I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 426: Xia mawei

ps. Thanks brother ‘n’ for the reward


Some fat commanders who didn't quite understand Fang Chong's meaning, after holding the sword that Fang Chong handed to him, motioned to Commander He Chu beside him to pull out the alloy knife he was carrying. m (come to reading novels)

The name of the light gold alloy knife Jinlong is the best sword since Jiangnan base city researched the alloy knife. It can not be overstated to use iron cutting like mud, so this sword became the commander of the fat commander and accompanied him. I do n’t know how many times the fat commander has experienced ...

"Split ..." Fang Chong shouted a word after seeing He Chu's research posing a defensive posture.

In Fang Chong's eyes, although the sword named Jinlong does not look bad, it is far beyond the power of science and technology before the outbreak in the last days. As it can be said that it has reached the top level of human science and technology, such a sword is worshipped from Maya above. Some of the combat knives received by the system were only cut off.

To be honest, in Fang Chong's eyes, this sword is really worthless. When confronted with the Hulk, it is still a question whether it can break the Hulk's defense, let alone the Terminator or the Destroyer. Already.

As for the Zak, let alone ...

"Come ..." The fat commander who understood Fang Chong's meaning nodded to He Chu opposite him.

After He Chu expressed his understanding, the fat commander Gao Yang Fang Chong handed him the sword just now. The blade was dark and did not seem to have any outstanding sword.

"Hmm ..." The golden dragon in He Chu's hand swept across. Watch this scene. The fat commander did not hesitate. The black sword in his hand went down. The fat commander's expression seemed very struggling. His thoughts at the moment when the sword was waving were very complicated. Will affect the relationship between him and Fang Chong ...

Young people love face, especially when there are so many people ...

However, Fang Chong insisted that he would not be able to cut the sword ...

When the fat commander had a lot of thoughts in his heart, the black sword was already in contact with the golden sword Sabre Golden Dragon in the electric light flint.

As everyone expected, the two battle contacts did not collide with any dazzling sparks and crisp sounds.

There was only a sound of ‘呲’. However, after everyone's unexpected sound, the scene stopped for a moment, as if time stopped in this moment ...

Everyone's eyes stared at the place where the two swords touched ...

"Cang ..." A large blade broke down where the two blades touched, and the blade hit a solid pavement made of concrete. The sound is crisp and loud ...

After hearing such a voice, I saw the golden yellow blade lying quietly on the road. Except for Fang Chong and a few of them, even Xie Tao, Li Yan, Xiao Yu, etc. were all the same, their expressions were full of surprise ...

The most exaggerated is the fat commander's three brothers, puzzled, hesitant expressions revealed no doubt from their faces ...

‘Jinlong’ knows how powerful this sword is, and he knows it best, under normal circumstances. The armor of the armored vehicle can be split, but now, it is actually unknown and inconspicuous. It seems that it is not usual to break the usual saber. This psychological error is really difficult for him to accept ... ..


"Broken, chopped ..." Watching his elder brother, Jin Long's sword, was chopped, and Hu Bing opened his mouth, he completely lost the image of a commander. (Read novels.)

"Is this true?" He Chu's condition was not so good. Of the three brothers, he belongs to the most calm, but today, seeing such an incredible scene, he couldn't calm down anymore, holding a knife in his hand. Asked with a puzzled expression.

"Fat Commander, you should believe me, right?" Fang Chong did not even look at the broken knife on the ground. Jin Long's decision is inevitable, or that the fat commander's current reaction and expression are in his expectation ...

"I believe ..." The fat commander finally regained his mind after a while, and after a while, the fat commander also wanted to understand. Although he said that his sword was cut off, this scene also shows that he is now holding the sword. In terms of sharpness, it is much more than his original Jinlong.

While he understands this truth, he also appreciates Fang Chong very much.

The alloy knife was struggling with the Hulk. He knew clearly that now with this new sword, the strength of the fat commander has increased, and the confidence of the fat commander is even more ...

"Don't be surprised or doubted. You called out the most powerful thousand people in the current Jiangnan base city, and a black sword like this ..." Fang Chong looked at the fat commander and looked at them again. Look at the part besides the old players beside him that still tells the new players next to them.

"Know ..." After understanding Fang Chong's purpose, the fat commander did not doubt the others, and then let He Chu report.

With the sounding of the broadcast, Fang Chong knew that the most powerful one thousand people in the base city of Jiangnan will soon appear, after all, the temptation of the black sword is definitely not small ...

"These black swords are really in the hands of the evolver ..." After He Chu put down the broadcasting equipment, he asked Fang Chong with some confusion on his face. She said that it was practical, and some doubted Fang Chong's purpose. After all, these black The value of the sword can be imagined ...

"You can say so ..." Fang Chong knew what He Chu was worried about, but since Fang Chong had already taken it out, he did not plan to take it back. "It's a little bit of material that I support in Jiangnan base city ..."

"Thank you. With these swords, our fighting power can be improved a lot ..." Fat Commander's expression was a little excited. As a base city commander, Fat Commander still has such a little eyesight.

"In addition to these, we also have a group of weapons. Fat Commander, you can call a group of accurate marksmen except ..." Fang Chong has no nonsense. After knowing that time cannot be wasted this way, Fang Chong went to look at the door of the van ... .

"What kind of weapons are these?" When it was not clear what Fang Chong said was the weapon, after seeing the gun barrel that appeared after the door of the carriage opened. His expression seemed stiff.

Already know the extraordinary items Fang Chong took out. The fat commander asked without doubt.

In the mind of the fat commander, the swords can have such great power, let alone the current hot weapon. To be honest, Fang Chong even has an impatient urge to try how powerful these guns and shells are.

"Energy weapon series ..." Fang Chong knew their doubts, and then spit out these words ...


"What do you mean ..." Still strange words, Fat Commander asked again.

"Without ammunition and bullets, this energy weapon series can directly collect energy in the air and turn into a bullet-like existence ..." Fang Chong explained in more detail ...

"This ..." listened to Fang Chong's introduction. [] [] The fat commanders are more than surprised? Because from Fang Chong's description, this energy weapon series is too bad.

If Fang Chong had not let them see too many unbelievable things, he would not dare to imagine it now, and he would not believe it casually ...

"No need to be surprised. Strength is strength ..." Fang Chong signaled that the fat commander did not need to say any more. What he wanted to say, Fang Chong knew in his heart that Fang Chong did not need to pretend to be like this .

"Let someone come out and try ..." Fang Chong knew that although Fat Commander didn't say anything on his mouth, it was strange that he wasn't curious. After knowing this, he said immediately.

"Okay ...." Indeed, after Fang Chong's affirmation, the fat commander nodded again and again. However, before this test, he didn't call other people out, but he and He Chuhu Bing himself went into battle.

He and He Chu chose the energy rifle, while Hu Bing set up an energy machine gun ...

Seeing that the three of them were so interested in themselves, Fang Chong did not say much about the other, and told them how to use the energy rifle, including the energy machine gun ...

It goes without saying that the fat commanders realized the power of this energy rifle.

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Qu Lao, what is happening outside?" Yu Wenjing in the research room asked very puzzled after hearing the continuous alarm sound.

For so long in the last days, she remembered that this was the first time that the base city sirens sounded ...

"The alarm sounding for so long, there must be a dangerous outbreak. I am afraid that the base city will be in trouble ..." Qu Lao said with a heavy heart.

It is basically impossible for the base city to ring casually, and there must be a cause for it.

However, to what extent the situation is bad, Qu Lao is hard to say now, but it must be very certain that the situation must not be optimistic. Otherwise, there is no need to sound an alarm. All mobilized ...

"Has trouble in the base city?" Upon hearing Qu Lao's answer, Yu Wenjing sank in her heart, and she understood.

"Let's go out and see too? If this base city is breached, we don't need to stay here ..." Qu Lao paused and said that when he talked about this, he looked much bleak.

"Okay ..." Yu Wen nodded quietly and wanted to be quiet for research while such a constant alarm sounded. Is it possible? It's impossible ...

Moreover, Yu Wenjing suddenly wanted to go out for a walk, and there were a lot of things happening today, which also affected her a lot.

Of course, the reason has a lot to do with their appearance.

As for whether the appearance of Huang Qianchuan disturbed her thoughts, she has always held a denial attitude ...

Later, Qu Lao ordered people to put away several gene drug extraction machines, and he still made the worst plan in his mind. Once the fat commanders decided to abandon the Jiangnan base city, other research results, including the instruments, could be thrown away. But even today, the gene extraction machine that Fang Chong gave them has failed ...

As the head of a freelance researcher, he knows better than others what these gene pharmaceutical extractors represent ...

It represents the future hope of Jiangnan Base City. It can even be considered that genetic medicine is the hope of human survival in the future ...

"Let's go ..." After seeing that the packaging was intact, Qu Lao nodded and signaled that Yu Wenjing could go ...


"How's the situation?" After giving the sword and energy series weapons to the fat commander's hands. Fang Chong also did not intend to spend time there with the Fat Commander. There is no skill at all to fight the zombies. The only thing that can change the situation is the brave. Killing the zombies is the best choice to solve the threat.

After returning to Qin Lan, Fang Chong sat down and asked Qin Lan Muge who hadn't looked up ...

"The situation is not very optimistic. It can be said that zombies have appeared in all directions in the Jiangnan base city, and there are a lot of them ..." Qin Lan saw Fang Chong asking, and she looked up. The expression was very solemn.

In terms of what is happening now, the siege of the zombies this time is not a whim, but is fully prepared, otherwise. It's impossible to be so aggressive ...

"Have you found the Destroyer?" Fang Chong did not say anything else. Although the situation Qin Lan said was not very optimistic, it was also his expectation.

Compared with the number of zombies, Fang Chong is more worried about the appearance of the destroyers.

It is also known that the appearance of a Destroyer not only represents a powerful fighting force for zombies, but also brings more trouble.

The Destroyer is much smarter than the Terminator ...

"Not found for the time being, but the number of Terminators is definitely a lot ..." Qin Lan shook her head.

The Destroyer's height is so special. One thing that is different from the Mutant Zombie is that he is now about a dozen meters and two meters. The gap can be imagined ...

"Millions of zombies, hundreds of Terminators are normal ..." Fang Chong's face was slightly better, and Fang Chong was undoubtedly happy to hear the appearance of no destroyer ...

"What do we need to prepare?" Qin Lan asked.

"Look at the number of Terminators in that direction. We'd better make a surprise attack and give the zombies a dismissal first, and if there is a Destroyer, we are stimulated by this. He is bound to hold back ..." Fang Chong thought Said after a while.

"It's best to be closest to the base city ..."

"I do n’t know if it ’s a coincidence or a zombie. Like you, you want to give humans a kick. The place where the zombies are most dense and the terminator is the most front of the base city, which is a few kilometers away from where we are now. "When she heard Fang Chong's first step, she kept her head up and said with a smile.

This is very interesting to him ...

"Really? You should just have the same idea as ours, but that's how it happened. You hit the front ..." Fang Chong heard that one disappeared, and his expression remained unchanged. It can even be said that Fang Chong was a little excited.

There was no fighting for a few days, and for him, his hands were also itchy.

At the same time, being able to face the zombies is also a performance that Fang Chong wants more. In addition to being able to crack down on the zombies, he can also encourage soldiers and fighters in the base city of Jiangnan to a great extent.

Give them morale and tell them that zombies are not invincible ...

"Understand, we will always pay attention to the dynamics of zombies and keep in touch ..." Qin Lan has no objection to Fang Chong. Although the number of positive zombies is quite large and can be regarded as strong, Fang Chong has their current strength and no destroyer has appeared Or the Zak people, Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan can basically be called invincible ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

“You want to take the initiative… ..” After planning, Fang Chong and Huang Qianchuan probably discussed, Huang Qianchuan went to convene a team of more than one hundred of them and Xie Tao and their team, Fang Chong also and The fat commander said.

This place is now the site of Fat Commander, and Fang Chong decided to respect him.

In addition, Fang Chong has other ideas. He wants to take advantage of the manpower with the fat commander, that is, those players who now have black swords.

It is useless to have strength and no experience ...

"Yes, you can understand what we mean when you think about it ..." Fang Chong did not explain, just smiled and looked at the fat commander three of them ...

"Are you too impulsive?" The fat commander froze for a long time, as long as he squeezed out a word. Fang Chong knows their intention, but if the risk factor is described by stars, it can be said that the risk factor is five stars ...

"No, who didn't kill the zombies, and wouldn't it be too shameless to retreat in such a danger?" Fang Chong's expression was calm.

"Okay, you have more than 150 people, and we have 150 people here. I follow ..." Hu Bing was infected by Fang Chong's pride. After fist clenching, he asked the fat commander with his eyes to get After affirming, he said to the other side.

After having a new sword, his competitive spirit was also aroused. If he was not a commander, he would have been rushed to kill ...

"Okay, safety first, you have to remember that your team is different from us. If you can't kill it, you will retreat immediately, and we will break ..." Fang Chong has no opinion, and Hu Bing's character still feels good ...

"Understand ..." Hu Bing didn't insist on this, Fang Chong knew his strength.

"Okay, then we set off. A few kilometers away, Zombies believe that this long time has passed and it should be closer ..." Fang Chong stood up ...

Immediately ~ www.readwn.com ~ Hu Bing also left the place, he went to find someone ...

A few minutes later, Fang Chong had assembled more than a dozen of their cars, and Hu Bing arrived afterwards ...

"set off…."

………………………………………………………………………… ..

"What are they?" When Yu Wenjing and Qu Lao came to the fortifications, they saw the scene where Huang Qianchuan waved and started, and they came all the way to know from other people's mouth why the Jiangnan base city sounded the alarm. The reason.

That is, knowing that large-scale zombies came to base city, she was surprised why Huang Qianchuan and so many of them went out to base city ...

"Kill the zombies ..." Qu Lao didn't answer, but there was a female voice behind them ... (to be continued ...)


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