I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 422: Emperor Huang 0


Looking at Qu Lao who laughed, all the researchers in the base city of Jiangnan then looked ashamed. What happened? They do n’t understand ...

They looked at Fang Chong and others very suspiciously. The genetic medicine that Qu Lao just drank was undoubtedly from the hands of Fang Chong and theirs. Although they were taken by fat commanders, they would not believe that fat commanders could take them Come out of something like this. If the fat commander could take out this thing, it would have been taken out long ago, and it would still be used today ...

So they can determine the source of this gene medicine without thinking much ...

But it is ok, but can Fang Chong and his age be able to study successfully? This is the most incomprehensible to all researchers. Except that they do not match their age, they do not look like ...

"Qu Lao, are you sure?" After a shock, a woman who had originally sat at the back with glasses strode forward, came to Qu Lao's side, and murmured hope.

Although this woman lowered her voice, it is not difficult for Yi Chong to listen clearly.

In some accidents, while this woman dared to question Qu Lao, Fang Chong could not help looking at this woman.

Although wearing the same white lab coat, the white lab coat couldn't conceal her at all, her sculpted figure was concealed, her hair was long and she was very beautiful, and she also had glasses with an intellectual beauty, maturity and rationality ... .

Revealing this temperament, Fang Chong couldn't help looking at it much.

Such women don't say eschatology. Even if the eschatology did not erupt. It's also hard to see a woman like this woman who looks good.

If she insists on picking a trace of badness from her, it is her cold temperament.

Unlike Ling Ya's tranquility, this woman revealed a kind of cold from the inside out. Fang Chong has not smiled since she appeared, and it can even be said that the expression on her face seems to have changed from just now. Nothing has changed.

When Fang Chong wondered whether this woman had always been such a cold expression, suddenly a strong pain came from her waist.

Unguarded, Fang Chong almost called out.

Hoarse grin held back. Fang Chong would not even consider the impossible answer of being attacked. With his head lowered slightly, he saw a smooth hand coming out of his waist, and this hand that looked abnormally beautiful. One end of my finger is on the meat on Fang Chong's waist ...

There was no doubt that this arm was the culprit for his intense pain.

"Patriarch, what do you do to me ..." Fang Chong doesn't even have to look at it to know that this hand is a patriarch.

After knowing the animal husbandry, Fang Chong protested in depression.

"What do you do? Ask yourself, where have your eyes been looking ..." After hearing Fang Chong's voice, Muge turned back and looked at Fang Chong with a mischievous look, his tone humming.

When the words are over. Her fingers were working hard again.

"Where did my eyes go ..." Fang Chong grinned again, and the sneak attack of Muge was inevitable.

"Okay, I still dare not admit it after watching ..." Muge looked at the confused Fang Chong, and the angle of turning his fingers around the meat was a little bigger. Fang Chong could scream even more painfully.

"You said I looked at the woman in a white coat?" Fang Chong understood, and Mu Ge's unreasonable reason was to eat dry vinegar, because he just looked at the woman a few more times ...

After understanding what the reason was, Fang Chong felt that grievance! Isn't it just a few more glances, as for this? If he has a few yy in his heart, that's fine, it can be regarded as a spiritual derailment. But now, he doesn't have any thoughts, just suffers such a crime, it's no wonder that he is not wronged ...

"Oh, I knew it. You didn't look at yourself, you almost lost your eyes ..." Muge muttered. He grunted a few times.

"I almost lost my eyes ..." Listening to Muge described himself as a big satyr, the expression on Fang Chong's face was a bit stiff, and he now belongs to the type of person lying down and shot ...

"We don't know what you look like. Be careful, Sister Qin Lan and Sister Ling Ya will not let you touch you, and then go and expose you to that big sister and let your bamboo basket draw water ..." When Fang Chong didn't speak, Mage thought Fang Chong had a guilty conscience, Fang Chong said in a candid manner, and after uttering the words that made Fang Chong cry and laugh, she hummed twice ...

Listening to the words of Muge, Fang Chong really didn't know what to say next, and when he was in a dilemma, Qin Lan finally turned his head.

Apparently she was attracted by the dialogue between Fang Chong and Muge ...


"Tell your eyes not to look at you and you don't believe it. I don't care, but the jealousy of Muge and Lingya is not small ..." Qin Lan quickly learned the context from Muge's mouth. After knowing the reason, Qin Lan could not help laughing. Up ...

"Uh ..." Fang Chongben thought that Qin Lan would persuade Muge a few words, but did not expect her persuasion to say nothing, but turned her head to talk about him.

Listening to Qin Lan's words, Fang Chong's mouth could not help twitching.

Fang Chong is not worried that Qin Lan will eat such dry vinegar like Muge, but Qin Lan said this, Fang Chong is still speechless, lest the world is not chaotic, Qin Lan is sometimes very childish ...

To Fang Chong, fortunately, Ling Ya didn't get in, otherwise he would be even more depressed ...

"If they want to punish you, I'm on their side ..." Fang Chong didn't rejoice for a second, Ling Ya's voice rang back slightly, but the meaning of the words made Fang Chong's eyes widen instantly, turned his head, Ling Ya looked at Fang Chong with a cool expression.

After seeing Fang Chong's sudden response, she blinked.

"You ..." Seeing the three of them colluding, Fang Chong wanted to say but couldn't say anything, just left it silent ...

"Look. Sister Qin Lan. Sister Ling Ya have said so, you dare to quibble ..." Muge saw that her two sisters supported her, and she was even more confident. Although she knew in her heart, she also saw Fang Chong's eyes. It's fascinating, but as a woman, seeing his own man staring at another woman will be very unpleasant.

This is how dry vinegar is often unknowingly ...

"Although it is said that it is a man's nature to love to see beautiful women, Fang Chong has occupied three beautiful women. No, the spiritual derailment is not possible ..." Muge was very firm to find a reason for himself.

"I saw it for a reason ..." Fang Chong looked at the three women who were united, knowing that he must fight back, but what about such a fight back? Fang Chong turned his head. Eyes touched Huang Qianchuan. What makes Fang Chong a little strange is that Huang Qianchuan was so close to them that he did not hear his conversation with the three daughters. Although it is possible that Huang Qianchuan is not aware of it, Fang Chong can be sure that Huang Qianchuan really did not know this time.

Fang Chongshun looked in the direction of Huang Qianchuan's gaze ...

Seeing Huang Qianchuan motionlessly watching the woman talking in Qu Lao's ear, Fang Chong had an idea ...

After seeing Huang Qianchuan also attracted by women for the first time in a long time, Fang Chongxin immediately became active ...

"What's the reason? I tell you, don't quibble ..." Muge hummed, watching Fang Chong's eyes twitch, she wondered if Fang Chong was looking for an excuse.

She made up her mind. If Fang Chong dare to quibble in the same voice of the three of them, she must make him look good ...

"Did you find that Huang Qianchuan looked strange from now to now?" Fang Chong lowered his own voice, said his mouth close to the muge, and said very lightly.

"Brother Qianchuan?" When she heard Fang Chong's words, Mage's attention suddenly changed her target. Although she had some suspicions that this was Fang Chong's trick, she focused on Huang Qianchuan's body, and then her eyes glared. A bit older ...

Fang Chong did not make a mistake. Huang Qianchuan's meeting was really different from usual. His attention was completely attracted. The person who attracted Huang Qianchuan was the woman Fang Chong had been watching just now ...

"Brother Qianchuan likes that woman?" After Muge's expression was full of surprise, she quickly turned back and asked Fang Chong.

"Should it be? I just saw Huang Qianchuan so fascinated. I looked at her a little more from curiosity. It was originally intended to help Huang Qianchuan check. You also know that Huang Qianchuan is relatively simple in feelings. Am I not afraid that he will suffer? But I didn't expect to take a few more glances. You will eat dry vinegar indiscriminately ... "Fang Chong said with affection, and it was justified! The feeling is rich. And when it comes to the end, he still looks aggrieved ...

It seems that it is more injustice who is comparable to Dou E ...

"That's it ..." After listening to Fang Chong's cry, the expression of Muge was a little flustered. She thought she really blame Fang Chong, but she didn't know what to say ...

"..............." Fang Chong did not speak, but he blossomed in his heart.

"Brothers are sorry, I can only use you as a shield for a while, but I will also help you to hold the red line ..." Fang Chong thought that the plan was successful, and secretly said ...


"Don't talk about the past, believe me in the future, I only love the three of you ..." Fang Chong didn't endlessly, and when he saw it well, he said very gently.

Although I do n’t know whether Qin Lan and Ling Ya believe it or not, the simpler idyll moved the forest ...

"So are we helping Huang Qianchuan?" Although Qin Lan, as Fang Chong said, she didn't believe it, but when she heard Fang Chong's last words of affection, she didn't poke Fang Chong's lie ...

For so long, whether Fang Chong knew them as he said, they knew better than anyone ...

"Help, definitely help. While helping Huang Qianchuan's help, you can also reassure the mugege ..." Fang Chong smiled slightly after seeing that everyone's attention had been completely distracted. And after discovering that Huang Qianchuan might really have an interesting feeling for that woman, he was even happier.

And in his heart, with Qin Lan, their three daughters are enough. He is not so greedy. There are more beauties in the world. I ca n’t see the beautiful ones and want to own them?

"I know I misunderstood you, so don't mention it again ..." Muge knew Fang Chong was intentional. After giving Fang Chong a big white eye. Jiao wailed ...

"Hehe ..." Fang Chong laughed, but with so many people present, Fang Chong's voice was very low.

Fortunately, other people are far away from several of them, and now their attention is attracted by Qu Lao's side, but they did not go to the building to worship them ...

"Then what do we do next?" With the thought of helping Huang Qianchuan, the three women and one man talked about it, talking nonchalantly.

"That's it ..."


"Xiao Jing, I'm sure that the effect of this genetic medicine is indeed better than the times we extracted, even dozens of times ..." Qu Lao was questioned by the woman around him and showed no anger. Researchers have such a personality, they can question each other, they can argue with each other for an argument, but nothing happens afterwards. As if nothing had happened ...

Qu Lao is undoubtedly such a person, and the woman next to him, called Yu Wenjing, was known as the youngest biologist in China before the end of the world, and his accomplishments in genetic technology would not have worsened them, they are at most young It ’s big, it ’s more valuable experience than Yu Wenjing ...

"I see ..." Yu Wenjing nodded with no change in expression after getting Qu Lao's affirmation, but when he answered, there was still a slight fluctuation in his tone.

It is not difficult to see from this. With the calm expression of Yu Wenjing, a wave of emotions had already begun.

"Xiao Jing, when the commander introduces the new introduction, you spend a lot of time thinking about it. You are young, and new technology is more acceptable than old men like us. Genetic medicine is very important for the future of humans ..." Qu Lao looked at his character. So cold Yu Wenjing said seriously.

Working with Yu Wenjing for many years, the people who pursue her went to the sea, but I have never seen her laugh at that man, let alone her boyfriend or the like. Qu Lao was actually very worried about Yu Wenjing ...

Big girl. No reason not to worry ...

But now the end of the world, this problem is even harder to say ...

"I understand, Qu Lao rest assured ..." Yu Wen nodded quietly, raised his head slightly, and looked at Fang Chong. But soon, her calm eyes revealed a hint of disgust.

In addition to Fang Chong Zuo Yongyou Huo and Qin Lan's three daughters spoke intimately. She also felt Huang Qianchuan's look, the hot eyes she hated most.

Especially when Huang Qianchuan is not bad, she immediately put Huang Qianchuan into the ranks of the playboys ...

Huang Qianchuan did not know that his admiring eyes were treated by Yu Wenjing as a fan of color at this time ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"How does Qu Lao feel?" The fat commander felt that it was almost time and broke the silence of the scene.

"Very well, this genetic medicine is successful ..." Qu Lao nodded, and he understood what the fat commander would say next.

"That's good. Indeed, Qu Lao came here today and wanted to share this technology ..." The fat commander took a deep breath and said this in a joyful tone.

Fang Chong was able to come up with this technology for extracting genetic drugs, and he would benefit most from him. The strength of the Jiangnan base city will be greatly improved in the future.

"I understand what the commander means ..." Although the fat commander said briefly, the words in the heart of Qu Lao, including Yu Wenjing, set off a stormy sea. great? They ca n’t find any adjectives other than great ...

"Fang Chong, whoever you talk to Qu Lao directly ..." The fat commander was a little worried that Qu Lao would not accept them. After all, talents have their own pride. If they refuse, he will be difficult to handle, except for Qu Lao. These people, he really doesn't know where to find such talents ...

But at this time, the smoke disappeared, and what worries were swept away. After a sigh of relief, the fat commander turned to the other side and said.

"Okay ..." Fang Chong stood up and looked at Qu Lao. "Qu Lao, you can find someone to come over. In fact, the operation is very simple, you can understand it after listening to it, but we can give several machines, you can take down one to research and imitate it, shouldn't it be difficult?"

"Okay, I understand ..." Qu Lao also stood up. Although he wasn't sure what Fang Chong said was the machine, he nodded. Then he turned his head and said to Yu Wenjing, "Xiao Jing, you go there ..."

"Hmm ..." Although Yu Wenjing hated Fang Chong and others from her heart, she knew that the matter was important, and she nodded and walked towards Fang Chong.

"Everyone just disperse, wait for Yu Wenjing to come out and discuss ..." Qu Lao was afraid that others would affect Yu Wenjing's listening and he waved at others ...

Next, others left one after another.

After a while, Fang Chong and Yu Wenjing were left in the spacious conference room ...

There are fewer people, and the scene is quiet ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fang Chong They only found that Yu Wenjing is really beautiful and full of shock. It is more sensational when viewed from a distance than from afar. Mage praises Huang Qianchuan's eyes, and she is more determined Want to introduce Yu Wenjing to Huang Qianchuan ...

Before Fang Chong's words, she didn't take it seriously, but now she doesn't think so, so she can be assured to turn Yu Wenjing into her sister-in-law ...

"Brother Qianchuan, this machine is placed here. As for the principle, you know clearly, and talk to Sister Yuwen, we will go out first ..." Muge turned his eyes, fearing that Fang Chong would stay for a long time and was given It's not good to be attracted, so he doesn't even give Fang Chong the opportunity to speak, and this can also create opportunities for Huang Qianchuan, killing two birds with one stone ...

"I ....." Watching Fang Chong pulled out by the muge, and Qin Lan Lingya also prepared to leave gracefully, Huang Qianchuan's complexion turned red.

"Brother Qianchuan wants to be calm, I am optimistic about you ..." Muge Song gave Huang Qianchuan a look we knew and left ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… .. (to be continued.)

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