I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 419: showdown


Listening to Xiao Yu's description, Fang Chong's expressions of several of them seemed abnormally shocked. Xiao Yu and Tang Ba had known each other before the end of the world, but with the talent of the evolutionist Tang Ba appeared, they began to feel bad for her, and Xiaoyu's brother also possesses the talent of an evolver, but once he fled, he was conspired by Tang Ba. M * m

In the end, Xiaoyu's brother escaped in order to protect Xiaoyu, and died in the hands of Tang Ba. After her brother's desperate delay, Xiaoyu finally waited for an escape.

But just as she said, Xiaoyu no longer believed in anyone, and disguised herself as ugly and lonely.

If it wasn't for her brother's death for her brother, she would have killed herself long ago, and Tang Ba wasn't dead, and she died unwillingly. She hoped to see Tang Ba die, even if she didn't kill it herself. can…

Not that she didn't think of revenge, but that Tang Ba's strength became stronger and stronger in the future, so powerful that she could only hope to exist.

And with his strength, more and more running dogs around him, in the end the Jiangnan base city was beloved by the power and became one of the people with power, she was desperate.

Tang Ba's strength is amazing, and there are so many subordinates, and she has formed several hunting groups. She is alone and has no chance ....

"It turned out that this guy had a wolf heart and a dog lung, and he really lightened him just a moment ago ..." Xiaojun gritted his teeth and said that he was also the first time to abuse the enemy, and there was still a trace of guilt in his heart. After all, he never saw the crimes committed by Tang Ba. But now, he is finally relieved. It is not difficult to hear from Xiao Yu's remarks. Tang Ba said that he was a wolf-hearted man, and still uplifted him, because he was not worthy of being ...

"That's how he left it to you ..." The muscles on Fang Chong's face twitched. He didn't expect that human nature could really fall to such a degree. He really wished to split Tang Ba with one stroke, but he still saw In the crying rain, Fang Chong motioned to Xiaojun to drop a knife ...

This kind of thing. It is the best choice for Xiaoyu to solve it by himself ...

Hearing Fang Chong's words, Xiao Yu expressionlessly took over the sword that Xiao Jun had thrown at him, and gradually walked towards Tang Ba step by step.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Tang Ba, you didn't expect to have today?" Xiao Yu stood in front of Tang Ba. The sound was cold and ruthless ...

"You ..." Tang Ba, who had swollen on the ground, opened his eyes slightly, and his voice was weak but flustered.

Obviously, Xiao Yu's voice was unusually familiar.

"Go to death ..." Xiaoyu didn't say any more, but raised the sword in his hand indifferently, and ignored Tang Ba who was twitching with fear.

With a cold look, the sword went from top to bottom, straightly tangling at Tang Ba ...

"Well ..." A soft whistle pointed the long knife at Tang Ba's neck ...

The bright red blood overflowed, and a rolling head flew a few steps.

"Dead? Hahaha! Dead ..." Xiao Yu seemed to have lifted up this knife and consumed all her strength, flying out with Tang Ba's head. She was paralyzed on the ground, but she laughed ...

Slowly the laughter came to an abrupt end, tears overflowed from her eyes, crying silently ...

"What do they do ..." At this point, Fang Chong signaled Qin Lan that they would comfort the light rain, and then he went to Huang Qianchuan and they ...

Tang Ba was killed, leaving only his dozens of capable people. Although not very powerful, but the combat effectiveness of the 20-30 level is not bad.

Recaptured. It is still beneficial for them, but the more difficult thing is not to know their nature. If it is like Tang Ba, it is better to kill yourself than to stay ...

"Temporarily saved their lives, but let them stand here for two days. If two days, someone reveals the evil they have done. Just kill ..." Fang Chong said.

"This is a good way ..." Huang Qianchuan had no opinion, Fang Chong handled it well ...

After this matter is resolved, what needs to be done will come to an end.

The next step is to clean up the remaining traces of the battlefield. Dead body. These things, such as limbs, must be cleaned up. Thousands were killed. The scene is still very powerful. The scene is like Shura hell.


"Commander, Minister Tang Ba Tang was killed outside the base city, Yulin Town ..." With the death of Tang Ba, the survivors of the entire Yulin Town were full of joy, all feelings are like the Spring Festival before the last days, but otherwise There is no such thing as firecrackers in the last days. Everyone will not have to release it. Otherwise, there will be an explosion.

The news of Tang Ba's killing spread rapidly in the base city of Jiangnan, and soon, the three commanders of Fat Commander received such a message shortly after finishing the phone call with Commander Makino ...

"What, Tang Ba is dead ..." Hearing the news, the fat commander's expression twitched slightly. What was Tang Ba's strength? All three of them knew in their hearts, but they could n’t have been killed so easily ...

It's a pity, there's an accident, there's also a curiosity ...

Who was killed by Tang Ba. While the Fat Commander was curious in their hearts, many forces in the Jiangnan base city also received such a message, but the response of these forces was very different from that of the Fat Commander.

The fat commanders were curious, and they were shocked.

More than 50 levels have been killed casually. If those people want the lives of these powerful men, wouldn't it be equally easy ...

The major powers in the Jiangnan base city became tense, and even the atmosphere was tense.

"Who did it?" The fat commander sat on the sofa with an ugly expression.

What kind of person Tang Ba is, they all know. But how to say. Tang Ba is one of the real powers in the base city of Jiangnan. Although he is not as good as the three of them, as the director of the weapon distribution center, he is not weak and power is not small ...

But they were killed casually like this now, and this accident surprised them.

Moreover, the place where he was killed was Yulin Town. Tang Ba was a concentrated place. He had several hunting groups in Yulin Town. Does the total number reach 2,000 or 3,000, although it is impossible for all teams? Both are in Yulin Town. But there are still one or two.

In other words, there should be no less than a thousand people following his men in Yulin Town. This number cannot be said to be small, but from the information reported by their subordinates. The number of the team did exceed one thousand, but the one thousand people were also eliminated ...

The first response of the three fat commanders was that Fang Chong made them, but considering the time difference, when Tang Ba was killed, Fang Chong should not have arrived in Yulin Town ...

After excluding some of Fang Chong's actions, the fat commander could not think of others.

For a while, what to do next was messed up, no matter what it was, but if the other party was as strong as Fang Chong, then it would be. So isn't it okay to find something to do by yourself? But no matter what, the prestige of the Jiangnan base city is not completely useless, if the fat commanders do not want to see it ...

"It seems that we need to take a trip to Yulin Town in person. Fang Chong is there. No matter if we can solve this matter, Fang Chong will not be able to let them leave like this. The extraction technology of genetic medicine was left behind, and the commander of Makino has confirmed that Fang Chong came from the base city of Kyoto, so there should be a possibility of the siege of the zombies he said. We have to beware of preparations ... Chu said earnestly. Compared to Tang Ba was killed. The future of Jiangnan Base City is much more important.

Moreover, Tang Ba has never entered the Jiangnan base city. His reputation is not very good. Even Fang Chong and they said today that they want to destroy this Tang Ba. In summary, fat commanders and others also know Tang Ba Death should be considered more than death ...

"You're right. It's time to leave the inside of the base city, in the past few months. We will take a closer look at what the Jiangnan base city will look like when it arrives and see if it is the same as we originally thought ... "The fat commander was quite moved. After the three of them have completed the defense facilities of the Jiangnan Base City, they have basically not gone out of the Jiangnan Base City.


As the Fat Commander and the three of them made up their minds, a convoy of dozens of cars would be immense. He drove out of the city government building vigorously, the target needless to say, that Tang Ba was killed at noon, and now the small town where Fang Chong camped, Yulin Town ...

After already planning to bow their heads to Fang Chong, the fat commander did not think too much.

Although this will reduce their status, it is inevitable for them to respect them whether it is for them now or for the future Jiangnan base city.

Even if the hope is not high now, they decided to give it a try.

After all, Fang Chong looks like they are not cruel and ruthless people. Otherwise, they would not be able to find them ...

It can be said that now things have reached such a point, their self-seeking ingredients have taken up a large degree ...

"Why all the survivors in the Jiangnan base city seem to be in a bad condition ..." The team moved along, and the fat commander's eyes did not move away from the street. They kept an eye on the Jinan base city. The living environment of the survivors inside, but what they saw, and what they imagined in the city government building were two situations.

They looked at the survivors without smiles on their faces, and they finally knew what the reason Fang Chong had said before.

Seeing such scenes, the expressions of all three of them were stiff.

As the team moved on, the three of them saw more scenes, and the consequence was their unusual anger and guilt.

Before they came out, they had ignored.

"We made one of the biggest mistakes. We couldn't be enough in Jiangnan base city, otherwise ..." Jiangnan base city would really be like Fang Chong said before, and they still remember Fang Chong's words to this day. .

"Yes, we have too little time to manage the Jiangnan Base City recently. Some people flickered at us. Without our supervision, it would be affirmative ..." Hu Bing nodded as well, in his opinion these are the most inferred ...

"Well, maybe we are really wrong, and Tang Ba is afraid of death, isn't it?" The fat commander nodded likewise. He Chu and Hu Bing both understood that. He didn't admit it before, but thinking of the scene just now, My heart could not help but twitch.

These survivors were brought together by him. His purpose is not to live like a king, but to build such a Jiangnan base city is the most important goal. The purpose is to make everyone happy ...

But what they saw now was very different from what they had imagined. From what they just saw all the way, they knew that they seemed to go further and further ...


The Fat Commander had their team speed behind the gates of the base city. Their speed has increased by coincidence ....

"Not far from Yulin Town, this task undoubtedly makes us feel at home ..." Fat Commander feels good ...

"That's right ..." He Chu echoed.

After the speed of the team increased, Yulin Town quickly appeared in their sight.

"In the past few days, what happened in Yulin Town is not small ..." He Chu said solemnly.

It's not difficult to see from He Chu's expression, he didn't know if they were right, if they had a chance to win ...

"I have always had a premonition that everything that happened in the small town of Yulin these days is related to Fang Chong and them ..." And this feeling is just a feeling, and they themselves can't say clearly.

"It is possible, and only their strength can do it ..." Hu Bing nodded, and speculations like Fat Commander agreed with him ...

"Now we only hope that we can sort out the relationship with Fang Chong. Otherwise, we will definitely have a relationship with Fang Chong. We have no hope of victory at all, and we may all be killed ...": The fat commander hesitated.

"But we want to come back to it, and start like this?" Hu Bing frowned. It's easy to fix the relationship, but it's not so easy to really proceed ....

"Negotiation, when Fang Chong and they left today, didn't they say they had a purpose in Jiangnan Base City? Although I don't know if we can help, but if we can help, we must help ..." The commander made up his mind ...

"Okay. Let ’s get out of the way. Otherwise, if there really is a zombies siege that day, we regret it too late and choose to believe in Fang Chong. They just desperate and go crazy once. The most is waste, it is already eschatological, we will Do n’t worry about so much… .. ”He Chu clenched his fists, they were selfish at most once ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

The fat commander dared to come over on the road, and Fang Chong was not idle at the same time. It was an easy task to clean up the post-war scene from time to time. Fortunately, in the course of a day, Aunt Xiaoyutong and Xie Tao collected them. Many people, tempted by materials, join them in large numbers.

Although these people were still hesitating in the morning, as Tang Ba and his hunting group were easily killed by the army, those hesitant waiters finally had a choice.

Because of these people, Fang Chong's speed of cleaning up was greatly improved. In less than an hour, there were corpses everywhere, and the scene of the wreckage disappeared.

If it were not for the **** smell in the air and the potholes, there are many places with scorched ground. It is really hard to imagine that this place was still covered with corpse stumps before more than an hour, and there was such a fierce battle ... .

"Send these genetic medicines, I believe they have tasted the sweetness, even if we said that they would leave the Jiangnan base city, they would be willing to follow.

The eschatology is not like the world before it, everything can be done with money, and it can be said that the problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.

Although it is different, once the word money is changed to strength, the effect is still the same. The problem that can be solved with strength is not a problem, and strength is everything in the last days.

Strength is what the survivors of the last days aspire to, and what can give others strength?

"That's right, eschatology with the supremacy of strength, I believe no one can resist the temptation of strength ..." Huang Qianchuan they all agree with Fang Chong's move. Aren't they the same? It is because of Fang Chong's strong strength and the ability to change them that they will stay firmly with Fang Chong ...

"Then let's start ..." Everyone understood the dialogue between Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan. After making up their minds, Qin Lan didn't waste much time.

As Xiaojun sent the old members to drive a truck full of genetic medicine ~ www.readwn.com ~, the action to win people's hearts began.

As Fang Chong and others came to try for a few people, after the demonstration, the scene exploded, then those who qualified to join were crazy ...

……………………………………………………………………………… ..

"What happened, what are those people so busy doing?" The fat commander slowly brought their convoy into Yulin Town. Soon, their eyes were not ready to find Fang Chong, they were already in the small square. What happened attracted.

Those people are so confused that they are surrounded by a truck ...

"It seems to be saying what is the genetic medicine that can improve the strength ..." Because of curiosity, the fat commander had to stop their fleet and quickly asked their subordinates to ask.

"What? A genetic medicine that can improve your strength?" Upon hearing this, Fat Commander's pupils contracted at the same time ... (to be continued ...)

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