"Alien technology?" Seeing Fang Chong nodded affirmatively, the fat commander's expression of several of them was full of astonishment. They never thought about it. The gene extraction technology comes from alien technology ...

Listening to this shocking news, the fat commander took a deep breath before calming down. M

"Did the end of the world really be caused by the invasion of alien creatures ..." Compared to the shock of the fat commander, He Chu had a calmer response among the three of them. He asked with a change of expression.

"It can be said, and one thing is certain, alien creatures do exist on the earth ..." Fang Chong nodded when he heard such a calm inquiry from He Chu.

The cause of the eschatology he knows is indeed caused by alien creatures, but it is not an invasion ...

"Have you seen this?" He Chu was slightly surprised when Fang Chong was affirmed, but thinking of Fang Chong's was not simple, this time He Chu did not doubt whether Fang Chong was bragging.

And the extraction technology of this gene medicine is really not like what the earth's current technology can do ...

After thinking about this, He Chu had more ideas in his heart.

Although his expression was surprised, the words were already believed by Fang Chong.

"To be precise, we have not only seen it, we have also killed it ..." Fang Chong nodded, the Zak people are powerful, but at least now they have encountered a battle ...

However, Fang Chong was not sure, the next time he encountered the Zak, would he still be able to do so. Humans become powerful. Of course, the Zak people will not be idle. Once the Zak people are no longer in their original state, they will be in danger, unless they can reach the level of 300 or more. Otherwise, the danger is very serious ...

"Really?" Although He Chu thought that Fang Chong might answer like this, but after really hearing Fang Chong's affirmation, the muscles on his face couldn't help twitching.

Although we don't know how powerful alien creatures are, being able to possess so much scientific and technological power than the Earth is definitely not weak. And before the end of the world, mankind still had a lot of difficulty trying to get out of outer space, but people have been able to come to Earth. Do n’t say more about the gap in the middle ...

"The extraterrestrial organisms that exist on Earth are called Zak. A powerful living body with average intelligence but strong strength ..." Fang Chong ignored the changes in He Chu's expression and did not answer the last part of He Chu's past. This is no nutrition issue. After a pause, he directly introduced the situation of the Zak people.

Having said it all, Fang Chong intends to let the fat commander understand them all more thoroughly.

Fang Chong believed that the fat commander would know clearly when they heard such news, and understood why Fang Chong wanted them to attach importance to the constraints of the base city. The challenges facing humanity in the future can not be underestimated ...

Or even more surely that it should be dangerous.

"How powerful is it?" After learning some information about the Zak people, He Chu's expression looked dignified and unconfident. Finally, when Fang Chong finished speaking, their most concerned question appeared.

"The weakest Zak tribe is also the original ordinary Zak tribe. Its strength is above 200 and below 300, and the strength of ordinary Zak tribe is already above 300. And there are ... .. "Fang Chong did not exaggerate or conceal. The facts were revealed in full ...

"The weakest is two hundred?" They looked at Fang Chong and looked normal. The intuition in the hearts of He Chu and Fat Commander was that the Zak people were not very strong, but when Fang Chong said that the weakest was two hundred levels, their expressions were completely rigid, and the contrast was too great, greatly Beyond what they can accept.

"Yes. Strong is strong, but we are not without the chance to defeat them ..." Fang Chong nodded. The response of Fat Commander now is normal to Fang Chong. When he heard the news, why wasn't it ...

"Then what is your current strength?" The fat commander fully shook his head for a few seconds before shaking his head. After shaking his head vigorously, the fat commander thought that Fang Chong had just said that they had killed the Zak and thought The Croats have the weakest strength beyond 200 levels. He looked at Fang Chong and counted some of them incredibly.


"They are close to 200, and I am close to 250 ...." Knowing what Fat Commander wants to ask, Fang Chong also knows how to say this. Fat Commander will be very hard for them to count, but Fang Chong still said it truthfully, not to show off or to express anything, Fang Chong's idea was to give the fat commander a hope.

Humans can also be powerful ...

Although the fat commanders are not weak, they still have a lot of room for improvement. There is no limit to their efforts….

"Class two hundred and fifty ..." Although he had been prepared for a long time, Fang Chong and they might say an answer that surprised him, but when Fang Chong said the strength of these people, his heart was still agitated After a while, obviously, this answer is still beyond his acceptable range ...

"There is no limit to the level of human evolution. Although the Zak people are powerful, who can laugh to the end? Who is the deer? No one can say ..." Fang Chong didn't have a strong voice, but his tone was positive and sounded powerful ...

"Okay, we see ..." He Chu looked at Fang Chong who had been encouraging them. After he gritted his teeth hard, Fang Chong waved his fists. Unsure Zak also appeared, and confident Zak also appeared, and Fang Chong's number of them undoubtedly gave them a very good role model, at least they had a chance to reach the 250 level ...

"With the extraction technology of genetic drugs, the strength of the three of you will also have a chance to be greatly improved ..." Fang Chong watched He Chu's performance as such, but laughed.

You may not win with confidence, but you will definitely lose without confidence ...

"Really?" After hearing Fang Chong's words, the fat commanders' eyes lit up instantly, and Fang Chong hinted that he was willing to provide all the technology for extracting genetic drugs. Give them the same chance to improve.

In the last days. Nothing can be more exciting than powerful… ..

"Go in? I believe the technicians in the laboratory should also be anxious ..." Fang Chong nodded with a smile. This answer need not be repeated.

"Yes, that's right ..." After the fat commander was affirmed, the heart was full of anger! After nodding his head again and again, he was busy turning around and quickly opened the door of the laboratory ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

As the door of the research room slowly opened, Fang Chong and they could also see the environment inside the research room.

Is it unexpected that Fang Chong's number of people is unexpected, the number in the laboratory is a technical staff, not one or two of Fang Chong's guess. Not a dozen people. But dozens of people who surprised Fang Chong ...

After seeing so many researchers, Fang Chong's expression showed a slight look of astonishment, and he soon returned to normal, in his opinion. The more people, the better.

After all, human beings can no longer compare with those before the end of the world, and scientific and technological talents like this are even more scarce. You must know that when Fang Chong left the base city of Kyoto, it took a lot of effort to bring hundreds of them from the commander of Makino. Most of the talents in this area only know the fur, except for the two old professors, the others have not said at all ...

"Everyone temporarily put down their work and concentrated in the conference room ..." As the door of the research room slowly opened, the research room was inside. All researchers in white coats paid attention to Fang Chong, and at this moment they became the focus.

However, this phenomenon lasted less than ten seconds, and the researchers lowered their heads each time, just what they were just busy and what they were doing.

The arrival of Fang Chong and their people has not brought much change to them, and they don't seem to be interested in learning about Fang Chong ...

It seems that the fat commanders who have become accustomed to these researchers are not unhappy after seeing them continue their own performance.

"Yes ..." Although their expressions did not change much, the commander of the fat commander kept them in mind. After the fat commander entered the other room of the research room, these researchers in white coats also gradually walked in one after another ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..


"Commander, what are you looking for? We are now overcoming the sadness of extracting genetic medicine, and time is very tight ..." The meeting room was beyond Fang Chong's imagination, and dozens of people could easily sit down. But split into two rows.

As soon as they sat down, Fang Chong heard the researchers. An old man who seemed to be the oldest of all researchers spoke with impatience in his tone. It seemed that the fat commander called them over for a meeting that made them unhappy.

As to whether they disturbed their research process or whether the problems were difficult to solve for a long time, it is not known ...

"Qu Lao, don't worry, you're too old today. The purpose is to relate to the extraction technology of genetic medicine ..." Fat Commander still has a smiling face. Although he is not so powerful in combat, he still has the brain. He knew how important the researchers were after the medicated meat was able to extract genetic agents.

After knowing this, he can say that he has taken good care of these researchers, has a good temper, and is basically responsive ....

"Can you help us?" Hearing Fat Commander's words, the researcher whom he called Qu Lao's eyes suddenly widened, the beard on his chin was blown, and there was a feeling of beard and stare inside ...

"To be precise, technology, a complete technique for extracting genetic agents ..." Fat Commander had no temper in the face of Qu Lao who dismissed his statement. He knew Qu Lao's temper and went straight, so there was no way.

But Qu Lao is telling the truth, if it were not for Fang Chong them, he really could not help them.

Although he said he could tell Qu Lao and his team of researchers to be able to extract the genetic medicine from the muscle meat in the zombies, he had no prerequisite contribution except to provide this information ...

Although he also told Qu Lao and others about the relevant data from the base city of Kyoto, those methods of talking on paper were extremely scary.

They have no time except that. Try not to have so much mood slowly ...

"What? Advance technology for genetic medicine?" Hear Fat Commander said. Qu Lao's expression was wrong, and then his expression flashed a little displeased. In his opinion, the fat commander might be flickering at him ...

"Yes, it is the complete technology for extracting genetic agents ..." It is unbelievable to know the news, but the fat commander already believed it, and even yesterday evening saw the power of genetic agents.

"You fart, commander, do you have to fool me with this old man today ..." Qu Lao was angry when he saw the confident expression of Fat Commander.

He has his pride. He is an absolute authority, at least when it comes to studying genes.

"Qu Lao, you do n’t want to draw conclusions so quickly. I have something for you to try and you will know what we want to say ..." The fat commander knew that if he wanted to change Qu Lao's attitude at once, it would be difficult. . The fat commander thought of trying. As long as Qu Lao tried the charm of genetic medicine, he knew that they were not kidding, not to mention the other way around.

"What?" Qu Lao's face became more suspicious when he saw the fat commander, but he didn't say anything else, just watching the fat commander quietly ...

except him. The expressions of other people also looked at the fat commander with curiosity. Although they did not feel angry like Qu Lao, they still told Fang Chong that they did not believe ...

At most it's just curiosity, what can the fat commander come up with ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

At last. The fat commander took out a glass bottle under Qu Lao's expressionless gaze. The glass bottle looks very simple, but the milky liquid inside looks very beautiful and attracts the attention of others ...

What makes Qu Lao's eyes startled is that this milky white is consistent with the muscle flesh. With this discovery, Qu Lao's expression moved. From the slight trembling of the corner of his mouth, he also had some Looking forward to what Fat Commander said is true ...

"This is ..." After the scene was silent for dozens of seconds, Qu Lao's vicissitudes sounded. However, from this sentence, it is not difficult to hear the excitement of Qu Lao's mood. He seems to be interested in this milky liquid ...

"Genetic medicament ..." Fat Commander pushed the glass bottle containing genetic medicament in front of Qu Lao, only saying four words ..

"Gene pharmacy ..." Qu Lao did not pause, and quickly picked up the glass bottle. The cap of the glass bottle was opened in the eyes of others ...

"This smell ..." When Qu Lao slowly put the opened glass bottle in front of his nose, his expression froze completely. After saying three words. The sound stopped abruptly ...

The entire conference hall was silent for a moment, everyone didn't make a sound, I don't know what Qu Lao would say next ...

"Can it be said that this is really a genetic medicine ..." In the old half of the ring, Qu's expression finally changed. After putting down the glass bottle with a bit of reluctance, his gaze shifted to the fat commander, and he finally asked.

"Qu Lao, you're right, this is how the muscle meat becomes a genetic medicine after extraction. You can try drinking a bottle and feel it ..." The fat commander breathed a sigh of relief, and he had nothing in the past. Sure, I do n’t know if Fang Chong is real. Although he has been confirmed by the base city of Kyoto, Fang Chong is too young to believe him ...

"Okay, I'll feel it for myself ..." After having reached a conclusion in his heart, Qu Lao is a relaxed character. After being affirmed by the fat commander, he didn't hesitate, picked up the genetic medicine, looked up, Bottle of genetic medicine all drink down the stomach.

This action is completely different from his age ...

"After the gene medicine goes down, Qu Lao can close his eyes and feel the energy permeated from the gene medicine ..." From Qu Lao's voice, Fang Chong can feel that Qu Lao is a queen of temperament. Fang Chong was deliberate in his discourse, after all, in the last days, there are really not many human beings who can still think about other people ...

At this point, it is very necessary for Fang Chong to say so, and at the same time show respect ...


After Fang Chong said, Qu Lao, who had widened his eyes, slowly closed his eyes.

As Fang Chong's voice fell, the others stopped speaking, just watching quietly, watching Qu Lao's expression change ...

A few minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and Qu Lao's eyes finally opened with great expectations.

Common gene agents are absorbed very quickly, usually a few minutes.

"Qu Lao, how do you feel ..." said the fat commander, looking at Qu Lao's face flushed, giving everyone the impression that the effect is good ...

"OK ~ www.readwn.com ~ Very good, very good ..." Qu Lao unexpectedly said three good, and these three good are using three different adjectives.

Qu Lao said calmly, but his three words set off a stir in the hearts of others.

Qu Lao had a high status before the end of the world, standing at the highest peak of his profession, and his vision was inevitable than other people, but it is not surprising that he now gives such praise.

"Qu Lao, what do you mean?" A young guy next to Qu Lao asked in surprise. Although he already had the answer in his heart, he still couldn't believe it, they had overcome it for a long time ...

"The success of this genetic medicine. Compared to this thing, our previous achievements are not even farts ..." Qu Lao was very happy, and he was not ashamed into anger because the project had been breached ...

…………………………………………………………………… .. (to be continued.)

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