Tang Ba, bloodied on his body, said with a slight smile.

"Boy, you're looking for death ..." Tang Ba, who knew he was very embarrassed, heard the ridicule of Xiao Jun, and Tang Ba was almost mad. The eyes seemed to spit fire, two eyes staring at Xiaojun ...

"If you can do it, I don't mind letting you kill ..." Xiao Jun's face still had a faint smile, and it felt like a cat and a mouse. Before eating a mouse, you must play with it. Fan ...

Xiaojun originally intended to give Tang Ba a happy time, but thinking of things that Tang Ba and their people have done before, he changed his mind. Tang Ba was necessary, but it was impossible to make them die so happily. ….

Xiaojun's expression was slightly cold.

"You ..." Listen to the satire of Xiaojun. Tang Ba's expression was very stingy, his teeth were creaking, his eyes really looked like he said, and he wanted to tear up the army.

"You're looking for death ..." Tang Ba's momentum increased little by little, but at the moment when the momentum reached its apex, Tang Ba shouted, stepped on the ground with his feet, and his body rushed towards the army quickly.

"You will regret it ..." Xiaojun looked at Tang Ba getting closer and spit out this sentence gently.

The small army with a calm expression looked at Tang Ba. The body doesn't mean to move at all ...

Looking at Xiaojun like this, Tang Ba wasn't shocked. He had forgotten the fighting power that Xiaojun had shown before, and also who he had been bombed into the ruins just now. Very proud of himself, he even thought that Xiaojun was so frightened ...

In vain. Tang Ba speeded up a little bit more ...


"Commander Makino, do you know a person named Fang Chong? He said that they came from the base city of Kyoto ..." After Fang Chong left the city government building in the base city of Gangnam, the fat commander and the three of them became more and more strange.

I really don't know if Fang Chong should be trusted, but when they think of their age, they really are not so trustworthy. (_)

However, Fang Chong's demonstrated strength made them have to believe. After all, nothing can be faked, but strength cannot be faked. This is clear to the three of them.

Even if Huang Qianchuan's terrifying power is the No. 3 figure in the base city of Jiangnan, Hu Bing can only stop.

To sum up, the three of them have no choice but to think about it. They think of the situation in Kyoto base city. If Fang Chong and others really came out of Kyoto base city, then they say that what they say is true, just make sure After this, their follow-up plan can be arranged ...

Thinking again and again, in order to ensure safety, the three of them opened a satellite phone that can communicate with the base city of Kyoto ...

After being connected to the base city of Kyoto, He Chu, the No. 2 person in Gangnam base city, directly asked a question.

He Chu believes that it is absolutely impossible for Fang Chong to have such a name, even in the base city of Kyoto ...

So He Chu asked Fang Chong these two words is definitely insurance.

"What? Fang Chong ..." The situation in the base city of Kyoto was better after Fang Chong and their team left, and the number of survivors was gradually increasing. It can be said that the entire Kyoto base city is thriving ...

Because of this, Commander Makino contracted his pupils suddenly after hearing the words Fang Chong, and his expression was a little surprised and excited ...

"That's right, it's called Fang Chong, and their team of dozens of people ..." The commander of Makino shocked He Chu's heart. He didn't understand what the commander Makino meant.

Although Jiangnan base city is also one of the top ten base cities, but in terms of strength, it is much worse than Kyoto base city ...

"They're really called Fang Chong? Is there any one called Huang Qianchuan ..." The commander of Makino paused and asked.

Although none of their five commanders knew Huang Qianchuan had gone there. But the day he disappeared. It was also the day Fang Chong left.

After experiencing initial concerns, they thought that after Fang Chong's change, the most likely place for Huang Qianchuan to go was Fang Chong's team.

"Huang Qianchuan?" When he heard the commander of Makino, he suddenly said the names of Fang Chong and those people. He Chu hesitated in his heart. He heard the name…. ’

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..


The original distance was not far apart. Under the deliberate acceleration of Tang Ba, the distance between the two was shortened sharply. In a blink of an eye, Tang Ba had already come to Xiaojun.

The volume is not a small fist and slams it against Xiao Jun's head.

That kind of momentum seems to have a feeling of not stopping without smashing the head of the army ...

The fist has reached the head of Xiaojun. The corner of Tang Ba's mouth rose slightly, he seemed to have seen the scene of Xiaojun's head blooming, blood and brain flowing, the cruel smile at the corner of his mouth said everything ...

But just when Tang Ba's fist was about to hit the head of the small army. Anomalies have happened.

Xiao Jun, who had been closing his eyes, opened his eyes at this moment, and his body disappeared while Tang Ba's fist fell ....

"Bash ..." Tang Ba's fist slammed into the air.

"People went there ..." Tang Ba smashed into the air, and the whole man was stung because he was too hard. After closing his body, Tang Ba cursed, he found that he had lost the trail of the army ...

"Don't want to sneak in on me anymore ..." Tang Ba didn't see Xiaojun's trace, and his expression was stunned at first, but he thought that Xiaojun gave him a punch from behind and stabilized his body, he turned sharply ...

"No?" But Tang Ba didn't think so. After he turned around, the army was not ready to sneak attack behind him.

"It's just behind you now ..." When Tang Ba was surprised, Xiaojun's voice finally came out, and a slightly lazy voice sounded behind Tang Ba at this time ...

At the same time, the army did not forget a little irony. "Your speed is too slow, now it's my turn, let me tell you what is called speed ..."

"You're looking for death ..." Tang Ba didn't wake up and heard Xiao Jun's voice, Tang Ba turned like crazy. When he saw Xiaojun standing two or three meters away behind him, he rushed up with a sound ...

"Unfaithful ..." Xiao Jun said these four words coldly, and his body moved. Tang Ba was so self-righteous that Xiao Jun didn't plan to play with him anymore. Fighting for so long. He took the initiative for the first time ...

Taking the initiative to attack, Xiaojun's body almost looks like a ghost. The naked body disappeared in front of Tang Ba, and the poor Tang Ba was fluttering again and his body was sloppy.

But this time is not as lucky as before.

When Tang Ba hadn't stabilized his body, Xiaojun had appeared behind him, lifted his right foot, and kicked heavily in the back of Tang Ba without any defense.

"Boom ..." Tang Ba himself fell a dog to eat shit, and was ashamed, and his face hit the ground directly, and a constant wound appeared on Tang Ba's head, which looked awful ...

"Ah ..." Tang Ba knew that he was being teased by the army again. After climbing up from the ground, he screamed like a madman, and then rushed to the army without rules and regulations ...

"Are n’t you crazy? You just die ..." Xiaojun didn't have a smile on his face at this time, his expression was cold, looking at Tang Ba like crazy, he said something softly.

When the words fell, he all got up. He had a lot of fists, and his body appeared in front of Tang Ba in the next second. After a moment's fright, Tang Ba was frightened, and his fists hit the front door of Tang Ba without any difference ... ..

"Click ..." exactly right after the nose word, the sound of nasal bridge bone cracking clearly.

However, Xiaojun ’s offensive did not stop. When Tang Ba was too late to send any screams, Xiaojun ’s fist arrived. This time, Xiaojun did n’t choose another place. His fist accelerated and hit Tang Ba ’s face ...

Several teeth flew from his mouth with blood ...

Next, Xiao Jun ’s fist greeted Tang Ba ’s face like a squall. After dozens of punches, Tang Ba ’s entire face could not see the original appearance. Choosing this way was like a pig ’s head ...

However, under the circumstances of Xiaojun's deliberate effort, although Tang Ba looked horrible at this time, he did not die ...

The small army did this for a purpose. Although he is young. However, he still read something unusual from Xiao Yu's tone of hating Tang Ba, which is the main reason why he didn't kill Tang Ba all at once.

And Fang Chong, Huang Qianchuan and Qin Lan are not there. Xiaojun also doesn't know what they think ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"You know?" Commander Makino had the answer from He Chu's surprised tone, but he repeated it for the sake of insurance.

"Well, one of their dozen is called Huang Qianchuan. They are not very old, but they are very powerful ..." Although I don't know what the relationship between Huang Qianchuan and Commander Makino is. But He Chu still truthfully said.

He knew that if he concealed what Chief Makino wanted to know, it would be difficult for him to know what information he would like to know from Commander Makino.

What's more, talking about Huang Qianchuan will not cause any loss to them! With this consideration. He Chu said truthfully.

"How powerful is it?" Commander Makino heard an unusual smell in He Chu's tone, especially when He Chu said that Huang Qianchuan was powerful.

The dread in his voice made Commander Makino curious ...

"The strength should exceed two hundred levels ..." He Chu answered. He never doubted the issue of strength.

"What, how much? Two hundred levels ..." He Chu said, the Makino commander over there could not calm down. In just a few months, Huang Qianchuan's strength has increased by more than one hundred levels. This This kind of exaggerated speed made him incredible, similar to howling surprise scared He Chu for a while ...

"Yes, we have realized the strength of Huang Qianchuan. Our strength of 120 or 30 has no resistance at all in front of him, and his eyes can't catch his shadow, let alone fight ..." He Chu did not hide their results against the Emperor Qianchuan.

"So exaggerated ...." The commander of Makino was shocked. In his opinion, He Chu didn't need to lie, it should have been a loss in the hands of Huang Qianchuan. Thinking of this, the commander of Makino didn't know that to say so Finally, I racked my brains and only thought of the word exaggeration ...

He also found several commander-level figures in their base city in Kyoto. Now Fang Chong, Huang Qianchuan, and others have lost a few streets away. I'm afraid it's almost impossible to go over again in the future ...

"I didn't lie. Of the dozen or so of them, all of them were very strong. And the one named Fang Chong seemed to be a little stronger. Because he was their head, he never shot.

But from the point of view that can make Huang Qianchuan listen to the call, in the last days when this strength is supreme, this is true ...

"Really?" The commander of Makino twitched slightly, Fang Chong was very powerful. He thought of it, but from what he said, he seemed to underestimate Fang Chong ...

"Yes, they were very strong for a while, and three of them were equally powerful, even if one of them was less than 20 years old ..." He Chu continued.

"Oh ..." I heard He Chu speak of three girls. The Makino commander on the other side of the phone looked very serious. He knew that the three girls were, and the youngest of them was his baby girl, Muge ...

Hearing the pastoral songs was not only safe and sound, but his strength had improved greatly, and he finally felt relieved ...

I have n’t seen you for a few months. I do n’t want to miss it, but now it ’s easier to meet.

Next, after He Chu said something about Fang Chong and their party, he began to ask whether Fang Chong and theirs really came from the base city of Kyoto.

After being affirmed by the commander of Makino, the three power-holders in the Jiangnan base city already had an idea in their hearts.

In addition to believing that Fang Chong and their Shanghai Stock Market seem to be impossible, they also believe that Fang Chong can provide them with technology to extract genetic drugs.

After the conversation with Commander Makino ended, they were very surprised, but when they thought about the result of their unhappy relationship with Fang Chong before, they still showed a gloom on their faces.

I knew that at noon, I spoke directly with their commander Makino in front of their rice. Maybe this time, the technology of how to extract genetic medicine from the muscle of the zombies has been used ...

But there is no regret medicine in the world, so far, they have to find a way to solve it.

And when the fat commander and the three of them considered the countermeasures, Fang Chong's side was also wonderful ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

After the small army made Tang Ba lose his combat power, Huang Qianchuan and Qin Lan arrived. After the scene where Tang Ba was brutally abused, several running dogs around him had frightened his courage and kept it with Tang Ba directly. Distance ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fortunately, Tang Ba's eyes have been beaten with flesh and blood, they can't see clearly, and can't hear well, otherwise, betrayed by the running dog, fearing that this matter could be furious. He ...

After being temporarily fainted, Tang Ba was thrown aside by Xiaojun, and they called Xiaoyu immediately. Their purpose was very simple. It seemed that Xiaoyu was going to lift the magic barrier in his heart ...

"Can Xiaoyu tell us the reason why you hate Tang Ba?" Xiao Yu was called, and Fang Chong spoke. Xiao Yu's personality is good, but she will hate Tang Ba and so on for absolutely no reason ...

"This **** killed my younger brother, dear younger brother. If he did n’t kill and blink, my younger brother would not die, and I wouldn't have lived alone like this now ..." Xiao Yu's eyes looked at him and lay on the ground Tang Ba, his eyes seemed to spit fire.

At last he slowly explained why she hated it ...

………………………………………………………… .. (To be continued ...)

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