I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 423: Additional conditions


"How do they know that I'm at ease with Yu Wenjing?" Looking at Muge and Fang Chong, they were all faces with expressions we all understood, Huang Qianchuan stood there and didn't know what happened ...

I murmured in surprise. m

"What are you talking about?" Yu Wenjing saw Huang Qianchuan's mouth slightly open, and seemed to be talking? But she couldn't hear any words. She and Huang Qianchuan did not know what Fang Chong and others were doing? However, before thinking of it, Huang Qianchuan looked at her fascinated, but left a drooling expression, and suddenly she thought of a word.

"Unspoken rules".

Lenovo Fang Chong's performance is undoubtedly trying to create such an opportunity for Huang Qianchuan. Thinking of this, Yu Wenjing's face was a little pale, and if it wasn't for her personality, she might be really quiet now.

Although Yu Wenjing was not panicked and was able to keep calm, but she valued Huang Qianchuan's height of more than 1.9 meters, she was still worried. Although she has a strong professionalism in what research, but in terms of her own strength Although it is not as weak as ordinary women, it is not strong enough ...

As an expert in biological research technology, a person's strength can be determined with a glance.

After seeing Huang Qianchuan's physique or muscle lines, Yu Wenjing directly ranked Huang Qianchuan into the ranks of the strong. Even the feeling revealed by Huang Qianchuan was a little stronger than the fat commander ...

The strength of Fat Commander's three Jiangnan base cities may not be known to others. But as a base researcher. And it is the core person that she can say very clearly.

In Yu Wenjing's eyes, fat commanders are very powerful, many times stronger than ordinary zombies.

But now, the breath revealed by Huang Qianchuan is actually stronger than the fat commanders. What is the situation? Yu Wenjing even had her own eyes and feelings, but after being very sure that it was not an illusion, Yu Wenjing's face became paler ...

She understood her situation now. If Huang Qianchuan wanted to subscribe to her, she would not have any resistance at all, even if she did not want to. Huang Qianchuan used strong, she absolutely can not escape today. With Huang Qianchuan's strength, even the fat commander will never offend Huang Qianchuan and protect her.

Although she has great value. But in front of the choice of life, she was definitely the one to be abandoned. The selfishness of humanity in the last days, she sees it better than anyone ...

Her mind was full of these thoughts. After thinking that she really had no choice, Yu Wenjing calmed down unexpectedly. Now that she has seen life and death clearly, what is she afraid of? The big deal is to die ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"I'm saying that Fang Chong and they are not interesting enough, and they lost all their work to me ..." Huang Qianchuan shook his head after hearing Yu Wenjing's question. After some surprise, Yu Wenjing stared at him and said nervously.

Not enough as Yu Wenjing's expression changed. Huang Qianchuan was even more strange in his heart. When he saw Yu Wenjing's pale face, he was a little worried ...

"If you don't want to teach, you don't need to ..." Yu Wenjing looked at Huang Qianchuan's nervous expression, and scolded a hypocrisy in her heart. The nervous expression of Huang Qianchuan was totally contrived in her eyes.

"No, I'm willing to ..." Huang Qianchuan said busyly, but seeing Yu Wenjing's disgusted eyes, he was very puzzled. He didn't seem to offend the woman there?

"Did she come there?" Looking at Yu Wenjing's pale face. With a very bad tone, Huang Qianchuan directly thought of the woman. If that's the case, he would understand ...

With this in mind, the smile on his face returned, and he took a bottle of gene repair medicine from his pocket ...

The purpose of Huang Qianchuan is simple. When he saw Yu Wenjing's pale complexion, he thought of something about women, but ordinary gene medicines worked well. But in terms of body repair, repair gene drugs are undoubtedly much better.

Serious injuries can be cured, not to mention ordinary physical weakness. If you love someone, you need to know how to give it. This is the idea of ​​Huang Qianchuan, and repairing gene medicine is not much for them now ...

"Look at your face, as if you are not feeling well, right? This bottle of medicine will be much better when you drink it ..." After Huang Qianchuan had an idea in his heart, the gene medicine in his hand was gently placed on the table in front of Yu Wenjing. Calm but with a little concern ...

"What's the relationship between being uncomfortable and drinking genetic medicine?" Yu Wenjing's brows frowned. Huang Qianchuan's calm expression returned to her, making her feel more hypocritical, and the bottle of genetic medicine on the table also made her She was very suspicious.

Huang Qianchuan's impure purpose is Yu Wenjing's thoughts at this time, which may be caused by preconceived reasons. Everything that Huang Qianchuan is showing now is not good in the eyes of Yu Wenjing ...

Moreover, the bottle of Qu Laohe was as white as sheep fat before, but the bottle that Huang Qianchuan now brought out was pale pink. This difference was not the same in Yu Wenjing's eyes.

She even thought of those Spanish joy fans.

"This is different from what Qu Lao drank before. Although they are all extracted from muscle meat, the effects and names are different. What we call Qu Lao drank ordinary gene medicine can improve the general Humans include the combat power of ordinary humans or evolutionaries, and this repair-type gene medicine is the main repair. If you want to be injured, you can speed up the repair regardless of internal injuries and traumas ... "Huang Qianchuan saw the expression that Yu Wenjing stared at the bottle There are plans to teach this technology to the base city of Jiangnan, and Huang Qianchuan has no plan to conceal the repair gene drug ...

And when he saw the suspense on Yu Wenjing's face, Huang Qianchuan was also afraid that Yu Wen would think it would be bad for him to think that he had something strange ...

What Huang Qianchuan didn't expect was what he was worried about. Yu Wenjing had long misunderstood ...


"I'm fine. This kind of good thing will be wasted ..." Yu Wenjing was still doubtful. Although the sincerity of Huang Qianchuan showed her some doubts about whether she was a misunderstanding Huang Qianchuan, but thinking of Huang Qianchuan's eyes and right Yu Wenjing has absolute confidence in her appearance and body. She absolutely does not believe that Huang Qianchuan can be so calm in the face of women ...

Although there was an urge to try it, reason told her that she couldn't.

"Although this thing is precious, but we are not scarce for the time being, it's okay ..." Huang Qianchuan did not know the reason for Yu Wenjing's rejection, and thought she was very polite, and said very easily.

"Then let it go first, and I'll drink it when I feel really bad ..." Listening to Huang Qianchuan's words. Yu Wenjing's alertness has improved even more. Is Huang Qianchuan's desire to escape? Dress wide and bold?

Huang Qianchuan's insistence made Yu Wenjing even more sure that there was a ghost in the gene repair drug, but Huang Qianchuan did not show his horse's feet before. Yu Wenjing is still playing Tai Chi. She needs to deal with Huang Qianchuan. After another euphemistic rejection, Yu Wenjing calms down. She wants to see if Huang Qianchuan still insists. If she persists, she can be completely sure that Huang Qianchuan First, the purpose.

It is not possible to keep the fox's tail out ...

"Okay, just put it on the table. If you feel uncomfortable, take it by yourself. If not enough, I will still have a few bottles here, otherwise you will be able to bring it back ..." Huang Qianchuan Not as much as Yu Wenjing thought. He cared that Yu Wenjing liked her, but in his own opinion, giving is just as happy ...

"You don't insist on me drinking?" Yu Wenjing didn't expect Huang Qianchuan's words to turn sharply, and the words she spoke were not what Yu Wenjing imagined in her mind. She was surprised and asked this sentence ...

"Why should I insist that you drink it? It's your business to drink or not ..." Huang Qianchuan's expression was very speechless, and Yu Wenjing's words were very nutritional ...

Fortunately, at this time, Huang Qianchuan still didn't know how evil Yu Wenjing thought of him before. If you know, I'm afraid it's not as calm as it is now ...

"You… .." Yu Wenjing said again and again. She didn't know if Huang Qianchuan was showing the truth. Her original unpredictable heart rippled again ...

"Well, I believe you are also in a hurry. We went straight to the point. The so-called extraction technology of the gene agent is actually very simple. As long as it is this machine ..." Huang Qianchuan did not keep contact with Yu Wenjing. Focusing on her, in addition to some immunity, I was more afraid of Yu Wenjing's misunderstanding that he had another purpose.

Huang Qianchuan is very contradictory now. He wanted to attract Yu Wenjing's attention and was afraid that Yu Wenjing would put him as a playboy, then he was depressed. After finding no other topic, Huang Qianchuan was only able to choose the extraction technology of genetic agents ...

"You ..." When Huang Qianchuan said this, she bowed her head and didn't know what to do under the table.

Huang Qianchuan's sincerity was really unexpected, and she didn't find a chance to change the topic herself. Huang Qianchuan already spoke. It seems that Huang Qianchuan didn't want to talk to her more ...

Yu Wenjing was very depressed and lost, and she grew up so unsure of her own appearance for the first time ...



"How come all of you, who and Xiao Jing talked about the technology of genetic medicine ..." After Qu Lao stepped out of the conference room one after another, they saw Fang Chong and Qin Lan several women stepping out one after another. Seeing here, Qu The old puzzled went to Fang Chong and asked, he was worried that Fang Chong would not teach ...

"Huang Qianchuan, the tall and handsome man, the fighting ability is very powerful ..." Muge has created a good opportunity for Huang Qianchuan in the inside. Now that he is outside, of course, he can't help creating some atmosphere ...

With this idea, the idyll began to speak.

"I said Qu Lao, does Sister Yuwen have a boyfriend or husband?" Muge asked beyond Fang Chong's surprise, including others ...

"No, Xiao Jing's personality is cold ..." Qu Lao heard Muge asked this, although he still cared about the technology of gene drug extraction, but had to answer ...

"That's good. Qu Lao, you said. Sister Yuwen and my brother Qianchuan are worthy of standing together?" Muge cheered and asked, the girl's character was no doubt revealed.

"It's a good match, it's just Xiaojing's character ..." Although Qu's old age is quite large, his memory is still good. What Huang Qianchuan looks like, he remembers it clearly, and Qi Yu's extraordinary is his intuitive impression of Huang Qianchuan.

And from the respectful look of the fat commander, Huang Qianchuan is either aloof or powerful.

From this point of view, Qu Lao feels very suitable for Yu Wenjing ...

"That requires us to work together. Qu Lao should be the elder of Sister Yu Wen. What about me? I want Qu Lao to help pull the red line, and everyone helps ..." Muge said very excitedly, and she was going to pull everyone down Many people have great power. Madam believes that this sentence is also appropriate for the old month to pull the red line ...

"That's good ..." Qu Lao hesitated but nodded. Although the technology of gene extraction is important, Yu Wenjing's life events are equally important. After spending so long with him, Qu Lao has long regarded Yu Wenjing as a girl. As a granddaughter, she can look for a strong person to take care of, and he can rest assured in an environment like the last days ...

"Yes, it's good, but is it important to have gene extraction technology?" The fat commander was bitter. After knowing that Muge was the commander of Makino, he didn't want to offend her at all.

There is no problem in pulling the red line. The problem is that holding such a red line has a great impact on them.

Having tried the benefits of genetic medicine, they are most anxious now about this technology ...

"Fat Commander, we can do two things without delay ..." Fang Chong already knew that Muge wanted to do that, he said.

Huang Qianchuan is now their good brother. It is also a joy in life that good brothers can find happiness. Fang Chong is very happy to see that he absolutely supports this.

"What do you mean?" The fat commander asked Fang Chong.

"Everyone tries to help with things like Yu Wenjing and Huang Qianchuan. As for the technology of gene drug extraction, everyone is here now. Let's talk about simple super. Everyone understands. Can you turn this machine It is not within our consideration ... ”when Fang Chong's words fell, he put the extra gene pharmacy extractor in his hand on the table of a table, and introduced it while he was holding it; "This is the extraction machine for genetic medicine ..."

After taking out the guy, Fang Chong asked Qu Lao's researchers to bring a piece of muscle from ordinary zombies. Then operate it ...


"Is this a genetic medicine?" Fang Chong put the muscle meat and pressed the button for less than a minute. A cup of white gene medicine appeared in front of Qu Lao, looking at the gene medicine that appeared so simple in front of them. Everyone's expression was so surprised that they didn't know what to say ...

Simple, is it that simple? It's so simple that they can't believe their eyes ...

Is the extractor of this gene medicine the principle of a juicer?

"I believe this taste is not strange, right?" Fang Chong nodded. "You can find someone to try it out ..."

"Okay ..." As a veteran researcher, although Qu Lao was shocked, there should be some procedures. Trying is necessary ...

"Xiao Yang come and try ..." Then Qu Lao greeted a young boy who was still a student face.

Although he was a little worried, the boy named Xiaoyang didn't think too much. After nodding, he picked up the genetic medicine and drank it ...

With Xiaoyang's determination that the gene medicine is indeed effective, everyone's eyes are full of enthusiasm. They never imagined that they have studied the technology that has not been successful for several months. This machine is as simple as a juicer Completed, unexpected, very unexpected ...

At the same time, let them understand what technology means without limits ...

"Everyone knows how to operate now, right?" Fang Chong asked after explaining it in detail.

"I see, is it just the machine?" Simple and simple, the fat commander and the three of them can understand it, but the operation is simple and correct, but the speed of a bottle is still slower for more than a minute, and Can't work all day and all night? The operation can be replaced, but the machine is unavoidable. If it burns out, it will be depressed.

The fat commander is worried about this problem ...

"Not only, we can provide two or three, if everyone can help Huang Qianchuan and Yu Wenjing pull the red line, we can also provide the design drawings of this machine ..." Fang Chong threw a blockbuster ...

"Drawings?" The fat commander brightened his three powers ...

"Yes, not only that, we can also provide an alternative method for extracting genetic agents ..." Fang Chong continued.

"What you said is true?" Having said that, not only the fat commander brightened their eyes, but even Qu Lao's expression twitched, apparently he was very excited ...

"Of course it's true ~ www.readwn.com ~ But the premise is that condition ..." Fang Chong nodded.

"Can't we always mess up? It won't be hard ..." Qu Lao said.

"I mean to create opportunities for them. As for the failure, it depends on God ..." Fang Chong understands Qu Lao's worry, after all, Yu Wenjing's character is there.

"Okay, it's ..." Qu Lao nodded busy, now they are a win-win situation, there are reasons to not accept it ...

"Happy cooperation ..." Fang Chong also said, in fact, he did not lose anything, these technologies are ready to be taught to the base city of Jiangnan, the conditions added now are added value.

It's the same as being unsuccessful, and the relationship can't be reluctant. Everything depends on Huang Qianchuan and Yu Wenjing, and his month old should be here ...

…………………………………………………………………………. (To be continued.)



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