I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 425: Preparation before the war


"What's the matter?" Fang Chong and they quickly rushed to the door of the city government building when they heard the alarm. They are still unfamiliar in Jiangnan Base City until now, and they want to know something. Knowing the other, there is no other way for the time being. m

While several people ran out in tacit understanding, they were also guessing what might happen.

If it's okay, it's impossible for Jiangnan base city to sound such an alarm ...

When I was in Kyoto, the only time I heard such an alarm was the time of the siege ...

From the perspective of Fang Chong, the possibility of siege of the zombies is the greatest.

I do n’t know if Jiangnan Base City is lucky or something else. For more than a year after the end of the last days, Jiangnan Base City has not been threatened by a zombies. This is quite unexpected.

I do n’t know if it ’s a blessing or a disaster, but it ’s not easy for zombies to lay down Jiangnan base city. As long as there are no huge number of Terminators and Destroyers, it is not a problem to keep Jiangnan base city ...

However, Fang Chong also believes that there are accidents in everything, and the unity of soldiers, troops, and hunting groups in the base city of Jiangnan is the biggest problem.

Of course, the Jiangnan base city also has its unique advantages. In the Jiangnan base city, Fang Chong also knows that there is a missile base and the existence of such a base. When the situation is critical, it can play a role in determining the outcome.

"It should be the zombies surrounding the base city or a precursor to this possibility ..." Fang Chong said.

"It should only be a precursor, otherwise, there will be news from Xiaojun ..." Qin Lan added. Xiaojun, they are still in the outlying towns of Jinan Base City. If zombies are besieged, those places are definitely the first stop for zombies to attack.

Qin Lan can be sure that this is because the small army has not notified them temporarily, and the situation should not be considered truly critical.

"It may be so, but anyway, we still find the Xiaojun first and then elaborate ..." Fang Chong nodded, and Qin Lan was right, but the issue is still important.

Although they are not weak in the small army, casualties are possible without them. This time following Fang Chong they came out of the elite team. Casually casualties Fang Chongke did not want to see.


Everyone knows Fang Chong's thoughts and speeds up secretly ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Soon, in less than ten minutes, several of Fang Chong and they appeared at the entrance of Jiangnan Base City ...

"There are too many of them, right?" Fang Chong found them when they were at the entrance. The crowds here are all from outside the base city.

"There really was a fight, otherwise, it would not be possible for the survivors to come in casually on the base city side ..." Qin Lan's brows frowned, and the crowd explained that the situation was not optimistic.

"Does n’t the base city get chaotic?" Huang Qianchuan's face was a little worried. The order in Jiangnan base city was not as good as other places. When a crisis really occurs, crowd confusion may really happen.

And as survivors around the base city flood into the base city, once the base city appears to be in danger of being breached, chaos will definitely not be avoided ...

"There is no problem in keeping it. It is just how strong the fighting power of the Jiangnan base city is. We don't know yet ..." Fang Chong said.

"The situation is definitely not optimistic. The survivors in the base city of Jiangnan are weak, and most of the weapons are hot weapons before the end of the world. The guns and ammunition will not cause much damage to the zombies ..." Qin Lan said When she came to this place, she saw the weapons of the soldiers before, and she was quite worried.

"This is a big problem, but now the situation is so tense, what we want to change is simply impossible ..." Ling Ya nodded, Qin Lan was worried. After speaking, everyone realized that the problem was great.

"Then what do we do?" Muge is young. This kind of worry has nothing to do with her. She is worried about asking now. It is because they have a small number of people this time and a team of more than 100 people. Hundreds of people were nothing at all during the massive riots of the zombies.

She has long been considered a rookie's idyll. Although she is not as mature as Chong them, she knows a lot ...

"Find the small army first, and then make a plan. The best thing is to know what the alarm sounded just now ..." Fang Chong replied calmly. The enemy can't see it yet. ? Moreover, in Fang Chong's view, things were not so troublesome that they could not be solved ...

"This is also true. We better know what is happening here in the Jiangnan base city ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded, and Fang Chong said that this was undoubtedly the key point.

"Then who do we look for to understand ..." Qin Lan asked.

Now the location of the entrance and exit of the base city is so large that there are so many survivors. No one knows it.

"Wait and see if we know them, or if they appear in the small army, if we can see them, the problem will be solved ..." Fang Chong thought of a solution that was not a solution.

"Um ....." Everyone nodded, this is the only way they can think of now ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

The alarm sound continued to sound. After the initial explosion in the number of people in the base city, it began to fall, but the alarm kept the atmosphere in a tense atmosphere ...

However, after waiting for more than an hour, Fang Chong and they also waited for the small army and others they were waiting for. With a team of more than 100 people plus Xie Tao and others, the team of almost 150 people looked mighty. , And there are dozens of vehicles with slow supplies….

Not only that, but also some of the thousands of new people who have been collected these days are following them, which surprised Fang Chong ...

"Fang Chong, are you here?" Fang Chong and they were asking what happened outside the small army Jiangnan base. A voice sounded behind Fang Chong. It sounded a little surprised and a little excited, and it seemed that Fang Chong's presence here surprised him ...

"Fat Commander?" Fang Chong heard the voice a little familiar. When he turned his head, Fat Commander's fat body appeared in Fang Chong's sight. Looking at the fat Commander with a smile on his face, Fang Chong felt a little surprised and ordinary. Looking at him.

"Are you looking for us?" After seeing the fat commander, Fang Chong nodded and asked politely.

"That's right, then you should have heard the alarm sound in the Jiangnan base city?" The fat commander also knew Fang Chong's temper, and after speaking clearly Fang Chong liked to walk around, he spoke directly.

"Yes. We are now guessing what major problems have occurred. They are all eschatological, will not it be an exercise?" Fang Chong looked at the fat commander suspiciously, as if the other party got what he had first ...

"You said it before. Zombies are besieged, and the scale is unprecedented ..." The fat commander expressed his dignity when he talked about the crisis. When he discovered that the zombies had assembled on a large scale to march to the base city of Jiangnan, his expression was not easy ... .

"Is it really a zombie siege?" She was surprised when Muge heard the fat commander say the reason.

"How much is the number ..." Fang Chong had long thought of this possibility. After getting the answer from the fat commander, his expression remained calm, but he asked his most important question, the number of zombies. ….

"Many. A lot, it is inevitable that millions of zombies will appear at the same time ..." When the fat commander talked about these, his expression was a bit stiff. When millions of zombies appeared, he still took a deep breath ... .

Under the attack of millions of zombies in the Jiangnan Base City, it is really difficult to say whether it can persist forever, this is the key point that will affect whether Jiangnan Base City will continue to exist ...

"Millions ..." Fang Chong heard this amazing number, and his frown frowned. The number was a bit large, and the situation seemed to be optimistic ...


"What shall we do next?" The fat commander saw Fang Chong's silence. He didn't bother to say anything, but after Fang Chonghuang passed by God, he hurriedly asked ...

"Of course, there is only battle. Apart from fighting, do you think there are other ways to defend the Jiangnan base city?" Fang Chong's expression became extremely serious. Millions of zombies must be a **** battle ...

"Millions of zombies. Can we really keep them?" Fat Commander has no heart. Although the Jiangnan base city was founded by several of them, they also experienced many battles, but millions of zombies appeared at the same time. I saw it for the first time, and from Fang Chong's mouth, he also learned that many powerful guys have evolved from the zombies, including Terminator and Destroyer.

"It's hard to keep, there are very few people who can fight in the base city of Jiangnan, and the weapons are backward." Weakness also has the feasibility of a certain victory. If you are arrogant, you are afraid that the Jiangnan base city will die ...

"Is that difficult for us to keep?" The fat commander fell into silence, and asked the muge.

"Don't stick to it? We don't care, and it's not a big problem to break through with our own strength, but you can absolutely escape the survivors in the Jiangnan base city of Muge," Fang Chong said. After finishing this sentence, he also looked at Fat Commander. He first looked at Fat Commander's reaction ...

"It is absolutely impossible to give up. Jiangnan base city is the place where survivors in base city live. We need to protect their safety and keep this place belonging to our human beings ..." Muge just wanted to speak, the fat commander originally His lowered head lifted up instantly, and his eyes looked straight at Fang Chong, Fang Chong said affirmatively.

"Hehe, in this way, we have the momentum and courage to be the commander of the base city. We meet the brave in a narrow way. As long as the fat commander can stimulate the vigor of the survivors in the base city, the victory is in our hands ..." Fang Chong saw the fat commander like this Fang Chong said with satisfaction.

From Fang Chong's point of view, people must at least have their own beliefs and know what they want to guard ...

Like the fat commander now, he finally remembered what he wanted to guard. Jiangnan base city. Including survivors in Jiangnan Base City, he does not want Jiangnan Base City to be occupied by zombies, nor does he want to see nearly two million survivors die in the hands of zombies ...

Do not want to see this scene, fighting is a must.

"I understand ..." The fat commander nodded earnestly, Fang Chong was inspiring their fighting spirit himself, at least Fang Chong was successful, he felt that he was now full of strength throughout his body, and his fighting spirit was high, Zombies What are you afraid of ...

"Hmm ..." Fang Chong watched the fat commander leave and nodded.

Nor are zombies invincible. Millions of zombies, Fang Chong, are not their first encounter. Although this time it is more dangerous, what are they afraid of ...


"Qin Lan, you and Muge are paying attention to the zombies from now on. Xiaojun and Huang Qianchuan follow me ..." Fang Chong left after the fat commander left. He himself was not idle, let Qin Lan and Muge watch the current range of the zombies through the satellite system, and through the satellite system, they can further speculate on a more specific number of zombies ...

"Understand ..." Qin Lan nodded without knowing Fang Chongduo ...

"We want to ..." After Huang Qianchuan and Fang Chong came to the place where the truck was parked, Huang Qianchuan and Xiaojun were a little confused. They knew what was in the truck, but what did Fang Chong want to do?

"To remove the materials from the truck, we need a batch of weapons and equipment ..." Fang Chong did not hide their thoughts.

"Weapons and equipment?" Listening to Fang Chong's words, Huang Qianchuan and Xiaojun quickly understood Fang Chong's meaning. Fang Chong had a capability that they did not know. However, it is not the first time that Fang Chong has been able to take out weapons ...

"At least thousands of battle knives and a number of energy weapons are needed. Otherwise, the Jiangnan base city on the defending city will be broken this time ..." Fang Chong said.

From Fang Chong's point of view, the survivors of the Jiangnan base city are already weak. In addition, there is no strong weapon, and the chance of defending the Jiangnan base city is very small. However, it is more likely that the weapons will be changed. Many, and to the satisfaction of Fang Chong, there is a river about 20 meters wide in the defense line of the Jiangnan Base City. This will relieve a lot of stress.

There are mutated fish in the river, and the zombie launching will also suffer a lot of troubles ....

"We understand what to do ..." Xiao Jun and Huang Qianchuan nodded, and they already understood Fang Chong's meaning.

"To evacuate the materials in the car, we need a truck loaded with weapons and equipment. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain where the weapons and equipment come from ..." Fang Chong opened the compartment when he spoke. Although taking out such a large amount of materials will cause a small amount of trouble, but the trouble is nothing compared to his secret being discovered by everyone ...

And these materials are also Fang Chong's intention to stay in the base city of Jiangnan ...

"Understand ..." Knowing Fang Chong's thoughts, Huang Qianchuan and Xiaojun acted quickly. It didn't take long for Huang Qianchuan and Xiaojun to clear the carriage of a truck, and they finished Soon, Fang Chong, who had been sitting with his eyes closed, opened at this time.

After Fang Chong stood up again, an energy rifle, an energy machine gun, and an energy cannon were successively taken out by Fang Chong. When the number was close to 5,000, Fang Chong stopped.

But after the guns and shells are ready, the energy grenade ...

During the battle in Shanghai, energy grenades showed their fighting power. Fang Chong still remembered them. They were able to win the Shanghai market so smoothly, thanks in large part to the energy grenades.

So Fang Chong always remembered after leaving Shanghai Stock Exchange.

We can exchange weapons and equipment from the Maya system. As long as there are reward points, there is almost no exchange. Fang Chong quickly exchanged thousands of energy grenades. In the compartment where these grenades appeared, Fang Chong no doubt found himself calm. A lot ...

Then, Fang Chong exchanged thousands of swords that could barely kill the Hulk ...

Fortunately, during this time, Fang Chong received a lot of reward points, which is considered to be rich in money. Fang Chong spent millions of reward points in one breath without any powerful feeling ...

However, these weapons are of great significance to the Jiangnan base city.

The weapon preparation of this truck will, to a great extent, affect the survival of Jiangnan Base City ..


"Fat Commander, what's your mobilization… .." After getting all the places he needed from the Maya system, Fang Chong didn't waste time, he and Xiao Qian Huang Qianchuan began to know that these weapons and equipment need to be distributed. Going down, Fang Chong found the fat commander as soon as possible ...

"The fighting spirit is high ..." The fat commander has a smile on his face. In a while, he has successfully mobilized. Many survivors who were previously panicked know that they must fight, not for others, but to live ... .

"In fact, fighting spirit is not very useful, Fat Commander, you pick out the most powerful evolutionary in the Jiangnan base city ..." Fang Chong nodded ~ www.readwn.com ~ The goal he wants to achieve has been achieved With the fighting spirit and weapons, the hope of victory has greatly increased.

And there are more than one hundred of their strong members, and there is no need to worry about the appearance of the Terminator ...

"What do you mean?" The fat commander looked puzzled when he heard Fang Chong's words ...

"Look at this ..." Fang Chong did not explain too much, but just took out a sword and threw it to the fat commander.

"Knife ..." After taking over the sword that Fang Chong lost to him, the fat commander found nothing other than feeling heavier ...

"Try the power ..." Fang Chong pointed to the sword worn by the fat commander himself. In the Jiangnan base city, the most popular sword worn by the evolutionaries is the alloy knife researched and manufactured after the outbreak of Jiangnan base city. The power is not weak. But compared to Fang Chong's exchange from the Maya system, it is much worse ...

…………………………………………………………………… .. (to be continued.)



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